Lenten rites pave way to Easter conversion

By Berta Mexidor
JACKSON/ MADISON – Lent begins with the penitential sign of ashes on Ash Wednesday, but does include some joyful moments for the faithful.
Bishop Joseph Kopacz, celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass at the Cathedral, blessing ashes to mark the forheads of those in the church.
The Sunday, March 10, Bishop Kopacz, assisted by Deacon Mc Gregor celebrated the Rite of Election and call to continuing conversion for 43 catechumens and 10 candidates for confirmation during Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Parish. Pastor Father Albeenreddy Vatti and Father Frank Cosgrove were also on hand.
Mary Woodward, chancellor, presented a book with their names to the bishop before all the catechumens and candidates received a blessing and a Pastoral Priorities prayer card from Bishop Kopacz.
The group represented all age groups and included members of parishes around the diocese. The Rite of Election and call to continuing conversion mark the final preparations for Easter, when the catechumens will receive first communion and candidates will be confirmed.
Lauren Roberts, a catechumen from Jackson St. Richard, explained that she was baptized into the church years ago, but her fiancé, family and friends helped her to decide to take this step toward full, active membership in the church. Maria Vera is sponsoring Alberto and Alexis Jiménez. She said she wants to show them the road to Christ.

Ash Wednesday

JACKSON – Mary Woodward places ashes on the forhead of a member of the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle on Ash Wednesday. (Photos by Maureen Smith)

Above, Mr. Wesley Lindsay marks a woman's forehead. The ashes are a reminder to turn from sin during Lent and prepare for Easter.

Rite of Election

Freezing fun on Fat Tuesday

CLARKSDALE – Cold temperatures didn’t stop the students from St. Elizabeth School from celebrating Mardi Gras with a parade around campus. Older students threw the traditional beads and prizes from convertables to their younger classmates. Mardi Gras, literally Fat Tuesday, was a day to eat all the sweets and meat a family might have to prepare for fasting and abstience during the season of Lent. (Photos by Dawn Spinks)

Couples share their love, commitment at World Marriage Day

By Berta Mexidor and Maureen Smith
JACKSON – Eighty-two couples marked World Marriage Day by celebrating more than 3,500 years of marriage on Sunday, Feb. 24, at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. The number of couples attending doubled from last year. The majority of those are celebrating either 50 or 25 years of marriage. Ten couples honored are celebrating 60 years of marriage.
Charlene Bearden, coordinator for the Office of Family Ministry, organizes the celebration of World Marriage Day for the Diocese of Jackson. Each couple celebrating a significant anniversary receives a certificate and a blessing from Bishop Joseph Kopacz. “I think it shows that faith out there is solid – it’s strong and people want to celebrate that,” said Bearden.
World Marriage day is a global event to honor the sacrament of marriage and recognize those who are called to the vocation. In the homily Bishop Kopacz talked about the reading of loving your enemies. He remarked, teasingly, that it was not intentional for the occasion, but it is a good lesson about the magnitude of love. Bishop Kopacz blessed the commitment and example of the couples and asked them to renew their vows with a kiss. After the Mass and blessing, all the couples were invited to the cathedral center for a reception.

Margaret and John McAllese of Flowood St. Paul Parish are celebrating 65 years of marriage with their two children and three grandchildren. “Always get rid of the problem you had before you go to bed. No fighting going to bed – get rid of it,” said John. He and his wife also like to laugh together.
Rosa and Dan Buzzarde came down from Grenada to be honored for their 25-years of marriage. It may seem like a long time, but Dan feels differently. “I looked up one day from my job and lightning slapped me in the face and it was her and I haven’t gotten over it yet,” he said. Rosa said she would tell young couples that marriage takes “lots of patience, lots of love and lots of understanding.”
Carmen and Isidro Vieyra from Jackson St. Therese celebrated 25 years of marriage. They believe that God is always helping them on the trip. Carmen said “God gives patience and love to understand.” Their daughter, Cyntia Vieyra and her fiance Gustavo García, after six years of dating, will follow their parents’ example and take the vows next May.They want to have “all the children with whom God blesses them” both said at the same time.
30-year couple Cassandra and Tracy Hansbrough from Greenwood St. Francis urge young people to put work into a relationship before marriage. “They should weigh their options and get to know one another before they get married and realize that marriage is a partnership and compromise is very important,” Cassandra explained.
Forgiveness and mercy play a role in Yvonne and Robert Tanner’s 35-year marriage. “You need to still love every day. Every day is a new beginning and when you approach it that way then those days start adding to years and more,” said Robert. His wife added, “Keep God first in prayer and I think everything else will work out.”

