JACKSON – St. Richard sixth graders carried on the tradition of putting on the “Manhattan Mall” for the residents of the Manhattan nursing home across from campus. Seniors are able to “shop” for gifts for their loved ones. (Photo by Chelsea Dillon)MADISON – Student musicians practice for St. Joseph Catholic School’s annual “Gifts of the Season” Christmas concert that took place on Sunday, Dec. 10, in the school Fine Arts auditorium. Pictured are sophomore Talia Ramos, far right, and freshman Mackenzie Maberry rehearsing for “Gifts of the Season.” (Photo courtesy of school)COLUMBUS – Annunciation dad, James Wagner, teaches students about electricity during a Superhero themed STREAM Day at the school. (Photo by Logan Gentry)
Around the diocese
COLUMBUS – Father Jeffery Waldrep assists Mrs. Ford’s Kindergarten class with their Thanksgiving story bracelets. (Photo by Logan Gentry)MADISON – St. Anthony School PreK-4 students, Bryan Gardner and Ridge Bond, were excited to find a candy treat and prayer card in their shoes on the Feast of Saint Nicholas on Dec. 6. (Photo by Kati Loyacono)PEARL – St. Jude youth performed their annual Christmas program on Sunday, Dec. 12. (Photo courtesy of Lauren Roberts)AMORY – The children of St. Helen Church proclaimed the Christmas Story, “Our Chaos, His Peace,” for parishioners and all grandparents following Mass on Dec. 10. Afterwards, they presented grandparents with hand-painted ornaments. High school youth served as lectors, intercession readers and greeters for the Mass. (Photo by Jean Pinkley)