Regocíjate siempre en el Señor

Por Padre Clem Oya
JACKSON – El tercer domingo de Adviento tradicionalmente se llama “Gaudete”, expresión latina que significa “regocijarse.”

Toda la liturgia enfoca nuestras mentes en las razones por las cuales regocijarnos. Las vestimentas del sacerdote y el altar son de color rosa y muestran la naturaleza de la liturgia actual. También hoy se enciende el cirio rosa de la corona de Adviento. Todos estos apuntan a la naturaleza del Adviento mismo, que es un tiempo de gozosa espera del Señor.

Toda la liturgia se presenta de forma resumida en un canto extraído de la carta de San Pablo a los Filipenses: “Alégrense siempre en el Señor. Repito: ¡Alégrense!” Filipenses 4: 4.

¿Por qué debemos regocijarnos?

Tenemos muchas razones para regocijarnos. La principal, sin dudas, es porque el Señor está cerca. Filipenses 4: 5.

El pueblo del Antiguo Testamento, que ni siquiera fue testigo de la primera venida de Cristo, se regocijó. Se regocijaron en la esperanza de la promesa de Dios.

La misión del profeta Sofonías, alrededor del año 640 a. C., llegó como un mensaje de esperanza al pueblo de Israel. Este mismo mensaje es relevante para nosotros hoy.
La condición humana concreta en la que algunos de nosotros estamos ahora mismo; las dificultades sociales, políticas y económicas causadas por esta pandemia (COVID-19) y el aparente caos de la vida humana en todo el mundo podría tentarnos a pensar que no hay motivo para regocijarse, pero como somos cristianos, tenemos un motivo para regocijarnos.

Somos un pueblo de “gozosa esperanza” y un “gozo de esperanza.” Jesús es nuestro gozo, y nada puede separarnos de él.

JACKSON – El espíritu de regocijo se presenta en las fotos compuestas de los rostros alegres y sonrientes de algunos de los asistentes después de la primera Misa en Español en la parroquia de Holy Family, el domingo 5 de diciembre de 2021. (Fotos cortesía del Padre Clem Oya)


Cantar con alegría y orar a Dios por sus bendiciones es en sí mismo una fuente de gozo. La presencia de la Eucaristía en la vida de la Iglesia es una gran bendición que también llama al regocijo. Los cristianos son un pueblo de esperanza. ¿Por qué? La Escritura nos dice que Cristo es nuestra Esperanza y que nuestra Esperanza nunca nos fallará. (cf. Rom. 5: 5)

La esperanza es lo que nos lleva de un día para otro. Incluso mientras seguimos viendo variantes de esta pandemia en diferentes lugares, debemos mantenernos firmes en Cristo. Debemos proyectar pensamientos positivos sobre nuestro futuro. El Señor Jesús vino a este mundo para traer buenas nuevas, o buenas nuevas, a la humanidad y nos ha dado el mandato de proclamar estas “Buenas Nuevas” a todo el mundo.

Pero ¿cómo podemos dar lo que no tenemos? Como dice el antiguo proverbio latino, “Nemo dat quod non habet,” que significa “nadie da lo que no tiene,” los cristianos debemos estar llenos del gozo de la venida del Señor para compartirlo con los demás. La liturgia del domingo “Gaudete”, simplemente dice: ¡DISFRUTE!

Al igual que las personas que acudieron a Juan en el pasaje del evangelio y le preguntaron: “¿Qué debemos hacer?,” algunos de nosotros podemos estar haciendo una pregunta similar al leer este mensaje.

Juan el Bautista, en preparación para el primer advenimiento de Cristo, simplemente les dijo a las multitudes, los recaudadores de impuestos, los soldados y todos los trabajadores públicos que se abstuvieran de hacer a la gente miserable. Les dijo: “No practiquen la extorsión, no acusen falsamente a nadie y estén satisfechos con su salario.” Él instruyó a las multitudes: “El que tiene comida y ropa debe compartir con los que no tienen”. (véase Lucas 3: 10-14)

He aquí una historia de mi experiencia en Mexico:

Hace muchos años cuando estudiaba en Cuernavaca, México, aprendí algo de algunos de los estudiantes universitarios de los Estados Unidos que también habían venido a aprender español en esa ciudad.