More pictures coming soon!

Chanche Medal honorees: serve, embrace, inspire

JACKSON – When Bishop John Joseph Chanche arrived in the newly formed Diocese of Natchez in May of 1841, there were no Catholic Churches, only a couple of missionary priests, and his flock was far flung. He rose to the challenge and laid the foundation for the Diocese of Jackson. The diocese honors his legacy and thanks those who continue to build on his foundation with the Bishop Chanche medal for service.
This year, Bishop Joseph Kopacz gave 19 adults and nine young people their awards on Saturday, Feb. 24, at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. During the Mass, he used Bishop Chanche’s crozier, at right, and spoke of the man who braved wilderness and scarcity to build up the kingdom of God. The brief descriptions on these pages come from the Bishop Chanche nomination forms and offer a glimpse into the men and women who serve the Church today.

Adult winners with their medals.

Ella Deffner – Clinton Holy Savior
Eucharistic minister to shut-ins, liturgical volunteer.
“Ella lives out her personal devotion to Eucharist in her own life as a faithful Eucharistic Minister visiting and bringing Eucharist to shut-ins weekly. She prepares our altar for Mass daily and Sunday and cares for altar linens, vestments and votive candle.” – Father Tom McGing

Kathleen Edwards – Pearl St. Jude
Certified Catechist, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, hospitality coordinator, liturgical volunteer, RCIA volunteer.
“Kathleen’s ministries have touched many lives. I have seen the impact she has on children, as they respond very enthusiastically to her presence. I have seen her give special attention to children with special needs and they respond very positively to her. She is the face of Christ to many in our parish. She is always serving and taking care of our parishioners, making sure they feel welcome.” – Father Lincoln Dall

Mavis and Lando Fratesi – Leland St. James
Liturgical volunteers, social volunteers, Knights of Columbus
“This couple has been committed to their Catholic faith for past 63 years and they participate in all the ministries of the parish. Lando volunteers for any work in the parish. Young people and children look up to them as role models of parents and grandparents.” – Father Alphonse Arulanandu

Roma Golden – Natchez Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Liturgical volunteer, visited sick and home-bound, inspiring caregiver to disabled son, member Secular Order of Disclaced Carmelites
“For many years, Roma dedicated one day each week to visiting and praying with the sick and home bound and being a Eucharistic Minister to Catholic members. This has been of great service since Assumption Parish did not have a full-time priest. She has been an outstanding witness by her caring for her disabled son.” – Father David O’Connor

Deborah Hopf – Gloster, Holy Family Parish
Volunteer organist
“Ms. Debbie Hopf is a devoted organist at Holy Family Church in Gloster, as well as for St. Joseph Church in Woodville, as a substitute whenever required. She recently retired from Amite County School System as a Board Supervisor and as an English teacher at Centreville Academy, and has been most faithful to her weekend music ministry at Holy Family Church.” – Father Scott Dugas

Carolyn Koenig – Amory St. Helen
Coordinates parish Christmas charity effort, visits elderly and alzheimers patients, participates in civic charity events.
“Each year more than 80 children and families have some sort of Christmas because of her hard work and dedication. She has a loving heart and her generosity is well known in the parish. There have been times when she was hospitalized but continued with doing what she could from her bed and home. Carolyn is a loving woman who has raised two Catholic daughters who continue to participate in the Church along with her two grandchildren. Her witness of Faith is quietly evident in all she does.” – Sister Lael Niblick

