En los orígenes de nuestro universo: Jesús y el Big Bang

Recientemente, la NASA lanzó al espacio el telescopio espacial James Webb, el telescopio más grande y caro jamás construido. Le tomará seis meses viajar un millón de millas desde la Tierra, encontrar su lugar permanente en el espacio y luego comenzar a transmitir imágenes a la Tierra. Esas imágenes serán únicas, como nunca antes se ha había visto. La esperanza es que nos permitirá ver mucho más en el espacio de lo que hemos visto antes, idealmente hasta los extremos de nuestro universo todavía en expansión, hasta las primeras partículas que surgieron de la explosión original, el Big Bang , que comenzó el tiempo y nuestro universo.

Los científicos estiman que nuestro universo comenzó hace 13,7 mil millones de años. Hasta donde sabemos, antes de eso, no existía nada, como lo entendemos hoy, excepto Dios. Luego, de esta aparente nada, hubo una explosión, el Big Bang, a partir de la cual todo se formó en el universo, incluido nuestro planeta tierra.

Padre Ron Rolheiser, OMI

Al igual que con cualquier explosión, las partes que estaban más íntimamente entrelazadas, con la fuerza expulsora, son las que más se alejan. Por lo tanto, cuando los investigadores intentan determinar la causa de una explosión, están particularmente interesados ​​en encontrar y examinar aquellas piezas que estaban más estrechamente ligadas a la fuerza original de la explosión y, en general, esas piezas salieron volando más lejos.

La fuerza del Big Bang aún continúa y aquellas partes de nuestro universo que estaban más íntimamente entrelazadas con sus comienzos todavía se están impulsando cada vez más hacia el espacio. Los científicos, en su investigación, están probando esa explosión original. Lo que el telescopio espacial James Webb espera ver son algunas de las partes originales de esa explosión inimaginable que dio a luz a nuestro universo, porque estas partes estaban allí desde el principio, en el origen de todo lo que existe.

 Al verlos y examinarlos, la ciencia espera comprender mejor los orígenes de nuestro universo.  Observar la emoción que sienten los científicos en torno a este nuevo telescopio y sus esperanzas de que nos muestre imágenes de partículas del principio de los tiempos, puede ayudarnos a comprender por qué el evangelista Juan tiene problemas para contener su entusiasmo cuando habla de Jesús en su primera Epístola. Está entusiasmado con Jesús porque, entre otras cosas, Jesús estuvo allí al principio del universo y, de hecho, al principio de todo. Para Juan, Jesús es un telescopio místico a través del cual podemos ver esa explosión primordial que creó el universo, ya que él estaba allí cuando sucedió.

Permítanme arriesgarme a parafrasear el comienzo de la Primera Epístola de Juan (1, 1-4) como él podría haberlo escrito para nuestra generación frente a nuestra curiosidad sobre los orígenes de nuestro universo:

Debes entender de quién y de qué estoy hablando:

Jesús no fue solo una persona extraordinaria que realizó algunos milagros o incluso quien resucitó de entre los muertos.

Estamos hablando de alguien que estuvo allí en los orígenes mismos de la creación,

quien es el fundamento de esa creación,

quién estaba con Dios cuando ocurrió “el Big Bang”,

e incluso antes de eso.

Increíblemente, pudimos verlo en persona, con ojos humanos,

el Dios que creó “el Big Bang”,

caminando entre nosotros!

De hecho, lo tocamos corporalmente.

De hecho, hablamos con él y lo escuchamos hablar,

el que estuvo en los orígenes de nuestro universo,

allí cuando tuvo lugar “el Big Bang”!

De hecho, es Él quien apretó el interruptor para activarlo,

con un plan en mente sobre a dónde debe ir,

un plan que nos incluye.

¿Quieres profundizar más en lo que sucedió en nuestros orígenes?

Bueno, Jesús es un telescopio místico para mirar.

Después de todo, él estaba allí al principio.

¡e increíblemente pudimos verlo, oírlo y tocarlo corporalmente!

Disculpe mi exuberancia, pero

pudimos caminar y hablar con alguien que estaba allí al principio de los tiempos.

Hay diferentes tipos de conocimiento y diferentes tipos de sabiduría, junto con diferentes vías para acceder a cada uno de ellos. La ciencia es una de esas vías, una importante. Durante demasiado tiempo la teología y la religión no lo consideraron un amigo. Eso fue, y sigue siendo, un trágico error ya que la ciencia tiene el mismo fundador y la misma intención que la teología y la religión.

 La teología y la religión se han equivocado cada vez que han tratado de socavar la importancia de la ciencia o sus pretensiones de verdad. Lamentablemente, la ciencia a menudo ha devuelto el favor y ha visto a la teología y la religión como un enemigo en lugar de un colega. Los dos se necesitan mutuamente, sobre todo para comprender los orígenes y la intención de nuestro universo.

¿Cómo entendemos los orígenes y la intención de nuestro universo? La ciencia y Jesús. La ciencia está investigando esos orígenes con el interés de contarnos cómo sucedió y cómo se está desarrollando, mientras que Jesús, que estaba allí cuando sucedió, está más interesado en decirnos por qué sucedió y qué significa.

