Obispo acusado de conspiración para socavar a Nicaragua, difundir noticias falsas

Por Catholic News Service

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (CNS) – Un obispo nicaragüense detenido durante casi cuatro meses fue acusado formalmente durante una cita judicial no anunciada el 13 de diciembre, marcando su primera comparecencia desde que fue detenido.

El obispo Rolando Álvarez Lagos de Matagalpa fue acusado de conspiración para socavar el país y propagar noticias falsas, según un comunicado de los tribunales de la capital nacional, Managua.

Al obispo Álvarez se le asignó un defensor público y se le dijo que su juicio comenzaría el 10 de enero, según el comunicado, que incluía fotos del prelado luciendo demacrado y estoico y vistiendo una camisa azul mientras estaba sentado en la corte. Más de 40 presos políticos han sido condenados por los mismos cargos, según el diario Confidencial.

El obispo Rolando José Álvarez Lagos de Matagalpa, Nicaragua – un crítico frecuente del presidente nicaragüense Daniel Ortega – reza en una iglesia católica en Managua, Nicaragua, el 20 de mayo de 2022. El obispo Álvarez fue arrestado en agosto y fue acusado formalmente durante una cita en la corte el 13 de diciembre, marcando su primera aparición desde que fue detenido. (CNS photo/Maynor Valenzuela, Reuters)

El comunicado de la corte también expresó que había solicitado a Interpol que emitiera una alerta por el arresto de otro sacerdote, el padre Uriel Antonio Vallejos, quien está acusado de delitos similares.

La comparecencia ante el tribunal del obispo Álvarez se produjo después de meses de estar incomunicado sin que se diera a conocer información sobre su estado. La Conferencia Episcopal Nicaragüense también se abstuvo de pronunciarse sobre la condición de monseñor Álvarez, ya que el régimen del presidente Daniel Ortega y su esposa, la vicepresidenta Rosario Murillo, continuaba persiguiendo a la iglesia y otras voces críticas en el país centroamericano.

La persecución ha sido tan severa que más de una docena de sacerdotes han sido arrestados u obligados a huir del país. Otros prelados y grupos católicos han sido expulsados, incluyendo el nuncio apostólico, las Misioneras de la Caridad y Trócaire, el brazo caritativo de la Iglesia Católica irlandesa.

La represión contra los trabajadores de la iglesia y los católicos ha continuado en diciembre. Manuel Antonio Obando Cortedano, director de comunicaciones de la Diócesis de Matagalpa, fue secuestrado por la policía cuando salía de su casa el 11 de diciembre, según el sitio web de noticias Mosaico CSI. Wilberto Artola, periodista del medio católico TV Merced, también fue secuestrado esa noche.

El obispo Álvarez fue arrestado el 19 de agosto durante un allanamiento en la curia diocesana antes del amanecer, donde se escondió con otros 11 sacerdotes y colegas. Los otros arrestados con él permanecen encerrados en El Chipote, una prisión conocida por sus condiciones inhumanas.

El obispo había estado protestando por el cierre de los medios de comunicación católicos en la Diócesis de Matagalpa. El padre Vallejos, mientras tanto, resistió un intento de incautación de equipos de radio de su parroquia.

Murillo, quien también es la vocera del gobierno, no respondió a una solicitud de comentarios.


JACKSON – St. Richard Catholic School

JACKSON – St. Richard School’s community service project, Manhattan Mall, runs in November and December when sixth graders collect gift items and wrapping supplies to host a shopping event for the residents at Manhattan Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Jackson. (Left photo by Tammy Conrad and right/bottom photos by Cathy Tebo)

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart Catholic School

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School celebrated Thanksgiving blessings with a family dinner before Thanksgiving break. (Photos by Sister Margaret Sue Broker)

GREENVILLE – St. Joseph Catholic School

GREENVILLE – Maleah Morris walks away after receiving a blessing. Father Sanchez and Bishop Joseph Kopacz gave blessings and distributed communion during a special Mass honoring Salvador Sarullo at St. Joseph School. (Photo by Joanna Puddister King)

COLUMBUS – Annunciation Catholic School

COLUMBUS – Families gathered for a Thanksgiving feast at Annunciation Catholic School. (Photo by Logan Waggoner)

