Straining to hear the voice of Good Friday

By Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI
They shall look upon the one whom they have pierced! A phrase that names the voice that’s left behind on Good Friday.

In 1981, an anonymous young girl was brutally raped and murdered by the military at an obscure location in El Salvador, fittingly called La Cruz (the Cross). Her story was reported by a journalist named Mark Danner. In his account of this, Danner describes how after a particular massacre some soldiers shared how one of their victims haunted them and how they could not get her out of their minds long after her death.

They had plundered a village and raped many of the women. One of these was a young girl, an evangelical Christian, whom they had raped many times in a single afternoon and tortured. However, throughout it all, this young girl, clinging to her belief in Christ, had sung hymns. The soldiers who had violated and eventually executed her were haunted by that. Here are Danner’s words:

Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI

“She kept right on singing, too, even after they had done what had to be done and shot her in the chest. She had lain there on La Cruz with the blood flowing from her chest and had kept on singing – a bit weaker than before, but still singing. And the soldiers, stupefied, had watched and pointed. Then they had grown tired of the game and shot her again, and she sang still, and their wonder began to turn to fear – until finally they had unsheathed their machetes and hacked her neck, and at last the singing had stopped.” (The Massacre at El Mozote, N.Y., Vintage Books, 1994, pp. 78-79.)

They shall look upon her whom they have pierced! Notice the feminine pronoun here because in this instance the one who is looked upon after being pierced is a woman. Dying such a violent, unjust, and humiliating death with faith in her heart and on her lips makes her the crucified Christ, and not just because she (like all Christians) is a member of the Body of Christ. Rather because at this moment, in this manner of death, with this kind of faith overt in her person, like Jesus, she is leaving behind a voice that cannot be silenced and which will haunt those who have done violence to her and all the rest of us who hear about it.

What haunted those soldiers? The haunting here is not that of some wounded spirit that now seeks retribution by frightening us and forever unsettling our dreams. Nor is it the haunting we feel in bitter regret, when we recognize a huge, unredeemable mistake which had we foreseen the consequences of, we would never have made. Rather, this is the voice that haunts us whenever we silence, violate, or kill innocence. It’s a voice which we then know can never be silenced and which irrespective of the immediate emotions it evokes in us, we realize we can never be free from, and which paradoxically invites us not to fear and self-hatred but to what it embodies.

Gil Bailie, who makes this story a corner-piece in his monumental book on the cross and non-violence, notes not just the remarkable similarity between her manner of death and Jesus’, but also the fact that, in both cases, part of the resurrection is that their voices live on.

In Jesus’ case, nobody witnessing his humiliating death on a lonely hillside, with his followers absent, would have predicted that this would be the most remembered death in history. The same is true for this young girl. Her rape and murder occurred in a very remote place and all of those who might have wanted to immortalize her story were also killed. Yet her voice survives, and will no doubt continue to grow in history long after all those who violated her are forgotten. A death of this kind morally scars the conscience and leaves behind a permanent echo that nobody can ever silence.

When we parse out all that’s contained in that echo, when we take a reflective look at Jesus on the cross or at the death of this young evangelical, we cannot but feel a wound at a gut level. To gaze upon the one whom we have pierced, Jesus or any innocent victim, is to know (in a way that undercuts all culpable and invincible ignorance) that the voice of self-interest, injustice, violence, brutality, and rape will ultimately be silenced in favor of the voice of innocence, graciousness and gentleness. Yes, faith is true.

A critic reviewing Danner’s book in the New York Times tells how, after reading this story, he kept “straining hopelessly to hear the sound of that singing.”

In our churches on Good Friday, we read aloud the Gospel account of Jesus’ death. Listening to that story, like the soldiers who brutally murdered an innocent young, faith-filled woman, we are made to look upon the one whom we have pierced. We need to strain to hear more consciously the sound of that singing.

(Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser is a theologian, teacher and award-winning author. He can be contacted through his website

O Come Let Us Adore Him: Eucharistic Devotions

By Ruth Powers

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday celebrates one of the central beliefs of the Catholic Church: that Christ is totally, physically present in bread and wine of the Eucharist. The appearance remains that of bread and wine, but the essence becomes Christ through His gift to us at the consecration of the Mass. This was the belief from the very earliest days of the church, as attested in the letters of St. Paul; and from this belief grew the practice of treating the consecrated bread and wine with special reverence since it is, after all, Jesus himself.

The practice of reserving the Blessed Sacrament outside of Mass has a long history in the church. In the earliest centuries, the purpose was to reserve it to take to the sick and dying, as described by St. Justin Martyr and Tertullian. However, once Christianity was legalized and worship could be public, there is reference to reserving part of it in special containers for adoration outside of Mass. St. Basil the Great is described as reserving a part of the Eucharist in a container shaped like a dove in a description from A.D. 379. As Christianity spread throughout Europe, churches began to be built with tabernacles on or above the altar for the reservation of the consecrated bread although there is little specific mention of specific practices for adoration.

Ruth Powers

In 1079 Pope Gregory VII began something of a “Eucharistic Renaissance” in Europe when he issued a statement affirming the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist after a prominent cleric had denied it. From this time forward, we see the development of Eucharistic processions, special acts of adoration, encouragement of visits to the church to adore the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle and a renewed emphasis on adoration by members of religious orders. Members of the Benedictine order in France and England took the lead in promoting adoration there while St. Francis of Assisi is credited with introducing the practice in Italy. The host began to be elevated at the consecration of the Mass so that people could adore (the elevation of the chalice came later, after the Council of Trent).