Todas las noches, después del programa de intercambio, cada uno de estos jóvenes estudiantes compraba una comida extra y una hermosa flor y caminaba hacia la plaza del mercado, entregando tranquilamente la comida y la flor a cada mendigo, que habitualmente se queda allí, esperando la limosna de gente. Estos jóvenes, jóvenes en años, pero sabios en acción, compartieron de sí mismos. Fue algo que me tocó el corazón y llenó mis ojos de lágrimas. Tú y yo también podemos hacer algo así en este momento. ¡Qué lección tan profunda aprendí de esos jóvenes estudiantes que ellos mismos no tenían casi nada!

Retiro Universal

Sostengo humildemente que este período de la historia humana puede ser un tiempo en el que Dios nos está llamando a un “retiro universal”. Es una especie de viaje espiritual para todos los humanos.

A medida que nos acercamos a la celebración de la Navidad en medio de este viaje espiritual, el evangelio nos desafía a usted y a mí a compartir todo lo que tengamos con los demás. Es el momento de ayudar a los demás. Es un momento para regocijarse en las bendiciones de Dios.
Sería bueno si tú y yo pudiéramos poner hoy una sonrisa en el rostro de alguien.
¡Regocíjate siempre!

Virgen de Guadalupe, siempre llega a todos

Por Berta Mexidor
Siempre, la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe trae color, rosas, música, alegría y muestras de fe en todos los Latinoamericanos asentados en el estado de Mississippi.

La celebración se da, a lo largo y ancho de toda la Diócesis, en cada una de las parroquias católicas con población Hispana.

El obispo Kopacz, eldomingo 12 de diciembre, acompañó en procesión por la tarde a los parroquianos de la Catedral de San Pedro y celebró Misa en la noche en Holy Family de Jackson. Ésta es la primera vez que en esta iglesia, históricamente sirviendo a la comunidad Afrodescendiente del área, se celebra la fiesta de la Guadalupe.

Para el padre Clem Oya, director de la oficina Intercultural de la Diócesis fue también su primera celebración Guadalupana en Mississippi. El domingo 12 de diciembre el padre Clem Oya celebró Misa en St Christopher de Pontotoc y en la noche concelebró con el obispo Kopacz en la parroquia a su cargo, Holy Family, adonde una semana antes, el pasado 5 de diciembre, había hecho historia celebrando la primera Misa en español.

CARTHAGE – Año tras año, los católicos Hispanos de St. Anne dan muestras de su fe celebrando a la Virgen de Guadalupe, esta vez vestida con rebozo y pom-pom en el cabello, típico de las mujeres Guatemaltecas, que en cada ocasión toman turnos para llevar a la Virgen en sus hombros. La comunidad celebra cada año con procesión, música y Misa, no solo a la virgen de Guadalupe, sino además a Santa Ana, abuela de Jesus y patrona de la comunidad y al Cristo Negro de Esquipulas (Foto por Berta Mexidor)

Para el Padre Odel Medina, por el contrario, después de diez años, ésta fue su última celebración de la Guadalupe en Carthage. Esta vez se lleva el recuerdo de una procesión bajo la lluvia, pero con la misma alegría de los nueve años anteriores. “La virgen siempre llega en momentos difíciles y específicos a las personas más vulnerables, “dijo el padre Odel durante su homilía en la Misa de celebración de “nuestra madre, la bienaventurada Virgen Maria,” el sábado 11 de diciembre. ”Para Dios no hay nada imposible,” repitió el Padre Odel varias veces a sus parroquianos, alentándolos a no ver los problemas y tragedias, sino a buscar “la solución al odio, destrucción y ambición de poder…, en la transformación de tu propio corazón,” concluyo el padre Odel.

Para todos los Guadalupanos, el 12 de diciembre es un punto de encuentro, donde quiera que estén, para acercarse a Dios a través de la madre de su hijo Jesucristo. Desde el tres de diciembre comienzan las novenas, en víspera de la celebración. El día nueve, se recuerda con cariño al santo Juan Diego, quien recibió una orden que no podía entender y que a pesar de sus dudas siguió la palabra de encomienda con mucha fe.

