St. Richard breaks ground on Special Kids expansion

JACKSON – St. Richard Catholic Church held a blessing and groundbreaking for the start of the new special kids’ and boy scout building on Sunday, March 26 after the 10:30 a.m. Mass.

The new 3,000 square foot building, located across the street from the church, will be completed for the start of the 2017 fall semester.

The area for special kids will contain a classroom with one-on-one areas, art room, kitchen and work room. The scout space will have a large room for meeting and group activity along with three smaller classrooms for meeting, and ample storage room for all their camping supplies.

Kim Turner is the director of the Special Kids Program at St. Richard. The program is designed to help high school students with developmental disabilities. Anthony Warren, senior staff writer for the Northside Sun recently interviewed her about the program the new facility.

What exactly is the Special Kids Program?

“It’s a ministry that provides individual programs to students with developmental disorders. The programs depend on each student. Each child’s goal is different. One might strive to study academics, while one strives to learn life skills and live alone. That’s the ministry.”

Is the program part of the St. Richard school?

“No; the elementary does have a ‘Special Kids’ program, but it’s separate from us. We are a separate ministry of the church.”

What ages do you serve?

“Ages 13 to 21, and we are looking at (expanding) to include an adult program as well.”

I want to go back and ask about the adult program. Why is St. Richard looking at doing that? Also, what age group will the new program serve?

“There seems to be a need. There are great places out there, but some of the students like our program and we just see a need. We’re just in the beginning process of it. We’re not sure where it’s going to lead yet.”

Is the program free for students?

“No, there is a tuition.”

Is Special Kids open only to Catholic students?

“Absolutely not. Anyone is welcome.”

What disabilities do you serve?

“We have a range of children with special needs. There’s not one specific.”

How many instructors do you have?

“We have three teachers, and then we have a lot of volunteers who come in and teach art, dance. Everything is very scheduled, so we have times for them to come in and work with (the students).”

In addition to tuition, how does Special Kids raise money?

“We have a golf tournament every year. This year, it will be October 5. We also have contributors (who give) throughout the year. We have a huge raffle for a weekend at Perdido Key that also raises money. The golf tournament is at Deerfield.”

Let’s switch gears and talk about the new building project. Why is a new facility needed?

“We were in a building that we have just outgrown. We have taken that property and are building the special kids building and also a Boy Scout building. We needed more space and that would be more of an educational space to benefit students.”

Is the building just for improving the experience for current students, or do you hope to expand Special Kids to serve more teens?

“Both; right now, we don’t have a limit of how many students we’ll take, but we have a goal of having 10 or 12. We are creeping up to that number now, and we just need more space. We’ve designed the new building to be the best for these students. There’s a kitchen area, a social area, a classroom area, and also – this is my favorite part – an open space that will provide for one-on-one interaction with students, where teachers can work with the children, and where children can have areas for iPads, art (and the like).”

How are students chosen to participate in Special Kids?

“We meet with parents and students and decide if it’s a good fit for them. We talk to parents about the goals they have for their children, and if our program fits those goals, they’re in.”

How long are students with the Special Kids program?

“Nobody’s left since I’ve been here, and I’ve been here four years now. (Students) finish out at 21. Hopefully, we’ll get an adult program next year and (graduates) will go into that, if that is their desire.”

Is Special Kids’ objective to make all of its students independent, in terms of being able to live on their own?

“I wish I could say there is one specific goal, but each child is different. If it is the desire of the student and parents that the student should live independently, then yes, that is what we’re going for. There may be some children where that is not the goal. They may want to learn (to prepare) their own food. We strive for students to be as independent as possible.”

(Interview reprinted from the Northside Sun Newspaper.)

Father John Bohn, pastor of St. Richard Parish, blesses the ground where a new building to house the Special Kids and Boy Scout programs will be built across from the church. (Photo by Maureen Smith)

Bishop, team roll out new plan, detail implementation structure

By Maureen Smith

JACKSON – All of the rollout sessions for the new mission, vision and pastoral priorities are scheduled to be finished by Thursday, April 6. In all, Bishop Joseph Kopacz’ team led implementation sessions in nine parishes selected in hopes of making it possible for people from all parishes to attend if they would like. During the first seven sessions, more than 500 people representing more than half of the parishes came.

