Celebrating the legacy of MLK, Jr. and Sister Thea Bowman

By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
Coming out of the splendor of the Christmas season with the culminating feasts of the Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord, we now return to ordinary time to remain steadfast in the work of the Lord to announce the Good News of Salvation, and the presence of the Kingdom of God, the work of conversion, and of justice, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17)
The feast of the Epiphany, the manifestation of Jesus Christ to all nations, inspired us to follow the radiance of the Gospel while circumventing the power and pull of evil in our world, as did the Magi in eluding King Herod. The Baptism of the Lord inspires us as God’s children, baptized into the life-giving death and resurrection of God’s beloved Son, to hear the call of the Lord and to put it into practice as his disciples. With the Holy Spirit as out guide we pray and dedicate ourselves to the will of God “on earth as it is in heaven.” The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the foretaste and promise of glory (2Corinthians 5:5), raising us beyond the horizon of this world to the vision of eternal life.

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.

The national holiday this weekend offers us the bonus of an additional day away from many of our offices and workplaces and much more in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. At our Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle, we are going to mark this occasion in an extra special way with an additional Mass on Sunday afternoon honoring the legacy and witness of King and of our own Sister Thea Bowman, Servant of God. They were not exactly contemporaries of one another, yet they breathed the same air with the same passion for civil rights, for freedom, justice and equality for all of God’s children.
When Martin Luther King Jr. was slain in Memphis in April 1968, Sister Thea was pursuing an advanced degree at Catholic University in Washington DC. She would take up the torch for the next 20 years until her untimely death. They were committed disciples of the Lord Jesus, MLK, Jr. a Baptist, and Bowman, a Catholic, who like the Magi were inspired to live by the light of faith and the power of the Gospel.
When Pope Francis spoke to the United States Congress in 2015, he honored King as a prophetic voice for our nation’s conscience, along with Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day and Abraham Lincoln. As a national icon, Martin Luther King Jr. is a Christian prophet whose life and violent death challenge us to resist the many-sided faces of evil nonviolently. His witness still confronts us today to turn away from the sins of racism, and unbridled materialism and militarism.
On the other hand, Sister Thea is not as well known nationally but her life, cut short by cancer, also rises to the distinction of prophetic witness. She labored untiringly in the vineyard of the Lord for greater justice and peace with a passion securely anchored in the joy of the Holy Spirit. Her cause for canonization continues to gain traction in our Catholic world around our nation, while the Diocese of Jackson works behind the scenes to fulfill the requirements to move the cause forward. For example, in the recent past the diocese sponsored a documentary on her amazing life, entitled “Going Home Like a Shooting Star.” (https://bit.ly/SisterTheaFilm) Later this spring we will unveil a life-size bronze statue of Sister Thea to be nestled in the cathedral until a shrine is built in a permanent location in the diocese.
In conclusion, allow the words of these two spiritual giants to capture our imagination and vision for living.

“Everyone does not have access. When I say that, I mean that Martin Luther King Jr. was demonstrating for the rights of the poor, he was demonstrating for fair and decent housing, he was demonstrating for opportunities for adequate education. And not just adequate educational opportunity for blacks, but for all children. He was demonstrating for a land where we could love another as brothers and sisters and work together for a solution to our common problems.” (Sister Thea Bowman)
“Love yourself, if that means rational, healthy, and moral self-interest. You are commanded to do that. That is the length of life. Love your neighbor as yourself. You are commanded to do that. This is the breath of life. But never forget that there is even a greater and first commandment, ‘Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul and all thy mind.’ This is the height of life. And when you do this, you live the complete life.” (MLK, Jr.)

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.

By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
“Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you. Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you, they would have not been at all. You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace.”

These awe-filled words of St. Augustine from Book 10 of his Confessions are indeed ever ancient and ever new. They are an echo of the voices who have summoned us to prepare a way for the Lord, the eternal beauty of whom Augustine gushes. Isaiah and St. John the Baptist on behalf of the living God, have called and shouted to break through our deafness. Though them God flashes, shines and dispels our blindness.
Both prophets in extraordinary ways bring us into the presence of the light of the world, Jesus Christ, the Son of God once again this Christmas. The words of the prophet Isaiah are the ancient origin of the liberating experience of St. Augustine nearly a millennium later.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me. He has sent me to bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the Lord.” (61:1-2)

It was and is God’s voice calling individuals and a people out of darkness into the marvelous love of the Savior. Through faith and baptism, we are the Lord’s anointed and thus charged to be bearers of the Good News though the uniqueness of our lives and circumstances of the current generation. The gift is to be shared, and the opportunities are endless.

