Mass, meal and history lesson converge at Christ the King anniversary


Bishop Joseph Kopacz celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary of Christ the King Parish.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary of Christ the King Parish.

By Laura Grisham

SOUTHAVEN – On Saturday, Nov. 26, the feast of Christ the King, the parish of the same name celebrated its 50th anniversary. Christ the King is one of several parishes in the northern part of the Diocese of Jackson served by the Priests of the Sacred Heart as part of Sacred Heart Southern Missions.
Bishop Joseph Kopacz celebrated a Mass along with Father Ed Kilianski, CSJ, provincial superior for the U.S. province for the Priests of the Sacred Heart and many of the Sacred Heart priests who have served the parish.
After Mass, parishioners enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal featuring their own dishes as well as 21 turkeys prepared by Father Thi Pham, SCJ, moderator of the community.
Christ the King was established March 13, 1966, as a mission of Sacred Heart Church. Seventeen Catholics from Horn Lake and Southaven gathered with Father Michael Maloney to celebrate a Mass at Dealers Auto Sales, a car auction barn. Each weekend, parishioners moved the cars out of the barn before Mass.
Construction on the first parish church started in 1969. The first Mass was celebrated in July and the church was dedicated in October. The parish has only grown since then. The parish started on the current structure in 2002. Christ the King is the largest parish in the diocese, according to the 2016 Status Animarum, an annual census of the diocese. The pastoral team includes Fathers Pham, Zbgniew Morawiec and Greg Schill, all SCJ.
(This story was reprinted with permission from the newsletter for Sacred Heart Southern Missions, From the Heart.)

A young member of Christ the King looks at the history display at Christ the King's anniversary celebration.

A young member of Christ the King looks at the history display at Christ the King’s anniversary celebration.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz posed with Hispanic dancers after he celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary of Christ the King Parish.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz posed with Hispanic dancers after he celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary of Christ the King Parish.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary of Christ the King Parish.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary of Christ the King Parish.

SOUTHAVEN - Christ the King members gathered for a feast after the Mass.

SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King members gathered for a feast after the Mass.

SOUTHAVEN - Christ the King members gathered for a feast after the Mass.

SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King members gathered for a feast after the Mass.

Feast of Gudalupe: ‘This is a day of joy and faith’


Participants in the Guadalupe Procession wait for the bishop outside the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle.

Participants in the Guadalupe Procession wait for the bishop outside the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle.

MADISON – Pilar Terrazas (left) and Michelle McLean carry the banner with the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe in procession toward St. Francis of Assisi while the congregation sings Sunday, Dec. 11. This is the first time the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been celebrated at the parish. Fathers Albeenreddy Vatti, pastor, Jason Johnston and Msgr. Michael Flannery celebrated the Eucharist at 7 p.m.

MADISON – Pilar Terrazas (left) and Michelle McLean carry the banner with the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe in procession toward St. Francis of Assisi while the congregation sings Sunday, Dec. 11. This is the first time the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been celebrated at the parish. Fathers Albeenreddy Vatti, pastor, Jason Johnston and Msgr. Michael Flannery celebrated the Eucharist at 7 p.m.

Jackson St. Therese and Holy Family parishes joined together for a celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The dancers from St. Therese brought their gifts to Holy Family.

Jackson St. Therese and Holy Family parishes joined together for a celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The dancers from St. Therese brought their gifts to Holy Family.

A baby reaches for the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe during the celebration at St. Christopher in Pontotoc.

A baby reaches for the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe during the celebration at St. Christopher in Pontotoc.

JACKSON – Jesüs Galindo, representing Juan Diego, presents the flowers to Bishop Joseph Kopacz at the beginning of the celebration at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. (Photo by Elsa Baughman)

JACKSON – Jesüs Galindo, representing Juan Diego, presents the flowers to Bishop Joseph Kopacz at the beginning of the celebration at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle. (Photo by Elsa Baughman)

JACKSON – Members of St. Peter Parish, accompanied by Father Anthony Quyet (center) walk around the downtown area in procession praying the rosary Sunday, Dec. 11, for the celebration  of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. (Photo by Elsa Baughman)

JACKSON – Members of St. Peter Parish, accompanied by Father Anthony Quyet (center) walk around the downtown area in procession praying the rosary Sunday, Dec. 11, for the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. (Photo by Elsa Baughman)