In 1264, Pope Urban IV instituted the feast of Corpus Christi in recognition of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The great theologian St. Thomas Aquinas wrote the text and hymns for the Mass and the Office of the feast, some of which are still in use today like Panis Angelicus, Pange Lingua, Tantum Ergo, and O Salutaris Hostia. Around this same time, we begin to see the devotion that would come to be known later as Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, where the Eucharist is exposed for adoration for a time and then used to bless the people. By the 15th century, elaborate containers for exposition of the Eucharist, called monstrances, became popular.

In the wake of the Protestant Reformation, the Council of Trent emphasized the Real Presence in response to Protestant insistence that the Eucharist was only symbolic. The Council declared that Eucharistic adoration was a form of latria, or worship of God. The Council further stated that “the Sacrament, therefore, is to be honored with extraordinary festive celebrations (and) solemnly carried from place to place in processions according to the praiseworthy universal rite and custom of the holy church. The Sacrament is to be publicly exposed for the people’s adoration.” Growing from this pronouncement was the practice of “Forty Hours” where continuous prayer and meditation is made for forty continuous hours before the exposed Eucharist. Some religious orders also performed perpetual adoration, where the Eucharist was exposed 24 hours a day and someone was always in prayer before it. By the 18th century, promotion of quiet personal visits to churches to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, called Holy Hours, were being promoted by saints such as Alphonsus Ligouri and Benedict Joseph Labre. St. Alphonsus explained that a visit to the Blessed Sacrament is the practice of loving Jesus since friends who love each other visit frequently.

After a brief decline in the early 19th century, Eucharistic devotions became popular again in the late 19th through the mid-20th centuries. Eucharistic Congresses, large meetings to promote devotion to Christ in the Eucharist, became popular events. Unfortunately, both understanding of and devotion to the Eucharist has declined precipitously in recent years. A 2020 Pew Research study found that more than two-thirds of Catholics, including those who attend Mass regularly, do not believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist! They believe it is only a symbol. Because of this decline in the understanding and devotion to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has begun a three year plan to focus on the Eucharist and has declared a “Year of the Eucharist” beginning on the Feast of Corpus Christi this year. The focus period will culminate in a national Eucharistic Congress in 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Spend some time in the upcoming months renewing or deepening your faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

(Ruth Powers is the program coordinator for St. Mary Basilica Parish in Natchez.)

Wisdom for Lent

On Ordinary Times
By Lucia A. Silecchia

It is likely that, for many, a significant number of favorite family photos are snapped around a dinner table.

Among the most joyful of those photos are the ones in which there are new faces around that table – when marriages, births, engagements, adoptions, friendships, and the bonds of neighborliness draw more people, with love, into the family circle.

Some of the saddest of those photos are the ones in which loved ones are missing. Perhaps death parted them from their families. Perhaps ill health, travel difficulties, competing obligations, work responsibilities, military deployments, canceled flights, limited funds, divorce or other estrangements kept others away. Whatever the reasons, absence brings sadness or emptiness in its wake.

Then, there are the bittersweet family photos. These are the ones in which there are both new faces and missing loved ones. These are the ones when there are new people drawn into the heart of the family’s love at the same time that others, also beloved, are not there.

Lucia A. Silecchia

I have been thinking about this as I anticipate the Easter season, soon to be upon us.

At the great Vigil of Easter, new sisters and brothers in Christ will join us, fully, around the table of the Lord when we will worship together with that special joy that comes when new members of the family are with us. For months, we have prayed for our catechumens and candidates; for weeks we have met them through the scrutinies of Lent; for much of the past year they have joined us in our parish life, in eager anticipation of the Baptisms, Confirmations and First Holy Communions of Eastertide. As is true of any family, the joy of welcoming new members and gathering to celebrate the Eucharist with them for the first time and after is a source of great happiness and celebration.

Yet, this joy may be a bit bittersweet if there are also loved ones missing from our celebrations – loved ones who will not be with their parish families for the great celebrations of Easter and beyond.
Some, certainly, have been separated by death. The realities of this have been particularly painful these past two years as the shadow of mortality has been on the minds of many. For those who have passed from this life, may God bless you as you journey on your way to your true home.

But so many others are missing from our parish communities for myriad reasons that are as unique as they are. It may be that they cannot physically come to Mass – or can only come with the assistance of others that may be hard to find. It may be that they are burdened by the exhausting challenges of demanding jobs, young children, long hours, or over commitments to other things – even other things that are good. It may be a hurt, pain or bad memory that keeps some afar. For others it may be a single time when a lack of hospitality or an unkind word was just enough to turn them away.

It may be that because our fast-paced world does not value Sabbath rest as it once did, there is pressure to use Sunday as a catch-up day before a new week begins. It may be a lack of opportunities to learn about the faith – and the difficulty that it is to love what is unknown or misunderstood. It may be the deep struggle of wrestling with a challenging teaching or practice of the Church. It may be guilt about a past mistake, the convenience of viewing Mass on-line, fear of close contacts, or a language barrier that makes participation difficult. It may be disillusionment engendered by scandal or bad example. It may be pressure from friends or family hostile to or skeptical about faith. It may be grief about something so deep it has shaken faith to its core. It may be a million other things known only to God.