Next, we turn to Mary, highly favored, the chosen one full of grace who was enfolded in the beauty and power of God’s love and so exclaimed for pure joy.

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior, for he has looked upon the lowliness of his handmaid.”

God touched her, and she was aflame in his peace. John the Baptist, the final prophet of the Old Testament, and our guide during Advent, who once leapt for joy in the womb of his mother Elizabeth in the moment of Mary’s visitation was perfectly aligned with the long-awaited Messiah as “the voice of one crying out in the desert preparing the way of the Lord.” (John 1:23) This bridge to the Reign of God knew that he was the voice, not the light, not the Word made flesh but the voice summoning people to prepare for God’s eternal beauty and power that was dawning upon them.

St. Paul encouraged the first Christians in Thessalonica to “rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give thanks in all circumstances.” (1Thessalonians 5:16-18)

How is this possible in the face of so much suffering in our age, any reasonable person might ask?
In Advent we dare to hope; we dare to dream and we sing, “O come, O come Emmanuel,” a name that means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23) and for whom nothing is impossible. (Luke 1:37) With St. Augustine may the Lord break through our deafness, dispel our blindness and inspire us to experience deeply his beauty which is pure gift, ever ancient, ever new. Come, Lord Jesus and dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.

Merry Christmas in the light and love of Jesus Christ.

Ven, Ven Enmanuel

Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz

Por Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
“¡¡Tarde te amé,hermosura tan antigua y tan nueva,tarde te amé! Tú estabas dentro de mí, y yo fuera,y por fuera te buscaba, y deforme como era me lanzaba sobre las cosas hermosas por Ti creadas.Tú estabas conmigo, y yo no estaba contigo. Me retenían lejos de Ti todas las cosas,aunque, si no estuviesen en Ti, nada serían. Llamaste y clamaste, y rompiste mi sordera. Brillaste y resplandeciste, y pusiste en fuga mi ceguera. Exhalaste tu perfume, y respiré, y suspiro por Ti. Gusté de Ti, y siento hambre y sed. Me tocaste, y me abrazó tu paz.”

Estas palabras llenas de asombro de San Agustín del Libro 10 de sus Confesiones son en verdad siempre antiguas y siempre nuevas. Son eco de las voces que nos han convocado a preparar el camino al Señor, cuya eterna belleza brota en San Agustín. Isaías y San Juan Bautista en nombre del Dios vivo, han llamado y gritado para romper nuestra sordera. A través de ellos Dios resplandece, brilla y disipa nuestra ceguera.
Ambos profetas nos llevan de manera extraordinaria a la presencia de la luz del mundo, Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios, una vez más esta Navidad. Las palabras del profeta Isaías son el origen antiguo de la experiencia liberadora de San Agustín casi un milenio después.

“El espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, porque el Señor me ha consagrado; me ha enviado a dar buenas noticias a los pobres, a aliviar a los afligidos, a anunciar libertad a los presos, libertad a los que están en la cárcel; a anunciar el año favorable del Señor.” (61:1-2)

Fue y es la voz de Dios que llama a personas y a un pueblo a salir de las tinieblas al maravilloso amor del Salvador. A través de la fe y el bautismo, somos ungidos por el Señor y, por lo tanto, estamos encargados de ser portadores de la Buena Nueva a través de la singularidad de nuestras vidas y las circunstancias de la generación actual. El regalo debe ser compartido y las oportunidades son infinitas.

A continuación, nos dirigimos a María, muy favorecida, la elegida llena de gracia que se vio envuelta en la belleza y la potencia del amor de Dios y por eso exclamó de puro gozo.

“Mi alma proclama la grandeza del Señor; mi espíritu se regocija en Dios, mi Salvador, porque ha mirado la humildad de su esclava”.

Dios la tocó y ella ardió en su paz. Juan Bautista, el último profeta del Antiguo Testamento y nuestro guía durante el Adviento, que saltó de alegría en el vientre de su madre Isabel en el momento de la visita de María, estaba perfectamente alineado con el tan esperado Mesías como “la voz de uno que clama en el desierto preparando el camino del Señor”. (Juan 1:23) Este puente hacia el Reino de Dios sabía que él era la voz, no la luz, no la Palabra hecha carne, sino la voz que convocaba a las personas a prepararse para la eterna belleza y el poder de Dios que estaba amaneciendo sobre ellos.

San Pablo animó a los primeros cristianos de Tesalónica a “estar siempre alegres, orar sin cesar y dar gracias en todo”. (1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-18)

¿Cómo es posible esto ante tanto sufrimiento en nuestra época?, podría preguntarse cualquier persona razonable.