MERIDIAN – Catholic Community

MERIDIAN – Father Augustine Palimattam Poulose and Father Justin Joseph try to warm up in between building beds for children in need on Nov. 12. A group of youth and parishioners worked to build 10 beds for an organization called Sleep In Heavely Peace. (Photos courtesy of Catholic Community of Meridian)

CLARKSDALE – St. Elizabeth

CLARKSDALE – On Sunday, Nov. 20, St. Elizabeth parish held a triple celebration – the 110th aniversary of the church and the feasts of St. Elizabeth of Hungary and Christ the King. On left, Elizabeth Blaine Cauthen, Brooks Cauthen and Father Raju Macherla read a beautiful prayer at the end of Mass.
(Below) Luke Agostnelli, Steele Britt, Father Raju, William Walker and Isabel Walker participate in Adoration before Mass. (Photos by Tereza Ma)

Statues assist in evangelization

From the Archives
By Mary Woodward

JACKSON – Travelling statues is once again the topic of our archives journey.

This past weekend I was in Greenwood at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish for the celebration of Confirmation with Bishop Joseph Kopacz. As you may recall, IHM sadly was vandalized back in January and their beloved statue of the Blessed Mother was severely damaged.

We were able to restore the statue through the gifted hands of Eyd Kazery and return her to the parish in time for the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in June.

This past Sunday for the first time I was able to see her in person adorning her newly designed place of honor in the church. Joy welled up in my heart to see her standing there watching over the congregation.

For centuries statues have adorned churches and churchyards reflecting images of our Catholic faith family. When people ask me why Catholics pray to statues, I respond by asking them if they have photos of their parents and grandparents somewhere such as the staircase wall.

I go on to explain that our statues and images of saints are similar to their family photos. The images invoke reverence for people who have inspired us, and we believe in faith to be in heaven available to offer prayers on our behalf to God. That usually does the trick and in answering the question an act of evangelization has just occurred.

JACKSON – Diocesan seminarian and some strong Belhaven University students were able to move the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Francis statues in the Bishop’s Cemetery next to the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. (Photos courtesy of Mary Woodward)

Statues at the Cathedral took center stage as tools of evangelization the week of Thanksgiving.

Last year two statues in the Bishop’s Cemetery had to be moved to prepare the grave for Bishop Joseph N. Latino. Those two statues – the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Francis – never got moved back. We had left them in place not only because the Sacred Heart looked as if it were consoling St. Francis and that is a very appropriate scene in a cemetery, but also because they weigh about 400 – 500 lbs. each.

Herein lies the evangelization moment. We have a Belhaven University baseball player named Luke from Lake Charles, Louisiana, who serves at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday at the Cathedral. He loves his Catholic faith and remarked to me one Sunday in the sacristy that there were several other Catholic players on the team who did not always make it to Mass.

Remembering the misplaced statues, I suggested perhaps we could get them interested in coming to Mass if we had some kind of service project such as moving the statues. Luke took this to heart and the Monday before Thanksgiving he showed up for the daily noon Mass at the Cathedral with several teammates.

It just so happened several of our diocesan seminarians were at Mass and just like that we had 10 strapping young men to move those two statues. Indeed, it was a Holy Spirit moment.

The bonus was we wanted the statues placed in different spots from their previous locales and the young men were so very amenable to wrangling them some 20-25 feet from where they were.

The Sacred Heart statue was first to move. He was the heavier of the two and he was too heavy for the dolly. So, they basically walked the statue into its place along the side wall of the Cathedral. At times it looked like a dance and at other times a wrestling match, but mission accomplished.

St. Francis was lighter and easily moved on the dolly to his spot overlooking the bishops’ burial plots with the Sacred Heart. Passersby may now see both statues more easily and hopefully be inspired to offer prayers for our deceased bishops.

After the project was complete, our seminarians invited the teammates into the Cathedral where I gave them an expedited tour of the stained-glass windows and sanctuary along with a little history of the diocese before they headed back to campus. A couple of the baseball players were so enthusiastic they volunteered to come back and move things whenever we needed help.

Mission accomplished. We had connected them to a parish, and they want to come back and be a part.

Evangelization 101 – invite people to church. We know the Lord uses us in creative ways to bring people closer to him. You never know who is seeking the Lord and may be inspired by your sincere invitation.