But, the gatherings of our faith communities are poorer whenever someone, anyone, is missing – just as our own families are poorer in the absence of a loved one.

Maybe, as the Easter season comes, it can beckon each of us to think of one person we know who might be missing from our parish celebrations. We may know that person well, or casually; we may know why he or she is away, or we may not; we may have wise words of wisdom to share, or, more than likely, we may not.

But, as spring comes, as Covid-19 wanes, and as the greatest celebration of the Christian year arrives, this may be the perfect opportunity to invite someone to join us – not just for the Easter season, but also for the ordinary times to follow. There is no substitute for a personal invitation. Christ, after all, called each of His apostles, individually, by name. This Easter season may give us the chance to call someone by name to join us as our family gathers again to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ.
The joy of welcoming our new brothers and sisters will be so much sweeter if our churches are filled with the whole family that welcomes them.

To my new sisters and brothers in Christ – welcome! To my returning sisters and brothers in Christ – welcome back! May God bless us all as we journey together through the joys of Easter, as a family together now and in ordinary times.

God bless you and yours as Lent gives way to Easter.

(Lucia A. Silecchia is a Professor of Law at the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America.)

Pornografía y Castidad

La pornografía es la mayor adicción en el mundo de hoy, y por un amplio margen. Afecta principalmente a los hombres, pero también es una adicción creciente entre las mujeres. Gran parte de esto, por supuesto, se debe a su fácil y gratuita disponibilidad en Internet. Todos ahora (incluidos nuestros propios niños pequeños) tienen acceso inmediato desde la privacidad de sus teléfonos o computadoras portátiles, y en el anonimato. Ya no tendrás que escabullirte a alguna sección sórdida de la ciudad para ver lo prohibido. Hoy en día, la pornografía está ganando una mayor aceptación en la corriente principal. ¿Cuál es el daño o la vergüenza en ello?

Padre Ron Rolheiser, OMI

De hecho, ¿cuál es el daño o la vergüenza en ello? Para un número creciente de personas hoy en día, no hay daño ni vergüenza en ello. Su punto de vista es que, cualquiera que sea su desventaja, la pornografía es la liberación de la antigua represión sexual religiosa. De hecho, muchas personas lo ven como una expresión saludable de la sexualidad (sorprendentemente, esto incluye incluso a algunas escritoras feministas). Los personajes de la televisión dominante bromean sobre su colección de pornografía, como si fuera tan inocente como una colección de viejos álbumes favoritos, y tengo colegas que argumentan que nuestra resistencia a ella simplemente delata la represión sexual. El sexo es hermoso, argumentan, entonces, ¿por qué tenemos miedo de mirarlo?

¿Qué tiene de malo la pornografía? Casi todo, y no sólo desde una perspectiva moral.

Comencemos con el argumento: el sexo es hermoso, entonces, ¿por qué tenemos miedo de mirarlo? Esa lógica tiene razón en una cosa, el sexo es hermoso, tan hermoso de hecho que necesita ser protegido de su propio poder. Decir que se puede mirar como uno podría mirar una hermosa puesta de sol es ingenuo, religiosa y psicológicamente. Religiosamente, se nos dice que nadie puede mirar a Dios y vivir. Eso también es cierto para el sexo. Su misma luminosidad necesita un velo. Además, es psicológicamente ingenuo argumentar que este tipo de intimidad profunda puede exhibirse públicamente. No puede y no debe. La exhibición pública de ese tipo de intimidad viola todas las leyes de decoro y respeto por aquellos involucrados en esta intimidad y los que miran. Como todas las cosas profundamente íntimas, necesita un velo adecuado.

Luego, al hablar de la belleza del sexo y del cuerpo humano, debemos hacer una distinción entre desnudez y desnudo. Cuando un buen artista pinta un cuerpo desnudo, la desnudez sirve para resaltar la belleza de toda la persona, cuerpo y alma, incluida su sexualidad. En un desnudo, la sexualidad está conectada con la totalidad, con el alma; cuánto al contrario con la desnudez. Expone el cuerpo humano de una manera que destruye su integridad, separa su alma y escinde el sexo de toda la persona.

 Cuando esto sucede, y eso es precisamente lo que sucede en la pornografía, el sexo se convierte en algo sin alma, escindido, mecánico, sin un significado profundo, bipolar, algo de lo que necesitas volver a tu ser real. Y, cuando eso sucede, toda profundidad desaparece y entonces, como escribe W.H. Auden , todos sabemos las pocas cosas que nosotros, como mamíferos, podemos hacer.

Lamentablemente, hoy para muchos de nuestros jóvenes, especialmente los niños, la pornografía es su educación sexual inicial, y es una que puede dejar una huella permanente en ellos.

Esa huella puede tener efectos a largo plazo en la forma en que entienden el significado del sexo, cómo respetan o no respetan a las mujeres y cómo captan o no el vínculo vital y conmovedor entre el sexo y el amor. La pornografía, y no solo en los jóvenes, puede dejar cicatrices difíciles de superar. El argumento en contra es que la pornografía bien puede deformar inicialmente la visión de un adolescente pero que esto se curará una vez que madure y se enamore de verdad. Mi esperanza es que esto sea cierto, pero mi preocupación es que la impronta inicial pueda, a largo plazo, manchar la forma en que una persona se enamora y especialmente cómo entiende la reciprocidad radical que se le pide al sexo en el amor. Tal es el poder potencial de la pornografía.