En Adviento nos atrevemos a tener esperanza; nos atrevemos a soñar y cantamos: “Oh ven, oh ven Emanuel”, nombre que significa “Dios con nosotros” (Mateo 1:23) y para quien nada es imposible. (Lucas 1:37) Que el Señor, con San Agustín, rompa nuestra sordera, disipe nuestra ceguera y nos inspire a experimentar profundamente su belleza, que es don puro, siempre antiguo, siempre nuevo. Ven, Señor Jesús y disipa las tinieblas de nuestros corazones y mentes.

!Feliz Navidad en la Luz y el Amor de Jesucristo!

Maranatha – longing and vision for Advent season

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.

By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.

“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord, Jesus Christ be with you,” was proclaimed on the first Sunday of Advent in the second reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. (1:3) We can say that this is St. Paul’s signature salutation when he wrote to each of the Christian communities he helped to establish.

This is the greeting at the outset of the letters to the Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Likewise, St. Peter greets his fellow Christians in his two letters with the near identical greeting and goes a step further in his enthusiasm with the phrase “in abundance.”

This signature salutation was not only a friendly greeting from the two apostles but is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit across the pages of the New Testament, as well as the mind and heart of Jesus Christ begun at the Last Supper and announced throughout the resurrection appearances. This salutation frames the Bible as the final inspired words of the book of Revelation. “The one who gives this testimony says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.” (Revelation 22:20-21)

The celebration of Advent takes place on the four Sundays prior to Christmas and follows four weekly themes: hope, peace, joy and love, and ends on Christmas Eve. (Photo by Mary Woodward)

Maranatha – come, Lord Jesus – is the longing and the vision for the season of Advent. But this desire is central to our belief and hope throughout the year, especially in our celebration of the Eucharist.

After the consecration and transformation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of the Lord, the congregation pronounces, “when we eat this bread and drink this cup we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again.”

Before the reception of holy communion following the Lord’s prayer the priest makes the following entreaty of the living God. “Deliver us, Lord, we pray from every evil, and grant us peace in our days, that with the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.” When we proclaim the Nicene Creed after the homily, we express our eagerness for the Lord’s coming, “as I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.” Amen.

The concluding verses of the Bible infuse the Mass with eschatological hope and graciousness, reminding us that “for here we have no lasting city,” (Hebrews 13:14) and that our citizenship is in heaven and from there we are expecting our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3:20) At regular intervals it is a gift to be able to transcend our world and circumstances and raise our hearts and minds to God through faith, prayer and praise.

However, this is not an invitation to escape from trials, tribulations and temptations. Come, Lord Jesus is also rooted in the present moment.

With St. Paul, we rejoice to know that the Lord is near, standing at the door and knocking. (Revelations 3:20) Thus, our prayer for the Lord to come is intended for the moment at hand.

The signature salutation of St. Paul and St. Peter for grace and peace in abundance from God is the gift package from God to help us reach our eternal destiny. They are intended to deliver us from every evil, to free us from sin, and to keep us safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope. Are these not among the finest of gifts?

As we rightfully consider the gifts, we are purchasing for those we love, let us not leave this package of grace and peace unattended and unopened. These gifts are at our disposal in daily prayer, at Mass, and in all of our acts of loving care in daily living. Indeed, it is the package that keeps on giving forever. It is God’s abundance. Maranatha, come, Lord Jesus!

Maranatha – Anhelo y Visión para temporada de Adviento

Por Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.

“Gracia y paz a ustedes de parte de Dios nuestro Padre y del Señor Jesucristo..,” se proclamó el primer domingo de Adviento en la segunda lectura de la primera carta de San Pablo a los Corintios. (1:3) Podemos decir que este es el saludo característico de San Pablo cuando escribió a cada una de las comunidades cristianas que ayudó a establecer.

Este es el saludo al comienzo de las cartas a los Romanos, 1 y 2 Corintios, Gálatas, Efesios, Filipenses, Colosenses, 1 y 2 Tesalonicenses, 1 y 2 Timoteo, Tito y Filemón. Asimismo, San Pedro saluda a sus hermanos cristianos en sus dos cartas con un saludo casi idéntico y va un paso más allá en su entusiasmo con la frase “en abundancia.”

Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz

Este saludo característico no fue solo un saludo amistoso de los dos apóstoles, sino que es la inspiración del Espíritu Santo a lo largo de las páginas del Nuevo Testamento, así como la mente y el corazón de Jesucristo que comenzaron en la Última Cena y se anunciaron a lo largo de las apariciones de resurrección. Este saludo enmarca la Biblia como las últimas palabras inspiradas del libro de Apocalipsis. “El que da este testimonio dice: “El que testifica de estas cosas dice: «Sí, vengo pronto». Amén. Ven, Señor Jesús. La gracia del Señor Jesús sea con todos. Amén.” (Apocalipsis 22:20-21)

Maranatha – ven, Señor Jesús– es el anhelo y la visión del tiempo de Adviento. Pero este deseo es fundamental para nuestra creencia y esperanza durante todo el año, especialmente en la celebración de nuestra Eucaristía.

Después de la consagración y transformación del pan y del vino en el cuerpo y la sangre del Señor, la congregación pronuncia: “cuando comemos este pan y bebemos esta copa, proclamamos tu muerte, oh, Señor, hasta que vuelvas”.

Antes de recibir la sagrada comunión después del Padrenuestro, el sacerdote hace la siguiente súplica al Dios vivo. “Líbranos, Señor, te pedimos de todo mal, y concédenos paz en nuestros días, para que con la ayuda de tu misericordia estemos siempre libres de pecado y a salvo de toda angustia mientras aguardamos la esperanza bienaventurada y la venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.”

Cuando proclamamos el Credo de Nicea después de la homilía, expresamos nuestro anhelo por la venida del Señor, “… Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del mundo futuro.” Amén.

Los versículos finales de la Biblia infunden a la Misa esperanza y gracia escatológica, recordándonos que “porque no tenemos aquí ciudad permanente”, (Hebreos 13:14) porque “nuestra ciudadanía está en los cielos, de donde también ansiosamente esperamos a un Salvador, el Señor Jesucristo. (Filipenses 3:20) A intervalos regulares, es un regalo poder trascender nuestro mundo y circunstancias y elevar nuestro corazón y mente a Dios a través de la fe, la oración y la alabanza.

Sin embargo, esto no es una invitación a escapar de las pruebas, tribulaciones y tentaciones. Ven, Señor Jesús, también está arraigado en el momento presente.

Con San Pablo, nos alegramos de saber que el Señor está cerca, está a la puerta y llama. (Apocalipsis 3:20) Por lo tanto, para que el Señor venga, nuestra oración está destinada al momento actual.

El saludo característico de San Pablo y San Pedro pidiendo gracia y paz en abundancia de Dios, es el paquete de regalo de Dios, para ayudarnos a alcanzar nuestro destino eterno. Su objetivo es librarnos de todo mal, liberarnos del pecado y mantenernos a salvo de toda angustia mientras aguardamos la bienaventurada esperanza.

¿No se encuentran éste entre los mejores regalos?

Al considerar legítimamente los regalos que estamos comprando para aquellos a quienes amamos, no dejemos desatendido y sin abrir este paquete de gracia y paz. Estos dones están a nuestra disposición en la oración diaria, en la Misa y en todos nuestros actos de cuidado amoroso en la vida diaria. De hecho, es éste el paquete que sigue dando por siempre. Es la abundancia de Dios.

¡Maranatha, Ven, Señor Jesús!

HOUSTON – En la iglesia Inmaculado Corazón de María, el 3 de diciembre, algunos parroquianos se reunieron para una reflexión de la Misión Parroquial de Adviento dirigida por el Padre Bill Henry con el tema: Reflexionando sobre la belleza y el amor de María y cómo ella nos llama a hacer espacio en nuestras vidas al niño recién nacido. El padre Bill ha sido sacerdote en la diócesis de Jackson durante 39 años. Se retiró hace tres años del ministerio parroquial activo y ahora sirve realizando o ayudando en retiros o organizando seminarios de vida en el espíritu en los estados del sur. En la foto, durante la Misa, los padres (i-d) Binh Nguyen y Bill Henry bendicen la Corona de adviento. (Foto de Danna Johnson, LEM)

Catholics, a people of thanksgiving

By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
As we celebrate the cherished national holiday of Thanksgiving, it is a time to recall the foundations of this long weekend that breathes life into the heart and soul of our nation. George Washington, our nation’s first president, with the backing of Congress in 1789, declared the last Thursday of November as a day set apart for Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty, the harvest and much more. President Abraham Lincoln in 1861 called for the renewal of this day set apart for Thanksgiving to inspire greater unity in our nation in the midst of the Civil War. This many years later our national time of thanksgiving can soften and heal the divisions that plague our nation in 2023.

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz

As Catholics, we are inherently by God’s grace a people of thanksgiving, most notably whenever we gather at the altar to celebrate the Eucharist, the great prayer of gratitude for the love of God poured out in Jesus Christ for the gift of salvation. An abiding spirit of thanksgiving is at the center of the current Eucharistic revival, a permanent disposition that allows us to live in a manner worthy of our calling within and beyond the hallowed walls of our churches.

