Three groups hope to have a million people say rosary for life in October

By Catholic News Service
WASHINGTON – The leaders of three U.S. Catholic organizations hope to have a million people pray and promote the daily rosary during the month of October for “the end to legal abortion in America and an outpouring of support for expectant mothers,” according to their announcement on the joint effort.

The three leaders – Michael Warsaw, CEO of EWTN; Father Francis J. Hoffman, CEO of Relevant Radio; and Tim Busch, CEO of Napa Institute – launched the joint effort on their organization’s respective websites.

In the U.S. Catholic Church, October is observed as Respect Life Month and the first Sunday of the month is Respect Life Sunday, which this year was Oct. 3.

In addition, the month of October each year is dedicated to the rosary. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated Oct. 7.

JACKSON – The sisters at the Carmelite Monastery in South Jackson pray the Sorrowful Mysteries on Friday, June 11, 2021 for the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay. (Photo by Tereza Ma)

“With the Supreme Court of the United States taking up the Dobbs case in December that could lead to overturning Roe v. Wade, the justices will need the grace of wisdom and courage to confront the issues honestly,” said the announcement from Warsaw, Father Hoffman and Busch.

On Dec. 1, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in an appeal from Mississippi to keep its ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, and supporters of the law are urging the court to reexamine its previous abortion rulings, including 1973’s Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion nationwide.

The CEOs said they hope many other Catholic organizations “will join this effort by praying and promoting the daily rosary in October for this intention, and thus mobilize millions of Americans in prayer.”

This year’s Respect Life Month, promoted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, highlights the example of St. Joseph as part of the Year of St. Joseph declared by Pope Francis.

“As the faithful protector of both Jesus and Mary,” St. Joseph is “a profound reminder of our own call to welcome, safeguard and defend God’s precious gift of human life,” said Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, who is chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities.

(Editor’s Note: For more information on the effort to have a million people pray the rosary, go to,, and Various resources for celebrating Respect for Life Month can be found online at

Preguntas y Respuestas: Oración a San Miguel / Edad de la Confirmación

Por el padre Kenneth Doyle, Catholic News Service

P. He asistido a una iglesia católica cercana durante más de 20 años. Pero ahora he estado conduciendo 40 minutos a otra parroquia debido a cambios para restaurar “viejas tradiciones” en mi parroquia local.

Uno de ellos es la recitación común de la oración a San Miguel Arcángel inmediatamente después de la Misa. Me parece inapropiado hablar de San Miguel y Satanás justo después de que se nos haya encomendado “ir en paz para amar y servir al Señor”. En mi antigua parroquia, me sentí rehén de una pequeña minoría que trató de controlar mis pensamientos y sentimientos posteriores a la Misa en lugar de dejarme salir de la Misa con la alegría de la Eucaristía. (Iowa)

R. La oración a San Miguel fue parte de un grupo de oraciones llamadas oraciones leoninas que se decían en las iglesias católicas después de la misa desde 1884 hasta 1965. Fueron introducidas originalmente por el Papa León XIII y surgieron de una visión que supuestamente tuvo de Satanás. queriendo destruir la iglesia.

La intención por la que se dijeron las oraciones cambió con el tiempo. Originalmente se ofrecieron por la soberanía temporal de la Santa Sede, pero luego comenzaron a decirse por la conversión de Rusia.

Durante el Concilio Vaticano II, una instrucción del Vaticano que implementa la Constitución sobre la Sagrada Liturgia decretó que las oraciones leoninas se suprimieron y dejarían de usarse. Pero la recitación de la oración a San Miguel ha “vuelto”, y varias parroquias ahora están recitando esa oración después de la Misa.

No ha habido una declaración oficial de la iglesia de que esta oración deba resucitar; si su parroquia lo está usando, lo más probable es que sea una determinación del párroco local, aunque podría ser simplemente la elección de un grupo de feligreses que hayan decidido orar juntos después de la misa.

San Miguel Arcángel,

defiéndenos en la lucha.

 Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio.

