Christ is alive in faith leaders

By Joanna Puddister King
MADISON – More than 100 catechist and pastoral leaders from across the diocese gathered for Fall Faith Formation Day hosted at St. Francis parish on Saturday, Aug. 24. The day of information, fellowship and encouragement was centered around the theme of “Christ, Alive!” and opened with a keynote by Bishop Joseph Kopacz, who led attendants on a discussion of the foundation, framework and focus of Pope Francis’ Christus Vivit, an apostolic exhortation to young people and “the entire People of God.”

Bishop Kopacz spoke to attendants about each chapter, reviewing the rich text of Pope Francis and focusing on reaching a deeper level with youth – the heart, mind and spirit of a young person – hope. He touched on subjects raised in the document such as, joy, “God is love,” relationships with God and with others, migrants, digital environments, divisions in society and more.

Focusing on building a foundation, Bishop Kopacz said, “the love of God and seeds of the divine are planted in the young people.”

Those in attendance received a copy of Christus Vivit and Director of Faith Formation, Fran Lavelle encouraged all to “spend time with the document, … Every time we break it open there is something new that is revealed.”

“Read. Explore. Think outside the box,” encouraged Lavelle.

After the introduction to Christus Vivit, attendees could select from a number of breakout sessions dealing with catechetical issues which included, catechist certification, rethinking confirmation, intentional youth ministry, forming multicultural communities, how to talk to youth about vocations, and exploring St. Paul’s encounter with the Risen Christ.

Session leader Father Roberto Mena led a discussion entitled “Out of Many – ONE: Forming Multicultural Communities.” Father Mena gave a brief history of immigration and U.S. Catholicism and spoke about the challenges found in multicultural parishes. He told faith leaders in attendance that “Catholics need to work together to form parish communities where every person, regardless of race, ethnicity or culture, has a place at the eucharistic table.

Next year, Fall Faith Formation Day will be held on Aug. 22, 2020. The Keynote speaker will be Dr. Tim Hogan, the co-author of How to Find the Help You Need, a guide to psychotherapy and spiritual direction.

Challenges of multicultural parishes

By Father Roberto Mena, ST
MADISON – U.S. Catholicism has always included substantial cultural diversity, but more than a half century ago, when the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. described Sunday morning as “the most segregated hour” of the week, Catholic parishes also operated as separate (but unequal) communities.
By the 1980s, however, in the so-called “gateway cities” where immigrants began their journey in the United States, many Catholics had begun to worship in parishes with multiple cultural groups, often known as “shared parishes.” By the 1990s, as new immigrants from Latin American and Asia settled across the nation, such parishes proliferated everywhere.
According to a 2018 study of Catholic parishes with Hispanic ministry across the United States, 43 percent of parishioners in parishes with Hispanic ministry are actually Anglo Catholics. In places like Los Angeles and Miami, up to three-fourths of parishes in a diocese hold Mass in more than one language; in Midwestern and Southern dioceses, often one-fifth to one-half of parishes do.
After decades of cultural, ethnic and racial groups sharing parishes, we might ask how things are going.
On the one hand, the number of ministries for underserved groups and the number of Catholic parishes serving multicultural congregations has steadily increased. On the other hand, research shows that most of the nation’s parishes still primarily serve white and English-speaking Catholics; a smaller percentage do the “multicultural heavy lifting.”
On the one hand, for many U.S. Catholics, journeying alongside other cultural groups has begun to feel normal. On the other hand, many nonimmigrant Catholics complain vociferously about the signs of cultural diversity in their midst, about Masses in Spanish or Vietnamese, about Day of the Dead “ofrendas” or the smell of unfamiliar food in the parish kitchen.
Political polarization and noisier forms of opposition to the presence of undocumented immigrants (most of whom are Catholic) has exacerbated these tendencies in our time. Sensitive to such divisions, church authorities sometimes downplay the overwhelming reality of demographic change, so much so that many Catholics have unrealistic ideas about the size or influence of groups other than their own.

