PHILADELPHIA – The Nativity scene at Holy Rosary Indian Mission was inherited from Father Judge Mission Seminary in Monroe, Virginia, after the seminary closed. Father Bob Goodyear embellished the Nativity scene by building a platform to raise it up, adding the background (Bethlehem at night), Christmas trees, lights around the outside of the platform over the icicle lights covered with gossamer. (Photo courtesy of Father Bob Goodyear)
JACKSON – This scene from Italy has been a staple at Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle for more than 75 years. This exact Nativity set can also be seen at Basilica Papale di San Paolo fuori le Mura, commonly known as St. Paul’s Outside the Walls (Rome). (Photo by Mary Woodward)
MADISON – St. Francis of Assisi Nativity scene. (Photo by Sallie Ann Inman)
JACKSON – Holy Child Jesus Nativity scene. (Photo by Maria Jackson)