The point of the rollout sessions was two-fold. Bishop Kopacz wanted people who attended last year’s listening sessions to hear the data gathered and learn how it was turned into the new mission, vision and priorities. The other goal of the sessions was to work with the parish representatives who will be integrating the new material into their parish community life. The teams got a training session in how to write SMART goals and got time to practice how that is done.

In addition to parish presentations, Bishop Kopcaz and Father Kevin Slattery, vicar general for the diocese, presented the priorities to school administrators during their retreat. Catherine Cook, superintendent of Catholic Schools, said each school community will use the mission, vision and priorities as they plan their next couple of academic years.

From here, pastors will form teams and begin the process of writing and working on goals specific to their communities. Bishop Kopacz has appointed a resource person to each parish. This person has already undergone training in how to charter a team and what SMART goals should look like.

Members of the resource team are available to present workshops to the parish teams, but are not meant to direct the plans in any way. They will offer regular reports to Bishop Kopacz on how each parish is doing on writing and executing their goals.

Pam Minninger is one of the resource people. She said she is already seeing the fruits of this work. “Of course, it takes a bit of time to digest the idea of SMART goals and how to formulate them, but once the work begins the parish teams seem to be really energized and ready to set some good goals for their parishes,” she said. “In today’s world, we seem to move through our days, weeks, months, just ‘getting things done’ and forget to set goals and live our lives deliberately and with thought. I think teams are seeing the need, the wisdom, and the potential in taking the time to set goals and deliberately address the way the vision statements can be lived,” added Minninger.

This priority plan is meant to be a three to five year project. Parishes may decide to concentrate their efforts on one or maybe two priorities. Some larger parishes may be able to tackle all three at once. Each parish team learned that they should dream big, but concentrate their efforts on two or three SMART goals at a time. Once they meet those, the pastor can convene a new team, or keep the existing one to write new goals for another priority.

As the resource people report to the bishop, a new Envisioning team will consider how to adjust the priorities for the future.

Members of the parish teams each received booklets with the vision, mission and priorities outlined. The books include desired outcomes for the diocese as a whole and pages where team members can write their own thoughts or goals. Additional books are available to any parish who may need them.

The diocesan department of communications has developed an entire section of the website where anyone can read the new vision, mission and priorities and find resources for using them in groups or if an individual would like to take on a personal reflection of the plan. The new website is available from the homepage for the diocese, Look for Pastoral Priorities in the upper right corner.

Turn to pages 8-9 of this edition to see each priority and the detailed outcomes. In coming months, look in Mississippi Catholic for updates on the rollout and success stories.



This is the new Vision Statement and logo. The Vision: Embrace Diversity, Serve Others, Inspire Disciples, is wrapped around the logo in a circular way to symbolize that they are all of equal importance. One part of the vision feeds into the others. The Envisioning Team wanted the vision to be broad so it captures what it means to be Catholic in Mississippi, but also wanted it to have some room so each community could embrace what each vision statement means in that specific parish, school or center. This will serve as the new logo for the Diocese of Jackson.






In a similar way, the Mission Statement will remain even if priorities change. It is meant to direct, guide and inspire the faithful as they live their lives and be a foundation for all the work of the individual parishes, missions, schools and service centers. The mission and each priority statement have Scripture versus associated with them. The Scripture for the Mission Statement comes from Matthew’s Gospel. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me (Matt 25:35-36).

Eng & Spa on paper



The priorities are not numbered. All are of equal importance. Parishes may decide to focus on only one or two or may wish to tackle all three. What is important is that they find a shared vision to unify them. Bishop Kopacz and his Envisioning Team came up with outcomes to focus the work and assigned a scripture to each to help with discernment.




Seminarian summer assignments announced

Every summer, seminarians studying for the priesthood for the Diocese of Jackson are assigned to ministry in a parish or service center as part of their formation. Bishop Joseph Kopacz has approved the following assignments for this summer:

Deacon Nick Adam– Jackson St. Richard Parish
Deacon Aaron Williams – Meridian St. Patrick and St. Joseph Parishes

Andrew Bowden – Our Lady of Victories, Cleveland
Juan Carlos Camacho – St. Therese, Jackson
Andrew Nguyen – Institute for Priestly Formation, Creighton University

Adolfo Suarez-Pasillas and Cesar Sanchez-Fermin – St. Dominic’s hospital, Jackson
Hayden Schmitt & Tristan Stovall – Catholic Camp in Pontotoc