CARTHAGE – Members of St. Anne Parish band process around the church’s grounds playing songs to the Virgin of Guadalupe during her feast celebration Saturday, Dec. 10, at 9 a.m. Mass was celebrated after the procession. (Photo by Sister María Elena Méndez)

CARTHAGE – Members of St. Anne Parish band process around the church’s grounds playing songs to the Virgin of Guadalupe during her feast celebration Saturday, Dec. 10, at 9 a.m. Mass was celebrated after the procession. (Photo by Sister María Elena Méndez)

BOONEVILLE – St. Francis of Assisi Parish children gather in front of a newly blessed image of Our Lady of Guadalupe to adorn it with roses Sunday, Dec. 11, during the celebration of her feast day. After Mass parishioners enjoyed a feast of Mexican food and other items during a potluck dinner. (Photo by Sheila Przesmicki)

BOONEVILLE – St. Francis of Assisi Parish children gather in front of a newly blessed image of Our Lady of Guadalupe to adorn it with roses Sunday, Dec. 11, during the celebration of her feast day. After Mass parishioners enjoyed a feast of Mexican food and other items during a potluck dinner. (Photo by Sheila Przesmicki)

St. Aloysius building named for Father Al Camp

The exterior of the newly re-named Father Al Camp building at Vicksburg Catholic School.

The exterior of the newly re-named Father Al Camp building at Vicksburg Catholic School.

By Mary Margaret Halford
VICKSBURG – It was nearly 4 a.m. on a frosty February morning in 1977 when Father Alfred Camp got the call that St. Aloysius High School was burning.
The then-principal immediately got up, dressed, and headed straight for the school. “I was driving down Clay Street, and I saw all those fire trucks and police cars, and thought to myself, ‘well, I guess we’ve got a fire,’” Camp said.
“It was heartbreaking, the smoke and the flames bellowing from the rooftop,” said Jimmy Salmon, who was teaching at the time of the fire. “We weren’t just primarily concerned with finishing that school year, but about the future of St. Aloysius High School.”
As firefighters worked to contain the blaze on the other end of the building, Father Camp approached Salmon and said they needed to get Sister Matthew’s typewriters out,  they’d be needing them for school that week.
“I looked at him and said ‘Father, the school is still burning,’ and he got that little smirk he gets when you try to tell him something,” Salmon said. “I wasn’t going to tell him no, so I turned and followed him into the school.”
After the fire was finally extinguished, Father Camp organized groups of people – teachers, parents, and students alike – to rummage through the debris and salvage desks, books, or anything they could and move it to the gym.
“In all that confusion, Father Camp had the presence of mind to turn this gym into a school,” Salmon said. “He said it was important to get the message to the community that a little fire would not shut the doors of St. Aloysius. And more importantly, to let parents and students know they wouldn’t have to search for a new school, we weren’t going anywhere.”

VICKSBURG – Father Al Camp, left, receives congratulations from Father PJ Curley, pastor of St. Michael Parish, after the Mass. (Photos by Holly Chewning.)

VICKSBURG – Father Al Camp, left, receives congratulations from Father PJ Curley, pastor of St. Michael Parish, after the Mass. (Photos by Holly Chewning.)

On Thursday, he returned to that very same gym, this time filled with hundreds of current and former students and teachers who were there to celebrate the naming of the St. Al school building after Father Camp.
“This is a great day, that we’re finally recognizing the individual that I believe saved St. Aloysius,” Salmon told the crowd after a Mass in the gym.
In the days and weeks following the fire, Father Camp was told raising money for a new school wasn’t feasible, that the elementary school could still operate but the high school should not.
“I can remember Father Camp laughing, saying St. Aloysius would not close its doors on his watch,” Salmon said. “I truly believe that if it were not for Father Camp, we would not be sitting here today, we would not have a school.”
Though the fire was a defining moment in his tenure at St. Al, other former teachers and students spoke of Camp’s inspiration as an educator.
Father Camp was a disciplinarian, especially for those students wandering the halls during class time, according to Lisa Reid.
Camp always had a specific question for those nomad students, “Where’s your box?” Where were they supposed to be?
When Reid met with Camp to choose classes for her senior year, her heart was set on study hall, a break from an otherwise tough schedule.
“But Father Camp said ‘that’s not available to you.’ I was crushed,” she said.
He then laid out two options – physics or journalism. Reid chose journalism, the field she wound up getting a degree in before working for years in newspapers and as an English and journalism teacher at St. Al.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz preaches at the Mass to honor Father Al Camp by naming a building in his honor at Vicksburg Catholic School.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz preaches at the Mass to honor Father Al Camp by naming a building in his honor at Vicksburg Catholic School.