Cada persona que conoce la historia de la virgen se identifica con Juan Diego, a quien se le pide evangelizar y llegar a personas poderosas con un mensaje del cielo. Cualquiera, aún en los tiempos del internet, se hubiera llenado de dudas, por la gran envergadura de la misión.
Al final, San Juan Diego cumplió su cometido, con la ayuda del milagro que la virgen hizo al hacerle mostrar la Tilma.

Danza Azteca

Desde esos tiempos los indígenas de la región mostraron su admiración a la virgen danzante y embarazada del salvador del mundo con bailes y cánticos de alegría. La tradición ha continuado hasta estos días y aún para el que no conoce mucho la historia, siempre recuerda que los Latinoamericanos le cantan mañanitas a la virgen y bailan con trajes típicos, muy coloridos en la celebración de su día, tal como si fuera el día de su cumpleaños.

La Catedral de San Pedro en Jackson ha reconocido a Danza Azteca como unos de sus ministerios.

Celia Alemán, coordinadora de la danza, explica que el grupo lleva nueve años de creados y pocos se han ido. Por tres años recibieron la instrucción sobre las rutinas de la danza, de parte de una instructora de Texas y la preparación espiritual en retiros con sacerdotes, para asumir la tarea de bailar para la virgen. Alemán explica que después de años de preparación los miembros saben el significado de cada elemento de la Tilma y de cada baile en específico. Alemán cuenta que ella se enamoró mucho más de la Virgen y de la gran responsabilidad que es bailar para ella.

Esta vez, como cada año, los danzantes se reunieron en un retiro para rezar el Rosario, dar gracias, hacer peticiones y prepararse para recibir la comunión durante las Misas de la Guadalupe.

Cada una de las rutinas danzarías lleva el significado de dar las gracias a Dios por todo, de allí, por ejemplo, el uso de una canasta de frutas, como representación de las cosechas y las gracias a Dios por el sustento.

Cada miembro en la danza Azteca asume su papel con mucha responsabilidad. El grupo cambia de roles cada cierto tiempo, Miguel Solano-hijo es ahora el tamborero, Esmeralda Mondragón y Sonia Granillo tocan el caracol y este año la Sahumadora (portadora del incensario) es Gloria Mondragon.

Los demás miembros del grupo son Dallanara Renk; Felipe, Cecilia y Estrella Mondragón; Elizabeth Orduna; Araceli Peñaloza; Maria Castro; Nadia Garcia; Anita Arellano; Crystal Yañez y de la familia Arellano están Cecilia, Yamin y Lisbeth.

La población Hispana del estado crece, los números de católicos Hispanos también. Danza Azteca de la Catedral estuvieron ocupados este fin de semana en St. Anne Carthage, la Catedral y Holy Family de Jackson; no pueden estar en cada una de las celebraciones guadalupanas en el área de Jackson. Celia comenta además que el grupo planea ampliarse con más miembros para poder asistir a otras iglesias.

Este mismo esfuerzo se real
iza por los danzantes en el norte del estado, Los Matachines de Tupelo y de Southaven.
Por el momento, en St Therese de Jackson se fortalece el grupo Danza Santa Teresa dirigido por Jorge y Patricia Balderas con las danzantes folclóricas Lupita Resendiz, Silvia Mazy, Rosalva y María Balderas.

Las celebraciones a la Virgen de Guadalupe continuarán y cada iglesia encuentra poco a poco el camino para seguir los pasos de San Juan Diego, cumplir la Misión que le ha pedido la Virgen a cada uno de sus hijos.

JACKSON – La parroquia de Holy Family celebró, dos veces en una semana, por primera vez, Misa en Español y Virgen de Guadalupe. Arriba Izq. Los penachos descansan antes que los danzantes vayan a buscarlos. Arriba Der (i-d) Celia Aleman, coordinadora de Danza Azteca de la Catedral San Pedro y Miguel Solano- hijo portan gallardete y rosas. Der. Los adultos muestran a los niños la tradición de ofrendar rosas a la Virgen. (Fotos de Tereza Ma)

JACKSON – La parroquia de Santa Teresa celebró con Mañanitas, procesión, Misa y bailes a la virgen de la Guadalupe. Izq. Danzantes folclóricas Lupita Resendiz, Silvia Mazy, Rosalva y Maria Balderas. (Foto cortesía de Rosalinda Montoya)
VATICANO, Roma – Monjas y peregrinos de América Latina, en la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, festejan con canciones y el rezo del rosario encabezado por el cardenal Marc Ouellet, presidente de la Pontificia Comisión para América Latina y el arzobispo Edgar Peña Parra, secretario suplente de asuntos generales en la Secretaría de Estado del Vaticano, en la Plaza de San Pedro, en el Vaticano, el 12 de diciembre de 2021. (CNS foto / Junno Arocho Esteves)