St. Elizabeth parish celebrates triple celebration

By Tereza Ma and Joanna Puddister King

CLARKSDALE – On Sunday, Nov. 20, St. Elizabeth parish in Clarksdale held a triple celebration celebrating the parish’s 110th anniversary and the Feasts of St. Elizabeth and Christ the King. Though the day was chilly, the warm welcome of the community drew all in attendance in for a day of worship and fun.

St. Elizabeth parish began in 1891 with the assignment of the first pastor, Father Louis Dutto, who remained with the parish for seven years. The first building was on Issaquena Avenue and was described as “little more than a shotgun house” that seated about 100 people at most by Cleta Ellington in “Christ the Living Water: The Catholic Church in Mississippi.”

By 1913, as the Catholic population grew, a larger brick church and rectory were built on Fairland Place by a young Irish pastor, Father Peter Keenan.

Writings of the day describe the Delta region as a diverse settlement with many northern Europeans, Italians, Lebanese, Chinese in the area. The same seemed to ring true to the diversity of the descendants who still attend the parish today.

CLARKSDALE – A parishioner unveils one of Father Raju Macherla’s paintings he donated for a parish raffle on Nov. 21. In his spare time, he loves to paint beautiful nature scenes. (Photo by Tereza Ma)

“Knowing our church history helps us understand how our ancestors lived their faith as we consider how we live ours today,” said Camille Walker, parishioner who delivered remarks for the parish’s anniversary. “The lives of our forefathers help us to grow in our faith and to continue their love and care for the church as God’s children.”

In 1969, St. Elizabeth parish moved to Florence Street where the church building is still located today.
As for celebrating the parish’s anniversary and two feasts, Father Raju Macherla said that he didn’t plan the coincidence, “but God helped us come together in this way on this special occasion.”

During his homily at the celebration, Father Raju reflected on the feasts and talked about his parish and parishioners that he loves so dearly.

“Repeat after me: “I love my church and today is my church feast,” Father Raju said to smiles across the pews.

“We celebrate birthdays, wedding anniversaries, graduations, so we should certainly celebrate the church feast.”

Father Raju weaved in stories of different parishioners and their history through his homily. From “family pews” that he said signified a meaningful, tangible attachment to the church, to profound memories from church visitors who still consider St. Elizabeth their home parish, since attending there as children.

“I have heard so many beautiful true stories from you,” said Father Raju. “I have shared all these stories to tell you that though we live elsewhere in the country or world, the church plays a vital role in our lives every day. It is from the altar that we receive the grace of God.”

After the celebration Mass, the parish had a classic Thanksgiving feast with ham, turkey and Delta-made delicacies. There were games for all ages – even adults engaged in the fun, making memories and celebrating a parish with warm traditions and love for their community.

Greenville parish and school give thanks for generosity of longtime parishioner, Salvado Sarullo

By Joanna Puddister King

GREENVILLE – The grey skies on Tuesday, Nov. 29 did not dampen spirits in celebrating the memorial to longtime St. Joseph parishioner, Salvador Sarullo. The dedication and Mass at St. Joseph School, planned for outdoors, was moved indoors due to the threat of severe thunderstorms in the region.
The ceremony following Mass marked the incredible generosity of Sarullo, who bequeathed a large portion of his estate to St. Joseph parish in Greenville.

GREENVILLE – On Tuesday, Nov. 29, Bishop Joseph Kopacz blesses a statue dedicated to the memory of Salvador Sarullo, who bequeathed a large portion of his estate to St. Joseph parish. The statue is located on the St. Joe School football field. The festivities were held indoors due to inclement weather. (Photo by Joanna Puddister King)

Sarullo was born in 1931 in Greenville and graduated from St. Joseph High School (formerly St. Rose of Lima) and attended Springhill College in Mobile. He was a lifelong resident of Greenville, where he was a well-respected and successful businessman, who was known for his integrity, generosity and involvement in the community. Passing in December 2018, Sarullo helped many in need during his 87 years.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz prayed with Sarullo many times during the last year of his life, calling him a “great man of faith.” During the event he lauded Sarullo as a remarkable example of Catholic generosity and challenged everyone to live up to his example and great works of charity in the community.