 Que Dios manifieste sobre él su poder, es nuestra humilde súplica. Y tú, oh Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial,

 con el poder que Dios te ha conferido,

arroja al infierno a Satanás,

 y a los demás espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo

para la perdición de las almas. Amén.

Oración a San Miguel Arcángel creada por el Papa León XIII)

En cualquier caso, es posible que desee hablar con el párroco de su antigua parroquia para hacerle saber su malestar con esta oración en particular y el hecho de que parece atenuar la alegría con la que debería estar al salir de la Misa.

P. A nuestra clase de religión de séptimo grado le gustaría saber por qué tenemos que esperar hasta la escuela secundaria para recibir el sacramento de la confirmación. Creemos que estamos listos para recibir el don del Espíritu Santo cuando estemos en octavo grado, lo que completaría el proceso de iniciación en nuestra comunidad católica. (Albany, Nueva York)

R. La edad a la que se administra la confirmación varía en los Estados Unidos y la elección la hace el obispo local. El Código de Derecho Canónico de la iglesia dice: “El sacramento de la confirmación debe conferirse a los fieles aproximadamente a la edad de discreción, a menos que la conferencia de obispos haya determinado otra edad” (núm. 891).

En 2000, la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos decretó que la confirmación debería administrarse “entre la edad de discreción y alrededor de los 16 años, dentro de los límites determinados por el obispo diocesano”.

En varias diócesis de Estados Unidos la confirmación ahora se confiere a los niños de 7 a 8 años de edad; sólo después de ser bautizados y confirmados, estos niños reciben la primera Comunión. Es evidente que su propio obispo siente que los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria son los más capaces de comprender lo que significa la Santa Cena y cómo debe guiar el futuro de una persona en la comunidad católica. Si siente, como algunos lo hacen, que el octavo grado es el momento más estratégico y menos confuso para que se lleve a cabo ese proceso de pensamiento, debe expresar sus sentimientos a su obispo.

Una mujer reza con un rosario en el santuario mariano en Knock, Irlanda, el 10 de octubre de 2021. (Foto del CNS / Cillian Kelly)

Tres grupos esperan tener en octubre un millón de personas rezando el Rosario por la Vida

Por Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON – Los líderes de tres organizaciones católicas estadounidenses esperan que un millón de personas recen y promuevan el rosario diario durante el mes de octubre por “el fin del aborto legal en Estados Unidos y apoyo para las mujeres embarazadas”, según su anuncio en el esfuerzo conjunto.

Los tres líderes: Michael Warsaw, director ejecutivo de EWTN; El padre Francis J. Hoffman, director ejecutivo de Relevant Radio; y Tim Busch, director ejecutivo de Napa Institute, lanzaron el esfuerzo conjunto en los respectivos sitios web de sus organizaciónes.

En la Iglesia Católica de EE. UU., octubre se observa como el Mes del Respeto a la Vida y el primer domingo del mes es el Domingo del Respeto a la Vida, que este año es el 3 de octubre. Además, el mes de octubre de cada año está dedicado al rosario. La fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Rosario se celebra el 7 de octubre. “Con la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos asumiendo el caso Dobbs en diciembre que podría conducir a la revocación de Roe v. Wade, los jueces necesitarán la gracia de la sabiduría y el coraje para enfrentar los problemas con honestidad,” dijo el anuncio de Warsaw, Busch y el padre Hoffman.

JACKSON – Las hermanas del Monasterio de la Orden de las  Carmelitas, en South Jackson, rezan los Misterios Dolorosos para el Relevo Mundial Anual del Rosario del Sacerdote, en foto de archivo del viernes 11 de junio de 2021. (Foto de Tereza Ma)

El 1 de diciembre, la Corte Suprema escuchará los argumentos orales en una apelación de Mississippi para mantener la prohibición de los abortos después de las 15 semanas de embarazo, y los partidarios de la ley instan a la corte a que vuelva a examinar sus fallos anteriores sobre abortos, incluido Roe v. Sentencia de Wade que legaliza el aborto en todo el país. Los directores ejecutivos dijeron que esperan que muchas otras organizaciones católicas “se unan a este esfuerzo rezando y promoviendo el rosario diario en octubre por esta intención, y así movilizar a millones de estadounidenses en oración.”

