Youth retreat invites contemplation

Musicals brighten spring semester at Schools
Left: COLUMBUS – Annuciation middle school students presented the musical Willy Wonka Jr. on April 4 and 5. Below, the entire cast surrounds Delia Lochala who plays Charlie during the finale number. (Photo by Katie Fensteramacher)
Right: MADISON – At left, students from St. Joseph High School present the Wizard of Oz on Saturday, April 13. There were two casts for the play, allowing more students to play the lead roles for the show, which was presented four times. In this cast, Wyatt Davis plays the Lion, Annalise Rome is Dorothy, Hannah Dear is the Scarecrow, Liam Moorehead is the Wizard and Lake Dodson is the Tin Man. (Photo by Tereza Ma)
St. Richard students ‘Make something beautiful’

St. Jude Palm Sunday get together

PEARL – St. Jude’s youth get together for a fun event on Palm Sunday afternoon Aubrey Lee, Ross Lee, Thomas Paczak, Ashley Lowe, and Jessie Millette string colorful beads remind them to pray during Holy week. (Photo by Tereza Ma)