The prayers that are proclaimed at each Eucharistic celebration embrace the reality of thanksgiving from hearts and minds that are open to God’s transforming grace. At the beginning of the Preface, the portal of the Eucharistic prayer and Consecration, the priest declares. “It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Father most holy, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, your Word through whom you made all things.”

This marvelous expression of gratitude is already unfolding at the Preparation of the Gifts when the priest proclaims, “Blessed are you Lord God of all creation for through your goodness we have received this bread and wine which we offer to you, fruit of the earth and of the vine, and the work of human hands, they will become for us the bread of life and spiritual drink.” The prayers over the bread and wine are offered separately at the altar and after each, the congregation responds, “Blessed be God forever.” What a heartfelt expression of thanksgiving!

One of the most powerful expressions of thanksgiving at the center of worship is Psalm 100. You can feel the joy and read how it captures the spirit of the faithful people of Israel so many centuries ago.
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

May the Holy Spirit bestow upon us this marvelous spirit of praise and thanksgiving as we funnel into our churches and gather around our family tables for Thanksgiving.

The national holiday of Thanksgiving has deep roots in our Judaic Christian tradition. As we give thanks to the Lord on the day itself and throughout the weekend, which is the feast of Christ the King, the culminating celebration of the church year, may the prayer for unity, and a greater spirit of loving generosity be at the center of our intentions.

“But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near through the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who has made the two into one by breaking down the barrier of hostility…As a result, you are no longer strangers and foreigners. Rather, you are fellow citizens of the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.” (Ephesians 2:13-14, 19-20)

Católicos: Pueblo de acción de gracias

Por Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
Mientras celebramos el preciado feriado nacional del Día de Acción de Gracias, es un momento para recordar los fundamentos de este largo fin de semana que insufla vida al corazón y al alma de nuestra nación. George Washington, el primer presidente de nuestra nación, con el respaldo del Congreso en 1789, declaró el último jueves de noviembre como un día reservado para el Día de Acción de Gracias a Dios Todopoderoso por las bendiciones de la libertad, la cosecha y mucho más. El presidente Abraham Lincoln pidió en 1861 la renovación de este día apartado para el Día de Acción de Gracias para inspirar una mayor unidad en nuestra nación en medio de la Guerra Civil. Muchos años después, en 2023, nuestro tiempo nacional de acción de gracias puede suavizar y sanar las divisiones que plagan nuestra nación.

Como católicos, somos inherentemente y por la gracia de Dios, un pueblo de acción de gracias, sobre todo cada vez que nos reunimos en el altar para celebrar la Eucaristía, la gran oración de gratitud por el amor de Dios derramado en Jesucristo, por el don de la salvación. Un espíritu permanente de acción de gracias está en el centro del actual avivamiento eucarístico, una disposición permanente que nos permite vivir de una manera digna de nuestro llamado dentro y más allá de los muros sagrados de nuestras iglesias.

Las oraciones que se proclaman en cada celebración eucarística abrazan la realidad de la acción de gracias desde corazones y mentes que están abiertos a la gracia transformadora de Dios. Al inicio del Prefacio, portal de la oración eucarística y de la Consagración, declara el sacerdote. “En verdad es justo y necesario, es nuestro deber y salvación darte gracias siempre y en todo lugar, Señor, Padre santo, Dios todopoderoso y eterno, por Cristo, Señor nuestro, principio y fin de todo lo creado.”

Esta maravillosa expresión de gratitud ya se está desarrollando en la Preparación de las Ofrendas cuando el sacerdote proclama: “Bendito seas Señor Dios de todo el universo porque por tu bondad hemos recibido este pan y este vino que te ofrecemos, fruto de la tierra y de la vid y obra de manos humanas, serán para nosotros pan de vida y bebida espiritual.” Las oraciones sobre el pan y el vino se ofrecen por separado en el altar y después de cada una, la congregación responde: “Bendito sea Dios por los siglos”. ¡Qué sincera expresión de acción de gracias!

Una de las expresiones más poderosas de acción de gracias en el centro de la adoración es el Salmo 100. Puedes sentir el gozo y leer cómo captura el espíritu del fiel pueblo de Israel hace tantos siglos.
“¡Canten al Señor con alegría, habitantes de toda la tierra! Con alegría adoren al Señor; ¡con gritos de alegría vengan a su presencia! Reconozcan que el Señor es Dios; él nos hizo y somos suyos; ¡somos pueblo suyo y ovejas de su prado! Vengan a las puertas y a los atrios de su templo con himnos de alabanza y gratitud. ¡Denle gracias, bendigan su nombre! Porque el Señor es bueno; su amor es eterno y su fidelidad no tiene fin.”