Mary and John Kraft – Madison St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Office and liturgy volunteers
For Mary and John, their service to the Church is priority. They see the work that they do for the Church and for the Lord as their path of living out their holiness. So many sacrifices have been made to accomplish the good work the Lord has inspired them to carry out.” – nominating committee

Mike Logan – Woodville St. Joseph
Hospitality volunteer, usher, assists needs veterans.
“Mike Logan has continued a dedicated ministry of Minister of Hospitality and Usher at St. Joseph Church in Woodville for more than 10 years. This goes back to a family tradition started with St. Mary Basilica and Assumption Churches in Natchez.” – Father Scott Dugas

Vivian and Patrick McKinney – Chatawa St. Teresa of Avila
Parish council volunteers, donated construction time, talent and treasure, social gathering volunteers, associates of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
(In addition to preparing meals for parish events), “Pat constructed the concrete foundation for the bell tower at St. Teresa of Avila Church, as well as the concrete ramp to St. James Mission Church, Magnolia.” Vivian serves on several committees and arranges parish picnic annually. They are “a faithful family — totally dedicated to their church in various ways. They are always available to take up any responsibility.” – Father Suresh Reddy Thirumalareddy

Roxian and Daniel Miller – Natchez St. Mary Basilica
Liturgical volunteers, parish event volunteers, social service volunteers, member Knights of Columbus.
“Both of these nominees are outstanding witnesses and examples in St. Mary Basilica parish. They are leaders in the “Respect Life” activities of the parish and in the functions of the Knights of Columbus. Both can be found in the Family Life Center kitchen helping to prepare and serve the weekly parish dinners and do the clean up afterwards. Both are very dedicated to praying the rosary, often making rosaries to give to those who need one and leading many rosary services throughout the year, especially during the month of October.” – Father David O’Connor

Rosalinda and Joel Montoy – Jackson St. Therese
Hispanic ministry, catechesis, parish and finance council volunteers, donors of construction time, talent and treasure,
“Most recently Joel helped recruit and coordinated volunteers who are donating $115,000 worth of labor for construction of the new parish offices and religious education classrooms.” Rosalinda has also been an example of one who gives her time, talents and leadership to the parish. She serves on the pastoral council and on the liturgy committee. For three years Rosalinda has been the director of the Parish School of Religion for Hispanics. Like a good leader, she prepared someone to take her place this year, and Rosalinda has returned to teaching one of the classes.” – Msgr. Elvin Sunds

Evelyn Villanueva Riveros – Vicksburg St. Michael
Hispanic ministry coordinator, sacramental preparation volunteer, social service volunteer
“Evelyn is a native Puerto Rican and her home country was destroyed by Hurricane Maria. Being barely able to communicate with family and friends made this time very difficult for Evelyn but she threw her heart into doing whatever she could for her fellow Puerto Ricans. She took her love of Hispanic Ministry and her love of country to the global scale. Almost single handedly she arranged for the St. Michael Parish Hall to be used as the Warren County drop off location for relief items going to Puerto Rico.” – Father Robert Dore

Derek Singleton – Jackson Christ the King
Liturgical volunteer, parish council member, school supporter, physical plant volunteer, catechist Knights of Peter Claver.
“Derek is a true example of who a Catholic is. His deeds are not not done because he was asked to sign up for something. He does things because he feels as a Catholic it is something that he should do. It is in his persona to go out of his way to serve.” – Deacon Denzil Lobo

Barbara and Donnie Tynes – Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle
RCIA coordinators, liturgical volunteers, Habitat for Humanity volunteers, prison ministry, parish council
“Since their registration as parishioners 14 years ago, Barbara and Donnie are the smiling faces that inquirers and visitors see at the Cathedral They are always ready with a smile or hug or both to help those in need feel special.” – Father Anthony Quyet

Doug Prosen – Philadephia Holy Cross Parish
Food pantry ministry, Knights of Columbus
“He is a vibrant person who spends his time serving the poor and runs this ministry free of charge.” – Father Darnis Selvanayakam

Britt Virden – Greenville, St. Joseph Parish
School and parish volunteer and donor. “Britt exemplifies what it means to believe in a mission and put every ounce of talent and energy into mission. He believes in it and he lives it. He has also made financial sacrifices in order to support our school and parish. No matter what the need was, Britt would see to it that we got it.” – Father Bill Henry.