Jackson St. Therese


Canton Sacred Heart



Jackson St. Peter Cathedral

Oxford St. John the Evangelist


INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) – Jim Liston believes his idea of emphasizing the true meaning of Christmas is so simple that he wonders why it took him so long to think of it. The idea came to Liston as he traveled through the neighborhoods around his Indianapolis home and saw how many people decorated their houses with brilliant light displays and filled their lawns with large, inflated Santas, reindeer and snowmen. It suddenly hit him that he rarely saw another kind of Christmas display. “It’s almost an anomaly when you see a Nativity scene,” said Liston, a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Indianapolis. “We’re in a society where everything about Christmas is glitz and consumerism. The simplicity of the Nativity scene struck me right in the heart. This is what Christmas is all about. I thought, ‘Why don’t I get one?’” Liston not only got one – and loved it – he also had the grand idea to make central Indiana the “Outdoor Nativity Scene Capital of the United States.” He set his plan in motion this year with a two-part approach. He contacted the manufacturer that made his Nativity scene to see if he could negotiate a reduced price for a large order. He also reached out to all the Catholic schools in the Indianapolis deaneries and in nearby Hamilton County to have them ask their families who would be interested in buying a Nativity scene to display in front of their homes.

CLEVELAND (CNS) – As an author and lecturer, Father Donald B. Cozzens, a Cleveland diocesan priest and former seminary rector, shared candid insights on the priesthood, challenging the Catholic Church to confront clericalism and renew its structure. Despite criticism privately and publicly from fellow clergy, Father Cozzens maintained that it was his love of the priesthood that prompted his outspokenness for positive change. Father Cozzens, 82, died Dec. 9 of complications from pneumonia caused by COVID-19. It was Father Cozzens’ book, “The Changing Face of the Priesthood,” published in 2000, that set the course for much of his life after he stepped down as president-rector of St. Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology in the Diocese of Cleveland a year later to focus on teaching and writing. He spent more than 20 years tackling the issues he believed church officials needed to address including transparency in decision-making and welcoming women into a wide role in the church. Other works included “Sacred Silence: Denial and the Crisis in the Church,” “Faith That Dares to Speak,” and “Freeing Celibacy.”

Pope Francis blows out a candle on a 13-foot-long pizza as he celebrates his 81st birthday at the Vatican in this Dec. 17, 2017, file photo. The pope will celebrate his 85th birthday Dec. 17 and, according to his nephew, Jesuit Father José Luis Narvaja, he is still energetic and rarin’ to go. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Although Italy no longer has a 10 p.m. curfew in force as part of its measures to stem the spread of COVID-19, Pope Francis will celebrate the “Christmas Mass at Night” at 7:30 p.m., as he did in 2020. On Dec. 13, the Vatican published the list of Pope Francis’ liturgies for the Christmas season. The schedule begins with what many people refer to as “midnight Mass” although the Mass has not been celebrated at midnight at the Vatican since 2009 when Pope Benedict XVI moved it to 10 p.m. Pope Francis moved it to 9:30 p.m. in 2013, his first Christmas as pope, and to 7:30 p.m. in 2020.

ROME (CNS) – Pope Francis will turn 85 years old Dec. 17. And according to his nephew, Jesuit Father José Luis Narvaja, he is still rarin’ to go. “I see him doing very well, with so much strength; really, he doesn’t seem to be 85,” the Argentine priest told the Italian Catholic magazine, Famiglia Cristiana, for its Dec. 12 issue. Father Narvaja, who is the son of the pope’s youngest sister, the late Marta Regina Bergoglio, said he visited his uncle, the pope, right after his colon surgery in July. Even then, “he was doing well but he was still in a bit of pain, and he told me, ‘Don’t make me laugh, the stitches hurt!’” he said. “He is very active, enthusiastic, he doesn’t stop. He said some people had hoped his illness would make him shut up a little, but it didn’t. He’s doing very well,” said Father Narvaja, who teaches patristics and divides his time between Rome and Cordoba, Argentina. Speaking about his uncle’s approach to his ministry as pontiff, the fellow Jesuit said, “He does what he feels the Spirit is asking of him.”