Since his passing, St. Joseph parish has worked hard to preserve the legacy of Sarullo’s gift, while embarking on multiple projects to spread the Good News of the Gospel and support those in need in the Greenville community.

During the dedication ceremony, that included a blessing of a projected photo of the “Touchdown Jesus” statue and plaque commemorating Sarullo due to the inclement weather, several shared the impact he made with his gift, as well as future plans to impact the Greenville community.

President of the St. Joseph parish finance council, Ken Purvis shared renovations completed at the church and those to come thanks to the gift made by Sarullo. He said that the parish approved plans for an extensive remodel and improvements to the interior of the Victorian-Gothic style church including the complete re-plastering of interior walls, artwork and murals painted throughout the sanctuary, including the ceiling. Purvis shared that future plans include extending and enlarging the altar to better accommodate service. The historic restoration project is set to commence in 2023 right after Easter.

Purvis told those gathered that the church has already completed a re-design of its sound system and that part of the Sarullo bequest helped match funds donated by parishioners to replace the slate tile roof in 2020.

GREENVILLE – Volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul got right back to work sorting clothing for families in need, after Bishop Joseph Kopacz blessed their renovated building on Tuesday, Nov. 29. (Photo by Joanna Puddister King)

Speaking on improvements to the St. Joseph parish hall, Jim Lipscomb, president of the parish pastoral council, started by thanking the diocese for all of the support given to the parish, even in tough times. “They’ve stuck with St. Joe School and St. Joe parish for many years,” said Lipscomb.

For the parish hall, Lipscomb said the renovation will expand the size with improvements like new LED lighting, HVAC system, sound system, projectors for presentations, furniture and more. Renovations also include a new kitchen with a cafeteria style serving line and top-of-the-line appliances and work stations.

“This new space will be a show-place for church meetings, sacrament classes, youth retreats, parish assemblies, wedding receptions and luncheons,” said Lipscomb.

Construction on the parish hall project has already commenced and should be completed early in 2023.

“I want to thank Salvador Sarullo for your generosity that has allowed us to create all of these different projects,” said Lipscomb.

One of the most significant ministries of St. Joseph parish is St. Joseph Catholic School said Britt Virden, emceeing the event. The gift from Sarullo will also provide a major expansion to the existing facility.

Athletic director, John Butler introduced the expansion project that includes the gym and athletic facilities. “We’ve established a standard of excellence in education and athletics,” said Butler. “We have set the bar for athletics and we want to continue to grow and to get better.”

Plans include building onto the back of the gym with new expanded locker rooms for boys and girls basketball, soccer, baseball and softball teams. The addition will feature a separate training and recovery room for athletes and school trainers, new bathrooms and ticket counter.

The gym entrance will also showcase past and current championships with more trophy cases for the Fighting Irish championship teams, said Butler. The newest being the MAIS 4A State Football Championship trophy the team claimed in mid-November.

The new athletic facilities will allow the school to host tournaments and generate revenue, said Butler. “We want folks to come see our school and what we do here.”

Virden said with the gift from Sarullo, St. Joseph School is also looking to grow. He shared that the school is starting an initial committee looking at an Early Learning Center for the community. “We are always looking to grow and expand our offerings, not only because it is important for our community – it’s important to the church, important for our faith,” said Virden.

“It’s important to have a place for parents to have their children come and transfer over into our schools.”

Speaking more on the project was Bart Outzen, who said the goal was to have a program that would sustain the student population and “prepare an intellectual, academically and spiritually prepared student all the way through to St. Joseph.” The center would be located adjacent to the existing school, and it would have a curriculum based upon national standards for early learning centers across the U.S., said Outzen.

Virden said with the Sarullo gift, they want to be good stewards have the gift continue to provide for improvements for “the next 125 years of more” by setting up trusts for St. Joseph School and St. Joseph Church with the Catholic Foundation, headed by Rebecca Harris.

Over 49 years ago, leaders across the diocese decided to establish the Catholic Foundation with the goal to encourage legacy giving through endowed funds and major gifts.

“Salvador Sarullo loved his Catholic faith and it was very near and dear to him,” said Harris. “He was extremely generous with his time, his talent and his treasure through the years.”