(El padre oblato Ron Rolheiser es teólogo, maestro y autor galardonado. Puede ser contactado a través de su sitio web www.ronrolheiser.com. Ahora en Facebook www.facebook.com/ronrolheiser)

Rich tradition links Archdiocese of Mobile and Jackson

From the Archives
By Mary Woodward

JACKSON – Recently, I spent a few days in the Mobile area getting some spiritual guidance and refueling after some interesting months. As I sat in the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, I began to think about the historic connection our diocese has with Mobile.

To give a brief history of the region, I have taken the following from the Archdiocese of Mobile’s website history section.

The Archdiocese of Mobile was established as the Vicariate-Apostolic of Alabama and the Floridas in 1825 and became the Diocese of Mobile on May 15, 1829, with Bishop Michael Portier, D.D., as the First Bishop of Mobile. The newly created Diocese of Mobile encompassed the entire State of Alabama and the entire State of Florida.

In the 1850’s new dioceses were created in the State of Florida, nonetheless, the Diocese of Mobile still retained the panhandle of Florida until 1968 when the panhandle of Florida became part of the Diocese of St. Augustine and later the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee. On Oct. 8, 1969, the Diocese of Mobile-Birmingham was divided into two separate dioceses with the newly created diocese in the state known as the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama.

In 1980 the Diocese of Mobile was raised to the status of an archdiocese and Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb was appointed the First Archbishop of the newly created Archdiocese of Mobile. Today the archdiocese encompasses 22,969 square miles and includes the lower 28 counties of the State of Alabama.

Bishop Michael Portier, D.D., first bishop of Mobile. (Photos courtesy of The Catholic Week/Archdiocese of Mobile)

The arrival of Catholicism in the region traces its origins to the early Spanish and French explorations and permanent settlements at Pensacola, Florida in 1696, and in Mobile in 1702, where a parish was erected on July 20, 1703, with Henry Rolleaux de la Vente as first pastor. At the time of the creation of the new Diocese of Mobile in 1829, most Catholics were centered in the principal towns of Mobile, Pensacola and St. Augustine.

I have such fond memories of Archbishop Lipscomb who died July 15, 2020. He was a consummate man of the church who exuded priesthood and the office of bishop and had a deep, abiding love for the history and tradition of the Catholic faith in our region.

A man of gentle voice and spirit, he was the principal consecrator of Bishop Joseph N. Latino on March 7, 2003. After the ceremony, we were headed back to the bishops’ vesting area, where he asked me to summon the miter and crozier bearers who had served him that day. When brothers Garrett and Gordon McMullin arrived, the Archbishop presented each of them with two gold Sacagawea dollars stating it was an ancient tradition in the church for the bishop to present two gold coins to them because they were considered part of the bishop’s household.

That was such a special moment to witness, and it testified to the Archbishop’s love for history and the church’s rich traditions.

Oftentimes as Mississippi Catholics, we connect ourselves to New Orleans because we share the River with Louisiana. Our diocese originally was cut from the Archdiocese of Baltimore, which is the Mother See of the United States. In 1850, New Orleans was elevated to an archdiocese and became our longtime province and metropolitan see until 1980, when Mobile was elevated to an archdiocese. We then were reunited with our sister territory of Alabama into the Mobile province as mentioned in the last article.

So, in reflecting on our history as a combined U.S. territory with Alabama in the early days of America, we have a lot of extraordinary connections to Mobile not only ecclesially, but also through the air we breathe, the soil upon which we trod and the beaches we enjoy year-round. We are sisters and brothers in one of the most unique territories in the country – Spanish West Florida.

Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb was the first Archbishop of the newly created Archdiocese of Mobile in 1980.

In another profound way we are linked to Mobile through the office of bishop. Both Bishop Richard O. Gerow (1924-1966) and Bishop William R. Houck (1984-2003) were Mobile natives and Bishop Joseph L. Howze (auxiliary of our diocese from 1972-1977) was from Daphne.
Bishop Houck had a unique connection to Archbishop Lipscomb in that the Archbishop’s uncle, Msgr. Hugh Lipscomb, was Bishop Houck’s first pastor to serve under as a newly ordained priest in 1951. Bishop Houck often remarked that the Monsignor was quite the mentor.
Therefore, as I sat in the Cathedral in Mobile, I pondered on the rich tradition of Catholicism in the region and offered a prayer for Archbishop Lipscomb, who is buried in the crypt below the altar there, and for Bishops Gerow and Houck – sons of Mobile. Then I prayed for the laity, religious and clergy of our diocese and the archdiocese along with our current bishops – Joseph Kopacz and Thomas Rodi, who carry on the ministry of those 19th-century bishops of the region – John Joseph Chanche and Michael Poitier.
May God continue to bless our region with strong faith and a deep connection to our mission to serve the Lord in this distinctive corner of God’s kingdom.
I pray you all have a blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year. See you from the archives in 2022.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson)

MOBILE – The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception was consecrated by Bishop Portier on Sunday, Dec. 8, 1850. The Diocese of Jackson is a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Mobile.