Diocese welcomes two deacons on path to priesthood

JACKSON – Deacon Nick Adam, left, Bishop Joseph Kopacz and Deacon Aaron Williams leave the cathedral after Williams’ ordination Saturday, March 18. See details of both ordinations on pages 8-9. (Photo by Maureen Smith)

JACKSON – Deacon Nick Adam, left, Bishop Joseph Kopacz and Deacon Aaron Williams leave the cathedral after Williams’ ordination Saturday, March 18. See details of both ordinations on pages 8-9. (Photo by Maureen Smith)

By Maureen Smith
JACKSON – Friday, March 17, and again Saturday, March 18, the Diocese of Jackson gained two transitional deacons. Deacon Nick Adam, the youngest of eight, first pursued a career in broadcast journalism. Deacon Aaron Williams, a native of Jackson, became an altar server at age five and went to seminary directly out of high school.
The calls may have come differently, but the end result was the same. Deacons Adam and Williams both hope to be ordained into the priesthood next summer after spending a year in service to parishes.
Deacon Adam was ordained at Meridian St. Patrick Parish where he first discerned his call. He was working at television station WTOK as a sports and news anchor. He will spent the next year at Jackson St. Richard Parish.
Deacon Williams, ordained in his home parish of the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle, will spend his transitional year in Meridian serving at St. Patrick and St. Joseph Parishes.
See Bishop Kopacz’ shares his reflection on the ordinations here. Read more about Deacon Aaron Williams here and Nick Adam here and continue to pray for these men and the other seminarians preparing for the priesthood for the Diocese of Jackson.

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon


Ordination of Nick Adam to Deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

Ordination of Aaron Williams to deacon

SEARCHers reflect on retreat

The Office of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Jackson offers the SEARCH retreat two times a year usually once in the fall and spring. High-school students gather for a weekend of faith and fun. Those who attend often return as retreat leaders. Several of this year’s attendees from
the March 3-5 retreat offered some reflections on their experience:

Emma Dieckman
Junior at Madison St. Joseph
Emma planned to attend with friends, but when they could not make it, she was not so sure about the weekend.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES
As the weekend went on I just felt God with me the whole time. I’m not Catholic but I do go to a Catholic school so I was used to Catholic things. When people would share their stories about their life and spiritual journey they would just touch me so much. When we listened and sang songs it was like the first time I had ever listened to the words and the first time I realized how powerful the words of songs are.
The whole weekend my relationship with God strengthened and I really grew closer to him. I loved seeing young people and people I go to school with be vulnerable to God. This isn’t even the beginning of how much Search impacted my life, it is very hard to put that into words; you should just go and see it for yourself. I am forever thankful for the friend I made and old friends I rekindled my relationship with, the friends I grew closer to and how much closer I grew to God. Search is 10/10 and I highly recommend.

Olivia Patterson
Junior, Madison St. Francis of Assisi SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESParish
I searched in November of 2016 and I could honestly say that it was the best weekend of my life. Throughout the entire weekend, I met so many amazing new people, learned how Christ has worked through others, and finally realized how he is working through me. I felt an overwhelming amount of love from absolute strangers but most importantly I felt love from God himself. I found myself becoming stronger in my faith everyday after that weekend. My main goal was to come back and staff the retreat, and on March 3rd, 2017, that dream became a reality.

Meredith McLaurin
College Freshman, Tupelo St. James Parish
This is McLaurin’s second time as a retreat leader.
March 2017, will forever be my favorite SEARCH though, we got the chance to dedicate the SEARCH to one of the girls who gave me the retreat. She passed away a month and a half before the retreat, it felt like the best way to honor her. This SEARCH was the most life-changing (event) for me, letting me feel more full of love and faith than before. I got the chance to give a talk again and lead a small group that made a profound impact on me.
My small group bonded together the first night in a way I had never seen before. It was our job as the leaders to help them with their SEARCH journey, but I believe that they helped us as much as we helped them. This small group opened my eyes to new things and how faith can get you through anything. This SEARCH gave me the strength to realize who I am and help me begin to start to figure out what I want to do after I graduate college.
It’s because of SEARCH that I hope to do something that impacts youth every single day, though I may not know now what I am going to do, I do know that I will forever be changed by the weekends I spend at SEARCH. I can’t wait to keep coming back and giving to the one thing that has helped guide me to God every time I wake up.
The next SEARCH retreat will be in the Fall 2017. For more information contact Abbey Schuhmann in the Office of Youth Ministry –, 601-949-6934 or visit