“Even though I thought study hall was my box, you knew it was not,” Reid said to Father Camp at the dedication. “Through the years, though you kept asking where our boxes were, I think you had a pretty good idea of the answer. I’m sure I speak for thousands of students whose lives you touched when I say we’re deeply grateful for your wisdom and guidance in helping us find our way.”
During morning prayer the day of the dedication, current principal, Buddy Strickland, told the students to look in front, behind, to the left and to the right of each other.
“What you’re seeing is Father Camp’s legacy,” Strickland told them.
“I didn’t expect all this, I appreciate it so much,” Camp told the crowd gathered to honor him for his years in Vicksburg. “My dad’s name was Aloysius Joseph Camp…I guess that meant I was destined to be at St. Aloysius a long time. I think my dad would say ‘good job’.”
(Mary Margaret Halford is a member of Vicksburg St. Paul Parish.)

Documentary depicts work of Jonestown Family Center’s founder

By Maureen Smith
JACKSON – Mississippi Public Broadcasting is set to air a documentary about the work of Sister Teresa Shields, SNJM, and the Jonestown Family Center for Education and Wellness on Monday, Dec. 12, at 10 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 18, at noon and 4:30 p.m. The film will then be posted to the MPB website.
“Enriching Destiny” is the third documentary to come out of the True Delta Project, a collaboration between Erickson Blakney, philanthropist and film producer, Lee Quimby, professor and documentary filmmaker and Daniel Scarpati, cinematographer.
The documentary showcases the almost 30 years of service Sister Teresa offered in the Delta. She founded the Jonestown Family Center, which includes a Montessori School, a pre-school, parenting programs, a fitness center and summer programs. She moved back to her home in Seattle in January.
Blakney said he met Sister Teresa while he was working in Clarksdale and figured out pretty quickly he had the makings of a good story. “Sister Teresa herself is a wonderful storyteller, smart, aggressive and fiercely protective of those kids and the Family Center,” he said. When he found out she was leaving, he knew he had to act quickly to capture the story.

JONESTOWN – Sister Teresa Shields, SNJM, speaks with some of the students at the Jonestown Center in this still from a documentary about her life. (Photo courtesy of True Delta Project)

JONESTOWN – Sister Teresa Shields, SNJM, speaks with some of the students at the Jonestown Center in this still from a documentary about her life. (Photo courtesy of True Delta Project)

Sister Teresa admits she is careful about letting journalists, writers or filmmakers have access to the Family Center. Many of them, she feels, are looking to show the worst parts of Delta life, highlighting only the challenges and not the success stories. “We have had some bad experiences,” she said. The crew from True Delta was different.
“They came in May for the Montessori graduation. They interviewed me and members of the staff. They were so respectful,” she said. The crew returned in June to see the summer education program at work. She felt comfortable with their approach and with the end product.
“We don’t have narrators. We let the subjects tell their story. We just wanted to give them a platform,” said Blakney of how they put the story together.
Sister Teresa even decided to talk about a chapter in her life she does not often reveal. In 2012 she was stabbed and beaten during a robbery in her home. She does not like to talk about it and declined to speak about it in May when the crew started their work. By June, they had earned her trust. “By then, I had prayed and discerned and changed my mind. The attack is part of my whole story,” she said.
“It was a special joy to work with Sister Teresa and see how much the Jonestown Family Center benefits the families of Jonestown,” wrote Quinby in an email to Mississippi Catholic. “Erickson and I hope that our documentary will inspire support for the Center and show that the vision that Sister Teresa brought to Jonestown can be achieved in other communities as well,” she added.
Quinby and her partners have used their other documentaries to tell the stories of blues musicians and children in the Delta who are maintaining the legacy of blues music. When they work in Mississippi, they see opportunity and hope.
“In the center of Jonestown is the Family Center, which is this beacon of light and hope and it’s safe and nurturing,” explained Blakney. He and his crew rode the bus to go pick up the children participating in the summer program.
“As the kids are boarding the bus the women picking them up are singing and the kids start singing. When you are on that bus you really feel like you are involved in something special,” he added.
Blakney points out that Sister Teresa and Sister Kay Burton, SNJM, who is still in Jonestown running a number of projects to improve the community, did not come to the Delta with their own agenda. “She and the other Sisters did not come to impose what they thought people should be doing. They worked with the town to create something special,” he said. “It’s unique in that the town owns the Family Center. They understand the value of it,” he added.