For the Catholic Foundation, the St. Joseph Catholic Parish trust is the largest parish trust; and the St. Joseph Catholic School trust is the largest trust to date thanks to Sarullo’s gift, said Harris.

“Each year Salvador’s legacy will continue to live on through the annual distributions provided to the parish school. Future generations will be blessed by his generosity.”

Another ministry that benefited from Sarullo’s legacy is the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Greenville. Thanks to his gift, they were able to completely restore and remodel their buildings.

“Our clients don’t only come to St. Vincent to receive food and clothes they also get a hug, a smile and we pray with them,” said volunteer, Julice Curry. “Mr. Sarullo knew that the poor, the underprivileged in our community need a ministry like St. Vincent de Paul.”

Curry shared that in 2000, Sarullo bought the four buildings the organization is housed in now and with his most recent gift they restored them. St. Vincent was able to restore the roof, repair windows and walls and create a more convenient entrance for clients, among other vital projects. The kitchen also received an upgrade to accommodate more food items for the hundreds of low-income clients served each week.

After the dedication ceremony, Bishop Kopacz traveled over to St. Vincent de Paul to view the improvements and bless the building.

“Certainly, it is with great joy that as we hear the words at the culmination of St. Matthew’s Gospel at the final judgement, that the work he talks about, and certainly demands, is being done here at St. Vincent de Paul – welcoming the stranger as we heard. Praying with them, feeding, clothing, giving drink – that’s just something woven into this ministry that is such a blessing,” said Bishop Kopacz.

The repairs to the buildings at St. Vincent de Paul were completed in August 2022. The board is planning on an open house soon and invites everyone to attend to see the improvements made possible by Sarullo’s generous bequest.

“Mr. Sarullo was amazing,” said Curry. “He was a very simple man. If you ever had the pleasure of meeting him, you know that he lived a very simple life but he loved big. He loved his church, he loved this school and he loved, loved St. Vincent de Paul.”

Fourth and Glory! St. Joseph continues dynasty with victory over Tri-County in state title game

By David W. Healy/Delta Democrat-Times
JACKSON – It takes more than one player to make a dynasty.

These were the words from St. Joseph Catholic School coach John Baker just minutes after his Fighting Irish defeated Tri-County Academy 26-14 to win the MAIS Class 4A State Championship Thursday at Jackson Academy. It was the Irish’s fourth state championship in school history and fourth in six years.

As they have done in their previous three state championships, the biggest stars on this year’s St. Joseph (11-1) team shined the brightest. But it was not just one star. The night and the glory belonged to the entire St. Joseph team who avenged a loss last season to Tri-County in last year’s state semifinal game.

Senior running back Kye Nelson, who played as a 5-foot-9 wrecking ball the entire game, carried the ball for crucial yardage time after time again. In the second half, Nelson’s determination came to a crescendo when his 34-yard touchdown score put the Irish in the lead for good at 20-14 with 1:56 to play in the third quarter. Nelson finished the night with 144 yards rushing on 16 carries.

“I was just thinking after every carry to keep going and keep fighting,” Nelson said. “This game was revenge for us because Tri-County beat us in the semifinals last season.”

JACKSON – The Fighting Irish of St. Joe Greenville toppled Tri-County Academy for the MAIS Class 4A State Championship on Thursday, Nov. 17 at Jackson Academy. (Photos by Joanna Puddister King)

Said Baker, “Kye and the offensive line, they put the whole team on their backs and they got us in the endzone. We made the decision to run the ball in the second half because we felt like we were more physical team and at halftime we thought if we ran the ball we could win.”

Nelson missed last year’s state semifinal with an injury.

Senior quarterback CJ Moore was another Irish player who helped cement the Irish dynasty Thursday night.

Moore is the brother of the first two Irish quarterbacks, Brice Johnson and Dillon Johnson, who helped lead the Irish to their first three state championships in 2017, 2018 and 2019. During Thursday’s contest, Moore looked much like his older two brothers when they were leading the Irish to state glory. As he had all season, Moore extended offensive plays with his speed and escapability.

After Tri-County opened the scoring when QB Bryce Warriner connected with Ty Milner on a 13-yard touchdown pass with 2:59 left in the first quarter, Moore found a wide-open Christian Foster in the back of the endzone for 24-yard touchdown reception to give St. Joseph a 7-6 lead.