El Mes del Respeto a la Vida de este año, promovido por la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, destaca el ejemplo de San José como parte del Año de San José declarado por el Papa Francisco. “Como el fiel protector tanto de Jesús como de María”, San José es “un recordatorio profundo de nuestro propio llamado a dar la bienvenida, salvaguardar y defender el precioso regalo de Dios de la vida humana”, dijo el arzobispo Joseph F. Naumann de Kansas City, Kansas. quien es presidente del Comité de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB.

(Nota del editor: para obtener más información sobre el esfuerzo para que un millón de personas recen el rosario, visite, y Se pueden encontrar varios recursos para celebrar el Mes del Respeto por la Vida en línea en https : //

Bishop Gunn’s photo scrapbook offers glimpse of history along Gulf Coast

From the Archives
By Mary Woodward

JACKSON – The month of September in Mississippi normally brings to mind football and a little bit of a cooler breeze coming through. September also is an active part of the hurricane season. We have started this September off with Ida and Nicholas. So far, we have been more fortunate than our Louisiana neighbors.

Archives and hurricanes are not generally talked about in the same sentences unless you are involved in archival work and are located in hurricane prone areas. Archivists throughout the Gulf Coast region have disaster preparedness and disaster recovery plans in place to help alleviate the damage wind and water can cause to artifacts and manuscripts.

In our diocesan archives, we often get requests from parishes in the Biloxi diocese for photos of their original churches. Many of those churches built in the early 1900s did not survive the years. Some were lost to fire and age, others to population shifts and neglect, but many were lost to hurricanes. These storms bring with them swells of water, triple digit winds and torrential rains.

Hurricane Camille came barreling ashore in 1969 and left a path of destruction not seen in modern times. Camille became the benchmark for destruction along the Gulf Coast until 16 years ago when Katrina removed most everything south of I-10 in the Biloxi diocese.

While the world focused on the terrible flooding in New Orleans caused by the backside of Katrina, the people of the Gulf Coast were trying to dig themselves out from under miles of debris. For the Diocese of Biloxi, which encompasses the 17 counties closest to the Gulf, nearly every church property sustained severe damage. Some were completely destroyed.

Imagine St. Clare Church in Waveland. When Katrina came ashore with a 30-foot swell of water, St. Clare’s front door stood at normal sea level, 100 feet from the water. Needless to say, there was nothing left but the front steps of the church and the slab of the school. St. Michael’s seashell roof in Biloxi looked fine from the air, but the main altar which weighed several tons was tossed off to the side and the pews were sucked out to sea.

After concerns about the safety of people, a Catholic diocesan archivist starts to think about sacramental registers, photographs and sacred vessels. Many of these items were lost.

Just recently Sacred Heart in d’Iberville called because they will be celebrating their 100th anniversary next year and were hoping we had some photos of the original church. Fortunately, we were able to provide them with a couple of photos. They had never seen what the original church looked like.

This week in a tribute to our neighbors on the Gulf Coast, we are sharing some images from Bishop John Gunn’s photo scrapbook. The photos or postcards range from 1915-1923 and give us a glimpse of churches during that time. Sacred Heart in d’Iberville (then Seymour) is among them.

As you look at them, offer a prayer to St. Medardus, patron of weather, to protect us all from storms. Amen.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson)

Motion submitted to dismiss deferred prosecution agreement

JACKSON – On or about July 16, 2021, Assistant United States Attorney Scott Leary presented to Judge Sharion Aycock a motion for dismissal with prejudice of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement between the Diocese of Jackson and the United States Attorney General ‘s Office. The charges dismissed stemmed from the actions of a former priest of the diocese, Rev. Lenin Vargas. Judge Aycock signed the order granting the motion on Aug. 13, 2021, bringing to close almost three years of investigation and cooperation between the diocese and the government. As a result of the investigation, neither the diocese nor any diocesan chancery personnel were convicted or pleaded guilty to any charges of wrongdoing and no fines were levied against the diocese.