Even where parishes have embraced the diversity of their communities, parishioners routinely avoid one another. In one parish, parishioners would park on the street just to avoid negotiating the parking lot between the English and Spanish Masses. Eventually, however, groups must negotiate the details of parish life — sharing meeting rooms, planning multicultural liturgies, even navigating the parking lot between Masses.
Societal tensions and inequalities intrude on these negotiations. People come to church carrying hurt from discrimination. They assume that difficulties, for example, in securing a job or a favorable home loan will translate into difficulties in obtaining meeting space for their ministries.
Recent immigrants often feel intimidated and powerless trying to negotiate parish life with longtime residents. Aging ethnic or racial communities, including many white Catholics, feel outnumbered and therefore aggrieved, leading them to hold on to privileges within their parishes.
Even so, not a small number of communities have found relative success in sharing parish life. Among those who do, there appear to be four factors that make a difference.
First, such parishes learn to balance the need for “safe space” for the different groups with opportunities to experience parish life together. They do not insist on quick assimilation (which is not possible anyway). Parishioners regularly pray and minister according to their own language and culture, but they also work together selling tamales or hamburgers at the parish festival.
Second, successful shared parishes work to be fair and just in the relationships between communities. In one parish, a white Knight of Columbus was the one who noted that the Christmas decorations, as beautiful as they were, were arranged by an all-Anglo committee according to Euro-American Christmas traditions; that had to change.
Third, successful shared parishes make room for people’s grief over demographic and other changes, but they do not resist change.
Finally, research on shared parishes shows that the vision and authority of the parish’s pastor makes a real difference. In one parish, for instance, the pastor worked hard to confuse people as to which group he favored. He never missed an opportunity to talk about the parish as a community of communities, and he (or his staff) would intervene when a group tried to dominate or needed more attention.
While the pastor’s role matters, research suggests that Catholics should be wary of placing too much on pastors and their authority to adjudicate multicultural tensions. Many priests are already overburdened, and Pope Francis reminds us that all the baptized have a responsibility for parish life.Especially in these more contentious times, Catholics need to work together to form parish communities where every person, regardless of race, ethnicity or culture, has a place at the eucharistic table.

(Father Roberto Mena, ST is Sacramental Minister in St. Michael, Forest and In Residence at St. Anne, Carthage.)

Back to school pictures

Columbus – Annunciation school, photos by Katie Fenstermacher

Natchez – Cathedral school, photos by Cara Moody Serio

Jackson – Sister Thea Bowman, photos courtesy of Shea Goodman-Robinson

Southaven – Sacred Heart school, photos by Laura Grisham and Sister Margaret Sue Booker

Madison – St. Joseph school, photos by Terry Cassreino

Madison – St. Anthony school, photos by Paige Loyacono

Clarksdale – St. Elisabeth school, photo courtesy of school.

Vicksburg – St. Francis Xavier and St. Aloysius schools, photos by Lindsey Bradley

Meridian – St. Patrick school, photo by Celeste Saucier

Jackson – St. Richard school, photos by tereza ma

Back to school: principals report for duty

The 2019-2020 school year brings fresh energy, an environment of faith, hope and love and a few new faces to our Catholic schools.
Welcome to our new principals at St. Anthony Madison, Holy Family Holly Springs, St. Elizabeth Claarksdale and St. Aloysius Vicksburg.
Anne Cowger – St. Anthony, Madison
St. Anthony school welcomes new principal Anne Cowger for the 2019-2020 school year. Cowger has taught at St. Anthony since its opening in 2009. She earned a bachelor of arts degree in elementary education and a master of education degree in curriculum and instruction including graduate level coursework in school administration and supervision from the University of New Orleans. During her 27 years of experience in education she taught in various schools in Louisiana and Mississippi. When asked her vision for St. Anthony, Cowger responded, “We want students to know the world in which they live and see the endless possibilities that it offers – seeing that they can do whatever they set their mind to, solving problems with fortitude and endurance.”

