
Around the diocese

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick kindergarten students have been learning about the sacrament of baptism. Pictured: Father Augustine Palimattam, center, explains baptism to St. Patrick School kindergarten students on Tuesday, Jan. 14. (Photo by Helen Reynolds)
CLARKSDALE – (Right) Bishop Kopacz asked each deanery to designate at least one church to serve as a dedicated pilgrimage site for the Jubilee Year of Hope. On his word, deanery four selected St. Elizabeth Church and St. Joseph in Holly Springs. On Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025, the parishioners of St. Elizabeth braved the cold weather for a beautiful liturgy outside the church doors, dedicating St. Elizabeth for this purpose. Pilgrims will be eligible to receive a holy year plenary indulgence by visiting, participating in Mass or adoration, praying for the intentions of the Holy Father, and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation within eight days of visiting the pilgrimage site church. St. Elizabeth is honored and blessed to serve in this way and welcomes all pilgrims to visit and participate in Mass and/or adoration. Weekend Mass times are Saturdays at 6 p.m. and Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Daily Mass is offered Tuesday-Friday and adoration on Wednesdays. Please visit for details and times. (Photo by Catelin Britt)
HOLLY SPRINGS – Holy Family Students listened intently as Sacred Heart Southern Missions’ Food Coordinator Ralph Howard and Director of Administration Carla Crockett answered questions about their work in the community. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
SOUTHAVEN – During Sacred Heart School’s grandparents program, first grader Riley Burks gets a hug from her grandmother after lighting a candle together as a reminder of the light that our grandparents bring to our lives. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
JACKSON – St. Richard School sixth graders – Holt Wright, Anthony Ramsey, Eli Williams and Judah Hill – visited the St. Richard ELC for story time during Catholic Schools Week. This was in celebration and thanks to our Community. St. Richard School values every piece of our “community.” The toddlers at the ELC and St. Richard students were able to really interact with one another and had a wonderful time together. (Photo by Celeste Saucier)
MACON – Youth from around the diocese gathered at Lake Forest Ranch in Macon on Jan. 25-26 for the annual High School Confirmation Retreat coordinated by the Department of Faith Formation. Pictured are youth from Crystal Springs roasting s’mores over a bonfire. (Photo by Yvette Howard)
STARKVILLE – College students from across the diocese gathered for a day of fellowship, prayer and more at the “Embracing Joy” winter retreat held at St. Joseph Church in Starkville on Saturday, Feb. 1. (Photo by Amelia Rizor)
MACON – Youth engaged in various activities to strengthen their faith throughout the Confirmation Retreat weekend Jan. 25-26 at Lake Forest Ranch. Pictured are youth from St. James Tupelo, among others fully engaged in their faith. (Photo by Michelle Harkins)