“Yellow Fever and Heroic Sacrifice: The 1878 Epidemic in Holly Springs”

By Mary Woodward
JACKSON – As the green haze of spring pollen fills the air coating our cars, sidewalks, and nasal passages, another reality of warmer weather emerges – mosquitoes. These disease-carrying flying monsters have wreaked havoc on the human population for centuries.

In the mid and late 1800s, Yellow Fever was the epidemic feared by the population in our diocese and around the warmer, humid climate zones. Clergy, religious and laity were all fair game for infection and entire towns would quarantine. It was survivable, but thousands did not survive. Our second bishop, James Oliver Van de Velde, died of Yellow Fever in 1855.

Rev. Jean Baptiste Mouton, who died of Yellow Fever along with five other priests in 1878. Father Mouton was an architect who designed several churches in the mid 1800 including Annunciation Catholic Church in Columbus. (Photo courtesy of Mary Woodward)

Bishop William Henry Elder, our third bishop, contracted the fever but survived it. However, Bishop Elder lost six of his priests to the fever’s outbreak in 1878. From August 31 – September 14, 1878, the then Diocese of Natchez lost: Fathers Jean Baptiste Mouton (8/31), Patrick Cogan (9/8), John McManus (9/8), Anacletus Oberti (9/11), Charles Van Queckleberge (9/11) and John Vitolo (9/14).

In a letter from November 1878, Father Patrick Hayden writes Bishop Elder from Columbus lamenting the loss of the six men, especially Father Mouton, who was a trained architect and had designed several of the churches in the eastern half of the diocese, including the original church in Columbus.

Father Cogan was in Canton and was said to be the only remaining minister in the town when the outbreak occurred. An interesting note from a newspaper article reveals ministers of other denominations wanted to stay but were convinced to leave because they had wives and children, who would be left destitute without them if they died. There is a monument for Father Cogan at Sacred Heart in Canton.
We must remember, though, that alongside these priests were fearless women religious – Sisters of Mercy and Sisters of Charity – Angels, who served as nurses to the sick and eventually themselves died. Rarely are these heroic women given names, but in the case of Holly Springs St. Joseph, we do have at least the first names of the six Sisters of Charity who died – Stanislaus, Stella, Margaret, Victoria, Lorentia and Corinthia.

Cleta Ellington in her masterwork “Christ the Living Water,” written for the Diocese of Jackson’s 150th anniversary in 1988, gives a stirring account of the epidemic of 1878 in Holly Springs. It follows below along with the tribute given to Sr. Corinthia Mahoney by an eyewitness account.

“In the late summer and early fall of 1878, yellow fever swept across Mississippi like a conquering army, but it appeared that Holly Springs was to be spared. The city fathers, in a burst of generosity and believing that the germ could not live in such a high and dry climate, opened the doors of the town to feverish refugees from surrounding counties.”

Two articles from New Orleans newspapers reveal the swiftness with which the townspeople learned their leadership was in error.

“August 13, 1878: ‘The town is clean and healthy…no symptoms of the outbreak here. We have thrown open our hospitality to our sister cities, even accepting Grenada where the fever rages. The mayor and the community council decided today to use disinfectants merely as a precautionary…’

“August 19, 1878: ‘Yesterday there were seven deaths, last night six, five of whom died in our house. The situation is too appalling to be described and the worst is, not a single case has recovered or promises recovery.’

The Marshall County Courthouse was turned into a hospital where beds were piles of straw, where black and white lay together to await medical treatment almost certainly useless. The 12 sisters at Bethlehem Academy closed the school and took over the courthouse hospital. They were joined by a number of volunteer doctors who had heroically rushed to the town and by Father Anacletus Oberti, a friendly Italian priest, 31 years old, who had been working very hard to establish a Catholic library at St. Joseph. Six of the sisters, all of them part of the original group at Holly Springs, died during September and October. Father Oberti died on Sept. 11. Over 300 of the townspeople perished, 30 of them Catholic.