Tunia Sangster – Holy Family, Holly Springs
Holy Family School welcomes Tunia Sangster as their new principal this year. Sangster has worked within the Catholic school system in Memphis for over ten years, both in teaching and administration. She is currently working on her second master’s degree in educational leadership. Sangster’s vision for Holy Family is “to grow student enrollment by challenging them academically and to develop creative thinking processes that will enable our students to be forward thinkers and create an even stronger Holly Springs community.”
Sarah Cauthen – St. Elizabeth, Clarksdale
St. Elizabeth School welcomes Sarah Cauthen as principal for the 2019-2020 school year. Cauthen is a 2004 graduate of Millsaps College in elementary education. After teaching several years in the Clarksdale Municipal School District, Cauthen converted to Catholicism and began working for St. Elizabeth Church in 2016. She is delighted to be returning to the vibrant atmosphere of a school. Her vision for Saint Elizabeth School is “to make sure that St. Elizabeth continues to be the influence, the pillar that is in this community, creating leaders, creating a future in Clarksdale.”
Karla McHan – St. Aloysius, Vicksburg
As announced in 2018, Karla McHan would assume the role of principal of Vicksburg Catholic-St. Aloysius in the 2019-2020 school year. McHan has a bachelor of arts degree in secondary education from Mississippi College and a master’s degree in educational leadership from William Carey University. “I am a Catholic and I really love my faith and my church, and I have a great passion for education, so this was a really good way to combine those two,” McHan stated. She continues the great tradition of excellence in academics and service to the Vicksburg community.
The Diocese of Jackson wishes all of our new principals great success in the coming school year.

Catholic education shows importance of faith, hope and love

By Karla Luke
JACKSON – The following quote is often seen displayed in many of our schools across the diocese: “Let it be known to all who enter here that Jesus Christ is the reason for this school, the unseen but ever-present teacher in all its classes, the model of its faculty, and the inspiration for its students.”
Our Catholic Identity is the foundation of everything that happens in our Catholic schools. We strive to be schools who live the two great commandments: love God with our all our heart, soul and mind and love our neighbor as ourselves. We seek to accomplish this through daily prayer, mass, retreats and service to others. It is our goal to help our faculty and students grow in faith through these activities. Additionally, we provide units of study on various themes of Catholic faith for our faculty and staff. We believe that by providing faculty and staff with education and support about our Catholic faith that it will benefit our students by underscoring the importance of our baptismal duty to evangelize by word and action.
During the 2018-2019 school year, we studied the Beatitudes from the Gospel of Matthew. In our study, we explored the Beatitudes as an invitation to live as Christ did as a contradiction to the norms of society. As a basis for our study, we used the writings of Pope Francis, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Blessings for Leaders: Leadership Wisdom from the Beatitudes by Dan Ebener. These foundation documents were the major source of information for our diocesan-wide study.
To successfully monitor how well we grow, internalize and practice our faith, two assessments were administered in the schools. During the 2018-2019 school year, the adult faculty and staff took the Information for Growth Survey for Adults (IFG) and the Assessment of Child/Youth Religious Education (ACRE) was given to students in grades five and eight. The results of these assessments directed us to a deeper study of the theological virtues: faith, hope, and love.
Each year we choose a theme on which to focus our attention on enlivening the faith for our students, faculties, and the school community-at-large. This year our theme “The Virtues are REAL,” will show the importance of faith, hope and love in our relationship with God and each other here on earth.
As we move forward in the essential responsibility of educating our students for this life and life in heaven with our Creator, we ask your continued prayers and support.

Data drives curriculum and instruction update

By Stephanie Brown
JACKSON – In the Fall of 2018, teachers from around the diocese met to revise the curriculum standards used by teachers in our schools. Teachers reviewed state and national standards as well as college and career readiness standards and expectations. After reviewing all of the information, clear and concise curriculum standards for English language arts, math, social studies and science were developed.
In addition to completing the revision and publication of our Diocesan Curriculum Standards, the Diocese of Jackson also implemented the use of the Effective Learning Environment Observation Tool (ELEOT). This is an observation tool used by administrators and lead teachers that focuses on student engagement in the classroom. The tool evaluates seven different “environments,” each of which have three or four indicators that support the environment. The use of this tool has allowed for principals to gain deeper insight into the instruction happening in the classroom each day and the results have allowed the Office of Education to frame professional development priorities for the next school year.
After reviewing our diocesan reports, it is clear that digital learning should be an area of focus for the coming school year. It was also decided that based on our ELEOT ratings, as well as survey results from teachers and students, that differentiated instruction is another area that provides opportunities for growth and improvement. To truly begin differentiation for all students, training on the use of student performance data to determine individual needs is needed for all teachers and principals. The Office of Education is currently working with the School Leadership Center of Greater New Orleans to schedule training on data driven instruction.