SEARCHers reflect on retreat

Youth News

SOUTHAVEN – Each year Sacred Heart School students buy paper links for a nickel each and donate the money to a different charity. The children raised a little more than $2,000. This year the money will help the United Way volunteer program. A group of United Way volunteers plans to install running water and electricity in the home of a client of Sacred Heart Southern Missions Social Services.  (Photos by Sr. Margaret Sue Broker)

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School

JACKSON – St. Richard Pre-K students threw beads and candy to the crowd of spectators that lined up for their annual Mardi Gras parade.

JACKSON – St. Richard students

JACKSON – St. Richard students Annabelle Allen, Fallon Zimmerman and Estephan Choufani are ready for the St. Richard Mardi Gras parade (Photos by Chris Lombard)

JACKSON – St. Richard students

VICKSBURG – “King” Sam Armstrong and “Queen” Luella Lambiotte lead the preschool, Montessori and kindergarten classes in the annual Mardi Gras parade outside of Vicksburg Catholic School. Mardi Gras, celebrated on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, was traditionally a day to celebrate and eat sweets and meats before the fasting of Lent began. (photo by Ann Robertson)

MCCOMB– At left, preschool students use art to learn about the Bible in St. Alphonsus’ Parish School of Religion. In right photo, Jessica McMillan, at far right, St. Alphonsus Youth Minister begins Parish School of Religion with a song and dance. (Photos by Connie Harrington)

McComb, St. Alphonsus

McComb, St. Alphonsus

McComb, St. Alphonsus

McComb, St. Alphonsus

Rite of election welcomes candidates, catechumens

JACKSON – Almost 70 catecumens signed the book of the elect at the Rite of Election at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle Sunday, March 4. Several dozen candidates also participated and got a special blessing from Bishop Joseph Kopacz.
The Rite of Election is when candidates seeking full communion in the church and catechumens seeking baptism publicly declare their intent, their sponsors speak on their behalf and the bishop of a diocese accepts them.
The tradition brings together people from across the diocese and begins an intense period of final preparation for these faithful as they approach Easter.

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

JACKSON – A young catechumen signs the book

Ash Wednesday: Ancient tradition still thrives in modern times

By Carol Zimmermann
WASHINGTON (CNS) – In more ways than one, Ash Wednesday — celebrated March 1 this year – leaves a mark.
That’s because not only are Catholics marked with a sign of penitence with ashes on their foreheads, but the rich symbolism of the rite itself draws Catholics to churches in droves even though it is not a holy day of obligation and ashes do not have to be distributed during a Mass.
Almost half of adult Catholics, 45 percent, typically receive ashes – made from the burned and blessed palms of the previous year’s Palm Sunday – at Ash Wednesday services, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University.
Parish priests say they get more people at church that day than almost any other – excluding Christmas and Easter – and the congregations are usually much bigger than for Holy Thursday or Good Friday services.
“Virtually every parish that I’ve worked with will have more people come to Ash Wednesday than almost any other celebration,” said Thomas Humphries, assistant professor of philosophy, theology and religion at St. Leo University in St. Leo, Florida.
“We talk about Christmas and Easter as certainly being the most sacred and most attended events during the year, but Ash Wednesday is not even a day of obligation. In terms of liturgical significance, it’s very minor, but people observe it as overwhelmingly important,” he said in a Feb. 17 email to Catholic News Service.
Humphries said part of the Ash Wednesday draw is the “genuine human recognition of the need to repent and the need to be reminded of our own mortality. Having someone put ashes on your head and remind you ‘we are dust and to dust we shall return’ is an act of humility.”
He also said the day — which is the start of Lent in the Latin Church — reminds people that they are not always who they should be and it is a chance to “stand together with people and be reminded of our frailty and brokenness and of our longing to do better.”
“This practice is particularly attractive to us today because it is an embodied way to live out faith, to witness to Christian identity in the world, ” said Timothy O’Malley, director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame, where he also is a professor of New Testament and early Christianity.
He said that’s the only way to explain why millions of people identify themselves “as mortal sinners for an entire day.”
Jesuit Father Bruce Morrill, the Edward A. Malloy professor of Catholic studies at Vanderbilt University Divinity School in Nashville, Tennessee, thinks the appeal of Ash Wednesday is partly because participants receive a “marker of identity” as Catholics.
The day also has rich symbolism, he said, of both flawed humanity and mortality. He pointed out that even though a large percentage of Catholics do not go to confession they will attend this very penitential service because they “get a sense of repentance and a kind of solidarity in it.”
“Clearly it touches on a deep sense of Catholic tradition in a way few other symbols do,” he told CNS Feb. 17.
For many, it also links them to childhood tradition of getting ashes. It also links them, even if they are unaware of its origins, to an ancient church tradition.
The priest said the use of ashes goes back to Old Testament times when sackcloth and ashes were worn as signs of penance. The church incorporated this practice in the eighth century when those who committed grave sins known to the public had to do public penitence, sprinkled with ashes. But by the Middle Ages, the practice of penance and marking of ashes became something for the whole church.
Ash Wednesday also is one of two days, along with Good Friday, that are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholic adults – meaning no eating meat and eating only one full meal and two smaller meals.
The other key aspect of the day is that it is the start of the 40 days of prayer, fasting and almsgiving of Lent.
“Ash Wednesday can be a little bit like New Year’s Day,” Father Mike Schmitz, chaplain for Newman Catholic Campus Ministries at the University of Minnesota Duluth, told CNS in an email. He said the day gives Catholics “a place to clearly begin something new that we know we need to do.”

