Declaration of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity in service to the rights of all immigrants and refugees, beloved of God

The Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (Trinitarians) have been present in the challenging reality of migration at every moment of our history. From our beginnings more than one hundred years ago, the Holy Spirit has moved us to be willing to leave everything and go to the most unprotected portion of the harvest.

Today, throughout the world, the suffering of displaced persons-immigrants and refugees-is a cry of brothers and sisters waiting to be heard, seen and found. In all our missions and the countries where we strive to live prophetically, our call to mission, the cry awaits a response.

We, Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, proclaim today, “You are not alone. We journey with you!”

Well have the bishops of the United States declared: “Together, we must be the voice of the multitudes who yearn to breathe freedom and demand that our government provide just and humane treatment for our dear brothers and sisters. It is our hope, our prayer, that we can all work together in developing a reform of the current immigration system.”

We, the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, want to be much more than a voice. Wherever we are, we wish to invite all our partners in mission and every person of good will to join us in a concrete effort of solidarity, presence and hope.

As men of faith with lives dedicated to the Gospel of Jesus, we commit ourselves to:

  • Be one with our sisters and brothers in their moments of terror and need.
  • To honor their sense of devastation and anguish.
  • Support one another and those we serve.

    With this commitment, we pledge:
  • To walk purposefully, hand in hand, with the immigrant and refugee.
  • To actively participate in all efforts for justice.
  • To be architects of protective spaces for people at risk.
  • Share resources and collaborate with others working for justice.
  • Bear witness to the fact that there are no disposable people.
  • To seek the wisdom of our elders and the audacity of youth.
  • Work to create safe spaces where people can flourish in freedom.
    Missions are people: people of all races, cultures and ways of life. People are not “illegal” or “undocumented” but beloved sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father, redeemed by the blood of Jesus on the Cross, the ultimate symbol and sign of God’s infinite love for every person without exception.

    We, Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, with all people of goodwill, commit ourselves, by the grace of God, to live this Gospel message of Jesus in loving service to our sisters and brothers, whatever the cost! Only in this way can we truly fulfill the vocation we have received.