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (CNS) – When restoration on the Church of the Nativity’s wooden beams and leaking roof began in 2013 with the blessing of the three custodial churches, everyone involved was aware of the historic significance of the venture. It was the first time in 540 years that any repair work was done on the church on the site where Jesus was born. But what the team of workers – including local Palestinian committees and engineers and international restoration experts – did not know was the true impact of the initial ecumenical cooperation. Historically the Franciscans, Greek Orthodox and Armenians jealously guarded their rights in the church, under the 1852 Status Quo agreement that regulates the ownership of spaces in various holy sites as well as the times and duration of religious liturgies. As recently as 2011, Greek Orthodox and Armenian monks came to blows over cleaning rights in a certain area in the church. But with the leaking of the roof endangering the ancient structure, all agreed to undertake the necessary work. And a new era began. “Along the way the three churches noticed the good results that were coming from the cooperation and that it would be good to continue,” said Khouloud Daibes, the new executive director of the Bethlehem Development Foundation.

SOMERSET, England (CNS) – Through the heavy oak door of a 15th-century mansion set in a sweeping, frosty valley comes the sound of singing, backed by a mix of violins, concertinas and woodwinds. “Almighty God, who hast given us thy only begotten Son to take our nature upon him – at this time born of a pure virgin.” When Thomas Clark, a cobbler, composed his Christmas Day liturgical music around 1830, he probably never expected it would still be performed two centuries later. Halsway Manor, in Somerset’s Quantock Hills, has been a center for English folk arts since the 1960s and includes “West Gallery” music by Clark and others on its annual Christmas program. “Although long neglected and forgotten, this music has an intrinsic quality,” explained Dave Townsend, co-founder of Britain’s West Gallery Music Association. “Beneath the surface simplicity of some West Gallery settings, there’s a depth of feeling not found in more expansive music from the period. It was central to people’s lives and deserves historical recognition.”

Featured photo …Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration …

JACKSON – On Dec. 12 at Holy Family parish, Bishop Joseph Kopacz and Father Clem observe a dance performance for Our Lady Guadalupe by “Danza Azteca.” The group is a ministry of Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle and is coordinated by Celia Aleman, who has studied ancestry dances of indigenous from Latin America for nine years. The dancers used incense, the sound of seashells and colorful clothing to represent scenes of the apparition of the Virgin to St. Juan Diego. Tree seeds are also worn on the ankles, that makes rattling sound that accompanies the rhythm of the drums during the dance. (Photos by Tereza Ma)

Calendar of events

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Second printing of Father David O’Connor’s book – A Priestly Pilgrimage, now available. The book is described as “an autobiographical narrative told through the sub-stories of an evolving theology, ministry skills development, cultural transitions, and programs that are responsive to the pastoral needs of God’s people.” Details: His book is available at the parish offices of St. Mary, Assumption and Holy Family churches, at the Natchez Coffee Company (Franklin Street), at Locus Benedictus Retreat Center (Greenwood) or by contacting the author, For a book to be shipped call (601) 442-7250. Cost: $20/plus shipping.

PEARL St. Jude, Sung Mass in Extraordinary Form, first and third Sundays of each month at 6 p.m. Details: church office (601) 939-3181.

COLUMBUS Annunciation, Christmas Youth Choir performance, Friday, Dec. 24, 5:30 p.m. Details: church office (601) 328-2927

HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Weight Loss Support Group, Tuesdays at 9 a.m. Come join us each week as we support each other on our weight loss journey. Details: Liz Brown at (901) 331-3419.

MADISON St. Francis, Ring in Your Faith 10k/5k, Jan. 1, 2022 at 8 a.m. at Old Trace Park in Ridgeland. They will be serving a New Year’s meal of corned beef, black-eyed peas and cabbage. Cost: $30. Details: register at

MERIDIAN St. Patrick, “Mash Bash” Blood Drive, Dec. 28 at the KC Hall. Details:

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, the choir will perform a Christmas program from 7:30-8 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 24, before Christmas Vigil Mass. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.
St. Mary Basilica, Vanguard (Young Adult Ministy), Trivia Night, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 7 p.m. at the Family Life Center. Only $5 to play with prizes available. Also $5 potato bar and $1 soft drinks. BYOB. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.