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle

Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle


Ash Wednesday, Jackson, St. Peter the Apostle


Bishop, advocates oppose sanctuary cities bill

By Maureen Smith
JACKSON – A bill that would keep agencies, cities and college campuses in Mississippi from offering sanctuary to unauthorized immigrants would not keep communities safe and goes against the Christian tenet of caring for those in need, said Bishop Joseph Kopacz of Jackson.
He issued a statement Feb. 15 opposing S.B. 2710, also known as the “sanctuary cities” bill, which passed the state Senate in a 32-16 vote Feb. 9. The bill goes to the state House for consideration.
The measure would prohibit cities and institutions of higher learning from declaring themselves sanctuary cities. There are currently no sanctuary cities in the state, although the city of Jackson proposed such a declaration last year.
“As Christians we are called to welcome the stranger and care for those in need. As citizens, we are called to keep our communities strong and safe. We feel that the so-called ‘sanctuary cities’ bill being debated right now in the Mississippi Legislature damages both of those efforts,” wrote Bishop Kopacz.
In a sanctuary city, local law enforcement would not be forced to act as federal immigration agents, like the officers of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In fact, they would be prohibited from asking a person they detained about his or her immigration status. S.B. 2710 would prohibit cities from enacting sanctuary policies.
The bill’s opening statement says it would apply to entities such as “a state agency, department, political subdivision of this state, county, municipality, university, college, community college or junior college, or any agent, employee or officer thereof.”
Immigrant advocates said the bill raises several concerns.
Amelia McGowan, an immigration attorney for the Catholic Charities Migrant Resource Center based in Jackson, said the vague language, especially in relation to schools, opens up a number of potential problems.
“The first provision is potentially extremely dangerous. It could allow any state official, or anyone working for the state government to report any individual to federal immigration authorities. In other words, it prevents the state and local agencies from prohibiting its employees from reporting an individual to ICE,” said McGowan in an email to the Mississippi Catholic, newspaper of the Jackson Diocese.
“That means, undocumented – or suspected undocumented – individuals seeking services in any state or local agency – courts, police protection, K-12 education, higher education, state hospital, state health and mental health agencies – could be reported to ICE by a disgruntled employee,” McGowan explained.
It also means an agency “could not prohibit its employees from doing so,” she continued. “Now, presumably that person may be protected in some cases by privacy laws, but I am afraid that this provision would prevent individuals from seeking state services, which include reporting violent crimes to the police.”
According to Christy Williams, an attorney at the headquarters of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, known as CLINIC, in Silver Spring, Maryland, the provision also opens up municipalities to potential liability. A school employee who discloses a student’s immigration information could be violating federal privacy laws and the school could be held liable.
If any officer reports a person they suspect is in the country without legal permission but that person turns out to have a valid legal status, the local agency can be sued. CLINIC highlighted one example from Allentown, Pennsylvania, when officers arrested a U.S. citizen for alleged drug crimes.
“He had both his driver’s license and Social Security card with him at the time of the arrest and was eventually found innocent,” according to a CLINIC document about sanctuary cities. “During his time in custody, the police called ICE based on the presumption that, because of his race, he was undocumented.
“Despite being documented, the citizen was held for three days after posting bail based on an ICE detainer. He was released only after an ICE agent interrogated him and confirmed his citizenship. The U.S. citizen sued local and county officials in 3rd District Federal Court, leading to verdicts in his favor and settlement costs totaling nearly $150,000,” the document said.
When a local agency reports someone to ICE, the federal agents may ask the local agency to detain the suspect. The local agency has to absorb the cost of housing, feeding and caring for the person until ICE can process the case. That money is rarely reimbursed to state and local agencies.
Critics of the Mississippi bill say that because it is vague, it also could erode the relationship first responders have with their communities. If immigrants, even those in the country legally, believe police officers, medical personnel or firefighters are going to report them to immigration officials, they may hesitate to call for much-needed help.
McGowan said she thinks if the bill becomes law, it “would have a chilling effect on individuals seeking state services” such as medical care, mental health care and police protection,” and would negatively affect immigrants’ educational opportunities. She also thinks it would subject victims of violent crimes and/or abuse “to greater danger.”
President Donald Trump has pledged to strip federal funds from jurisdictions that declare themselves “sanctuary cities.”
“We urge lawmakers and advocates to oppose S.B. 2710,” Bishop Kopacz said in his statement. “We will, as a Catholic community, continue to work with immigrants and refugees – welcoming their contributions to our community and culture – even as we pray for a just solution to the challenges of immigration and security.”
(Editor’s note: the full text of the statement is available here.)