Food for the journey – His own body and blood

By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
The celebration of the Incarnation, the beginning of the culmination of God’s plan of salvation for humanity, will be celebrated throughout the Christian world over next weekend on the Solemnity of Christmas. In many countries the Lord’s birth will be commemorated at home or in smaller family clusters, but for the majority of the faithful there will be the joyful gatherings in churches with a wide range of languages and customs. For the throngs who do “go to church,” it will be for the celebration of the sacrifice of the Mass, the divine Liturgy, the holy Eucharist, to give thanks to God who so loved the world that he sent his only Son. (John 3:16)

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz

Next weekend there will be the pastoral challenge in the Catholic world of coordinating the schedule of Masses for Christmas eve, Christmas day, and the Masses for Sunday – the feast of the Holy Family. But whatever Masses we attend let us not lose sight of one of the most sublime mysteries of our faith in the Lord Jesus, the bond between his birth, the Incarnation, and the Mass, when and where we celebrate his death and resurrection.

The link between the words from the prologue of the Gospel of John and the words of consecration from the other three evangelists, Matthew, Mark and Luke, as well as St. Paul are enlightening.

From the prologue:
– “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

– The Lord himself handed on to the church, beginning at the Last Supper and continuing for all time, his words of institution and consecration. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and St. Paul) “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take and eat; this is my body. Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:26-28)

– Several chapters later in John’s Gospel, the Lord unwaveringly wedded his Incarnation with the Eucharist. “I am that living bread come down from heaven! Everyone who eats it will live forever. And the bread I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” (John 6:51)

Throughout the Christmas season, the Octave of Christmas, and its sacred interval through Jan. 9, 2022 – the feast of the Baptism of the Lord – there is ample time to cherish the fullness of our faith in the Son of God.

Jesus Christ is the true light that has come into the world, so that whoever accepts him is granted the power to be children of God. Each time we gather at Mass as his Body – the church – the risen Christ reveals his glory to us, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.

Whenever someone doubts or rejects the real presence of the risen Christ in the bread and wine, which can occur for many reasons, a good place to revisit is the Incarnation of the Son of God.

In the power of the Holy Spirit pray for the grace and truth to see with the eyes of the heart the humanity and divinity of the child Jesus, and the crucified and risen Lord. He shines in glory in His resurrected body at the right hand of the Father and intercedes on behalf of his Body, the church, in this world.

Of course, he would want to feed us with exceptional food and drink – His own body and blood – food for the journey.

As, we grapple with this sublime mystery at various intervals over our life span, and we pray for one another to persevere, as individuals, families and friends with our feet firmly planted in God’s good creation as children of the Most High, who never lose sight of the beckoning horizon of eternal life.

Merry Christmas and peace on earth and goodwill toward all!

Su propio cuerpo y sangre: comida para el viaje

Por Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
La celebración de la Encarnación, comienzo de la culminación del plan de salvación de Dios para la humanidad, se celebrará en todo el mundo cristiano el fin de semana en la solemnidad de Navidad. En muchos países, el nacimiento del Señor se conmemorará en el hogar o en grupos familiares más pequeños, pero para la mayoría de los fieles, habrá reuniones alegres en iglesias con una amplia gama de idiomas y costumbres. Para las multitudes que sí “van a la iglesia”, será para la celebración del sacrificio de la Misa, la Divina Liturgia, la Sagrada Eucaristía, para dar gracias a Dios que tanto amó al mundo que envió a su único Hijo. (Juan 3:16)

El próximo fin de semana tendrá lugar el desafío pastoral en el mundo católico de coordinar el horario de las Misas de Nochebuena, día de Navidad y las Misas del domingo, fiesta de la Sagrada Familia. Pero sean cuales sean las Misas a las que asistamos, no perdamos de vista uno de los misterios más sublimes de nuestra fe en el Señor Jesús, el vínculo entre su nacimiento, la Encarnación y la Misa, cuando y donde celebramos su muerte y resurrección.

Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz

El vínculo entre las palabras del prólogo del Evangelio de Juan y las palabras de consagración de los otros tres evangelistas, Mateo, Marcos y Lucas, así como de San Pablo, es esclarecedor.

Del prólogo:
– “Aquel que es la Palabra se hizo hombre y vivió entre nosotros. Y hemos visto su gloria, la gloria que recibió del Padre, por ser su Hijo único, abundante en amor y verdad.” (Juan 1:14)

– El mismo Señor transmitió a la Iglesia, comenzando por la Última Cena y para siempre, sus palabras de institución y consagración. (Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y San Pablo) “Mientras comían, Jesús tomó en sus manos el pan y, habiendo dado gracias a Dios, lo partió y se lo dio a los discípulos, diciendo: Tomen y coman, esto es mi cuerpo. Luego tomó en sus manos una copa y, habiendo dado gracias a Dios, se la pasó a ellos, diciendo: Beban todos ustedes de esta copa, porque esto es mi sangre, con la que se confirma la alianza, sangre que es derramada en favor de muchos para perdón de sus pecados.” (Mateo 26:26-28)

– Varios capítulos más adelante en el Evangelio de Juan, el Señor enlazó inquebrantablemente su Encarnación con la Eucaristía. “¡Yo soy ese pan vivo que ha bajado del cielo; ¡el que come de este pan, vivirá para siempre! El pan que yo daré es mi propia carne. Lo daré por la vida del mundo.” (Juan 6:51)

A lo largo de la temporada navideña, la octava de Navidad y su intervalo sagrado hasta el 9 de enero de 2022, la fiesta del Bautismo del Señor, hay tiempo suficiente para apreciar la plenitud de nuestra fe en el Hijo de Dios.