Dr. R.M. Swearingen, a volunteer from Austin, Texas, penciled a tribute to Sister Corinthia Mahoney on the plaster wall of a jury room. It remained there until 1925 when the courthouse was renovated. To save the tribute, R.A. McDermott had workmen remove that section of the wall. Then he took it to Nazareth, Ky., where it remained until 1971 when it was returned to Holly Springs to the Marshall County Historical Museum where it can be seen today.

Within this room, September 1878, Sister Corinthia sank into eternal sleep. Among the first to enter this realm of death, she was the last, save one, to leave. The writer of this humble notice saw her in health, gentle but strong, as she moved with noiseless steps and serene smiles through the crowded wards. He saw her when the yellow plumed angel threw his golden shadows over the last sad scene, and eyes unused to weeping paid the tribute of tears to the brave and beautiful “Spirit of Mercy.”

Father Oberti and the sisters were laid to rest in the local cemetery where a monument was erected by a grateful town. And Bethlehem Academy reopened its doors.

Be safe and remember to take all precautions against mosquito bites this year. Sr. Corinthia is watching and praying for us.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson.)


Reading Across America and Around Diocese

FLOWOOD – Pre-K 4 students at St. Paul in Flowood have carpet time to learn about the Cat in the Hat. (Photo by Susan Irby)
SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School student Sophia reading a Dr. Seuss book to Pre-K 3 students Brooklyn and Anna as part of Read Across America. (Photo by Mary Evelyn Stonestreet)
MADISON – ST. Francis of Assis Attorney General Lynn Fitch reading to the Pre-K 2s and Pre-K-4s for Read Across America.
MADISON – ST. Francis of Assisi Ryleigh Isacc and Father Albeen – Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Latoya Kelly and Chiquita Brown
PEARL – St. Jude Youth group enjoying Bingo night on March 5, Mr. Jose Varela and Father Cesar Sanchez checking the rules of the game. (Photo by Lauren Robers)

VICKSBURG – (left) 1st and 2nd graders performed their music program, Sing a Song of Folklore. (Photo by Hannah Hinson.
(above) Our 100+ member cast performed 6 sold-out showings of Disney’s The Little Mermaid as our spring musical. (Photo by Anna Griffing)

JACKSON – St. Richard Early Learning Center students pose for a photo. (Photo by Monjenae Jackson)


Mardi Gras and more

CLARKSDALE – St. Elizabeth students show Mardi Gras spirit during their annual parade. (Photo by Mary Evelyn Stonestreet)
FLOWOOD – The PreK-4 and 5 classes are masked for Mardi Gras at St. Paul Early Learning Center. Pictured: MaryAtly Smith, Jonathan Speights, Nora Wallace, Barrett Stomps and Emery White. (Photo by Susan Irby)
JACKSON – St. Richard students enjoy some fun during their annual Mardi Gras parade. (Photo by Rita Melson)
COLUMBUS – Annunciation Megan McCoy and her son Mason dance during the annual Annunciation School Mardi Gras parade put on by the Kindergarten class. (Photo by Jacque Hince)
HOLLY SPRINGS – Seventh and eighth grade students from Holy Family School took a field trip to Ole Miss to study nanobiotechnology. They enjoyed a lecture, toured research laboratories and completed their own experiments. (Photo by Cynthia Dixon)
SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart Kindergarten student, Saint puts the finishing touches on his Ash Wednesday portrait. (Photo by Sister Margaret Sue Broker)
MADISON – Sydney Beard lights the altar candle for Father Albeen Vatti’s 25th anniversary Mass on March 3 at St. Francis of Assisi parish. (Photo by Tereza Ma)
PEARL – St. Jude parishioners and the parish youth group celebrated the Jubilee Year of Hope with an illuminated rosary in Mary garden on Feb. 26. (Photo by Lauren Roberts)
NATCHEZ – Pictured is Hollis Hughes of Cathedral School after the PreK class presented firefighters with a banner of appreciation. Students were mesmerized by all of the gadgets of the firetruck. (Photo by Brandi Boles)
MERIDIAN – Fourth grade student, Anna Harper portrays Sister Thea Bowman as her classmates listen during St. Patrick School’s Black History Month Program on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2025. (Photo by Helen Reynolds)
SOUTHAVEN – The Cat in the Hat visited the Pre-K and Kindergarten classes at Sacred Heart School as part of Read Across America activities. (Photo by Sister Margaret Sue Broker)