Later in the second quarter, Moore made his biggest play of the game when he raced down the right sideline for a 76-yard touchdown run to put the Irish up 14-6 with 2:57 left in the second quarter. The Irish finished with 264 rushing yards.

“CJ pulls a rabbit out of his hat every time,” Coach Baker said. “He is the best athlete on our team. He doesn’t let things get to him. He threw an early pick, but he came back and reset and ran that long touchdown for us.”

Moore ended the game 14 of 29 with 163 yards passing. He had 114 yards rushing. St. Joseph’s Stank King led the Irish with 55 yards receiving on five catches. Chris Mayfield had 53 yards receiving for the Irish on three catches.

While the St. Joseph offensive players did their part for the victory, the Irish defense also stood tall when it mattered the most, holding the Rebels scoreless in the second half.

On Tri-County’s first offensive possession of the game, defensive end Donnie Smith recovered a Rebel fumble at the Tri-County 38-yard line. In the second quarter, defensive back Stank King made an interception and returned it 15 yards to the Irish 37-yard line.

In the third quarter, St. Joseph defensive lineman Alex Foster helped to end a Rebel drive with a 15-yard sack for a loss.

Later in the third, King deflected a Tri-County pass in the back of the endzone that looked at first like it was a sure touchdown.

The Rebels managed just 49 rushing yards in the game.

Tri-County head coach Phillip Wasson, a Greenville native who once coached at St. Joseph and Washington School, praised the Irish on their state championship.

“St. Joe is a really good team,” Coach Wasson said. “Most of their best players are all back from last year. Coach Baker has done a good job with them. They have only lost one game this year. I am proud of that group because I know a lot of those kids over there at St. Joe.”

(David Healy is sports editor for the Delta Democrat-Times. He can be reached at Re-printed with permission.)

Baby Jesus’ wish list

Stewardship Paths
By Julia Williams

JACKSON – Odds are you’ve got a Christmas list going by now — gift ideas for everyone from your nephew to your goddaughter to your mailman. But what about the birthday boy? What’s the gift Jesus gets from you this Christmas?

Artwork: Madonna and Child, Provincia di Firenze, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence, c. 1466-1469. Public Domain.

If you’ve ever read the Book of Leviticus, you know all about the sacrifices God asks of the Israelites, referred to in the reading from Hebrews today. Leviticus can be a chore to read — a little repetitive, a little intimidating. There’s a lot of very specific actions that God asks His Chosen People to complete to make up for whatever they have done wrong. In essence, it’s a bit of a wish list for gifts.

But it’s a wish list that can really confuse you. What’s God going to do with a cereal offering? The kidneys of an animal? If you look closely, what God is doing here is beautiful. He’s customized his wish list to only those things He knows the Israelites can give. It’s God saying, in what amounts to theological baby-talk for folks who barely know of Him and His ways, exactly how they could be stewards. “Do this, but don’t do that. If you do that, do this and you will find My mercy.”

Our guide to stewardship — the Gospels of Christ — is less precise because by the time of Christ, God’s people have grown in understanding of love and mercy and relationship with the divine. Through Christ, we find out that God’s real wish list didn’t really consist of cereal offerings and the kidneys of various animals. It’s far simpler, but luckily, it’s something we still have on-hand.

All He wants is our whole heart.

Source: Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS,

In memoriam: Sister Mary Dorothy Calhoun

ST. LOUIS – Sister Mary Dorothy Calhoun, RSM passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. Joan Marie Calhoun was born on Dec. 31, 1933; predeceased by parents, John Worthing Calhoun (1943) and Dorothy Louise Tremoulet Calhoun Brundige (1992); sister, Dorothy Calhoun Jackman (1982); brother, John Worthing Calhoun, Jr. (2015); and stepfather, William Hart Brundige (1955). Survived by brother, William Hart Brundige Jr; nieces and nephews, John Daniel Jackman, Jr., MD; Michael Calhoun Jackman; Joan Jackman Becker; Worthing Francis Jackman; John Worthing Calhoun III; Catherine Clann Calhoun; Susan Calhoun Waggoner; William Hart Brundige III and John Dudley Brundige.

