MERIDIAN – The Youth and Young Adults groups at St. Patrick/St. Joseph hosted the 2nd Annual Halloween Carnival on Oct. 22. The event had great community participation. The Hispanic group provided concessions and were able to take the profit that will be used towards expenses for this year’s Our Lady of Guadalupe activities. The school children and teachers helped with games and the profit from the games will help the school with any projects they have in the works. The Youth and Young Adults also put together a Haunted House in the old convent and profits will go towards event registrations and other activities. (Photos by Angela Dove)
CLARKSDALE – Students at St. Elizabeth School wore costumes, ate pizza and cookies at a Halloween Movie-Night Fundraiser. (Photos by Mary Evelyn Stonestreet)
JACKSON – St. Richard sixth grade student dressed as T-Rexes greet students on Monday, Oct. 31. (Photos by Shea Luckett)
YAZOO CITY – St. Mary parish participated in trunk-or-treat in downtown Yazoo City on Monday, Oct. 31. (Photos by Babs McMaster)
CLARKSDALE – St. Elizabeth held its annual Trunk-or-Treat and canned food drive on Sunday, Oct. 30. The parish collected canned goods for the Clarksdale Care Station while the children dressed up and trick-or-treated through the decorated vehicles and won baked goods at the cakewalk. (Photos by Catelin Britt)
MADISON – St. Joseph students put on a trunk or treat event on Thursday, Oct. 27. Pictured is the Winnie the Poo crew from St. Richard giving an interview to videographer Page for the Bruin Buzz. (Photos by Tereza Ma)
JACKSON – St. Richard School held their annual Cardinal Fest on Sunday, Oct. 23. Pictured is Sister Kelly Moline purchasing homemade cupcakes from students at the entrepreneurs nest. (Photo by Tereza Ma)
MADISON – St. Anthony School celebrated Halloween by incorporating Catholic school symbols. Principal Anne Cowger, Katie Loyacano and Celeste Tassin, dressed as students, chat with the fifth and sixth grade sisters/teachers on Halloween. (Photo courtesy Bridget Moorehead)
COLUMBUS – Annunciation second and third graders took a field trip to The School of Math & Science for their annual Science Carnival on Oct. 24. (Photos by Logan Waggoner)
PEARL – St. Jude parish celebrates the St. Jude feast on Sunday, Oct. 30, with a get together and lunch after Mass with Bishop Kopacz. In front, Lori Lee was “surprised” to be caught with all the cookies. (Photos by Rhonda Bowden)
CLARKSDALE – The three Stonestreet brothers served as altar servers at Mass at St. Elizabeth parish. Sam (senior), Harris (eighth grade) and Michael Stonestreet (fifth grade) are pictured with Father Raju. (Photo by Mary Evelyn Stonestreet)
YAZOO CITY – (Left) St. Mary parish held Children’s Mass before celebrating the All Saints and All Souls feasts on Sunday, Oct. 30. (Photo by Babs McMaster)