A sign welcomes visitors to Jonestown in the Mississippi Delta. (Photo courtesy of True Delta Project)

A sign welcomes visitors to Jonestown in the Mississippi Delta. (Photo courtesy of True Delta Project)

When Sister Teresa retired from her position as director of the Family Center, Stanley Lang, a native of the Delta, was hired as a replacement. Sister Teresa said she is thrilled to know she left the center in good hands. She still visits, but said she always wanted to see the programs become self-sufficient and run by members of the community.
Sister Teresa is enjoying being on sabbatical while she contemplates her next ministry, spending time with her family, traveling and enjoying herself.
“Enriching Destiny” will be available on the Mississippi Public Broadcasting website,, for about a year. True Delta also hopes to make DVD copies available for purchase.

Bishop, envisioning team request prayers in advance of presenting pastoral plan

By Maureen Smith
JACKSON – Bishop Joseph Kopacz and his Envisioning Team will roll out the Pastoral Priorities for the Diocese of Jackson in February 2017, a year after the bishop and members of his staff traveled the diocese to gather the information needed to write the plan.
“We have asked everyone to pray for the team as they worked on the plan, now we ask for prayers as we begin the process of education and implementation,” said Bishop Kopacz.
“I think the plan is a good one. It offers each parish, each community a chance to embrace the work of the church, but in their own cultural and unique ways. Advent is the perfect time for us to be planning this rollout. As we wait and hope for the Lord, we also pray for new life in the diocese.” he added.
In February of 2016 the bishop invited people from across the diocese to attend a series of listening sessions. Attendees spoke about what the diocese is doing well, what challenges the church faces and what dreams they have. Scribes recorded what people shared while written responses were collected and typed. A team of more than a dozen representatives from across the diocese began meeting to go through all the data collected and discern priorities and goals for the diocese.
A consultant from Catholic Leadership Institute led the team through the process of strategic planning, helping them focus on outcomes and results so the plan could strike a balance between being realistic and optimistic.
The resulting plan consists of a new mission statement, a vision and three priorities. The next step is to assign “smart” goals to each priority. “Smart” is an acronym used in corporate settings and means the goals are strategic, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound or timely. Each goal has to contain a way to measure rates of success and a timeline for when it should be reached. The plan leaves room for creativity as well as each parish, school and service center will approach the goals in their own way. Representatives from the diocese will report back on what the parishes are doing and Mississippi Catholic will share some of the success stories.
“We hope the parishes – and even individual people – will think about how they can work on each priority in their own lives and churches,” said Father Kevin Slattery, vicar general for the diocese.
The rollout will start with priests and lay eccelesial ministers. The bishop and his team will host a convocation during the first week of February to go through the plan with them and talk about ways to implement it.
Later in the month the bishop will go back out, hosting another set of public gatherings to provide a forum to present the plan to parish leadership and parishioners. The schedule will be similar, but not identical to the one used last year. Look for it in upcoming editions of Mississippi Catholic.
In addition to a printed version of the plan, the Department of Communications will build an online version with resources connected to each goal and priority. For example, the team is selecting a scripture verse for each goal. Reflections on these scriptures may help a small faith group or pastoral council explore how it fits in their parish community. The web version will also include a way to ask questions or share ways the plan is implemented in a particular community.
The plan looks ahead 3-5 years. Before the end of that time, a team will revisit the goals and priorities to set new ones or decide to maintain the ones in place.