Over these past 30 months, the diocese has created a compliance program that reflects a commitment by the diocese to uphold the highest standards, best practices, and sound management techniques in the areas of diocesan and parish finances, ethical behavior of clergy and church personnel, and improved, transparent communications between the diocese, parish leadership and parishioners. A diocesan compliance committee was established and gave much insight and input into the development of the program.

The diocese regrets the following measures and programs were not in place three years ago. We are confident if they had been in place, we would have been more effective in dealing with the complaints made about Rev. Vargas.

This process of improving diocesan structures began in October 2018 with the appointment of Rev. Lincoln Dall as interim finance officer for the diocese by Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz. Rev. Dall was tasked with working with Carolyn Callahan, diocesan controller, to bring diocesan financial policies, protocols, and practices more clearly in line with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the USCCB’s Diocesan Financial Management, Guide to Best Practices.

With the commencement of the Federal Investigation in November 2018, of Vargas, at that time pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Starkville, and reports of his misappropriation of parishioners’ donations, the diocesan finance office cooperated with the investigation in order to facilitate reconciliation of parishioners with their funds and restoration of trust between the diocese, the parish and parishioners.

Throughout the past three years, leadership at the diocese has stabilized with Dall being appointed Vicar General and Callahan being named director of temporal affairs. Working with the diocesan Chancellor, Mary Woodward and Bishop Kopacz, the team has strengthened previous procedures that left the diocese vulnerable to potential mismanagement. Sound accounting practices and procedures have been implemented and an official human resources office has been developed.

The Office of Temporal Affairs, along with full review and approval by the Bishop and Vicar General, has created a Parish Finance Best Practices Guide, a detailed internal control questionnaire required annually, and a routine internal audit program that involves pastors, parish councils, finance councils and bookkeepers to help maintain solid fiscal management. Regional training and information sessions on these tools will be provided at least annually by the temporal affairs office.

To facilitate reports of fraud or unethical behavior being handled independently and objectively, the diocese engaged Lighthouse, a third-party reporting service and database. The diocese welcomes all to report, either anonymously or named, this type of behavior by visiting or by calling 888-830-004 (English) or 800-216-1288 (Spanish).

To further address possible exploitation of vulnerable adults by clergy and church personnel, Bishop Kopacz established an Ethical Conduct Board in August 2019, to review cases involving possible manipulation or abuse of adults. The board defined a vulnerable adult in this manner:
A vulnerable adult is any person 18 years of age or older who is unable to protect his or her own rights, interests, and/or vital concerns and who cannot seek help without assistance because of a physical, mental, or emotional impairment; and any person capable of being physically or emotionally damaged by another person in a position of power. Exploitation or abuse of any adult by clergy or church personnel by means of spiritual, emotional, sexual, mental, physical abuse or manipulation is extremely egregious.

One realization made as part of the transition and the federal investigation was communication between the chancery office and parishes could be improved significantly. To facilitate this, Bishop Kopacz mandated the use of Flocknote as a standard tool to be used for official communication between the diocesan offices and parishes and parishioners. Protocols for better monitoring of diocesan communications through the diocesan newspaper, social media and websites have been developed.

The diocese thanks members of the compliance committee for assisting in helping to strengthen diocesan structures and protocols. Also, the diocese appreciates the work of the U.S. Attorney, Scott Leary, and our diocesan counsel, Steve Carmody, in guiding it through the legal structures involved.

“The past few years have been a period of growth and enlightenment for the diocese,” said Bishop Kopacz. “Because of the hard work of all involved, we know we are in a better place than we were three years ago. We continue to keep in prayer those who were adversely affected by the actions of Rev. Vargas. We look forward to a time when forgiveness and reconciliation will be ardently achieved, though we know some wounds still run deep and need time to heal.”
Bishop Kopacz reiterated, “The Diocese of Jackson is committed to maintaining a culture of transparency, professionalism, and savviness that is inherently tempered with justice, mercy, and compassion that comes from the Father through his Son, Jesus.”