Bishop Kopacz to lead fall 2025 Jubilee pilgrimage

By Mary Woodward
JACKSON – Bishop Joseph Kopacz will be leading a Jubilee of Hope pilgrimage to Rome and environs from Oct. 25 through Nov. 3. The pilgrimage will visit the holy sites of Rome then venture off to the Abbey at Montecasino, down to Padre Pio’s home, then up to Assisi. See the ad with QR code to find more information on the trip. It will be an amazing time.

The year 2025 was proclaimed the Jubilee of Hope by Pope Francis maintaining the tradition of having a Jubilee Year in the church every 25 years. Pilgrims can travel to Rome and visit the Holy Doors of the four major basilicas of our church – St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, St. Paul Outside the Walls and St. Peter.
Pilgrimages have been going on for millennia. They are designed to allow the traveler a chance to deepen her/his faith by walking in the footsteps of the Lord and his apostles. A jubilee is based on Leviticus 25 when a sabbatical year for farming was taken every seven years to let the soil regenerate then after the seventh sabbatical (50 years) a jubilee of forgiving all debts, freeing all captives and proclaiming sight to the blind would occur. The church eventually proclaimed jubilee years every 25 years so that more pilgrims could go on spiritual journeys.

Msgr. Paul McInerny, retired Canon of St. Mary Major, points out the details on the Holy Door at St. Mary Major during a pilgrimage led by Bishop Joseph Latino in 2006. (Photo courtesy of Mary Woodward)

Back in 2000, the last Jubilee year which crossed from one millennium to the next, Bishop William Houck led a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi. In between jubilees various holy years have been held such as the 500th anniversary of the Vatican Museum in 2006 and the Year of Mercy in 2016. Bishop Joseph Latino led a pilgrimage for the 2006 holy year.

Since not everyone is able to make a pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee, Bishop Kopacz has designated several Jubilee Churches in our diocese that were recommended to him by the deaneries. Those churches are the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle in Jackson, the Basilica of St. Mary in Natchez, St. Patrick in Meridian, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Greenwood, St. Joseph in Greenville, St. Elizabeth in Clarksdale, St. Joseph in Holly Springs, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Houston, St. Francis of Assisi in New Albany, and St. Mary in Iuka.

Visiting Rome or one of these churches offers the opportunity to gain a jubilee plenary indulgence. To obtain the indulgence one must visit one of the churches and participate in Mass or adoration while there, pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, and go to confession within eight days of the visit.

Throughout this year look for moments to be a beacon of hope for others. Hope is the theme for the year and our world needs us as Christians to reflect and embody a spirit of hope to counter all the anxiety and fear all around us. It is my hope that you will have a blessed jubilee filled with faith, hope, and love, and that you will journey deeper into the heart of God – source of all hope.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson.)


Annunciation School happenings


SOUTHAVEN – Each year during Catholic Schools Week, Sacred Heart School students raise money for a special need in the community. The funds raised this year will go to the Dehon Village Summer Camp. Each link in the chain pictured represents 25 cents. The students raised over $900 which is close to 4,000 links total. On Feb. 5, the “Hope Chain” was taken from the walls of each classroom and brought to Mass, as a symbol of the students care for those in need. (Photo by Sister Margaret Sue Broker)


MACON – Youth engaged in various activities to strengthen their faith throughout the Confirmation Retreat weekend Jan. 25-26 at Lake Forest Ranch. Pictured are youth from St. James Tupelo, among others fully engaged in their faith. (Photo by Michelle Harkins)