Online day of giving surpasses goals, earns $1.8 million

ic_fbbanner_v1By Rebecca Harris
JACKSON –Organizers have deemed the 2016 #iGiveCatholic initiative a huge success for the six participating dioceses. More than $1.8 million was raised from 6,000 donors. This surpassed the goal of $1.5 million.
#iGiveCatholic was an online giving event that provide our parishes, schools, ministries, and not-for-profits affiliated with the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Diocese of Austin, Diocese of Baton Rouge, Diocese of Biloxi, Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, and Diocese of Jackson the opportunity to connect with donors and establish relationships with new donors. The goal of #iGiveCatholic is to inspire the Catholic community to come together as faithful stewards and to “Give Catholic” on #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving back.
The diocese of Jackson raised more than $115,000.  “We were so overwhelmed by the response from our community stakeholders. This being the first year, we had no idea what to expect, so we set a modest goal of $5,000. We had no idea that we would almost triple that,” said Ann Roberson, Development of Vicksburg Catholic Schools. “It was a great way to reach potential donors with whom we have lost contact. Social media and online marketing are a great way to reach donors and alumni, and this fundraising event proved that. We are looking forward to participating again next year, and build off of this year’s success,” Roberson added.
Advance day giving began Nov. 18 for those donors who would not be available on Nov. 29.  Organizers began seeing donations on Nov. 29 starting at midnight and they continued throughout the day until 11:59 p.m. Throughout the day Jackson diocese parishes, schools and organizations creatively used social media to encourage donors to support their projects.
The fundraising team for Clarksdale St. Elizabeth Parish took their fun pretty seriously, transforming local photos and pop culture references to create memes or photos with captions to illustrate the project they wanted to complete with money raised – paving the parking lot. In one photo, Father Scott Thomas, an avid biker, is seen being swallowed by a pothole.

Father Scott Thomas, pastor of Clarksdale St. Elizabeth, used humor to get more donations during the lead up to #iGiveCatholic. (Photo courtesy of Father Scott Thomas)

Father Scott Thomas, pastor of Clarksdale St. Elizabeth, used humor to get more donations during the lead up to #iGiveCatholic. (Photo courtesy of Father Scott Thomas)

“This has been a great reminder and teaching experience that fundraising doesn’t have to be a chore. Instead it can be fun and really bring folks together. I can’t take full credit for the memes we created and used. It was the fruit of a group of us working together,” said Father  Thomas, pastor of St. Elizabeth and Immaculate Conception parishes.
Schools posted videos of students asking donors to give Catholic and other parishes just posted stories about their projects.
Since social media was used to get the word out about iGiveCatholic day of giving, parishes and schools saved the usual expenses associated with a fundraising effort, nor did it take a large committee or hours of preparation. Madison St. Joseph School participated and raised more than $5,800. Lauri Collins, development director, is already looking forward to next year.
“I give Catholic was a dream day for our one-man development office. Being part of the big team with the other groups made my job so much easier,” said Collins. “I am grateful to The Catholic Foundation for being the trainer, the collector and the cheerleader throughout the campaign. And I am most grateful to the quick, helpful response when I had a problem that Tuesday morning. The one-day aspect made donating money exciting; that is not always the case. We are already looking forward to next year,” she added.

PEARL – Father Joseph Le shoots a video with Father Jeffrey Waldrep and Stacie Wolfe of St. Jude Parish. The team was able to raise $8,000 for their windows through #igiveCatholic.

PEARL – Father Joseph Le shoots a video with Father Jeffrey Waldrep and Stacie Wolfe of St. Jude Parish. The team was able to raise $8,000 for their windows through #igiveCatholic.

The Catholic Foundation of Jackson funded this effort so that there would be no cost to any parishes, schools or organizations. We wanted everyone to be able to participate in this day of giving. We did not want anyone to have to raise money to participate, we only wanted them to raise money for their projects. This was such an opportunity for Catholics to join together and show what a giving spirit we have. I was so pleased with the results. And I am looking forward to next year having more parishes and raising more money to support the wonderful works going on in our diocese.  The Jackson diocese will participate again next year, so save the date for Nov. 28, 2017, and give Catholic on that day.
(Rebecca Harris is the executive director of the Catholic Foundation.)