Jesucristo es la verdadera luz que ha venido al mundo para que a quien lo acepte se le conceda el poder de ser hijo de Dios. Cada vez que nos reunimos, la iglesia como su Cuerpo, en la Misa Cristo resucitado nos revela su gloria, la gloria como del Hijo único del Padre, lleno de gracia y de verdad.

Siempre que alguien dude o rechace la presencia real de Cristo resucitado en el pan y el vino, lo que puede ocurrir por muchas razones, un buen lugar para volver a visitar es la Encarnación del Hijo de Dios.

En el poder del Espíritu Santo, oren pidiendo la gracia y la verdad de ver con los ojos del corazón la humanidad y la divinidad del niño Jesús, y del Señor crucificado y resucitado. Él brilla en gloria en su cuerpo resucitado a la diestra del Padre e intercede en nombre de su Cuerpo, la Iglesia en este mundo.

Por supuesto, él querría alimentarnos con comida y bebida excepcionales, su propio cuerpo y sangre, comida para el viaje.

Mientras, lidiamos con este sublime misterio en varios intervalos a lo largo de nuestra vida; oramos unos por otros para perseverar, como individuos, familias y amigos con los pies firmemente plantados en la buena creación de Dios y creer como hijos del Altísimo, que nunca pierden de vista el horizonte desde donde se te hace señas de vida eterna.

¡Feliz Navidad y paz en la tierra para con todos los hombres de buena voluntad!

Called by name

I have been very grateful to hear from many parish groups, priests, parishioners, and others who want to send Christmas greetings to our seminarians. I spent the early days of December visiting with our six men and they are all doing very well. All of the seminarians will get a well-deserved winter break, but I’ve been very pleased that all of them want to dive into parish life while also spending time with their families and friends. Please tell our men hello and encourage them to keep working hard if you see them in your parish this Christmas.

In his book Priests for the Third Millennium, Cardinal Timothy Dolan writes about the virtues that a diocesan priest must have to properly care for his people. A man must develop virtues like humility, fidelity, courtesy, integrity, simplicity of life and joy in order to minister effectively as a diocesan priest. I am very proud of our seminarians for the dedication they have displayed to their formation. Each one of them has different gifts, strengths and weaknesses, but they are all trying to develop these virtues that are so necessary to caring for God’s people.

As a short update on their status…Grayson Foley is our youngest seminarian and will complete his 2nd year of formation this spring. His priestly ordination would be in the Spring of 2028. Will Foggo has two less years of formation than Grayson since he had already completed three years of undergraduate work at Mississippi State. Will’s priestly ordination would be in the Spring of 2026. Ryan Stoer and Tristan Stovall are past the halfway mark of formation. They are scheduled for priestly ordination in Spring 2024. Our “senior” seminarians include Carlisle Beggerly of West Point. Carlisle’s diaconate ordination is set for June 4, 2022, and he will be ordained a priest in Spring 2023. Deacon Andrew Bowden’s priestly ordination is set for May 14, 2022 at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. Deacon Andrew grew up at St. Jude in Pearl.

Thank you for your constant prayers and encouragement for these men. I am encouraged by the way they are using their talents and are courageously offering their lives to the Lord. Pray that they continue to develop the virtues a diocesan priest needs to serve you the best they can when, God willing, they come to their ordination day.

From left to right: Deacon Andrew Bowden, Carlisle Beggerly, Ryan Stoer, Grayson Foley, Will Foggo, Tristan Stovall and Bishop Joseph Kopacz. (Photo courtesy of Father Nick Adam)

Human(Kind) – Ashlee Eiland

By Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI
I could never be a literary critic, not because I can’t tell good literature from bad, but because I lack the hard edge. If I dislike a book, I hesitate to say so. Conversely, if I like a book, I tend to be more its cheerleader than its critical assessor. Be that as it may, I want to strongly endorse Ashlee Eiland’s new book, Human(Kind) – How Reclaiming Human Worth and Embracing Radical Kindness Will Bring Us Back Together.

This is not some sentimental, feel good book on how we need to be kind to each other. It’s more like a Sermon on the Mount for our time, or at least how we might work towards living the Sermon on the Mount. How do we remain soulful, warm, and human inside all the things that tend to unhealthily either inflate or embitter our hearts? Here’s how she describes her book.

“This is my story – a story of a black woman who grew up in the South and who discovered some wholeness and some holes along the way. As I looked back over my life, there were moments I remembered so vividly. Upon reflection, they were vivid because they mattered. They marked me in both beautiful and painful ways. But as I sat with these moments and memories, I realized they mattered because they taught me to be kind to my own worthy self. Recalling them helped me acknowledge the good gifts I’ve been given, the gifts I now hope to give to others, and enabled me to see the painful and hard moments as opportunities to be more fully human, to remind myself to receive grace where there’s been grievance.”

Padre Ron Rolheiser, OMI

The book is a series of stories from her life, all of them told by a gifted storyteller and all of them written with an aesthetics that never sinks into sentimentality or self-pity. And they are stories both of being graced and being wounded. Eiland’s life has been one of contrasts.