Gracie Wilson – Gluckstadt St. Joseph
Liturgical volunteer, hospitality volunteer for parish and diocesan events, Hispanic ministry, social service, Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxillary
“Gracie is invaluable to me, personally, and to our community. She leads when called to leadership, she is on the team when needed, and she serves in the background when that service is necessary. She is always there, helping, supporting, and praying for our parish family.” – Pam Minninger

Youth honorees

JACKSON – Bishop Joseph Kopacz congratulates youth winners of the Bishop Chanche service award during the Mass on Saturday, Feb. 24. (Photos by Maureen Smith)

Olivia Artigues – Starkville St. Joseph
Youth ministry and catechetical volunteer, liturgical volunteer, community service volunteer.
“When she speaks about or lives out her faith, it is a pure and well intended example for the others to follow. And it is done in such as way, as John the Baptist, pointing to someone much greater than herself.” – Deacon Jeff Artigues

Raphael Barner – Jackson Holy Ghost
Liturgical volunteer, musician (Sonic Boom of the South member), role model.
“At our church and at school, Raphael is known for his leadership and his willingness to assist and prayerfulness. The youth at our church look up to Raphael because is always available for the young males to talk to school and sometimes about music. Raphael has no problem praying with his friends and sharing his religious beliefs. For a young man who have so much going on in his life, he is a jewel.” – Father Alfred Ayem, pastor

Catherine Cook – Jackson St. Richard
Youth ministry leader, retreat leader, liturgical volunteer, community service volunteer
“Catherine has a deep faith in God and a strong personal relationship with Christ. Her relationship with Christ is evident in everything she does. Catherine truly loves the Lord and this becomes very apparent in the way she lives her life. You don’t have to spend much time with Catherine before her love of Christ becomes apparent. She just can’t help sharing his love with others. “ – Amelia Rizor, youth minister

Margaret Elizabeth Gordon – Gluckstadt St. Joseph
Liturgical volunteer, catechist volunteer, community service
“Meg has an enthusiasm for her participation and faith that inspires not only her leaders but our younger members as well. She is always willing to guide the younger teens when needed.” – Patti Greene, youth minister

Cassandra Klutz – Meridian St. Patrick
Liturgical ministry, particularly music ministry, Vacation Bible school and summer service camp volunteer.
“She is the most empathetic young person I have ever been around, she has a knack for sensing what someone may need, whether it be a kind word, a smile, or a helping hand and then providing it without fanfare. She is very creative in the arts with the ability to vision an idea and then follow through to its completion. Her kindness extends throughout our youth, she will take the time to teach younger kids arts, crafts, music and anything that she has had experience with previously. Finally, her integrity might be her strongest suit. She has been taught a strong moral foundation by her parents and she has built upon that herself.” – John Harwell, youth minister

Dominic Lopez – Pearl St. Jude
Youth ministry volunteer, liturgical volunteer, volunteer for Carmelite monastery, parish leadership council, hospital volunteer
“He is a strong leader in our community and in our youth program. He has a strong devotion to the Eucharist and the Mass and to many of the devotions of our Catholic faith. He tries to get other youth involved in our parish and is always encouraging to them. Many of the other youth look to him for leadership and as an example. He promotes the traditions and devotions of the Filipino community in our parish.” – Father Lincoln Dall

Ryne Hamilton McCallum – Vicksburg St. Michael
Peer catechist, youth leader
“It is really hard to narrow down to three words Ryne’s character. Loyal, hardworking and faith-filled easily come to mind. However, the one word that really stands out is inquisitive. Ryne has been attending our Parish School of Religion since second grade and in those eleven years there have only been a handful of times that he has missed. He is still attending this year as a Confirmed high school senior.” – Helene Bension, Director of religious education.