Welcome, friends: Mississippi Catholic expands delivery

JACKSON – This edition of Mississippi Catholic is going to more families than ever for the first time in many years. During the past two years as communications director, I have been working to improve content, expand advertising opportunities and streamline delivery. Bishop Joseph Kopacz has said he would like every family to receive the paper so this project is meant to move us closer to that goal.
If this is your first Mississippi Catholic, I hope you enjoy it. If you have been receiving the paper, thanks for your support. The staff and I work hard to bring you stories from your parishes, schools, missions and communities as well as national coverage of issues and events and reflections on the life of the church. The paper publishes twice a month, on the second and fourth Fridays of the month.
Up until this edition, Mississippi Catholic kept its own database of names and addresses. The parishes maintained their own database of members using a program called ParishSoft. The staff from the Office of Stewardship and Development and Temporal Affairs has been working with me for a couple months to merge the two lists and get it as up-to-date as possible.
This is the first edition we could send out using the ParishSoft system. We selected this edition because it includes the first peek at the diocesan pastoral priorities for the next 3-5 years. During the coming months, Mississippi Catholic will be presenting different parts of these priorities, sharing how different parishes are implementing them and reflecting on what they mean for the church. It also happens to be the first edition of our new volume year since we have started a new liturgical year with Advent.
I would like to thank Rebecca Harris, director of the Department of Stewardship and Development, Christopher Luke, the coordinator for stewardship, and Julia Williams, liason for ParishSoft for the diocese, for all of their patience and hard work while we get this new infrastructure up and running.
If you do not wish to receive the paper or if there is a mistake in your name or address, please notify the secretary at your parish. He or she can update your information in ParishSoft.
I welcome feedback, story ideas and submissions. You can send your stories, photos or ideas to or call my office at 601-969-3581.
Maureen Smith
Communications Director
Catholic Diocese of Jackson

Grenada’s St. Peter rock solid after 75 years

By Maureen Smith
GRENADA – The first sacraments administered at St. Peter Parish were mostly administered to soldiers serving on the nearby Grenada airfield and Camp McCain. When the parish was formally established in 1941, it numbered 20 families, 18 of whom were Italian.
The faith of the immigrants, soldiers and later locals has maintained this church for 75 years. On Sunday, Nov. 20, at 4 p.m. the congregation celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving.
The packed sanctuary welcomed former members as well as descendants of current and founding families.
Bishop Joseph Kopacz, principal celebrant, was joined by Bishop Emeritus Joseph Latino, Deacon Senan Gallagher and almost a dozen brother priests from across the diocese. Father Aroika Savio welcomed the visitors and thanked them on behalf of the community. He presented the bishop with a framed photo of the window depicting the parish patron, St. Peter.
After Mass, the congregation enjoyed a feast in the parish hall. A slide show of photos from the history of the church as well as a display of archive documents offered those in attendance a chance to reminisce.

Deacon Senan Gallagher, ST, assists Bishop Kopacz at the altar.

Deacon Senan Gallagher, ST, assists Bishop Kopacz at the altar.

Priests from across the diocese concelebrated the Mass. Many families who have moved away came back for the Mass. (Photos by Maureen Smith.

Priests from across the diocese concelebrated the Mass. Many families who have moved away came back for the Mass. (Photos by Maureen Smith.

The sanctuary was full for the Grenada St. Peter 75th anniversary Mass.

The sanctuary was full for the Grenada St. Peter 75th anniversary Mass.

during dinner in the parish hall, families enjoy a slide show of historical photos.

during dinner in the parish hall, families enjoy a slide show of historical photos.

Father Aroika Savio, left, presents a framed photo to Bishop Joseph Kopacz during the 75th anniversary celebration at St. Peter Parish.

Father Aroika Savio, left, presents a framed photo to Bishop Joseph Kopacz during the 75th anniversary celebration at St. Peter Parish.

Youth News

BROOKHAVEN St. Francis Parish, LifeTeen reconciliation service, Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 6 p.m.
– Christmas caroling at the nursing home followed by Advent party and las posadas, Sunday, Dec. 18.
GRENADA St. Peter Parish, confirmation retreat for young men and women, Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017, at the parish.
– Middle school retreat for seventh -eighth graders, Feb 19, 2017, at the parish.

MERIDIAN St. Patrick Parish, Catholic Youth of Meridian, sixth-12th graders, Christmas party, caroling and dinner and gift exchange, Saturday, Dec. 17, at 4 p.m. in the Family Life Center. To reserve a bus seat  call or text Adrian, 601-917-4566.