On the one hand, her life has been one of privilege – loving parents, the opportunity for a first-rate education, never economically desperate, and always with a supportive family and community around her. On the other hand, she has lived as a black woman inside a world of injustice and inequality. She has had to live as one who must forever be conscious of the color of her skin, who every time she walks into a room needs to look around to see how many others like her are in the room. She also had to endure the ultimate racial slur being shouted in her face. And so, as she says, she has been deeply scarred both in beautiful and painful ways.

For example, one of her stories recounts an incident in which she went out to a restaurant with some Asian friends for a Korean specialty of pork dumplings. The evening went well and driving back from the restaurant and laughing with each other in the car, she felt a life-long weight lift from her. “For the first time, I didn’t feel as if I had to qualify the conversation with a reminder to my friends – or to myself – of my actual race. … Before that day, I felt I had to tiptoe out of one world into another. But that kind of posture, I realized, is laced with shame. It allows the ‘not fully enough’ narrative to run rampant, terrorizing what is oftentimes the best part about sharing our lives with one another.”

We need her narrative. We live in a time of bitterness and division, when civil discourse and respect have broken down, where we demonize each other, where injustice, inequality, and racism still define us more than their opposites, and where kindness is often seen as a weakness. Moreover, there is an ever-intensifying hypersensitivity where even a well-intended word is a potential landmine. Paranoia has replaced metanoia, bringing out the worst in us.

Ashlee Eiland gives us a formula for bringing out what is best in us. How do we react to injustice, offense,and demonization? For example, here is how she reacted after trying to be good to someone and being repaid for her effort by the ultimate racial taunt being hurled in her face: “Humiliated, I went about my day, doing as much good as I could for an afternoon … but knowing that sometimes even doing good is not enough. Sometimes we just have to sit with what’s hard and humiliating about the difficult work of unity and do our best not to let it kill us. Instead, we need to let it shape us in some other way that sobers us up and forces us to take off our rose-colored glasses, to admit that sometimes moving closer and trying to do good and closing the gaps between us and others doesn’t work out the way we want. But maybe it’s worth showing up anyway.”

Lacking the critical edge, I’m not always sure of what constitutes “soul music,” but I can still recognize “soul literature.”

(Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser is a theologian, teacher and award-winning author. He can be contacted through his website www.ronrolheiser.com.)

My Advent pilgrimage to the gravesite of Sister Thea Bowman

By Shannen Dee Williams (CNS)

On Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021, the third day of Advent and the last day of Black Catholic History Month, I visited the historic Elmwood Cemetery in my hometown of Memphis, Tennessee, and gazed upon the gravesite of “Servant of God” Sister Thea Bowman, one of six African Americans currently under consideration for sainthood.

Although I grew up Black and Catholic, I did not learn about the existence of African American nuns until 2007, while enrolled in graduate school.

Two years later, a conversation in Memphis with then-Bishop J. Terry Steib directed me to the principal’s office of the diocese’s Holy Names of Mary and Jesus School for an interview with Sister Donna Banfield.

During our meeting, Sister Donna, who led Holy Names from 2006 to 2010, informed me of Sister Thea’s final resting place in the city.

I also learned that Sister Donna, a former president of the National Black Sisters’ Conference, led her students on an annual trip to Sister Thea’s gravesite to pay their respects and bear to witness to the lived reality of Black Catholic saints in our midst.

Shannen Dee Williams is associate professor of history at the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio. She writes the Catholic News Service column, “The Griot’s Cross.” (CNS photo/John C. Shetron, courtesy Villanova University)

Inspired by Sister Donna’s leadership, I decided to make my own pilgrimage to Sister Thea’s gravesite but not until I completed my planned book on the largely hidden history of the nation’s Black sisters. I wanted the visit to be special, and it truly was.

Reflecting on Sister Thea’s short but powerful epitaph, “She tried,” etched onto her family’s headstone, I thanked her for championing the intellectual, spiritual and cultural gifts of the African American community in the face of discrimination and resistance in our church. I also thanked Sister Thea for being a model of excellence and compassion for all humankind.

“Be woman. Be man. Be priest,” Sister Thea liked to say. “Be single, be married. … Be Irish American, be Italian American, be Native American, be African American, but be one in Christ.”

In these trying times, one can only wonder what Sister Thea, an unapologetic champion of Black life, mothers, families and social equality, might say about the current state of our bitterly divided nation and church.

From the various attempts to stop the teaching of Black history and the nation’s original sins of racism and colonialism to the global climate crisis to the current attempts to roll back the civil rights victories of the middle decades of the 20th century – especially voting rights – I also wonder what advice Sister Thea, a member of the pioneering generation of Black Catholic women and girls who desegregated the nation’s white sisterhoods, would give those fearful of the uncertain future ahead.

In her final years, Sister Thea, a Mississippi native who was also the granddaughter of enslaved people, made it clear where she stood on all forms of injustice. “I will never reconcile myself with … racism … sexism … classism … anything destructive,” she stated.

Too often those who champion Sister Thea and her canonization cause erase her clear understanding of the interconnected dimensions of oppression.

In so doing, they do a terrible disservice to her and other freedom fighters, who always understood that any demand for racial and educational justice not connected to the larger fight for human rights and justice was insincere and illegitimate.