John Paul Moorman – Madison St. Francis of Assisi
Youth ministry volunteer, Vacation Bible School volunteer
“John Paul’s service has done a lot to help build a culture of outstanding young Christian men and women in our parish community. By working with young men and women almost every Sunday and serving as he is needed he is helping others see an example of a youth who takes his faith seriously and lives it out. We are very thankful for John Paul and everything about this outstanding young man. He consistently attends youth activities, participates in worship activities and extends himself beyond what is required by volunteering this year with the EDGE core team.” – nominating committee

Mary Swinney – Kosciusko St. Therese
Youth ministry leader, civic volunteer, community service volunteer
“Well organized and dependable with tasks large and small. This year she helped organize and worked at four fundraisers to pay for the nine youth and two chaperones to attend the Youth Conference in Vicksburg. Mary is very humble and is not one to call attention to herself and is willing to help where ever there is a need.” – nominating committee

Julianna Vaughn – Tupelo St. James
Youth leader, liturgical volunteer, Vacation Bible school volunteer, community service volunteer.
“She is a leader in every way. She is the captain of her cheer squad, captain of the soccer team, Vice President of her senior class, Vice President of high school student government, President of the BETA club, Contributing write to the Quill and Scroll high school paper, volunteers for the Nettleton peewee football league. She is also pursuing a career in service to her country. “ – Mary Frances Strange, youth minister

Christopher James Walton – Flowood St. Paul
Youth leader, liturgical volunteer, Eagle Scout
“In referring again to his genuine nature, he participates in our program because he knows it is the right thing to do and really enjoys it. He is the type of student that the adult volunteers have come to know they can count on to help inspire other students. All of his current and past youth volunteers have nothing but great things to say about him.” – Corey Head, youth minister

Parish builds New Life Building

By Elsa Baughman
JACKSON – Sunday, Feb. 24, was a sunny and cool day, perfect for the dedication of St. Therese Parish New Life Building. After several days of rain, the weather cleared and Bishop Joseph Kopacz, Msgr. Elvin Sunds, pastor, Deacon Adolfo Suarez and parishioners stood outside the new building after the 12:30 bilingual Mass for the blessing and dedication.
The construction of this building, which will be used for parish offices and religious education classes, began in February 2018 and was finished on Saturday, Feb. 23. The cost of the construction was $1.5 million, Msgr. Sunds said, adding that most of money from the sale of St. Therese school, about $500,000, and a little from the sale of Jackson St. Mary Church’s building in 2015, were the seed money to start the project.
“We also had very generous donations from parishioners and friends in the community,” he said. Msgr. Sunds noted the parish had two large donations, one for $100,000 from a Catholic Mississippian and $70,000 from a non-Catholic.
“A big help also came from members of the Hispanic community of St. Therese Parish who provided labor for free in the amount of $115,000. Joel Montoya, a contractor who recently received the Bishop Chance Award, coordinated the Hispanic volunteers who donated their labor. “We also had some volunteers from Jackson St. Peter Parish and from other area Catholic parishes who came to the site and asked how they could help,” he said. “I didn’t know them but if they wanted to help I directed them to the areas where they could work.” Montoya said about 45 Hispanic volunteers and a few Americans did about 40 percent of the labor including sheet-rocking, framing, insulating, painting,, brick laying and other tasks.
He said that few who had committed to help but at the last minute couldn’t do it, paid others to do it for them. “That shows how serious they were about being part of this project,” he said. Msgr. Sunds and Montoya feel very blessed for all the help and donations the parish received for the construction of the New Life Building and the day of the blessing they wanted to have a photo with all the volunteers as a memory for the future.