MADISON St. Francis of Assisi Parish, YY and Faithfull Followers, Christmas Service Blitz, Sunday, Dec. 18. It ends with a party and Christmas caroling. Meet in the FLC at 1 p.m.  RSVP by Dec. 14.

On Wednesday, Nov. 16, Greenville St. Joseph students worked at St. Vincent dePaul Society handing out food baskets. Junior Emily Blackstock said "It really warms your heart and makes you sad at the same time to see the gratitude and happiness each of the people had when you hand them the basket. I just wish we could help everybody." Students will return during Christmas.

On Wednesday, Nov. 16, Greenville St. Joseph students worked at St. Vincent dePaul Society handing out food baskets. Junior Emily Blackstock said “It really warms your heart and makes you sad at the same time to see the gratitude and happiness each of the people had when you hand them the basket. I just wish we could help everybody.” Students will return during Christmas.

On Wednesday, Nov. 16, Greenville St. Joseph students worked at St. Vincent dePaul Society handing out food baskets. Junior Emily Blackstock said "It really warms your heart and makes you sad at the same time to see the gratitude and happiness each of the people had when you hand them the basket. I just wish we could help everybody." Students will return during Christmas.

On Wednesday, Nov. 16, Greenville St. Joseph students worked at St. Vincent dePaul Society handing out food baskets. Junior Emily Blackstock said “It really warms your heart and makes you sad at the same time to see the gratitude and happiness each of the people had when you hand them the basket. I just wish we could help everybody.” Students will return during Christmas.

pre-K pilgrims wait to preform in their Thanksgiving program at Columbus Annunciation School. (Photos by Katie Fenstermacher)

pre-K pilgrims wait to preform in their Thanksgiving program at Columbus Annunciation School. (Photos by Katie Fenstermacher)

COLUMBUS – Annunciation School kindergarten teacher, Heather Ford, (above photo) helps student, Ashley Studdard, make a turkey bracelet as a way to teach him about the meaning of the Thanksgiving celebration.

COLUMBUS – Annunciation School kindergarten teacher, Heather Ford, (above photo) helps student, Ashley Studdard, make a turkey bracelet as a way to teach him about the meaning of the Thanksgiving celebration.

NATCHEZ – Cathedral School fifth-grade students Emma Ledford and Sarah Katherine  recently tried their green thumbs at planting mums in the Seton Hall garden.

NATCHEZ – Cathedral School fifth-grade students Emma Ledford and Sarah Katherine recently tried their green thumbs at planting mums in the Seton Hall garden.

NATCHEZ - Cathedral third-grade students Amani Ishman (left) and Tristan Fondren learning how to properly fold the American flag at the Homes with Heroes program at the school. This program coincided with the school’s Armed Forces football game to educate elementary students on how to properly act during the National Anthem, how the flag was created and how to properly fold the flag. (Photos by Cara Serio)

NATCHEZ – Cathedral third-grade students Amani Ishman (left) and Tristan Fondren learning how to properly fold the American flag at the Homes with Heroes program at the school. This program coincided with the school’s Armed Forces football game to educate elementary students on how to properly act during the National Anthem, how the flag was created and how to properly fold the flag. (Photos by Cara Serio)

OXFORD – St. John Parish Total Youth Ministry (TYM) recently headed for the woods at a private farm south of Oxford. The annual farm party counted 20 TYM members who enjoyed cooler weather cooking hot dogs and smores while taking part in their annual cleaning and clearing an abandoned cemetery. (Photos by Mary Leary)

OXFORD – St. John Parish Total Youth Ministry (TYM) recently headed for the woods at a private farm south of Oxford. The annual farm party counted 20 TYM members who enjoyed cooler weather cooking hot dogs and smores while taking part in their annual cleaning and clearing an abandoned cemetery. (Photos by Mary Leary)

OXFORD – St. John Parish Total Youth Ministry (TYM) recently headed for the woods at a private farm south of Oxford. The annual farm party counted 20 TYM members who enjoyed cooler weather cooking hot dogs and smores while taking part in their annual cleaning and clearing an abandoned cemetery. (Photos by Mary Leary)

