OXFORD – Forrest Hinton (left) receives his Badge of Office from District Deputy Jacob Eftink during the induction ceremony held July 7 honoring new officers from Knights of Columbus Council 10901, Oxford. The Summer Social is also that time of the year to recognize and thank the families of the Knights, especially the children, for the inconvenience to them while their fathers provide services to the underprivileged and poor in the parish and community. (Photos by Gene Buglewicz)
OXFORD – New officers for Knights of Columbus Council 10901 were inducted July 7 during the Knights Annual Summer Social held at Marge and Forrest Hinton’s home in Oxford. Approximately 90 Knights and their families attended the social which also celebrated the July 4 holiday. In addition, the gathering of members gave the Knights an opportunity to introduce new and prospective members to the Knights of Columbus and their families as well as honoring the induction of the new officers who will serve as the leaders in carrying out the charitable, outreach and service functions of the Knights of Columbus for the coming year.
OXFORD – District Deputy Jacob Eftink and Albert Ruiz, outgoing Grand Knight, read the articles of induction to the new Grand Knight, Basil Richmond of Oxford. Other officers inducted July 7 were Deputy Grand Knight Matt Zerangue, Recorder, Buddy Seely; Treasurer, George Read; Warden, Larry Maletesta; Lecturer and Advocate, Ron Rychlak; Forrest Hinton, Inside Guard; and Miles Forks, Outside Guard.