A loan was taken for the rest of the money, about $600,000, which will be paid in 17 years. Msgr. Sunds said Bishop Kopacz is very committed to making sure that St. Therese Parish is an anchor for the South Jackson community and a large anchor for the Hispanic community. “That is why he extended the loan a little further than normal so we were able to go ahead with the project. It was a project that was really necessary for the parish but it is also a statement about St. Therese Parish saying ‘we are here to stay.’”
The parish is very multicultural, including Hispanics, non-Hispanics, African Americans, and others from Vietnam, Africa, Nigeria, and the Philippines.
Msgr. Sunds said they tried to utilize as many of the sacred objects as they could from St. Mary Parish. Some were old or in disrepair and had to either be buried or burned. “We felt it was appropriate to bury them under the foundation of the new building as saying that we are continuing the life of St. Mary here at St. Therese,” he added. The Stations of the Cross at St. Therese are part of St. Mary Parish too.
Volunteers also helped with moving furniture and items from storage and from the current offices to the new building. After the blessing and dedication of the building parishioners gathered to enjoy a reception and cook out.

Palms to ashes: A few things to know about Ash Wednesday

By Mark Pattison
WASHINGTON (CNS) – Ash Wednesday is March 6 this year. Here are some things to know about Ash Wednesday and the kickoff to Lent:
In the Table of Liturgical Days, which ranks the different liturgical celebrations and seasons, Ash Wednesday ties for second in ranking – along with Christmas, Epiphany, Ascension, Pentecost, Sundays of Advent, Lent and Easter, and a few others. But Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation, though it is a day of prayer, abstinence, fasting and repentance.
Top ranked in the table are the Paschal Triduum – the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil – along with Easter Sunday. Good Friday isn’t a holy day of obligation either, but Catholics are encouraged to attend church for a liturgy commemorating Christ’s crucifixion and death.
Ash Wednesday begins the liturgical season of Lent. There are hymns that speak to the length of the season – one of them is “Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days” – but the span between March 6 and Easter Sunday, which is April 21, is 46 days. So what gives?

JACKSON – Wesley Lindsay places ashes on the forehead of Paul Byrne as Janna Avalon waits in line on Ash Wednesday 2018 in the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. (Photo by Maureen Smith)

“It might be more accurate to say that there is the ’40-day fast within Lent,'” said Father Randy Stice, associate director of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat of Divine Worship.
“Historically, Lent has varied from a week to three weeks to the present configuration of 46 days,” Father Stice said in an email to Catholic News Service. “The 40-day fast, however, has been more stable. The Sundays of Lent are certainly part of the time of Lent, but they are not prescribed days of fast and abstinence.” There are six Sundays in Lent, including Passion Sunday.
The ashes used for Ash Wednesday are made from the burned and blessed palms of the previous year’s Palm Sunday.
“The palms are burned in a metal vessel and then broken down into a powder. I believe ashes can also be purchased from Catholic supply companies,” Father Stice said.
“As far as I know, palms from the previous year are always dry enough,” he added. “Parishes normally ask parishioners to bring their palms shortly before Ash Wednesday, so there is no need to store them. People usually like to keep the blessed palm as long as possible.”
Almost half of adult Catholics, 45 percent, typically receive ashes at Ash Wednesday services, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University.
You might not have noticed, but the use of the word “Alleluia” is verboten during Lent. What is known as the “Alleluia verse” preceding the Gospel becomes known during Lent as “the verse before the Gospel,” with a variety of possible phrases to be used – none of which include an alleluia.
“The alleluia was known for its melodic richness and in the early church was considered to ornament the liturgy in a special way,” Father Stice said, adding it was banned from Lenten Masses in the fifth or sixth century.

