VICKSBURG – Father Rusty Vincent blesses the backpacks of parish youth on Aug. 4 at St. Paul parish. (Photo by Allyson Johnston)
PEARL – Kathleen Edwards leads a class during Vacation Bible School at St. Jude Pearl on July 17. (Photos by Adeline Bokros)
TUPELO – Youth of St. James Church had a grand time celebrating VBS from July 15-19. The theme was “God is Surely Alive,” a take-off from the “Chronicles of Narnia” storyline. Many themes from the Narnia story were reenacted and compared to the story of Christ. Youth learned about being strong and courageous, being called to a great mission, forgiving and “let it go”, and finally … God’s not dead, He’s surely alive! (Photo by Rhonda Swita)
CAMDEN – Father Guy Wilson celebrated the Sacrament of first Holy Communion with Aaliyah Johnson and Kevin Robinson Jr. on May 26. (Photos by Martina B. Griffin)PEARL – The St. Jude youth group and Feed My Sheep Ministry served lunch at Poindexter park in Jackson to those experiencing homelessness on Aug. 11. (Photos by Tereza Ma)