Teams vie for the annual Bishop’s Cup

By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – Twenty-two teams from across the diocese vying for the coveted Bishop’s Cup trophy met at the Lake Caroline Golf Club in Madison on Thursday, Sept. 16 for the 39th annual Bishop’s Cup golf tournament.

After a day of golf, teams gathered for an awards dinner and silent auction at the Mermaid Café. “Though we believe all of our golfers are of first place quality. I was happy to announce that the winning team was sponsored by BankFirst and represented by Annunciation Catholic Church in Columbus,” said Rebecca Harris, executive director of The Catholic Foundation. “We truly appreciate all the silent auction sponsors that also helped raise funds for a wonderful cause and brought some extra competition to the event at the close of the tournament.”

The wonderful cause Harris mentions refers to the Bishop Joseph N. Latino Memorial Trust. This year proceeds from the tournament helped raise funds for the trust, which will help fund grant projects proposed by parishes, schools and organizations around the diocese. “Bishop Latino believed in helping others and he would be excited to know that many projects across the diocese will be supported each year with this grant,” said Harris.

The 39th annual Bishop’s Cup was sponsored by: St. Dominic Health Services, Inc.; Brunini, Grantham, Grower & Hewes, PLLC; Citizens National Bank; Rusty and Yvonne Haydel; BankFirst; Capital Glass; BankPlus; Homeland Title; Community Bank; Irene Jones; Ken and Maetta Lefoldt; Matthews Cutrer & Lindsay, CPAs; Mike and Diane Pumphrey; Raymond James; Regions Bank; Tico’s Steak House; Trustmark National Bank; Benchmark Construction; Friends of Father Patrick Noonan; Old River Companies; and Chris and Laura Walters.

“On behalf of The Catholic Foundation, I would like to thank all of our golf tournament sponsors for helping to make the day such a huge success. We invite all to join us in 2022 to celebrate the 40th annual Bishop’s Cup,” said Harris.

MADISON – Father Gerry Hurley and the team from St. Paul Flowood compete at the 39th Bishop’s Cup at Lake Caroline. (Photo by Brandi Fournet)

The Power of One – the Sister Anne Brooks story

By Joe Lee
MADISON – A book you may have missed during the pandemic is the excellent biography of Sister Anne Brooks, The Power of One (University Press of Mississippi, 2020). Penned by Sally Palmer Thomason and Jean Carter Fisher, this brief but powerful read dives deep into the culturally transforming work a devoted Catholic nun did for the people of poverty-stricken Tallahatchie County, Mississippi, for over three decades.

This is the book cover of The Power of One: Sister Anne Brooks and the Tutwiler Clinic by Sally Palmer Thomason with Jean Carter Fisher. The book is reviewed by Joe Lee. (Photo courtesy of publisher)

That’s merely part of the story, however. Raised in Maryland by a high-ranking naval officer and an emotionally distant, alcoholic mother, Sister Anne (Kitty, growing up) learned early on that her parents wanted nothing to do with organized religion and even preferred their daughter not associate with neighborhood kids, let alone cultivate friendships.

So how did this young woman, after growing up in such an environment, develop such a deep, abiding faith? What empowered her to thoroughly immerse herself in serving the least among us in places so far from home?

As Sister Anne is still quick to point out, the kindness of people in her formative years can’t be overstated. The family of practicing Catholics across the street in Maryland – with a daughter to whom Kitty discreetly became close – were instrumental in her decision to devote herself to a life of service.

As a young adult, while teaching at a Catholic school and volunteering at a free medical clinic in Clearwater, Florida, Sister Anne was plagued with pain from rheumatoid arthritis. Not surprisingly, she was skeptical upon meeting a doctor who took a holistic approach to medical treatment and insisted he could cure her. But as Sister Anne would come to realize – and apply to her ministry the rest of her life – the holistic approach was very much about building trust.