Around the diocese

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick kindergarten students have been learning about the sacrament of baptism. Pictured: Father Augustine Palimattam, center, explains baptism to St. Patrick School kindergarten students on Tuesday, Jan. 14. (Photo by Helen Reynolds)
CLARKSDALE – (Right) Bishop Kopacz asked each deanery to designate at least one church to serve as a dedicated pilgrimage site for the Jubilee Year of Hope. On his word, deanery four selected St. Elizabeth Church and St. Joseph in Holly Springs. On Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025, the parishioners of St. Elizabeth braved the cold weather for a beautiful liturgy outside the church doors, dedicating St. Elizabeth for this purpose. Pilgrims will be eligible to receive a holy year plenary indulgence by visiting, participating in Mass or adoration, praying for the intentions of the Holy Father, and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation within eight days of visiting the pilgrimage site church. St. Elizabeth is honored and blessed to serve in this way and welcomes all pilgrims to visit and participate in Mass and/or adoration. Weekend Mass times are Saturdays at 6 p.m. and Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Daily Mass is offered Tuesday-Friday and adoration on Wednesdays. Please visit stelizabethclarksdale.org for details and times. (Photo by Catelin Britt)
HOLLY SPRINGS – Holy Family Students listened intently as Sacred Heart Southern Missions’ Food Coordinator Ralph Howard and Director of Administration Carla Crockett answered questions about their work in the community. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
SOUTHAVEN – During Sacred Heart School’s grandparents program, first grader Riley Burks gets a hug from her grandmother after lighting a candle together as a reminder of the light that our grandparents bring to our lives. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
JACKSON – St. Richard School sixth graders – Holt Wright, Anthony Ramsey, Eli Williams and Judah Hill – visited the St. Richard ELC for story time during Catholic Schools Week. This was in celebration and thanks to our Community. St. Richard School values every piece of our “community.” The toddlers at the ELC and St. Richard students were able to really interact with one another and had a wonderful time together. (Photo by Celeste Saucier)
MACON – Youth from around the diocese gathered at Lake Forest Ranch in Macon on Jan. 25-26 for the annual High School Confirmation Retreat coordinated by the Department of Faith Formation. Pictured are youth from Crystal Springs roasting s’mores over a bonfire. (Photo by Yvette Howard)
STARKVILLE – College students from across the diocese gathered for a day of fellowship, prayer and more at the “Embracing Joy” winter retreat held at St. Joseph Church in Starkville on Saturday, Feb. 1. (Photo by Amelia Rizor)
MACON – Youth engaged in various activities to strengthen their faith throughout the Confirmation Retreat weekend Jan. 25-26 at Lake Forest Ranch. Pictured are youth from St. James Tupelo, among others fully engaged in their faith. (Photo by Michelle Harkins)


GREENVILLE – Van Hunt, Henry Wong, Evie Dick and Sebastian Varela along with the entire Our Lady of Lourdes/St. Joseph elementary school created pinwheels for peace. This is a moment for students to reflect on what it means to live in peace, to promote kindness and to spread love wherever they go. Each pinwheel is a symbol of hope for a more peaceful world. (Photo by Nikki Thompson)
JACKSON – St. Richard Kindergarteners walked the halls to celebrate the 100th day of school dressed like they were 100 years old. Pictured (l-r): Olivia Mokry and Eliza Weisenberger. (Photo by Celeste Saucier)
COLUMBUS – Annunciation third grader, Levi Struber plants a pinwheel during the school’s “Pinwheels for Peace” ceremony. (Photo by Jacque Hince)
MADISON – Msgr. Michael Flannery lifts his hands in prayer during weekly Mass at St. Joseph School in Madison. Riley Ward, left, an eighth-grader assists as an altar server. St. Joe students attend a school-wide Mass every Thursday morning. (Photo by Terry R. Cassreino)
YAZOO CITY – Kiley Dew reads at the St. Mary Youth Mass on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025. (Photo by Babs McMaster)