Que el Espíritu Santo nos conceda este maravilloso espíritu de alabanza y acción de gracias mientras ingresamos a nuestras iglesias y nos reunamos alrededor de nuestras mesas familiares para el Día de Acción de Gracias.

La fiesta nacional de Acción de Gracias tiene profundas raíces en nuestra tradición cristiana judaica.
Al dar gracias al Señor en el día mismo y durante todo el fin de semana, que es la fiesta de Cristo Rey, la celebración culminante del año eclesiástico, que la oración por la unidad y un mayor espíritu de generosidad amorosa estén en el centro de todas nuestras intenciones.

“Pero ahora, unidos a Cristo Jesús por la sangre que él derramó, ustedes que antes estaban lejos están cerca. Cristo es nuestra paz. Él hizo de judíos y de no judíos un solo pueblo, destruyó el muro que los separaba y anuló en su propio cuerpo la enemistad que existía … Por eso, ustedes ya no son extranjeros, ya no están fuera de su tierra, sino que ahora comparten con el pueblo santo los mismos derechos, y son miembros de la familia de Dios. Ustedes son como un edificio levantado sobre los fundamentos que son los apóstoles y los profetas, y Jesucristo mismo es la piedra principal”. (Efesios 2:13-14, 19-20)

Black Catholics, a gift to our diocese and nation

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.

By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
The Feast of All Saints is the portal at the beginning of November that invites all of the living members of the church to transcend time to see the Cloud of Witnesses that surround the throne of the Lamb in Heaven. The lives of the holy ones reveal God’s ultimate plan for us in eternity, and a well-defined pathway for this life to reach the goal.

In the book of Revelation, the heavenly vision is comprised of a “vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands.” (7:9) What a great gift of hope the apostle John has given to the church for every generation until the Lord comes again.

In manifold ways the Lord Jesus molded all of the saints in their uniqueness into his image and likeness. Among this number, too great to count, are the six African American causes for canonization. They are remarkable women and men whom God called out of the darkness of slavery and unforgiving segregation into the light of sanctity and dignity. They are Mother Mary Lange, Father Augustus Tolton, Mother Henriette DeLille, Pierre Toussaint, Julia Greeley, and, of course, our own Servant of God, Sister Thea Bowman. They are outstanding witnesses of faithful discipleship for the universal church and even more so throughout November which is dedicated to Black Catholic History.

We know that the church was insnared in the evils of slavery and its aftermath, and for this we are called to repentance and the light of a new day. This month we also want to celebrate the church as a loving mother who nurtured the seeds of faith, hope and love through loving service and education within many African American settings.

St. Paul’s words to the Thessalonians is the paradigm for the church as the beating heart of Christ. “Brothers and sisters: We were gentle among you, as a nursing mother cares for her children. With such affection for you, we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, so dearly beloved had you become to us. You recall, brothers and sisters, our toil and drudgery. Working night and day in order not to burden any of you, we proclaimed to you the gospel of God.” (1Thessalonians 2:7-9 and 13)

This was Sister Thea’s experience when the religious brothers, sisters and priests shared their lives in the manner that St. Paul describes. “I was drawn to examine and accept the Catholic faith because of the day to day lived witness of Catholic Christians who first loved me, then shared with me their story, their values, their beliefs; who first loved me, then invited me to share with them in community, prayer and mission. As a child I did not recognize evangelization at work in my life. I did recognize love, service, community, prayer and faith.”

Last weekend on Saturday at the outset of Black Catholic History month, I participated in a parade, walkabout and program in Jonestown, Mississippi in honor of the late Sister Kay Burton, SNJM, a sister of the Names of Jesus and Mary. This religious community was founded by Eulalie Durocher in 1843 in Quebec, Canada. Sister Kay had overseen the development of various Jonestown community services and programs during her thirty years of ministry. The gift is that they continue through local leadership among this generation of Christian collaborators.

On Sunday I participated in the Women’s Day Program sponsored by the Holy Ghost Ladies Auxiliary. Our diocese was fully immersed in the quest for justice and peace in the late Jim Crow years and Civil Rights era, a reality that was gratefully acknowledged during the program. All of this is to say that along with the six Black Catholic women and men on the path of canonization, there are countless other Black Catholics here in our diocese and throughout our nation who are now witnessing, serving, teaching, and evangelizing because the gift they once received continues to flourish.