Surveys indicate increase in satisfaction

By Stephanie Brown
JACKSON – Starting in the Spring of 2018, the Diocese of Jackson’s Office of Catholic Education began conducting surveys among parents, teachers and students to gain better insight into the strengths of our schools and to identify areas for future development. While individual schools had conducted surveys in the past, this effort was done from the system level to both provide feedback to individual schools as well as identify system-wide trends that the Office of Catholic Education could begin to address.
In the Spring of 2018 general surveys were sent to teachers, students and parents to gather baseline statistics of how stakeholders believed our schools were performing across different areas of school life. In the Fall we began more targeted surveys of teachers and students to gain a better understanding of how teachers are teaching and students are learning in the classroom each day. Following a successful Catholic Schools Week, Catholic Identity Surveys were sent to parents to assess how our schools are fulfilling their missions as institution of faith-based learning.
In April of 2019, fifteen questions were selected from the 2018 parent survey and were resent. The revisited questions were looking for any improvements made in the areas focused on throughout the year. Questions were asked regarding student support services, overall school environment and students’ application and understanding of the content they are being taught.
While many indicators showed similar results to the 2018 surveys, two indicators demonstrated a 4% increase in parent satisfaction. These indicators were “My students sees a connection between what they are learning and real life;” as well as, “All of my child’s teachers meet his/her learning needs by individualizing instruction.” Both of these indicators were areas of focus of our classroom observation program in the 2018-2019 school year.

Parish children rally for change

By Joanna Puddister King
CANTON – On Aug. 11, just days after many children of immigrants felt the ultimate fear of never seeing their parents again, the children of Sacred Heart parish rallied and prayed for change on the historic Canton courthouse square after the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids on Wed., Aug. 7 rocked six Mississippi communities.

Signs carried by the children as they marched included messages of fear and reform. Two young girls carried a sign that read, “I will not sit in silence while my parents are taken away.” Another young boy’s sign read, “Immigration should not be only for the rich! We need change,” a message that resonated with 18-year-old Dulce Basurto-Arce, who spoke on the courthouse steps.

“It is very difficult to come to the United States legally,” said Basurto-Arce. “Most of the families who come here can’t afford the process to come in legal(ly). In today’s society becoming legal is only for the rich. . . . We are all humans. We all deserve the same opportunity. It should not be a crime to work for a better life, a better future for their kids. Something they didn’t have back in their country.”

The event lasting about one hour included laps around the courthouse with pauses for prayer, refection, song and unity. The crowd of about 100 were out to show their support and love, some having signs of their own – “Migration is an act of courage.”

For the final lap, Mary Hicks, a young adult who organized the event, called for those present to march for change and hold hands with some of the children who were now missing a parent.

In closing, Hicks thanked the crowd for their support and then spoke directly to the kids. “I want y’all to look out at all of these people that don’t have any idea how you are feeling, but they are out here to support you in this hot sun, in this heat. They are out here because they love you and they care about you.”

Through tears, Hicks continued, “And I know that there is a lot of hate out there in the world, but these people care about you. And there are a lot more that care about you, so know that you are not alone.”

Youth news

CORINTH – On July 19 and 20 St. James Parish children and teachers hopped on the Jesus train. Children (not in order pictured) – Aaron, Yuri, Briana, Emmanuel, Kimberly, Karely, Yoselin, Dilan, Cristian, Marlene, Carlos, Maylin, Mia, Evolet, Kelly, Maiying, Ashley, Jeshua and Ailyn. Teachers (not in order pictured) – Tania, Maria, Edith, Roberto, and Luisa. (Photo by Luis Rosales)

