YAZOO CITY – (Right) Seminarian EJ Martin visited St. Mary parish in Yazoo City on Sunday, Sept. 25. He spoke to the children about his vocation, the seminary and also served at Children’s Mass. (Photo by Babs McMaster)
JACKSON – In 1953, the Sisters of Mercy founded St. Richard School. To honor their Mercy heritage the school included sixth-grade girls in a special celebration – a Mercy Day Tea with several members of the Sisters of Mercy on Wednesday, Sept. 21. (Photo by Tereza Ma)
VICKSBURG – St. Father Robert Dore gives a blessing during schoolMass at Vicksburg Catholic Schools. (Photos by Lindsey Bradley)
School Masses
VICKSBURG – Father PJ Curley offers a blessing to Brady Shows during the opening school Mass at Vicksburg Catholic Schools.
Fifth grader, Lily Baumann receives communion at Thursday morning Mass from first grade teacher assistant, Debbie Leonard.Fourth grader, Abigail Hall closes her eyes to talk with Jesus during Thursday morning Mass. (Photos by Logan Waggoner)
Happy birthday, Mary!
CLARKSDALE – The St. Elizabeth School celebrated the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Mary’s birthday – on Thursday, Sept. 8 with a procession. God’s gift of His Son to humankind was preceded by another precious gift — the gift of the Mother of His Son. Mary brought forth Jesus into the world. In this modern world, each and every follower of Jesus is also invited to “bring forth” Jesus into the world, in his or her life situation. (Photo by Mary Evelyn Stonestreet)
Hands-on learning
SOUTHAVEN – Aleena, A.J. and Aaric work on “stained glass” sun-catcher Crosses on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross at Sacred Heart School. (Photo by Sister Margaret Sue Broker)
JACKSON – Second graders at St. Richard Catholic School finished their combined science and social studies units with a visit from Scott Riddell – a real beekeeper. Students learned about the effect of the environment on animals and how the environment is affected by animals. (Photos by Tammy Conrad)
St. Richard 4th Graders learned about the water cycle.St. Richard 6th Grade students wrapped up their ancient history unit with a hands archaeology project.