The participants at the Synod that recently concluded in Rome at the end of October had representation from nearly every county in the world, or as we proclaim, from every nation and tribe, people and language. For them and for all of us may the Holy Spirit deepen our commitment to unity, participation and mission. With St. Paul and Sister Thea, may the beating heart of Christ direct our steps in this life and enflame our vision for the promise of eternal life.

Causa de Seis Santos, un regalo para nuestra diócesis y nación

Por Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.

La Fiesta de Todos los Santos es el portal a principios de noviembre que invita a todos los miembros vivos de la iglesia a trascender el tiempo para ver la Nube de Testigos que rodean el trono del Cordero en el Cielo. Las vidas de los santos revelan el plan supremo de Dios para nosotros en la eternidad y un camino bien definido para que esta vida alcance la meta.

En el libro de Apocalipsis, la visión celestial se compone de una “…gran multitud de todas las naciones, razas, lenguas y pueblos. Estaban en pie delante del trono y delante del Cordero, y eran tantos que nadie podía contarlos. Iban vestidos de blanco y llevaban palmas en las manos”. (7:9)

¡Qué gran regalo de esperanza el apóstol Juan ha dado a la iglesia para cada generación hasta que el Señor regrese!

Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz

De muchas maneras el Señor Jesús moldeó a todos los santos en su singularidad a su imagen y semejanza. Entre este número demasiado grande para contar se encuentran las seis causas afroamericanas de canonización. Son mujeres y hombres extraordinarios a quienes Dios llamó de la oscuridad de la esclavitud y la segregación implacable a la luz de la santidad y la dignidad. Ellos son la Madre Mary Lange, el Padre Augustus Tolton, la Madre Henriette DeLille, Pierre Toussaint, Julia Greeley y, por supuesto, nuestra propia Sierva de Dios, la Hermana Thea Bowman. Ellos son testigos sobresalientes del fiel discipulado de la iglesia universal y más aún durante todo el mes de noviembre, que está dedicado a la Historia Católica Negra.

Sabemos que la iglesia quedó atrapada en los males de la esclavitud y sus consecuencias, y por eso estamos llamados al arrepentimiento y a la luz de un nuevo día. Este mes también queremos celebrar a la iglesia como una madre amorosa que cultivó las semillas de la fe, la esperanza y el amor a través del servicio amoroso y la educación en muchos entornos afroamericanos.

Las palabras de San Pablo a los Tesalonicenses son el paradigma de la iglesia como corazón palpitante de Cristo. “Aunque muy bien hubiéramos podido hacerles sentir el peso de nuestra autoridad como apóstoles de Cristo, nos hicimos como niños entre ustedes. Como una madre que cría y cuida a sus propios hijos, así también les tenemos a ustedes tanto cariño que hubiéramos deseado darles, no sólo el evangelio de Dios, sino hasta nuestras propias vidas. ¡Tanto hemos llegado a quererlos! Hermanos, ustedes se acuerdan de cómo trabajábamos y luchábamos para ganarnos la vida. Trabajábamos día y noche, a fin de no ser una carga para ninguno de ustedes mientras les anunciábamos el evangelio de Dios. Por esto, de nuestra parte, damos siempre gracias a Dios, pues cuando ustedes escucharon el mensaje de Dios que nosotros les predicamos, lo recibieron como mensaje de Dios y no como mensaje de hombres. Y en verdad es el mensaje de Dios, el cual produce sus resultados en ustedes los que creen.” (1 Tesalonicenses 2:7-9 y 13)

Esta fue la experiencia de la hermana Thea cuando los hermanos, hermanas y sacerdotes religiosos compartieron sus vidas de la manera que describe San Pablo. “Me sentí atraída a examinar y aceptar la fe católica debido al testimonio vivido día a día de los cristianos católicos que primero me amaron y luego compartieron conmigo su historia, sus valores, sus creencias; quienes primero me amaron, luego me invitaron a compartir con ellos en comunidad, oración y misión. Cuando era niño no reconocía la evangelización trabajando en mi vida. Reconocí el amor, el servicio, la comunidad, la oración y la fe”.

El sábado pasado, al comienzo del mes de la Historia Católica Negra, participé en un desfile, caminata y programa en Jonestown, Mississippi, en honor a la fallecida Hermana Kay Burton, SNJM, una hermana de los Nombres de Jesús y María. Esta comunidad religiosa fue fundada por Eulalie Durocher en 1843 en Quebec, Canadá. La hermana Kay había supervisado el desarrollo de varios servicios y programas comunitarios de Jonestown durante sus treinta años de ministerio. El regalo es que continúen a través del liderazgo local entre esta generación de colaboradores cristianos.