As this nation seems poised with a return to a society that Sister Thea, and so many Black sisters like her fought to bury, I pray for the strength and grace to meet the stark challenges ahead.

During this Advent season, I also pray for the wisdom to remember Sister Thea’s great sacrifice for her beliefs and the courage to seek new ways of living that no longer require martyrdom to convince opponents of human equality to uphold the church’s most basic social teaching of affirming the lives and dignity of all people.

(Shannen Dee Williams is a cradle Catholic and associate professor of history at the University of Dayton. She is the author of “Subversive Habits: Black Catholic Nuns in the Long African American Freedom Struggle,” which will be published by Duke University Press on May 27, 2022. Follow her on Twitter at @BlkNunHistorian.)

St. Nicholas is coming to town

Reflections on Life
By Melvin Arrington

St. Nicholas (270-343), whose feast day is December 6, is one of the most popular saints among children and adults alike, undoubtedly due to his association with Santa Claus. In spite of his renown, few facts are known about his life, and much of what we do know is probably legendary.

Born into a wealthy family, Nicholas became famous in his time for his anonymous acts of charity. When he learned of members of his community who were in great need, he would, under the cover of night, secretly enter their house and leave bags of gold.

The most-often recounted story of his generosity involved a poor man’s three daughters who, because they lacked dowries, were unable to marry. This meant they were facing the only other option available to them: a life of prostitution. On three separate nights Nicholas threw a bag of gold through the man’s window, thereby providing the means for each of the three girls to marry.

Nicholas served as bishop of Myra, a city located on the Mediterranean Sea in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). During the persecutions of the Emperor Diocletian, he was imprisoned for his faith, but released when Constantine rose to power. In the 11th century, after the Saracens took control of Myra, his relics were secretly removed from the Myra Cathedral and transferred to Bari, Italy. Over the centuries his popularity continued to grow and spread throughout Europe.

At the Council of Nicaea (325) Nicholas condemned Arianism and, according to legend, confronted Arius, the promoter of this heretical doctrine, striking him in the face. Whether he punched him in the nose or, more likely, slapped him, it was a bold gesture of righteous indignation, indicative of his zeal for defending the truth.

Countless miracles have been attributed to him, among them stories of sailors rescued at sea, corn multiplied in order to feed starving people, and children who had been murdered being brought back to life. It is said that a sweet-smelling oil with healing properties exudes from his remains to this day.

So, how did this fourth-century bishop evolve into the Santa Claus and Father Christmas of modern times? Much of it has to do with tales of the saint’s fabled generosity. Those accounts became a primary source, along with the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child, for our custom of giving gifts during the holidays. Linguistics also played a role in this makeover. Over time “Saint” became “Santa” and the last two syllables of his name, “cholas,” turned into “Claus.”

My notion of what Santa Claus looks like was formed by depictions of the jolly ole fellow in Coca-Cola advertising in the 1950s and by the huge Santa that would miraculously appear in the display window at the old McRae’s department store in downtown Jackson during the Christmas shopping season. Both showed him to be a plump, jovial, white-haired old man with a prodigious beard, dressed in a flashy red suit. I’m almost certain the original St. Nicholas looked nothing like those figures.

Popular culture preserves this link between the saint and the North Pole’s most celebrated resident, as seen in the much-loved poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore (1823), which begins: “’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house / Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; / The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, / In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.”

By 1953, when the singing cowboy Gene Autry released the version of the Yuletide classic, “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town” that I remember hearing as a child, the transformation to Santa Claus was complete.

Traditionally, much of the talk during the holidays is focused on acquisition of material goods: “What did Santa Claus bring you?” or “What did you ‘get’ for Christmas?” Our modern culture, through the media, preaches the message over and over, non-stop, that the more things we accumulate the happier we will be.

Just consider all the advertising we see this time of year for luxury items. But more is really less because we eventually grow weary with what we have and seek to acquire different, newer, better products. We want more and more but can never get enough.

Worldly goods just can’t satisfy the longings of the human heart. They may give us a temporary feeling of fulfillment and contentment, but that quickly fades, and soon we’re looking for something else to feed the hunger of our acquisitive nature.

St. Nicholas, on the other hand, teaches that we should place the emphasis not on receiving, acquiring and accumulating, but on giving – a concept that makes no sense at all from a worldly perspective.

Rather than just counting what I have received, perhaps I should reflect instead on what I have given this year. My reflection should also include the question, “Did I give from the heart or just out of a sense of social obligation?”

Love of God and neighbor will motivate us not only to make monetary donations but also an offering of ourselves, that is, our time and talents. There are no substitutes for giving and service. These are the only ways we will find fulfillment and true happiness.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He’s real, and his true name is Nicholas. On Christmas Eve Ole St. Nick is coming to town and, like the Magi, he’s bearing gifts. May we all join in the spirit of the season and be gift-bearers as well. Merry Christmas to one and all!

(Melvin Arrington is a Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages for the University of Mississippi and a member of St. John Oxford.)

Re–presenting Bishop Robert Barron’s Eucharist

By James Tomek, Ph.D

The Eucharist, being the theme of this liturgical year, inspired Bishop Joseph Kopacz to send priests, deacons and lay ecclesial ministers Bishop Robert Barron’s Eucharist, a study of the Mass, an elaboration on the aspects of meal, sacrifice and real presence of Christ.