SOUTHAVEN – In this 2018 photo, Sister Margaret Sue Booker shows Sacred Heart students how last year’s palms from Palm Sunday become this year’s ashes for Ash Wednesday. Sister Booker has made a tradition of bringing the students outside to watch the fire and talk about the Liturgical seasons. (Photo courtesy of Laura Grisham)

Ash Wednesday also is a day of abstinence and fasting; Good Friday is another. Abstinence means refraining from eating meat; fish is OK. Fasting means reducing one’s intake of food, like eating two small meals that together would not equal one full meal.
“Fasting during Lent followed the example of Jesus’ 40-day fast in the wilderness. It also recalled the 40 days that Moses fasted on Sinai and the 40 days that Elijah fasted on his journey to Mount Horeb,” Father Stice said.
“In the second century, Christians prepared for the feast of Easter with a two-day fast. This was extended to all of Holy Week in the third century. In 325 the Council of Nicea spoke of a 40-day period of preparation for Easter as something already obvious and familiar to all.”
The U.S. Catholic Church’s Collection for Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe is taken up on Ash Wednesday, as it has been since its inception in the early 1990s.

Ashes wait for their blessing with holy water at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle on Ash Wednesday 2018.

Youth news

Youth brief

The Office of Faith Formation will once again offer a diocesan High School Confirmation Retreat. This year’s event is set for March 30-31, at Lake Forest Ranch in Macon. The cost is $50 per person, which covers food, the accommodations and event materials. Each attendee must be registered through a parish by Monday, March 11. Even teens who miss their parish retreat and would like to attend this must register through their parish to attend.

Famous Mississippian interviewed

Dorothy by St Anthony


JACKSON – Murphy Moorehead, a fourth-grader at Madison St. Anthony School interviews Dominican Sister Dorothea Sondgeroth, of St. Dominic Health Foundation.Moorehead is researching Sister as a “famous Mississippian” for a school project. Students will report on and then portray their Mississippian during a living museum. Other famous people will include Sister Thea Bowman. (Photo by Bridget Moorehead)

Catholic Schools Week Service

SOUTHAVEN – Sophia Moore reading to second graders during Catholic Schools week as students served one another. (Photo by Sitter Margaret Sue Broker)

GREENWOOD – St. Francis of Assisi School students Tyven Haymore and Ruben Martinez unload canned goods at the Lefore County Food Pantry. Students brought in the food as a Catholic Schools Week Service Project. (Photo by Jackie Lewis)

Fun Sunday at St. Jude

PEARL – (I-r) Eaten Dowdle, Aubey and Ross Lee enjoyed an evening full of fun, kids activieties and food as part of a series called Faith and Fun Sundays at St. Jude parish on Sunday, Feb 3. (Photo by Tereza Ma)