Charter member donates custom window to Holy Savior


CLINTON –above, an image of Jesus, familiar as the Divine Mercy image, is visible in the new window at Holy Savior Parish.  (Photos by Maureen Smith)

By Maureen Smith
CLINTON – The Callegan family of Holy Savior decided they wanted to leave a family legacy to their parish, but after Ivy Callegan put instructions in her will to direct part of her inheritence to her parish, she changed her mind. “A while back I started thinking, I don’t have to wait until I’m gone, so I called Father (Thomas McGing).” Callegan told him she wanted to give the money now and asked Father McGing how he thought it could be best used.

The result is a window incorporating the Divine Mercy image of Christ flanked by two crosses. The crosses are not obvious at first, but come into focus when the viewer spends some time in front of the image.
“The passion cross has the five wounds of Christ in red. The cross of the Easter resurrection has Easter colors, pastels and whites,” explained Andy Young, the artist from Pearl River Glass studio who designed the

At left, Julie Harkins, parish secretary, Father Thomas McGing, pastor, and Ivy Callegan, founding member and donor, talk about the new window.

At left, Julie Harkins, parish secretary, Father Thomas McGing, pastor, and Ivy Callegan, founding member and donor, talk about the new window.

window. He also created the windows in the sanctuary of the church back in 1988. He said the mix of abstract and specific imagery is deliberate. He wants people to be able to interpret different things from the windows.
Callegan said she is delighted with the result. She came to check on the progress of the work one day, not knowing that the project was more than half-way done. “When I hit the door to the sanctuary, I looked up and I just sort of froze. I guess the Lord was with me to tell me to do this window,” she said.
Young said the parish gave him an image of Divine Mercy as his inspiration. Father McGing said it seemed like the perfect place to start.
“We wanted to highlight the name of the parish – Our Savior – and we started talking about it during the Year of Mercy and the more we talked about it the more we wanted to highlight Our Savior, who is the source of mercy and whose heart bleeds with love and mercy for us,” said the pastor.
The window is made up of several panels which sit at a 90-degree angle in the chapel behind the main altar. The chapel is used for daily Mass, but is visible from the sanctuary.
“If you look from the right spot inside the sanctuary, the lines of light radiating from Jesus line up just right behind the tabernacle,” said Young. “I had not intention of doing that whatsoever, but it was such a nice serendipity- it was a blessing,” he added.
Callegan surprised her family – only showing them the window after it was installed. “The best reaction I got was when Catherine, my 9-year-old granddaughter, came through the door there, and said ‘oh mamaw, it’s amazing,’ I don’t know how many ‘a’s there were in there! I’m really close to those kids, she and her brother, who is 12,” she said.
Callagan and her husband were founding members of Holy Savior. She said his years of hard work in the oil industry made the Callegan family donation possible.