The death of Emmett Till and the subsequent trial of those accused of his murder, which took place while Kitty Brooks was in high school, was a great motivation for her to serve in Tutwiler, Mississippi (just minutes from where the horrific crime occurred) once the opportunity presented itself in 1983. After relocating and seeing for herself the once-prosperous railroad town dying a slow, torturous death while its mostly black, largely uneducated population lived in squalor, she prayed long and hard for guidance.

The answer she received: it was time to go to medical school. At age forty.

Sister Anne Brooks eventually became Dr. Anne Brooks, DO (Doctor of Osteopathy), and spent more than three decades healing and building trust in black citizens who, when she arrived, still wouldn’t look white people in the eye. As she says, treating the whole person – the heart of the holistic medical approach – absolutely requires listening and earning one’s trust.

Now retired and living with her fellow sisters at St. Joseph’s Provincial House in Latham, New York, Sister Anne Brooks has a story that needs to be heard not just by Catholics, but most everyone in these trying times. Highly recommended.

(Joe Lee is the Editor-in-Chief of Dogwood Press, a small but traditional publishing house headquartered in central Mississippi. He is a regular contributor to Mississippi Catholic.)

Sister Anne Brooks, an osteopathic physician, holds a child at the Tutwiler Clinic in Tutwiler, Miss. With help from Catholic Extension she was able to open the facility 20 years ago to provide care to a community that had been lacking a doctor for many years. She is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. (CNS photo by Troy Catchings for Catholic Extension) (June 6, 2003)

Bishop Gunn chronicled experience during 1918 influenza pandemic and end of world war

From the Archives
By Mary Woodward
JACKSON – Rev. John Edward Gunn, a Marist priest and native of County Tyrone, Ireland, was appointed the sixth Bishop of Natchez by Pope Pius X in 1911. He was ordained a bishop at Sacred Heart Church in Atlanta where he was serving at the time on August 29 of that year.

Bishop Gunn was known as a brilliant orator and for having tremendous energy. He cultivated the diocese’s relationship with Catholic Extension to help in the building of chapels throughout the state. By the time of his death in 1924, almost every Catholic in Mississippi was able to reach one of these chapels for Mass at least once a month. Catholic churches grew from 75 to 149 during his administration, and Catholics grew in number from 17,000 to more than 31,000.

He also helped found St. Augustine Seminary with the Society of the Divine Word in Greenville for the formation of African American clergy in 1923. The seminary later moved to Bay St. Louis.

It is rumored that Bishop Gunn preferred Pass Christian to Natchez and had hoped to move the diocesan offices there.

Bishop Gunn’s 13 years of service to the Diocese were marked by the difficult four years of the first World War and the ravages of Spanish influenza.

ST. LOUIS – The St. Louis Red Cross Motor Corps are on duty in October 1918 during the influenza epidemic. Mary Woodward reveals an excerpt from Bishop John Edward Gunn’s diary chronicling his travels to St. Louis in November of 1918 during the Spanish flu pandemic. (Photo/Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ds-01290)

Not only was he a gifted orator, but he was a fine chronicler of daily life as is proven in his diary. From his diary we find an interesting entry from Nov. 8-10, 1918, that is very relevant to today’s pandemic atmosphere. It also contains a noteworthy bit of information about the end of the war.

“I left [Nov. 8] for St. Louis to assist at the consecration of the new Bishop of Galveston, Bishop Byrne. When I reached St. Louis, I got into the midst of the flu. Not only were the churches, schools, and public buildings closed but all the stores, soda water fountains and everything.”

“On Saturday night I walked the streets of St. Louis for more than an hour and could not buy a cigar and the question was – how could the consecration take place in St. Louis Cathedral on November 10th when it was forbidden to open a church door?”

“I went ‘round on Saturday night to see Archbishop Glennon and found Bishop Allen with him. The Archbishop seemed to take everything very quietly and said that it was forbidden to open the main door of the Cathedral but there were several other doors that were not officially closed, with the result that the consecration took place on Nov. 10. The crowd was small, the ceremonies were beautiful, the dinner was as heavy as the oratory and there was an atmosphere of unrest everywhere.”