Sister Mary Dorothy (Joan) was a graduate from Holy Name of Jesus School and Mercy Academy, and entered the convent in 1952 at the Mother of Mercy Novitiate, St. Louis Province; graduate of St. John’s Hospital School of Nursing in St. Louis, 1958; B.S Nursing, St. Louis University, 1960; Masters in Hospital Administration, St. Louis University, 1968; Certification in Clinical Pastoral Education, Baptist Hospital, New Orleans, 1990.

Sister Dorothy’s (Aunt Sis’) life of dedication (nursing, administration, ministry) included supervisor of obstetrics, delivery, nursery, OR, ER and director of nursing services at Mercy facilities in New Orleans, Brownsville, Texas, St. Louis, Missouri and St. Paul, Minnesota (1958-1967); administrator (CEO/CFO) Mercy Hospital New Orleans (1968-1973); administrator (CEO/CFO) St. John’s Hospital Springfield, Missouri (1973-1977); administrator (CEO/CFO) Mercy Health Center Laredo, Texas (1977-1980); Director of Pastoral Services for Sisters of Mercy and Mercy Hospital New Orleans (1981-1992) and St. Joseph’s Mercy Health Center Hot Springs, Arkansas (1992-1995); Pastoral Care Chaplain Hot Springs (1995-2014); Volunteer at Mercy Hospital Fort Smith, Arkansas (2014-2020). Sister Dorothy’s past two years were spent in prayer and works of mercy, in loving care with the retired Sisters of Mercy in St. Louis.

In the Diocese of Jackson, Sister served in ministry and on the board of Mercy Hospital in Vicksburg.

Funeral services were held on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022 in the chapel of Catherine’s Residence in St. Louis; interment in Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis. Donations in memory of Sister Mary Dorothy Calhoun RSM are appreciated, to Catherine’s Residence Ministry Fund, Sisters of Mercy – The Americas, 2039 N Geyer Road, St. Louis MO 63131, attention Sister Richard Mary Burke, RSM.

Gathering around the table for Thanksgiving

By Mary Woodward

JACKSON – Once again, we come to the great feast of Thanksgiving throughout our country. Looking back over the years I would like to share some moments at table in the presence of cherished friends, some of whom have gone on to the Lord where they will partake in the feast of Thanksgiving for all eternity.

When we gather around the table with friends and family, we are sharing in communion with one another. I like to think all of our ancestors and dear ones, who made contributions to our lives great and small, are gathered there with us forming a communion of saints.

The Thanksgiving holiday offers a time for us to reflect on those ancestors and dear ones – to enjoy those present physically and those who are there transcending the moment in our memories. It is a time to be thankful for the moments we have shared and continue to share with those who love us and those whom we love.

Pictured are gatherings around tables around the diocese over the years. The word Eucharist means “thanksgiving,” so gathering around the altar for the celebration of the Eucharist is the most profound gathering of all gatherings. (Photos courtesy of archives)

And of course, the ultimate table for us to gather around is the altar where we share in the heavenly banquet with the entire communion of saints. The word Eucharist means thanksgiving, so gathering around the altar for the celebration of the Eucharist is the most profound gathering of all gatherings.
This Thanksgiving I hope we all are able to ponder the many blessings we have in our lives even if they are small. Take the time to let your friends and family know exactly how much they mean to you and what a blessing they are in your life.

Spend time in prayer for those who do not have family and friends available to them or are in strained family situations. Do not miss an opportunity to heal a rift and mend a heart by showing kindness, patience and love. You do not want to have regrets when that person is gone.

Most of all, give thanks to God for bestowing the grace, mercy and peace upon you that can only come from encountering and surrendering to God’s infinite heart. Take care of one another.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson.)

Thanksgiving food drive

MADISON – Seventh and eighth grade students at St. Joseph Catholic School in Madison successfully completed a Thanksgiving food drive, filling boxes with enough items to feed 15 families who otherwise may have gone without a family meal for the holiday. On the front row from left are William Kraft, Camp Hlavac, David Steckler, Harper Schuhmann, Noah Ingram and Synia Means. On the second row are Colt Alexander, Landry Erwin, Lily Cate Lumaghini, Maddie Morris and Josh Brown. In the back are Matthew Schenk, Samuel Klar, Susie Steckler and Jaden Taylor. (Photo courtesy of Terry Cassreino)