SENATOBIA Catholic Social Services offices open Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. to assist with food, orientation or financial assistance. Bilingual services/staff available. Details: Please call to make an appointment (662) 560-1991.

STARKVILLE St. Joseph needs volunteers for spring semester food preparation for TND (Tuesday Night Dinners), no previous cooking experience necessary. Details: Joseph Terbrack at

VICKSBURG St. Paul, Children’s Christmas program, Friday, Dec. 24, 5 p.m. Details: Jordan Amborn (601) 415-2524.

YAZOO CITY Children’s Christmas Eve program, Friday, Dec. 24, 6:30 p.m. Details: church office (662) 746-1680.

HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Wednesday night “Open Gym” 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Make plans to come Wednesdays and enjoy food, fun and games. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.

TUPELO St. James, Disciple Now – Rhythms, Jan. 14-16, for 7-12 graders. Cost: $50. Details: email Cara at

FLOWOOD St. Paul, Black & White Ball/Annual Drawdown, Saturday, Feb. 19, 6:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center. Details: church office (601) 992-9547.

MADISON St. Joseph School, Jeans, Jazz & Bruin Blues $10,000 Draw Down, Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022 at the Country Club of Jackson. To sponsor or purchase a draw down ticket visit

In our last edition on the Thanksgiving celebration at St. Patrick Meridian, the cooks name was misspelled. His name is Gary Koca. His family traveled by car, not motorcycle – 1,450 miles is a long way on a bike! We apologize for the error.

Nación y Mundo en fotos

Un belén creado por trabajadores del Instituto Geográfico Nacional con rocas expulsadas del volcán Cumbre Vieja se exhibe en una iglesia en la isla canaria de La Palma, España, el 14 de diciembre de 2021. La erupción de casi tres meses de duración ha causado estragos para los residentes locales. (Foto del CNS / Borja Suarez, Reuters)


School sports

MERIDIAN – Fourth grader, Ayden Rush takes aim in the Knights of Columbus Annual Soccer Challenge. (Photo by Emily Thompson)
JACKSON – St. Richard fifth and sixth grader girls worked on their basketball skills on Saturday, Nov. 13 in the school gym. (Photo by Tereza Ma)

Feast time at St. Patrick parish

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick and St. Joseph parishes had a Thanksgiving feast on Sunday, Nov. 21. Mrs. Teresa LaBiche makes dessert recommendations to Anariah Rue and Scarlett Cayer. (Photos by Tereza Ma)
MERIDIAN – Molly Corbitt Miles has a great conversation with Bishop Joseph Kopacz during the Thanksgiving feast at St. Patrick parish on Nov. 21.

Don’t drop the chili!

GREENVILLE – Thomas Jones has a little fun while packing boxes for the annual food drive for St. Vincent de Paul. (Photo by Nikki Thompson)

Go forth and set the world on fire


Field trip fun

The U.S. has no Black Catholic saints. Could a future one be buried in Memphis?

Sister Thea Bowman, was nationally known for her work to advance the life of her fellow black Catholics in the church. She was 52 when she died of cancer on March 30, 1990, but her legacy as an educator, evangelist and gospel singer lives on. She is pictured in an undated photo in her early years as a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration. (Photo courtesy of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration,

MEMPHIS – Bishop Joseph Kopacz visited Sister Thea Bowman’s gravesite in October 2018, in preparation for taking her cause before the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in November 2018. (Photo by Deacon Ted Schreck)

U.S. bishops spotlight programs on Eucharist, young people, moms in need

By Catholic News Service
BALTIMORE – The U.S. bishops spotlighted two major initiatives focused on the central role of the Eucharist Nov. 17, the second of two days of public sessions of their fall general assembly.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a 26-page statement, “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church,” with 222 “yes” votes, and also OK’d plans for a three-year National Eucharistic Revival that will culminate with the National Eucharistic Congress 2024 in Indianapolis.

On other matters, they were invited to take a multicultural journey with young Catholics to Chicago next June; were urged to implement a framework for marriage and family ministry that they had approved at their spring assembly in June; agreed to begin review of the “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People” earlier than planned; and heard how the pandemic may have slowed but not stopped a pro-life initiative called “Walking With Moms in Need.”

They approved guidelines governing the USCCB’s financial investments that include wider limits on where money would be invested. The guidelines advance a policy of engagement on corporate practices that impact human dignity.
The prelates, meeting in person for a national gathering for the first time since 2019, also approved guidelines for the exposition of the Eucharist and Benediction, affirmed sainthood causes for three U.S. laypeople, approve revisions of statutes for the catechumenate and voted for revised English- and Spanish-language editions of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.

Bishops attend a Nov. 16, 2021, session of the fall general assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is the first in-person bishops’ meeting since 2019. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)

The bishops assigned a feast date to St. Teresa of Kolkata – Sept. 5, the death date in 1997 for the founder of the Missionaries of Charity. It will be an optional memorial on the U.S. liturgical calendar.

Their vote on the Eucharist statement came a day after their discussion of the document – a discussion that was markedly different than their debate in June about what it could potentially contain, namely a call for President Joe Biden and Catholic politicians who support abortion to be denied Communion. But the final document had nothing like that and is addressed to all Catholics in the United States.

It “endeavors to explain the centrality of the Eucharist in the life of the church,” said Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, chairman of the bishops’ doctrine committee, in a short presentation on the statement Nov. 16. It “addresses the fundamental doctrine about the Eucharist that the church needs to retrieve and revive.”
Even bigger than the statement is the plan for the three-year eucharistic revival, ending with the National Eucharistic Congress 2024 in Indianapolis. The bishops approved it 201-17, with five abstentions.

The revival will officially start on the feast of Corpus Christi, June 16, 2022, with a diocesan focus that will include eucharistic processions and other events of adoration and prayer around the country. In 2023, the emphasis will be on parishes and resources aimed at increasing Catholics’ understanding of what the Eucharist really means.

As chairman of the bishops’ Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, Auxiliary Bishop Andrew H. Cozzens of St. Paul and Minneapolis, who was recently named bishop of Crookston, Minnesota, gave the bishops details about this planned revival just before they voted on it.

The revival could be a time of healing for the entire church, he said, as well as a movement of evangelization and a reawakening of understanding of the sacrament of the Eucharist for Catholics across the country.

Philadelphia Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez invited fellow bishops to a national gathering in Chicago in June to participate with young Catholics in a dialogue about issues of culture, racism and inclusion through the prism of faith.

“Perhaps it was the Holy Spirit’s way of telling us bishops that we really needed to take time to listen to young people, those who minister to them and, especially, those who are in the peripheries, feeling unimportant and unloved, and often alienated from the church,” Archbishop Pérez said Nov. 17. He is chairman of the bishops’ Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church.

He detailed the opportunity the coronavirus pandemic has provided in facilitating virtual gatherings between young Catholics and bishops over the last year and a half. More than 60 bishops have joined virtual gatherings as part of a process called “Journeying Together,” he said.

The gatherings have taken place online in the midst of a pandemic, under “social unrest, racial reckoning, and the polarization affecting U.S. society,” he said. The process created “an opportunity for bishops, young adults, youth ministers and campus ministers, and leaders of various other ministries with young people, to engage in respectful yet honest dialogue in matters of faith, culture, racism, inclusion and the issues that affect them as young people,” he explained.

The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth called on his fellow bishops to work “in every way possible” to implement the national pastoral framework for marriage and family ministry that they approved in June.

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco said that addressing marriage and family life is vital in a time when families are under increasing threats from “sweeping ideological currents that destroy and undermine our sexual identity as man and woman and God-given vocations as father and mother, son or daughter.” Bolstering marriage and family ministry is an appropriate undertaking to start during the “Amoris Laetitia Family Year,” declared by Pope Francis, the archbishop said.

Titled “Called to the Joy of Love: A Pastoral Framework for Marriage and Family Life Ministry,” the document can serve as a practical guidebook to serve couples and families because it offers an adaptable set of principles and strategies for pastoral care, he said.

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, chairman of the bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, told his fellow bishops that the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities’ “Walking with Moms in Need” initiative may have been slowed by the coronavirus pandemic, but it has by no means stopped helping expectant mothers from any walk of life. It was launched March 25, 2020, just as the pandemic began to take hold.

This initiative “has the capacity to take what is often seen as a partisan divide and transform it into pastoral unity, bridging the divide between Catholics who describe themselves using the labels of ‘pro-life’ or ‘social justice,'” he said. “The vision of WWMIN is that a pregnant or parenting mother in need can turn to any local Catholic parish and be connected with the life-affirming assistance and accompaniment that she needs.”

A bishop looks over paperwork Nov. 16, 2021, during a session of the fall general assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is the first in-person bishops’ meeting since 2019. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)

The initiative’s website is

In presentations at end of the Nov. 17 public session:
– Anna Gallagher, executive director of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, told the bishops 3 million to 11 million people in the U.S. could soon benefit from some type of immigration reform.
– Auxiliary Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville of Washington, chairman of the USCCB’s migration committee, asked his fellow prelates to advocate, pray and walk with immigrants in their respective dioceses.
– From Haiti to Afghanistan, the work of Catholic Relief Services has focused on responding to the impact of climate change, natural disasters such as earthquakes, hunger, meager farm production and developing education for children, reported Bishop Frank J. Caggiano of Bridgeport, Connecticut, president of the CRS board of directors. He gave the presentation with Sean Callahan, CRS president and CEO.
– Dominican Sister Donna Markham, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA, told the bishops the national network of Catholic Charities agencies had provided $5.1 billion in assistance in the last year, much of it connected to the economic fallout caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
– The synodal process the church is entering into is meant to show that “no one is unimportant in this time of listening,” said Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville, Texas. The bishop, a member of the USCCB’s Committee on Doctrine and voted its chairman-elect during the assembly, said the process over the next seven months must involve the participation of the whole church “listening together, praying together, discerning together.”

At sunrise Nov. 18 outside the hotel where the bishops held their assembly, Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, Boston Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley and six other Catholic prelates joined survivors of sex abuse, some the victims of clergy in an invitation-only walk to pray for an end to the “evil” of abuse and call for a day of prayer for survivors and an end to the abuse.

(Contributing to this story were Carol Zimmermann, Dennis Sadowski, Rhina Guidos and Mark Pattison.)

Let us give thanks

By Tereza Ma
MERIDIAN – Sunday, Nov. 21 was a special day for the parishes of St. Patrick and St. Joseph in Meridian. After two years the parishes were able to celebrate with their annual Thanksgiving feast and were joined by Bishop Joseph Kopacz, also celebrating the feast of Christ the King at Mass with Father Augustine Palimattam.

Parishioners were thankful for many things. Here are a few of their responses:
– Valeria Rangel is thankful for the Spanish and English speaking parishioners to get together as community. “Even though we have different Mass times, speak in different languages and have different cultures, it is wonderful to come together.”

– For Ken Woodward the dinner was a renewal of the community. “It leads us to Christ because we are the body of Christ. On this day as we honor him as King of Kings, what better way to do it than enjoying community with our brothers and sisters and enjoy a meal together.”

– Lucila Vargas, originally from Columbia, has been a member of St. Patrick for 46 years. She has enjoyed the tradition of the parish gathering to give thanks and enjoy a meal, as in her home country “they normally just go to church and give thanks to the Lord.”

– Dorethea Cole of St. Joseph parish loves the way that both parishes “get together as one Catholic community.”

– Tina Nadeau traveled 1,450 miles from South Dakota by motorcycle for the event to spend her mom’s birthday with her and enjoy Thanksgiving together with her mother and stepdad, who cooked for the parish feast. “It is so special to be here and give thanks.”

MERIDIAN – Bishop Joseph Kopacz and Father Augustine Palimattam celebrate Mass on Nov. 21 for Feast of Christ the King, prior to the huge Thanksgiving celebration for the St. Patrick and St. Joseph Catholic community. (Photos by Tereza Ma)
Father Augustine and Bishop Kopacz visit with parishioners before taking stroll to the parish center to enjoy the annual Thanksgiving meal.
Gerry Cober who prepared many delicious items on the menu, visits with parishioners to see how they are enjoying the meal. He had family come visit from South Dakota for the event and Thanksgiving.
Father Aaron Williams shared a laugh with parishioners during the feast.
Valeria Rantel with her mom and two siblings head into the community center to share thanks and a meal.