Más allá de todo esto, se podría argumentar con fuerza que la pornografía (en su producción y visualización) es violencia contra la mujer y que la pornografía sutil y no tan sutilmente promueve la violencia contra la mujer. Finalmente, en una cultura que se enorgullece sobre todo de su sofisticación y liberación, sobre todo de su liberación de muchos de nuestros antiguos tabúes religiosos, uno duda incluso en mencionar la palabra “castidad” en este contexto. ¿Se atreve uno a decir que la pornografía es mala porque es la antítesis misma de la castidad? ¿Se atreve uno a usar la castidad como argumento cuando en su mayor parte nuestra cultura desdeña la castidad, la compadece y reserva un cinismo particular para los grupos religiosos que aún defienden el viejo adagio, “guárdalo para tu cónyuge”? Peor aún, es el cinismo de hoy frente a la idea de permanecer castos para Jesús.

Pero, la idea de la castidad incrusta el sexo dentro del romance, lo sagrado, el compromiso, la comunidad y el alma, mientras que la pornografía lo retrata como sin alma y lo incrusta en una privacidad enfermiza. Así que los dejo con la pregunta: ¿cuál hace del sexo algo sucio?

(El padre oblato Ron Rolheiser es teólogo, maestro y autor galardonado. Se le puede contactar a través de su sitio web Ahora en Facebook

María, mujer que hace maravillas vs. los artífices de la guerra

By Hosffman Ospino Catholic News Service

Nuestro mundo observa con tristeza y confusión la invasión de Ucrania, una nación soberana, por parte de su vecino, Rusia, un país exponencialmente más poderoso a nivel político, económico y militar.

Es notable el nivel de preocupación que existe en cuanto a las consecuencias que esta situación puede tener. Algunos temen la desestabilización de Europa y posiblemente de otras partes del mundo. Otros piensan que estas acciones pueden motivar a otras naciones grandes a invadir a sus vecinos más pequeños. Más aterrador es la posibilidad de una guerra mundial usando armas nucleares.

Dr. Hoffsman Ospino

En tan sólo unas semanas, el uso despiadado de poder por parte de Rusia contra Ucrania ha llevado a muchas naciones a contemplar más abiertamente la idea de una mayor militarización. Varios países están anunciando incrementos en los presupuestos militares. La producción y distribución de armas, legal e ilegalmente, seguramente se dispararán.

Este es un momento que parece propicio para aquellos líderes que en lugar de buscar el bien común de los pueblos a los que están llamados a servir, prefieren servir como artífices de la guerra. Prácticamente la mayoría de estos artífices de la guerra, abusando su poder para infligir dolor y muerte, son varones. ¿Les podemos llamar líderes? ¿Qué idea de liderazgo reside en sus mentes y corazones?

La invasión de Ucrania por parte de Rusia no es el único conflicto armado que puede generar disrupciones regionales y globales. Otras naciones se encuentran actualmente sumidas en guerras civiles, luchas contra grupos terroristas y confrontaciones con grupos de crimen organizado, como en el caso de los carteles de la droga.

El número de personas que pierden la vida en esos conflictos es simplemente perturbador. Un ser humano que muera como resultado de la guerra ya es exceso. Nuestro mundo parece haber desarrollado cierta tolerancia hacia los conflictos violentos y las muertes que resultan de la guerra. Muchas personas están siendo desplazadas, familias separadas y futuros arruinados. No olvidemos que por lo general son las mujeres, los niños y los ancianos quienes pagan el precio más alto de las guerras.

Quisiera gritar, “¡basta!” Por el bien de todos, de nuestros hijos e hijas y de nuestras familias, por el futuro de nuestro mundo, “por favor, basta”. Si tan sólo hubiera una manera simple de contener esta absurdidad. Me siento como una voz en el desierto. Sin embargo, no una voz que está sola. Mi voz se une a otras voces. Pero, ¿quién está escuchando? Oigo al papa Francisco y a otros líderes clamar por la paz. ¿Quién está escuchando?

¿Puede alguien hacer algo con relación a esta situación? Al hablar sobre la guerra y sus consecuencias con mis hijos, quienes son pequeños, me preguntan si hay alguien como la Mujer Maravilla, refiriéndose a la película del año 2017 sobre esta heroína ficcional, quien pueda entrar al campo de batalla, derribar tanques, evitar proyectiles y detener guerras.

¿Puede alguien como ella confrontar a los artífices de la guerra en nuestro tiempo? En la película, la Mujer Maravilla se enfrenta a Ares, el dios griego de la guerra, quien vive incógnito entre los humanos promoviendo conflicto, lo detiene y lo derrota.

Al escucharles, sonrío y desearía que fuera así de fácil. Al mismo tiempo se me ocurre que tenemos a María, la madre de Jesús, una mujer que hace maravillas. En tiempos de guerra y dificultad, por siglos los católicos hemos girado nuestra atención hacia ella en oración. No es en vano que uno de sus títulos más conocidos sea el de Reina de la paz.

El viernes 25 de marzo del 2022 estuve en una Misa con cientos de personas, unido al papa Francisco y a millones de católicos en el mundo entero, consagrando a la humanidad y especialmente a Ucrania y a Rusia, al Inmaculado Corazón de María.

Creo que es por medio de acciones como ésta que la Virgen María hace grandes maravillas. Veo a María confrontando a los artífices de la guerra en nuestro día reuniéndonos, en el nombre de Jesús, para contemplar y afirmar la dignidad de todo ser humano. Me parece que tal es el regalo más maravilloso que puede detener cualquier guerra.

(Ospino es profesor de teología y educación religiosa en Boston College.)

Call for consecration originated with Our Lady of Fatima

By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
The feast of the Annunciation, March 25 which celebrates the moment in which Mary accedes in all wonder and mystery to be the mother of God’s beloved Son, takes on added significance this year in response to Pope Francis’ call to the church to consecrate Russia and the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz

For nearly a month now, there is a desperate plea and prayer for peace for the people of the Ukraine. Our prayer is not limited to this conflict but reaches out to all war-torn nations in our world. However, the inspiration to consecrate a nation, in particular, Russia, afflicted by communism, to the Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart originated with Our Lady of Fátima, based on her apparitions reported in 1917 by three shepherd children at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal.

The three children were Lucía dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto. The apparitions occurred between May 13, 1917 and Sept. 13, 1917. The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was first requested on July 13, 1917 as World War I raged and the menace of communism was advancing.

Pope Francis’ decision to consecrate Russia and the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the Solemnity of the Annunciation comes at another crucial time for the church and the world. The Ukraine’s Latin Rite Bishops made the appeal to Pope Francis after Russia launched its invasion on Feb. 24, one month ago.

This is not the first time that the Vicar of Christ, the Bishop of Rome, has consecrated nations and peoples to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In the aftermath of the assassination attempt on his life in 1981, St. Pope John Paul II immediately thought of consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and he himself composed a prayer for what he called an “Act of Entrustment,” which was to be celebrated in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major on June 7, 1981, the Solemnity of Pentecost. The following is the part which refers specifically to the Act of Entrustment:

“Mother of all individuals and peoples, you know all their sufferings and hopes. In your motherly heart you feel all the struggles between good and evil, between light and darkness, that convulse the world: accept the plea which we make in the Holy Spirit directly to your heart and embrace with the love of the Mother and Handmaid of the Lord those who most await this embrace, and also those whose act of entrustment you too await in a particular way. Take under your motherly protection the whole human family, which with affectionate love we entrust to you, O Mother. May there dawn for everyone the time of peace and freedom, the time of truth, of justice and of hope.”

In order to respond more fully to the requests of Our Lady, the Holy Father desired to make more explicit during the Holy Year of the Redemption the Act of Entrustment of May 7, 1981, which had been repeated in Fatima on May 13, 1982.

On March 25, 1984 in St. Peter’s Square, while recalling the fiat uttered by Mary at the Annunciation, the Holy Father, in spiritual union with the Bishops of the world, who had been convoked beforehand, entrusted all men and women and all peoples to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in terms which recalled the heartfelt words spoken in 1981.

In a 1989 handwritten letter, Sister Lucia said that Pope John Paul’s consecration of the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was “accepted in heaven.” The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said the consecration had been completed to Sister Lucía’s satisfaction. “The decision of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to make public the third part of the secret of Fatima brings to an end a period of history marked by tragic human lust for power and evil, yet pervaded by the merciful love of God and the watchful care of the Mother of Jesus and of the church.” (The Message of Fatima, 2000)

On Friday, March 25 there will be prayers of consecration rising up to heaven from all over the world. Our diocese will be in solidarity with the universal church with a special holy hour of consecration at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle in Jackson, followed by Mass for the Solemnity of the Annunciation. Likewise, there will be prayer throughout the diocese.

Cardinal Ratzinger as head of the Congregation on the Doctrine of the Faith wrote in the 2000 document, “The Message of Fatima” that “we believe that the action of God, the Lord of history, and the co-responsibility of men and women in the drama of God’s creative freedom, are the two pillars upon which human history is built. Our Lady, who appeared at Fatima, recalls these forgotten values. She reminds us that humanity’s future is in God, and that we are active and responsible partners in creating that future.”
The following is an excerpt from the prayers that will rise like incense on the Solemnity of the Annunciation.

“Most Holy Virgin Mary, tender Mother of men and women, to fulfill the desires of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the request of the Vicar of Your Son on earth, we consecrate Russia and the Ukraine to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and we recommend to You, all the people of our country and all the world. Please accept our consecration, dearest Mother, and use us as You wish to accomplish Your designs in the world.”

Nuestra Señora de Fátima, origen del llamado a la consagración

Por Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
La fiesta de la Anunciación, el 25 de marzo, celebra el momento en que María accede con todo asombro y misterio a ser la madre del Hijo amado de Dios. Este año adquiere un significado adicional en respuesta al llamado del Papa Francisco a la iglesia para consagrar Rusia y Ucrania al Inmaculado Corazón de María.
Desde hace casi un mes, hay una súplica y oración desesperadas por la paz para el pueblo de Ucrania. Nuestra oración no se limita a este conflicto, sino que se extiende a todas las naciones devastadas por la guerra en nuestro mundo. Sin embargo, la inspiración para consagrar una nación, en particular Rusia, afligida por el comunismo, al Inmaculado Corazón de la Santísima Madre se originó en Nuestra Señora de Fátima, en base a las apariciones relatadas en 1917 por los tres niños pastores en Cova da Iria, en Fátima, Portugal.

Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz

Los tres niños eran Lucía Dos Santos y sus dos primos Francisco y Jacinta Marto. Las apariciones ocurrieron entre el 13 de mayo de 1917 y el 13 de septiembre de 1917. La consagración de Rusia al Inmaculado Corazón de María se solicitó por primera vez el 13 de julio de 1917, cuando se desató la Primera Guerra Mundial y avanzaba la amenaza del comunismo.

La decisión del Papa Francisco de consagrar Rusia y Ucrania al Inmaculado Corazón de María en la Solemnidad de la Anunciación llega en otro momento crucial para la iglesia y el mundo. Los obispos del Rito Latino de Ucrania hicieron el llamamiento al Papa Francisco después que Rusia lanzara su invasión, hace un mes, el 24 de febrero.

Esta no es la primera vez que el Obispo de Roma y Vicario de Cristo consagra naciones y pueblos al Inmaculado Corazón de María. Después del atentado contra su vida en 1981, el Papa San Juan Pablo II inmediatamente pensó en consagrar el mundo al Inmaculado Corazón de María y él mismo compuso una oración que llamó un “Acto de Encomienda”, que fue celebrado en la Basílica de Santa María la Mayor el 7 de junio de 1981, en la solemnidad de Pentecostés. La porción siguiente es la que se refiere específicamente al Acta de Encomienda:

“Madre de los hombres y de los pueblos, Tú conoces todos sus sufrimientos y sus esperanzas, Tú sientes maternalmente todas las luchas entre el bien y el mal, entre la luz y las tinieblas que sacuden al mundo, acoge nuestro grito dirigido en el Espíritu Santo directamente a tu Corazón y abraza con el amor de la Madre y de la Esclava del Señor a los que más esperan este abrazo, y, al mismo tiempo, a aquellos cuya entrega Tú esperas de modo especial. Toma bajo tu protección materna a toda la familia humana a la que, con todo afecto a ti, Madre, confiamos. Que se acerque para todos, el tiempo de la paz y de la libertad, el tiempo de la verdad, de la justicia y de la esperanza.”

Para responder más plenamente a las peticiones de Nuestra Señora, el Santo Padre quiso hacer más explícito el Acta de Encomienda durante el Año Santo de la Redención del 7 de mayo de 1981, que había sido repetida en Fátima el 13 de mayo de 1982.

El 25 de marzo de 1984 en la Plaza de San Pedro, recordando el fiat pronunciado por María en la Anunciación, el Santo Padre, en unión espiritual con los Obispos del mundo, que habían sido convocados de antemano, encomendó a todos los hombres y mujeres de todos los pueblos al Inmaculado Corazón de María, en términos que recordaron las sentidas palabras pronunciadas en 1981.

En una carta manuscrita de 1989, la Hermana Lucía dijo que la consagración del mundo entero al Inmaculado Corazón de María por parte del Papa Juan Pablo II fue “aceptada en el cielo.” La Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe del Vaticano dijo que la consagración se completó a satisfacción de la hermana Lucía. “La decisión del Santo Padre Juan Pablo II de hacer pública la tercera parte del «secreto» de Fátima cierra una página de historia, marcada por la trágica voluntad humana de poder y de iniquidad, pero impregnada del amor misericordioso de Dios y de la atenta premura de la Madre de Jesús y de la Iglesia.” (El Mensaje de Fátima, 2000)

El viernes 25 de marzo habrá oraciones de consagración subiendo al cielo desde todo el mundo.
Nuestra diócesis se solidarizará con la iglesia universal con una hora santa especial de consagración a las 11 a.m. en la Catedral de San Pedro Apóstol en Jackson, seguida de una Misa por la Solemnidad de la Anunciación. Asimismo, habrá oración a través de toda la diócesis.

El Cardenal Ratzinger como jefe de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe escribió en el documento de 2000, “El Mensaje de Fátima” que “…creemos que la acción de Dios, Señor de la historia y la corresponsabilidad de hombres y mujeres en el drama de la libertad creadora de Dios, son los dos pilares sobre los que se construye la historia humana. Nuestra Señora, que se apareció en Fátima, recuerda estos valores olvidados. Ella nos recuerda que el futuro de la humanidad está en Dios y que somos socios activos y responsables en la creación de ese futuro.”

Lo siguiente es un extracto de las oraciones que se elevarán como incienso en la Solemnidad de la Anunciación.

“Santísima Virgen María, tierna Madre de los hombres y mujeres, para cumplir los deseos del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y la petición del Vicario de Tu Hijo en la tierra, consagramos Rusia y Ucrania a tu Doloroso e Inmaculado Corazón, ¡oh!, Reina del Santísimo Rosario y encomendamos a Ti, a todo el pueblo de nuestra patria y de todo el mundo. Por favor acepta nuestra consagración, Madre queridísima, y úsanos como Tú deseas para realizar Tus designios en el mundo.”

Called by name

I was ready for spring to get here, and I’m ready for Easter to get here too. The older I get the less I like the cold, and the older I get the more I am moved and drawn to the joy and light of Easter as we walk through Lent, preparing our hearts and minds to solemnly and joyfully celebrate the mysteries of our redemption. So, if you are like me and you are waiting in anticipation of the glory to be revealed, then this article is for you. This spring is going to be amazing.

Father Nick Adam
Father Nick Adam

At 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 14 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Jackson, you can witness the ordination of a brand new priest – Father Andrew Bowden. Then a few weeks later, Carlisle Beggerly will be ordained a deacon in preparation for priesthood on Saturday, June 4 at his home parish of Immaculate Conception in West Point. The public is invited to each of these masses, and I hope that some of you will make it a point to come and celebrate with us.

This will also be a great spring (and summer) for our other seminarians. Ryan Stoer and Tristan Stovall will both be working at St. Dominic Hospital as a part of their priestly formation. I am so grateful to the pastoral care and volunteer services teams at “St. D,” who have collaborated with the diocese since 2016 to provide this experience for our second-year theologians. It is a great gift for our men to be able to get field experience ministering to the sick in their home diocese. I was a part of the first summer experience at “St. D” when I was in seminary, and it was a really rewarding experience.

While Ryan and Tristan care for the sick, Will Foggo will be learning at the feet of the Divine Physician this spring and summer. Will is going to be in Omaha, Nebraska at the Institute for Priestly Formation. I have written about this two-month program before, but basically it is a summer experience where 175 seminarians from across the country gather to learn how to live out the spirituality of a diocesan priest. They learn skills that will help them remain faithful to prayer and to the call to spiritual fatherhood that they are discerning while in seminary.

Grayson Foley will be placed in a diocesan parish this summer, and I’m still working out those details. Grayson spent his first summer as a seminarian with Father Aaron Williams at St. Joseph in Greenville, and he had a wonderful time and learned so much from Father Aaron and from the people of this parish and the community. I take the placement of our seminarians very seriously because their summer assignments give them a taste of what ministry in their diocese will be like. The support and the guidance that you, the people of our diocese, give our seminarians while they are on assignment (or just home for the weekend) is so vital to their priestly formation. Please pray for me as I work to build up our formation program, and please let me know if you have suggestions or feedback!

Also please pray for several men who are considering applying or are in the application process right now. St. John Vianney, pray for us!

                                                    – Father Nick Adam

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Our best farewell gift

By Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI
In his farewell speech in John’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that he is going away but that he will leave us a parting gift, the gift of his peace, and that we will experience this gift in the spirit he leaves behind.

How does this work? How do we leave peace and a spirit behind us as we go?

This is not something abstract, but something we experience (perhaps only unconsciously) all the time in all our relationships. It works this way. Each of us brings a certain energy into every relationship we have, and when we walk into a room, that energy in some way affects what everyone else in the room is feeling. Moreover, it will stay with them after we leave. We leave a spirit behind us.

For example, if I enter a room and my person and presence radiate positive energy: trust, stability, gratitude, concern for others, joy in living, wit, and humor, that energy will affect everyone in the room and will remain with them after I have left the room, as the spirit that I leave behind. Conversely, even though my words might try to say the contrary, if my person and presence radiate negative energy: anger, jealousy, bitterness, lying, or chaos, everyone will sense that, and that negative energy will remain with them after I leave, coloring everything I have left behind.

Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI

Sigmund Freud once suggested that we understand things the clearest when we see them broken, and that is true here. We see this writ large, for instance, in the case of how a long-term alcoholic parent affects his children. Despite trying not to do so, he will invariably bring a certain instability, distrust, and chaos into his family, and it will stay there after he is gone, as the spirit he leaves behind, short-term and long-term. His person and his presence will trigger a feeling of distrust and chaos, and the memory of him will do the same.

The same is true in reverse vis-à-vis those who bring positive energy, stability and trust, into a room. Unfortunately, often at the time, we do not sense the real gift that these persons bring and what that gift does for us. Mostly it is felt as an unspoken energy, not consciously perceived, and only later in our lives (often long after the persons who did that for us are gone) do we recognize and consciously appreciate what their presence did for us. This is true for me when I think back on the safety and stability of the home that my parents provided for me. As child, I sometimes longed for more exciting parents and naively felt safety and stability more as boredom than as a gift. Years later, long after I had left home and learned from others how starved they were as kids for safety and stability, I recognized the great gift my parents had given me. Whatever their human shortcomings, they provided my siblings and me with a stable and safe place within which to grow up. They died while we were still young, but they left us the gift of peace. I suspect the same is true for many of you.

This dynamic (wherein we bring either stability or chaos into a room) is something which daily colors every relationship we have and is particularly true regarding the spirit we will leave behind us when we die. Death clarifies things, washes things clean, especially regarding how we are remembered and how our legacy affects our loved ones. When someone close to us dies, our relationship to him or her will eventually wash clean and we will know exactly the gift or burden that he or she was in our lives. It may take some time, perhaps months, perhaps years, but we will eventually receive the spirit he or she left behind with clarity and know it as gift or burden.

And so, we need to take seriously the fact that our lives belong not just to us but also to others. Likewise, our deaths do not belong only to us, but also to our families, our loved ones, and the world. We are meant to give both our lives and our deaths to others as gift. If this is true, then our dying is something that will impart either a gift or a burden to those who know us.

To paraphrase Henri Nouwen, if we die with guilt, shame, anger, or bitterness, all of that becomes part of the spirit we leave behind, binding and burdening the lives of our family and friends. Conversely, our dying can be our final gift to them. If we die without anger, reconciled, thankful for those around us, at peace with things, without recrimination and making others feel guilty, our going away will be a sadness but not a binding and a burdening. Then the spirit we leave behind, our real legacy, will continue to nourish others with the same warm energy we used to bring into a room.

(Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser is a theologian, teacher and award-winning author. He can be contacted through his website and now on Facebook

Current war tactics date back centuries;
Bishop Elder describes destruction in time of U.S. Civil War

From the Archives
By Mary Woodward
JACKSON – This week we are journeying back to Civil War times in analyzing the current situation in the world. In no way would I equate the motives of the Civil War to that of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, but the siege tactics are classic military maneuvers that date back centuries.

In July 1863, the city of Vicksburg fell after a 47-day siege by General Ulysses S. Grant. Forty miles to the east, General William Sherman arrived at Jackson to implement a similar siege strategy.

My knowledge of Civil War tactics may not be precisely accurate, but we read in Bishop William Henry Elder’s diary about the Civil War’s destruction to Jackson and its only Catholic church – St. Peter. Bishop Elder’s writing style is more phrase-based than in complete sentences, but it is easily followed.

The original St. Peter Church was located about five blocks south and east from its current location on the corner of West and Amite Streets in the center of the capitol city. In May 1863, it along with the school and rectory was burned to the ground by Federal troops exiting Jackson. The troops were ordered to burn tar in a storage shed adjacent to the church according to the diary and despite the pleas of Father Orlandi, the pastor, to move the tar into the street away from the church, the shed was set ablaze and with it all the parish buildings.

A view from a drone shows the site of a destroyed shopping center after it was hit during a Russian military strike in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 21, 2022. During his March 20 Angelus, Pope Francis condemned Russia’s war on Ukraine, calling it a “senseless massacre” and “sacrilegious” attack on human life. (CNS photo/Marko Djurica, Reuters)

We read in the diary marked May 21: “Father Orlandi begged for fifteen minutes to roll the barrels into the street where they would burn with less danger to the church, but the officer would allow of no delay and the shed was so close that there was no possibility of saving the church, etc. – All the ornaments and furniture were removed to safety. Dr. Hewet, surgeon in the Federal Army, brother to Rev. Dr. Hewet of the Paulists, himself a convert, endeavored also to obtain the respite, and when he could not succeed, he helped to save the things.”

Two months later, on July 18-20, Bishop Elder is able finally to visit Jackson and this is what he reports: July 18: “General Crosby, Commanding the Rear Guard, first refused to let me go to Jackson. When I explained that I wanted to see to the Sisters [of Mercy], he agreed to let me go.”

“Left Brandon at 4 p.m. for Jackson. Some cotton burned along the road and some burning [still]. Federal Pickets allowed me to go to the hospital – the field hospital of the Confederates during the siege of Jackson: attended still by Confederate Surgeons – although in the Federal Lines. Dr. Hinckley – son of Lawyer Hinckley of Baltimore has charge.”

July 19, Sunday – “No Mass. Spent the day visiting the hospital. The Federal Soldiers wounded here were moved – nearly all of them to town today.”

July 20 – “Continued in the hospitals till dinner time. The doctors here have been very polite to me.”
“After dinner drove into Jackson – trestle work burning – rails torn up – crossed river on the pontoon bridge of the Federals. In the warm ashes and ruins at every step. Melancholy desolation. Found Father Orlandi at Mrs. O’Connor’s house. Sad meeting.”

“The chapel he had fitted up with so much labor – in the Spengler’s Saloon – has been burned – the chalice and crucifix stolen – though recovered broken – bought by a Catholic Federal soldier and brought back to Father Orlandi. Father Orlandi’s house was robbed of all his clothes and the provisions he had laid up.

“He is now living on Army rations – he has no place to cook them. Today he has eaten only some crackers.”

“We went to General Ewing’s quarters to find a safe place for my horse and buggy. General Ewing is a Catholic from Ohio. He promised to see that the Sisters’ Convent in Vicksburg would be preserved unhurt for them. I could not talk much, I felt myself choaked with sadness.”

A man walks near a block of destroyed apartment buildings in Mariupol, Ukraine, March 17, 2022. A theater in Mariupol, where hundreds of people are said to have taken shelter, has sustained heavy damage after it was bombed by Russian forces. (CNS photo/Alexander Ermochenko, Reuters)

I share these moments to bring us back to the notion that no matter the era, the destruction of war only hurts those caught in the middle. The human toll – both physical and spiritual – is immeasurable.
Those trying to bring aid and relief to the people of Ukraine in the midst of the chaos and savage violence are much like the wandering Bishop Elder trying to minister to those he encountered in field hospitals and burned-out towns.

Now as we are spectators to a war unfolding before us, let us pray for peace and hope for a miracle.
Pope Francis is consecrating Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord. Here is a snippet of the prayer he is using:
Therefore, O Mother, hear our prayer.
Star of the Sea, do not let us be shipwrecked in the tempest of war.
Ark of the New Covenant, inspire projects and paths of reconciliation.
Queen of Heaven, restore God’s peace to the world.

Eliminate hatred and the thirst for revenge, and teach us forgiveness.
Free us from war, protect our world from the menace of nuclear weapons.
Queen of the Rosary, make us realize our need to pray and to love.
Queen of the Human Family, show people the path of fraternity.
Queen of Peace, obtain peace for our world.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson.)