By Gene Buglewicz
OXFORD – In March 2020, all races for the Oxford Spring and Summer running season were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Oxford Running Club, which coordinates competitive races in the Oxford/Lafayette area, and at the recommendation of Mathew Zerangue, Assistant Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus Council 10901, St. John Oxford, opted to sponsor a partial “virtual marathon” where runners would run on their own but as a team of four other runners, and submit their times on a social media platform. Thus, the first annual Ox-Mar Marathon Relay was born.
Rather than having runners compete all at one time, and violate the social distancing guidelines, team runners would run as a five-person marathon relay. Each individual in a team would run 5.25 miles and individually report their times on-line. Each of the five – 5.25 mile loops started and ended on the Oxford Square and could be run at any time during a scheduled race period.
The Ox-Mar runners ran their individual legs of the race between May 9 and May 16. Times reported on-line and team scores were added together for the composite team Marathon times.
All eight teams completed the Marathon and posted their times. The First Ox-Mar Marathon Relay was completed despite the virus and rules consistent with social distancing. The result, without a crowd at the finish line or the fellowship of a group, long run, or even a trophy for the winners, a $350 check was presented to the Oxford Food Pantry on May 21.