MERIDIAN – Recently the Catholic Youth of Meridian participated in Love out Loud, a week long mission event where local churches come together to serve the people of Meridian. Youth and adults volunteered their time in various ways, such as completing random acts of kindness, visiting nursing homes, volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, Care Lodge, Hope Village and various schools. Catholic student representatives included Jekalah Keyes, J’Nae Keyes, Carter Eakes, Edwar Hernandez, Macarena Frias, Elena Stroot, Aaliyahmarie Nance, Zemaree Hampton, Wes Pritchard, Zane Pritchard, Reed Gorgas, Ryann Gorgas, Star Cayer, Alana Frias, Miller Hodge, Tom Tom Nguyen, Cassandra Klutz, Hannah Kidd and Sha Hare.Adults who helped included Marvin Nance, Edna Blanks, Ginny Parsons, Liz Bartlett, Janet Reece and Catrina Kidd.
The highlight of the service week was on Wednesday, July 17 when 15 youth and four adults worked at St. Patrick School painting in the main hallway, the cafeteria and in the Pre-K4 classroom.
All together more than 25 churches and over 600 volunteers brought the love of Jesus around the community of Meridian.

CORINTH – St. James Parish, July 19-20. Teachers and kids playing on church grounds during the “Summer School Vacation with Jesus” program. (Photos by Luis Rosales)

CORINTH – St. James Parish, Aug. 4, children getting ready for a back to school blessing from Father Mario Solórzano. (Photo by Luis Rosales)
Pope Francis arrives for an audience with thousands of Scouts in Paul VI hall at the Vatican Aug. 3, 2019. Young men and women from 16 to 21 years of age who belong to the International Union of Guides and Scouts in Europe attended the event with the pontiff. (CNS photo/Yara Nardi, Reuters)

Journey of Hope for football star Rocky Bleier

By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – From winning the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star for his service in Vietnam, to playing football with the Pittsburg Steelers and winning four Super Bowl rings, Rocky Bleier is the true definition of success.

He played college football at the University of Notre Dame and graduated in 1968 with a degree in business management. While there he led the Fighting Irish to a National Championship in 1966 and served as team captain in 1967.

After college, Bleier experienced two drafts. The first was by the NFL to the Pittsburg Steelers. He saw little action in his first year but did not know a second draft awaited him in December of 1968 into the U.S. Army, as his rookie year ended.

At a time when President Nixon was coming into office, Bleier found himself serving on the battle fields of Vietnam. After his platoon was ambushed, he was seriously injured, losing part of his foot in a grenade blast and was told by doctors he would never play professional football again.

After such harrowing, heart-wrenching news, where did Bleier find the strength and courage to go on to win four Super Bowl rings?

Bleier will tell his story on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at the Jackson Convention Complex for Catholic Charities Journey of Hope fundraiser luncheon at 12 p.m. A sponsorship meet and greet event will be held Monday, Oct. 7 at 6 p.m., where guest will have the opportunity to meet and take pictures with Bleier.

Julie O’Brien, development associate at Catholic Charities, feels that Bleier is the perfect fit for their Journey of Hope event. “[He] has a tremendous message of encouragement, hope and helping those who have been less fortunate in life. His support of veterans and their families coincides with our Supportive Services for Veteran families program and the other programs at Catholic Charities,” said O’Brien.

For over 50 years, Catholic Charities has strived to provide help and create hope for residents of the 65 counties of the Diocese of Jackson. With a breadth of services that include adoption, mental health counseling, refugee and immigrant services, domestic violence shelters and counseling, housing for low-income families and elderly, emergency assistance and veteran support, among many others, Catholic Charities is here to serve all of God’s children.

Being a veteran himself, Bleier appreciates how Catholic Charities works to provide housing stability among low-income veteran families and the outreach and case management services the organization provides to them.
“I have seen the difficulty that some of our veterans have in making the transition from military to civilian life. I believe that home ownership is one of the foundations for that transition and veterans are a proud group of people who at times find it difficult to ask for help,” says Bleier.