El domingo participé en el programa del Día de la Mujer patrocinado por la Auxiliar de Damas del Espíritu Santo. Nuestra diócesis estuvo completamente inmersa en la búsqueda de la justicia y la paz en los últimos años de Jim Crow y la era de los Derechos Civiles, una realidad que fue reconocida con gratitud durante el programa. Todo esto quiere decir que junto con las seis mujeres y hombres católicos negros en el camino de la canonización, hay muchos otros católicos negros, aquí en nuestra diócesis y en toda nuestra nación, que ahora están testificando, sirviendo, enseñando y evangelizando porque el don que alguna vez recibieron continúa floreciendo.

Los participantes en el Sínodo, que concluyó recientemente en Roma a finales de octubre, tuvieron representación de casi todos los condados del mundo, o como proclamamos, de cada nación, tribu, pueblo y lengua. Que el Espíritu Santo profundice por ellos y por todos nosotros nuestro compromiso de unidad, participación y misión.

Con San Pablo y la hermana Thea, que el corazón palpitante de Cristo dirija nuestros pasos en esta vida e inflame nuestra visión de la promesa de la vida eterna.

Undertaking the Lord’s Great Commission

By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
How great is your name, O Lord our God, through all the earth! (Psalm 8:2)

During the third weekend of October, the Propagation of the Faith, the world-wide mission arm of the Catholic Church, is at the forefront of World Mission Sunday. This year’s theme chosen by Pope Francis was “Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move.” The Holy Father again shed light on the Emmaus story when the risen Lord walked alongside two forlorn disciples, crushed by the crucifixion. In that encounter their hearts began to burn while walking, they recognized the stranger at table in the breaking of the bread and hurried on eagle’s wings to the other disciples to announce the Good News of the risen Lord’s appearance.

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.

World Mission Sunday magnifies the Great Commission of the Lord, the work of the church every day and in each generation to proclaim the Gospel to all the nations with hearts inflamed at the Eucharistic table, and a joyful sense of going in peace to love and serve the Lord.
There is not a nation on the planet that is beyond the reach of the proclamation of the Good News and the gradual inculturation of the Gospel. Although the channels of modern communication are used widely and can traverse the most remote areas, the church is most faithful to the Lord’s mandate where she has boots on the ground.
The light of the Gospel is often repulsed by the darkness of this world, but God’s grace prevails and many women and men, at home and abroad, embrace the Cross in order to be the Lord’s faithful witnesses. The sacrifice is often heroic in countries where religious persecution is virulent. The yearly review of discrimination and oppression that at times ends in martyrdom, exposes an appalling reality for those under daily duress. Yet, the voice of the Gospel cannot be silenced.

Most of the time those who labor in the Lord’s vineyard where lack of work is never an issue, do so below the radar. All of the church’s corporal and spiritual works of mercy, her commitment to justice and peace, to education, and to health care are all linked to the core work of evangelization. We are who we are and do what we do because we belong to Jesus Christ. “The gift we have received, give as a gift.” (Matthew 10:8)

The Gospel calls forth the best in others and cultivates the grace of a generous soul. “And whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones to drink because he is a disciple – amen, I say to you, he or she will surely not lose their reward.”

Pope Francis, like Pope Benedict and Pope St. John Paul II in our post-modern world, have been joyful missionary disciples, embodying the Gospel from the center of the church and going to the margins of our world to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ with words of hope, justice and peace. Consider Pope Francis memorable pilgrimages in recent years.

During an ecumenical trip to South Sudan and the Republic of the Congo he prayed for reconciliation and a new day of hope for these war-torn nations. During the pandemic he brought the light of Gospel hope where the church has been decimated by war and internecine strive. In Canada he asked forgiveness for the abuse inflicted upon the indigenous peoples by the church and the Canadian government. In Mongolia, he celebrated Mass with the entire Catholic population which is less than the number of persons in our larger parishes.

At this time of terror, tragedy and war in the Holy Lands, Pope Francis has pleaded that “the only side we should be taking is the side of peace.” Whether it is in our own families, in our diocesan parishes exploring the deeper meaning of One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, or the world-wide Synod on Synodality, the beginning and the end of our efforts is the faithful undertaking of the Lord’s Great Commission.

The church of nearly 2,000 years has raised up two incredible saints who are the co-patrons of the Missions. St. Francis Xavier, S.J. whose heart burned and whose feet took him as far as India and Japan. St. Therese of Lisieux, who although her feet did not carry her too far beyond her convent had a heart that God enflamed, transporting her to the ends of the earth by means of prayer and love.

St. Francis Xavier, pray for us! St. Therese, pray for us!