Youth conference grows, inspires students with faith, hope, love

By Maureen Smith
VICKSBURG – Young people from more than a dozen parishes spent the first weekend in February exploring Faith, Hope and Love during the Diocese’s of Jackson’s Youth Conference (DCYC). Participation was up from last year, with 130 youth attending.
The theme came from the readings for the weekend and each day explored one of the aspects. Abbey Schuhmann, Coordinator of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Jackson, plans the event with a team of youth ministers from across the diocese. “This (theme) was simple, basic, but we still felt like it was powerful and relevant to our teens,” she explained.
Keynote speaker Brian Butler led sessions on each concept. The teens got to have a dance party, participate in adoration, reconciliation, Mass and activities such as a ‘selfie scavenger hunt’ in which they had to take group selfies with particular people associated with the conference. Musical duo Greg and Lizzie led praise and worship and guest speakers including Greenwood St. Francis’ Derrick Faucheaux and his fiancé Mary Upchurch as well as Ray Lacy, youth director for the Diocese of Biloxi. Fathers Nick Adam and Aaron Williams led a young men’s session on vocation while Dominican Sister Kelly Moline led a young women’s session.
“In our talk with the men I wanted to help them to recognize that they absolutely have a call from the Lord, whether it is priesthood or married life is still to be determined, but to live out of the knowledge that God is calling them to greatness in Him, not just to worldly success,” said Father Adam.
Sister Kelly expressed a similar idea. “I wanted then to understand that everyone has a ‘big v’ vocation – whether that be married life, single life or consecrated religious life, but they also have a ‘small v’ vocation – to be the best doctor, nurse, mom or mechanic there ever was,” she said. She also urged the young women to pursue a life of listening and prayer, pointing out that “often the people around you, those who love you best, are the ones who may spot your vocation before you do,” she added.
This was the first conference for the newly-formed youth group at Forest St. Michael Parish. Diemmi Pham said she appreciated that members of her parish helped raise the money needed for teens to attend. “I didn’t know what to expect coming here. I was kind of expecting just praying, you know, and bonding as a parish, but the activities that we did together—yeah we bonded as a parish, but it took it to another level, so I got out of this making new friendships and strengthening our relationship with each other,” she said.
Many teens said they enjoy the chance to interact with a large group of other Catholics. “I actually live in Carrolton, but I go to school in Grenada and we don’t have a lot of Catholics so we are this small part of where we are from so I wanted to meet people and make some friendships. I’m a really big introvert so this is a way for me to expand my circle and just have new experience,” said Amelia Ferguson of Winona Sacred Heart Parish.
Merideth Johnson echoed the sentiment, saying “I felt like I needed something spiritual because a lot of gatherings are just for a concert or something — this is something different to go to and gather with a bunch of Catholic youth.”
This is the second year for Elvis Scott of Greenville Sacred Heart Parish to attend. “Last year we came and it was a wonderful experience so it was something I felt like participating in again,” he said. “To me this year is more of a spot-on connection with them teaching us to have trust in God and in Jesus. I never thought about what they were talking about yesterday – making a connection with Jesus – and it brought me closer to him because I didn’t have that in my mind before,” he said.
“I hope that our youth got a taste of the wider Church here in Mississippi,” said Father Adam. “Sometimes we think of our own parish as the ‘end-all-be-all’ of Catholicism, but the outstanding program that the diocesan Youth Office provided showed our young people how dynamic the young Church can be,” he added.
Many of this year’s new features came from evaluations turned in after last year’s event. “We take those evaluations seriously,” said Schuhmann. “We are just getting started with this conference,” she added.
One of last year’s special guests – a giant stuffed sloth – was joined by Llou the Llama. The plush animals are prizes for the youth groups who win different competitions throughout the weekend to take home. Only time will tell how large the menagerie will get.

More conference pictures click here.


Greenwood Franciscans celebrate their order’s 150th anniversary

By Maureen Smith
GREENWOOD – The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity are celebrating 150 years as a religious community. The community is based out of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, but different sisters have served in Greenwood at St. Francis of Assisi Parish and School for 21 years.





























Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity collaborate with the Franciscan Friars of the Assumption of the BVM Province serving as teachers at St. Francis of Assisi School, as well as catechists, spiritual advisor to Secular Franciscans, organist, choir director, visitor to the elderly, and in other supportive parish leadership roles.
On Sunday, Jan. 27, the sisters currently serving in Mississippi – Sister Judith Norwick, Sister Annette Kurey, Sister Kathleen Murphy and Sister Maria Goretti Scandaliato – helped their students serve at Mass to kick off Catholic Schools Week. At the end of Mass, Father Camillus Janas invited the congregation to bless the sisters in prayer. Then they invited the congregation to the convent for an open house.
People were able to pray a house blessing in the sisters’ chapel as well as add a prayer intention to their prayer book. The sisters had historical photos on display of the mother house as well as photo books from the order’s service in Greenwood. Many attendees found themselves and their children in the photos. The parish has been publishing articles about their service in the community in the bulletin.

Youth convention builds faith, hope, love

VICKSBURG – High School youth from dozens of parishes gatherd at the Vicksburg Conventon Center for the Diocecan Catholic Youth Convention 2019 on Feb. 1-3. The theme was faith, hope, love. Look for coverage in the next issuse of Mississippi Catholic. (Photos by Maureen Smith)

Youth convention, Vicksburg

Youth convention, Vicksburg

Youth convention, Vicksburg

Youth convention, Vicksburg

Youth convention, Vicksburg