Reading Bishop Barron’s book will help us be better Mass attenders. While Father Dennis Gill’s Ars Celebrandi details the structure of Mass; Bishop Barron concentrates more on three basic themes: the sacred meal, where “communion” takes place; sacrifice, that makes the communion possible; and the real presence of the host, that makes the meal possible.

After Bishop Barron’s comparison of Babette’s Feast and the Mass, this review will expound the themes of meal, sacrifice and real presence, hopefully to sit us better at the table with Christ – like the disciples at Emmaus in Luke’s Gospel.

Bishop Barron opens his thesis with a comparison of the Mass and Isak Dinesen’s Babette’s Feast, a short story and a 1987 film about how a servant, saved by two sisters, rewards them and their puritanical diminishing congregation with a lavish meal.

Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Robert E. Barron is shown in an undated photo. (CNS photo/courtesy Word on Fire)

The two sisters took in a starving Babette. Their father was the pastor of a small Lutheran community. When Babette, who was a chef at the “three star” Café Anglais in Paris, wins a lottery, she decides to use all the money to cook a fabulous haute cuisine dinner, with multiple courses, for the remaining community. The dinner, which slowly pleases their bodily senses, also increases their soul senses as they become better acquainted with each other.

Babette’s sacrificial meal inspires Robert Barron to compare her to Christ, as her real sacrificial chef presence transfigures the dinner into a sacred meal where all the guests’ lives are raised physically and spiritually.

Bishop Barron compares the meal to God’s creation (20) as God showed Adam and Eve how and where to eat (Genesis 2:15-17), with the meal being God’s plan for unity. (24) Citing many biblical references, like the Passover, Bishop Barron shows that the meal is also the place for teaching. Divine teaching takes place with Jesus. (27) The feeding of the five thousand stands for nourishing a hungry human race, famished for the right kind of food. (30)

Bishop Barron goes through the entire story of creation, the fall, the formation of Israel, the passover to freedom, Isaiah’s holy mountain to Jesus’s table fellowship and the Last Supper, pointing to the sacred meal’s goal of universal fellowship (eschatological banquet – the word we use for how we want things to end), which is made present to us at Mass.

The table for the meal is also the altar for the sacrifice. Covenants in the Old Testament were sealed with some forms of sacrifice. Jeremiah wanted the covenant to be written on our hearts, where we would know instinctively the right things to do (sacrifice means “holy doing”). Bishop Barron reminds us that at the Last Supper, Jesus invites his disciples to “ingest” his sacrifice – to imitate Jesus’s actions. (66-8)

In my studies of controversial issues of the Mass, the concept of “sacrifice” was more controversial than that of “real presence.” Does Jesus have to die again?

Bishop Barron reminds us that we really “re-present” Jesus’s sacrifice, with our intention to imitate it.

“I am suggesting that pain, consciously aligned to the sacrifice of Jesus can be spiritually transfiguring. Thus, the sufferer becomes not simply the person in pain, but Abraham giving away what he loves the most, Moses enduring the long discipline of the desert … or the crucified Messiah wondering why he has been forsaken by the Father.” (71)

The Liturgy is the re presentation of the sacrifice of the Lord. At Mass, we, if paying attention, not only witness the event of the Cross, we participate in it. (71-2) With the sacred and sacrificial meal, we are at a place where sins can be forgiven and friendship restored. (72)
In the chapter on real presence, Bishop Barron cites the great “Catholic” writer Flannery O’Connor’s response to the Eucharist as a symbol saying, that if it is a symbol, to hell with it. (73) O’Connor and Barron, in this chapter, are defining “symbol” in its arbitrary sense (for example, the bulldogs of Mississippi State point to their tenacity). There are other uses of symbols as expressions of meaningful experiences that Bishop Barron uses throughout the book, but, here, he is stressing the real presence of Jesus and wants to avoid the term “symbol.”
Bishop Barron explores chapter six of John’s gospel where Jesus says that he is the bread of life and tells his disciples that they must follow him by eating his flesh. (78-9) He contends that the Incarnation of God into the world requires the real presence of Christ. (81)

Is it the actual flesh and blood of Jesus that we consume at Mass? I was taught that it is the glorified real presence of Jesus.

To help us, Barron explains Aquinas’s interpretation of sacrament and real presence. All sacraments are designed to place the spiritual life within human beings. Just as we digest material food for our bodies, the Eucharist is ingested for our life of grace. Aquinas calls Jesus’s flesh “proper species,” which become the “sacramental species” that we consume at Mass. (91-3)

The Mass is the prolongation of the Incarnation. Jesus’s real presence is in all parts of the Mass. Bishop Barron includes the scripture readings at Mass too as he cites Origen’s thesis that the real presence of Jesus is also in the “Word” of God, which can stand both for Jesus and the Bible itself. (82)

Sacred meals end with a mission. Bishop Barron concludes his thesis referring to Jesus appearing to the disciples at Emmaus in Luke’s Gospel.
The two disciples meet the “glorified” Jesus, who explains to them the events of the crucifixion and resurrection. They invite Jesus to dinner and finally recognize him when he breaks the bread. Jesus then disappears.
Bishop Barron sums up the Mass by placing us back in time at Emmaus. (111) We come to Mass like the two disciples and beg for Jesus’s mercy. Jesus forgives us by opening up the scriptures for us. We need the meal to fully be conscious of who Jesus is, and we see him in the breaking of the bread. Jesus then disappears and we are sent to continue his mission. Thank you for the lesson, Bishop Barron.