For the Journey of Hope event, Catholic Charities needs table leader volunteers. Information on the event and volunteering can be found at or by contacting Julie O’Brien at 601-326-3758, email

Youth news

Vacation Bible School

CLINTON – Holy Savior, Vacation Bible School
July, theme: Roar! Life is Wild…God is Good!
Dancing to the theme song “I’m Trusting You.”
(l-r) above picture: Mary Katherine Yentzen, Somto Agbahiwe, Madalyn Weisenberger, Dominic Weisenberger, Melinda Weisenberger. (Picture by Isaac Martinolich)
HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Vacation Bible School “Roar!” Mary Jacinta Baskin, Benjamin Baskinand other children made binaculars to show how to look out for signs God sends them! (Photo by Allison Baskin)

Carmelite Monastery welcomes new nun to community

By Joanna Puddister King

JACKSON – There was much to celebrate July 16 at the Carmelite Monastery of Jackson. Not only was it the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, patroness of the Carmelites, but the day a new sister in Christ was veiled for the small community of Discalced Carmelite nuns.

The small chapel was standing room only with friends, family and supporters filling the pews and the extra seats brought in for the occasion. The first few rows of pews were taken by Discalced Carmelite Seculars from all walks of life, wearing their large brown scapulars as a symbol of their devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The order of cloistered nuns and the choir sat behind the grille that separates them from the public portion of the chapel.

Eight priests, along with Bishop Joseph Kopacz and Bishop Joseph Latino, gathered to celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Solemn Profession and Veiling of Sister Geraldine of the Body and Blood of Christ.

The homily delivered by Discalced Carmelite Father Danilo Fauste, superior of Our Lady’s Hill in the Philippines, was set to remind Sister Geraldine of the difficult promise of commitment of surrendering to God’s call to contemplative life and prayer. He explained having a true “personal relationship with Jesus Christ,” as a cloistered nun includes the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. “The vows speak for your past, present and future . . . and will reflect to others the touch and the love of Jesus,” he said.

In the ceremony dating back to St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, Sister Geraldine stated the formula of profession of vows, which she herself wrote beforehand. After this profession, Sister Geraldine sang Holy is His Name by John Michael Talbot signifying her willing spirit of self-giving and joy. As the song went on, Sister Geraldine was overcome with emotion, an outward expression of her love of the Lord. The chapel filled with loved ones and supporters beautifully finished the song for her as she sobbed into Sister Mary Jane Patricia of the Resurrection’s shoulder, who came to comfort her.

After Bishop Kopacz consecrated the professed, he blessed the black veil that Sister Geraldine will wear as an insignia of her profession along with a stunning crown made of delicate white and pink roses.
Now admitted as a life-long member of the order of Carmelites with her black veil, Sister Geraldine beamed with excitement and joy. All in attendance sang the hymn You are Mine. “Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you each by name. Come and follow me. I will bring you home. I love you and you are mine.”

Sister Geraldine, after a long journey of religious life as a Franciscan, entered the Holy Family of Carmel in San Fernando, La Union in the Philippines before her journey to Jackson to join the Carmelite monastery. She is now a member of the small family of Carmelite nuns and will spend her days balancing times of solitude, study, work and community acts, including celebrating Mass, and participating in the Divine Office and joining in meals and recreation.

(Berta Mexidor also contributed to this story.)

Youth news

Vacation Bible School

Madison, Ms

St. Francis of Assisi Miraculous Mission theme for VBS, children working on their “Mary, Queen of the Universe” prayer booklets.
4 year-olds – 4th grade “astronauts” perform at the closing VBS program
(Photo by Mary Catherine George

Greenville, Ms

A Wilderness Adventure Through the Sacraments –Jesus in my Heart Noah Signa, Ashley Alexander, Campbell Hooker, Ann Leighton Maranto and Warren Signa.
(Photo by Rayetta R. Serio)

Flag retirement at St. Richard

JACKSON – On Sunday, June 30, Jackson St. Richard Parish hosted its annual Fourth of July Celebration. At the start of the picnic, the Boy Scouts hold a flag retirement ceremony using flags the parish has turned in. American Flags which are torn or worn out can be retired by burning if the ceremony is conducted in a proper way. The Knights of Columbus had an honor guard on hand for the service. As a side note, this is the last time the Knights will wear this regalia. Starting in July, they will wear the new regalia, which uses a beret-style hat instead of the feathered hat and a jacket. (Photo by Maureen Smith)