Called by Name

I stated this last issue of Mississippi Catholic, but I’ll state it again … we have set a date for Homegrown Harvest 2025! In this Jubilee Year of Hope, we will have our 6th Annual Event on Oct. 11, 2025 at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Madison. Please save the date.

Homegrown Harvest has become a sort of touchstone for me as vocation director. I had conversations just before the pandemic with Bishop Joseph Kopacz and with the development team at the diocese about having an event that allowed our supporters to encounter our seminarians and see all the good things that are store for the future of the church. Then … Covid. And so, our first Homegrown Harvest happened at St. Jude in Pearl and there were about six people in attendance. We somehow managed to figure out the technology and had a live event over Zoom that night as Bishop Kopacz and I spoke with Father Jim Wehner about vocations, and some other things happened I’m sure. It was all a blur.

I am so grateful at how this event has grown since then. We want to continue to make it better and more fun, and, of course, keep raising money to support our seminarians and the great ways that we are reaching out to young men throughout the diocese and accompanying them in their discernment.
In other news, Father Tristan Stovall took a group of ten (10), yes, I said ten college students down to Notre Dame Seminary at the end of January. We are so blessed to have Father Tristan as assistant vocation director. He’ll be leading another seminary trip on Palm Sunday weekend to St. Joseph Seminary College in Covington.

Seeing the seminary helps young men see that there are just normal people at the seminary. The seminarians are not monks, and they are not hermits, they are normal young men who are discerning a call to a unique state in life. I’m so grateful that Father Tristan has such a love for the work that he’s doing, and it is a great help to have a brother priest on board who can lead these types of trips. He is also leading a trip for young women to see the Nashville Dominicans in the coming weeks. Thanks Father Tristan!

Our second wave of six-week discernment groups with men ages 15-25 are ramping up this month. If you remember the Called by Name campaign that we held last November – all the names that surfaced from that initiative are being contacted by members of the vocation team to see if they’d like to participate in one of these groups. Please keep these young men and the vocation team in your prayers and pray to the Father to send out more laborers for the harvest!

Father Nick Adam, vocation director

(For more information on vocations, visit or contact Father Nick at

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