(James Tomek is a retired language and literature professor at Delta State University who is currently a Lay Ecclesial Minister at Sacred Heart in Rosedale and also active in RCIA at Our Lady of Victories in Cleveland.)

Bishop Gunn’s diary shares rich family history and experience being named bishop

From the Archives
By Mary Woodward
JACKSON – Since we focused on Bishop John Gunn’s surviving the arsenic attack in 1916, I thought I would share some more details about the bishop from the early pages of his diary.

Pictured is the Seventh Archbishop of New Orleans, James Herbert Blenk. Bishop Gunn wrote in his diary about his appointment as the Bishop of Natchez, detailing his interactions with Blenk, who was a great mentor to him. (Photo public domain)

Bishop Gunn was born on March 15, 1863, in County Tyrone, Ireland. He was the oldest of 11 children. His family originally came from Scotland to County Tyrone as descendants of Olaf the Black, a Viking ruler of the Isles off the coast of Scotland in the 13th century.

Hence, they called themselves the “Black Gunns of Caithness” and the family motto was aut pax aut bellum (either peace or war).

Bishop Gunn honors this heritage on his coat of arms with a Viking ship, but wisely chose not to use the family motto for his episcopal motto. He instead chose Monstra Te Esse Matrem (show thyself to be our mother) which comes from his formation as Marist priest.

He studied at the Gregorian University in Rome and was professed in 1884 and ordained a priest in 1890. He was ordained a bishop on August 29, 1911, at Sacred Heart Church in Atlanta where he had been serving for 13 years. Fellow Marist and Archbishop of New Orleans, James Hubert Herbert Blenk, was the principal consecrator.

In reading through the early entries of Bishop Gunn’s diary, it is evident that Archbishop Blenk was a great friend and mentor to him.

Bishop John Edward Gunn, SM was the sixth Bishop of Natchez, serving from 1911-1924. His coat of arms features his heritage with a Viking ship. His episcopal motto Monstra Te Esse Matrem translates to “show thyself to be our mother.” (Photo from archives)

From Sept. 11, 1911, we read: “I went to Archbishop Blenk where the only misunderstanding I ever had with him was explained. I knew that I had been proposed for San Antonio and I made Archbishop Blenk promise he would oppose any and every effort to have me appointed a Bishop anywhere. When my appointment came, I accused him a breaking his promise and he showed me letters from Cardinal Gibbons which explained my appointment to Natchez and cleared Blenk. The Archbishop brought me to his friends in New Orleans and tried to give me the necessary courage to face Mississippi.”

His next entry from Sept. 14, supports the previous: “Started for Natchez with Father Larkin and my brother, Father Ed. I wanted Blenk to come – he refused, telling me that I was old enough to face the music without a chaperone and that the Natchez spotlight was not brilliant enough for two. I think his advice was correct.”

A few months later on March 21, 1912, Bishop Gunn gives us an interesting insight into his ministry as Bishop in describing a meeting of the Bishops of the Province of New Orleans. In 1912, the then Diocese of Natchez was part of the Province of New Orleans. Dioceses are structurally arranged according to provinces and then regions. Provinces center around an archdiocese and archbishop, known as the metropolitan.

Currently the Diocese of Jackson is part of the Province of Mobile that was established in 1980 when Mobile was elevated to an archdiocese. The dioceses of Jackson, Biloxi and Birmingham are suffragan sees under the archdiocese of Mobile. Coincidentally, our own Bishop, Joseph Kopacz, is the senior suffragan of the province led by Archbishop Thomas Rodi.

Back to 1912 where we were a suffragan see of New Orleans. Bishop Gunn describes the March 21 meeting in this manner: “That was my first introduction to the Bishops of the Province of New Orleans and a more congenial lovable lot of men I never met.

“I was born afraid of Bishops. I ran and hid from them when I could, feared them, and never met any of them that I thought worth knowing until I met the Bishops of the New Orleans Province. Such men as Gallagher of Galveston, Meerschaert of Oklahoma, Morris of Little Rock, Allen of Mobile and the younger crowd – Shaw of San Antonio and Lynch of Dallas, and of course, the greatest Roman of them all – the Archbishop of New Orleans [Blenk].”

“The meeting was a serious one and a useful one, but it did not prevent Meerschaert and Van de Ven from initiating Lynch and myself with some third degree work, especially suited to the Mutt and Jeff of the Bishops of the Province. I met most of these Bishops at my consecration, but I got to know them on the 21st and if knowing is akin to loving, I see my finish.”

Having served in the diocesan structure for more than 30 years, and in a particularly close way having served the office of bishop, I have observed a lot about the office and the men in it. I think often we forget that these are men, not statues, and they have very real fears and trepidations in accepting the office. Heavy is the head that wears the miter.
During this Advent, I am aiming some extra prayers for the bishops with whom I serve and have served. I encourage you to do the same. They need it.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson)