AMORY – Carlos and Yoselyn Meza received their First Holy Communion at St. Helen parish on Saturday, Oct. 17. They are pictured here with Father Joseph Le. (Photo by Jean Pinkley)
COLUMBUS – Annunciation students showed that they are Paws-itiviely Drugs and Bully Free by making donations to Columbus Lowndes Humane Society during Red Ribbon Week. (Photo by Katie Fenstermacher)
JACKSON – Saint Richard celebrated its annual All Saints Mass that features first graders dressed as their favorite saints. For weeks, these conscientious students studied their assigned saint, created art renderings and gathered information to present an oral report after Mass. Shown here is first grader Bo Zimmerman dressed as St. Christopher, the patron saint of travel. He even brought his own walking stick sourced from his own backyard. (Photo by Emily Myers Garner)
MADISON – St. Joseph Senior, Josh Briscoe, gave treats to hundreds of kids “drive-through style” for the annual St. Joe Trunk or Treat on Tuesday, Oct. 27. (Photo by Clay Blanchard)
MERIDIAN – (left) St. Patrick Catholic School preschool students learned to pray the rosary Friday, Oct. 23 with rosary bracelets the students made themselves. Students and staff recited a decade of the rosary every Friday. Pictured is Liza Thompson. (Photo by Helen Reynolds)
COLUMBUS – (above) Annunciation sixth grade student, Sophia Heinkel, tells about the life of her saint to fifth grader, Isabella Nguyen. (Photo by Katie Fenstermacher)
JACKSON– Each month Saint Richard School has a “Service Project of the Month” for students and staff. They recently collected donations for “SOCKTEMBER” in honor of the Sisters of Mercy’s Sock Ministry. Saint Richard believes that service to others is an integral part of teaching students to be like Christ. Shown collecting socks are Hank Harkins, Avery Toth, Kate Donaldson and Hills Ezelle. (Photo by Emily Myers Garner)
JACKSON – The youth group at St. Therese parish prepared an altar to remember the souls of departed family members on Oct. 17. (Photo by Johana Velázquez D Magaña)