“The papers were filled with the flu conditions of the country; the war conditions were reaching a climax, and everybody was on edge.”

“I left St. Louis on Sunday night [Nov. 10] and on my way home, at Fulton [Missouri], I thought that the world had come to an end. I was in the Pullman compartment when noise broke loose in the form of whistles, bells, bands and every kind of thing that could make a rattle and a screech at the time when ghosts are supposed to appear and graves yawn, etc.”

“It was occasioned by the fake news that had gone over the world that the Germans had signed the armistice. When the real news of the Armistice came nobody believed it.”

“I managed to get to New Orleans on the 11th and the city looked like the morning after Mardi Gras. The people had shouted themselves hoarse over the fake armistice and had no voice for the real one.”

Although WWI was a very complex time for those of Irish heritage due to British rule and treatment of them, the Bishop believed strongly in service to one’s country. “In life and death, I am proud of three things: my Irish birth, my Catholic faith, and my American citizenship,” he said. “I tried to translate my love for all three into service and sacrifice,” he wrote in his will.

NATCHEZ – In this photo from the archives, Bishop Joseph Latino visits the resting place of Bishop John Edward Gunn, on Catholic Hill in the Natchez City Cemetery. Bishop Gunn died in New Orleans on Feb. 19, 1924 and is buried beside his fellow Irishman Bishop Thomas Heslin. (Photo from archives)

Bishop Gunn died at Hospital Hotel Dieu in New Orleans on Feb. 19, 1924, and is buried beside his fellow Irishman Bishop Thomas Heslin on Catholic Hill in the Natchez City Cemetery. His portrait hangs in the dining room of the Cathedral rectory in Jackson. As in any good portrait, Bishop Gunn’s eyes follow you as you move through the room.

In his will the Bishop also wrote, “I believe in God. I believe all He has said because He said it and because His infallible Church heard Him and told me what He said. I love Him with my whole heart and soul and strength and for His sake I love others.”

Bishop Gunn’s diary is so rich that we will share some more gems from it in the future.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson)

COVID Protocols

Parishes are faced with different realities as to the size and makeup of parishioners, and the size and layout of their building facilities. The diocese has decided it is still prudent to allow the local parishes to address their reality in making decisions how to address the pandemic through these protocols. These suggestions should be implemented based on the parish’s reality and the local community reality and community regulations that are in place.

– Social distancing of 3 feet is recommended.
– Masks are encouraged for everyone.

For full list of protocols visit


School is back in gear

VICKSBURG – Lizzie McSherry receives communion from Bishop Joseph Kopacz at a special “Back to School” Mass at Vicksburg Catholic School. (Photo by Lindsey Bradley)
SOUTHAVEN – Kindergarten students with their teacher, Amber Hayes, work on “cheer them up” posters to send to the hospital. (Photo by Sister Margaret Sue Broker)
JACKSON – Sister Thea Bowman first grade student, Ja’Kayla Davis, along with her other classmates, work on one of their first class assignments during the first week of school. In the background, teacher, Ashanti Moses works with class member, Caliyah Hopson. (Photo by Shae Robinson)
LELAND – Father Sleeva Mekala blessed backpacks at St. James parish on Sunday, Aug. 22. (Photo by Deborah Ruggeri)
MADISON – At St. Joseph School, Diane Waldon explains a chemistry experiment to sophomore, John Eatherly, on Tuesday, Aug. 10, the first day back to school. (Photo by courtesy of St. Jospeh Catholic School)
NATCHEZ – Seventh grader, Julia Claire Jex strikes the right combination at Cathedral School. (Photo by Cara Moody Serio)
MERIDIAN – St. Patrick School volunteer, Frank Washington, helps fourth grader Halle Smith with her backpack on her first day of school, on Friday, Aug. 6, 2021. (Photo courtesy of St. Patrick Catholic School)
COLUMBUS – Third grade student, William Marrett takes his star pre-assessments for math and reading in the computer lab at Annunciation School. (Photo by Katie Fenstermacher)