VICKSBURG – Tenth graders and second graders from Vicksburg Catholic School gathered for a photo op after the second grade Saints Celebration program. The Sophomores assisted the second graders in learning about their assigned saints to prepare for the program. (Photo by Lindsey Bradley)LELAND – Children of St. James parish celebrated Christmas Eve Mass. (Photo by Peyton Palasini)OXFORD – Christmas Eve Mass at St. John was a success thanks to Gemma Yates, Ian Yates, Jacob Zerangue, Maddie Thornton and John Whelan. (Photo by Tim Walsh)
COLUMBUS – Father Jeffrey Waldrep gives a blessing during Mass on Thursday, January 5. (Photo by Logan Waggoner)
GREENVILLE – Youth play their version of “Dirty Santa,” with another winning ticket being pulled from the pool of tickets at Sacred Heart parishes annual Christmas raffle and party. (Photo by Maurice Mosley)
TUPELO – During arts and crafts with Katya Cruz, students constructed “joy” ornaments, individual “joy” banners and created a group “joy” poster, pictured. (Photo courtesy Rhonda Hanby)