Blessing of the pets ceremonies are part of the celebration for the Feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, in rememberance for his love of all creatures. This time of year, people bring a procession of animals, everything from dogs and cats to snakes, lizards to our churches and schools for a special blessing cermony. The love we give to pets and receive in return from pets draws us into the circle of life and our relationship to God.
SOUTHAVEN – Father Greg Schill, SCJ blessed a wide variety of animals at Sacred Heart School on Friday, Oct. 2 – including this bearded dragon. (Photos by Bridget Martin)
PEARL – Father Lincoln Dall of St. Jude parish blesses the pet goat of the Jose Varela family. (Photos by Rhonda Bowden)
OLIVE BRANCH – Queen of Peace parishioners brought their animals to get a special blessing in honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on Sunday, Oct. 4. Father Ardi (Hendrick Ardianto, SCJ) blessed a number of pets as members drove through. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
HOLLY SPRINGS – In honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Holy Family School held a special blessing of the pets Friday, Oct. 2. Father Ardi (Hendrick Ardianto, SCJ) extended a special blessing on the student’s furry friends during the afternoon car pool line. Pictured is Principal Tunia Sangster with her new puppy, Diesel. (Photo by Laura Grisham)