OXFORD – St. John Parish Total Youth Ministry (TYM) recently headed for the woods at a private farm south of Oxford. The annual farm party counted 20 TYM members who enjoyed cooler weather cooking hot dogs and smores while taking part in their annual cleaning and clearing an abandoned cemetery. (Photos by Mary Leary)

 OXFORD – St. John Parish Total Youth Ministry (TYM) recently headed for the woods at a private farm south of Oxford. The annual farm party counted 20 TYM members who enjoyed cooler weather cooking hot dogs and smores while taking part in their annual cleaning and clearing an abandoned cemetery. (Photos by Mary Leary)

OXFORD – St. John Parish Total Youth Ministry (TYM) recently headed for the woods at a private farm south of Oxford. The annual farm party counted 20 TYM members who enjoyed cooler weather cooking hot dogs and smores while taking part in their annual cleaning and clearing an abandoned cemetery. (Photos by Mary Leary)

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick School recently hosted a Family Math Night. Families who attended played fun math games created by the teachers. Door prizes were also awarded. Pictured (l-r) are Robert McNeil, Bryson Jackson, John Wassell, Melanie Pressly, James Wassell and Angela Wassell.  (Photos by Helen Reynolds)

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick School recently hosted a Family Math Night. Families who attended played fun math games created by the teachers. Door prizes were also awarded. Pictured (l-r) are Robert McNeil, Bryson Jackson, John Wassell, Melanie Pressly, James Wassell and Angela Wassell. (Photos by Helen Reynolds)

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick School recently hosted a Family Math Night. Families who attended played fun math games created by the teachers. Door prizes were also awarded.  Mary Zettler, Lily Zettler, April Stewart and Christian Rackley play one of the math games. (Photos by Helen Reynolds)

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick School recently hosted a Family Math Night. Families who attended played fun math games created by the teachers. Door prizes were also awarded. Mary Zettler, Lily Zettler, April Stewart and Christian Rackley play one of the math games. (Photos by Helen Reynolds)

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick School recently hosted a Family Math Night. Families who attended played fun math games created by the teachers. Door prizes were also awarded.  (Photos by Helen Reynolds)

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick School recently hosted a Family Math Night. Families who attended played fun math games created by the teachers. Door prizes were also awarded. (Photos by Helen Reynolds)

National Migration Week – set for January – honors most vulnerable

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Children are the most vulnerable and hardest hit among the world’s migrants and require special protection, Pope Francis said.
“Children are the first among those to pay the heavy toll of emigration, almost always caused by violence, poverty, environmental conditions, as well as the negative aspects of globalization,” he said.
“The unrestrained competition for quick and easy profit brings with it the cultivation of perverse scourges such as child trafficking, the exploitation and abuse of minors and, generally, the depriving of rights intrinsic to childhood as sanctioned by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child,” he said.
The pope made the comments in a message on the theme of “Child Migrants, the Vulnerable and the Voiceless” for the World Day for Migrants and Refugees 2017; the text was released at the Vatican Oct. 13.

The World Day for Migrants and Refugees is observed Jan. 15. In the United States, National Migration Week will be celebrated Jan. 8-14. Click here for a listing of events celebrating the week in the Diocese of Jackson. migration week
In his message, the pope called for greater protection and integration of immigrants and refugees who are minors, especially those who are unaccompanied.
Minors are especially fragile, vulnerable and often invisible and voiceless – unable to claim or unaware of their rights and needs, he said.

A child sits on railroad tracks near a makeshift camp for migrants in late March at the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of in Idomeni, Greece. Children are the most vulnerable and hardest hit among the world's migrants and require special protection, Pope Francis said. (CNS photo/Armando Babani, EPA) See POPE-MIGRANTS-MESSAGE Oct. 13, 2016.

A child sits on railroad tracks near a makeshift camp for migrants in late March at the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of in Idomeni, Greece. Children are the most vulnerable and hardest hit among the world’s migrants and require special protection, Pope Francis said. (CNS photo/Armando Babani, EPA) See POPE-MIGRANTS-MESSAGE Oct. 13, 2016.

In particular, they have “the right to a healthy and secure family environment, where a child can grow under the guidance and example of a father and a mother; then there is the right and duty to receive adequate education, primarily in the family and also in the school,” the pope said. Unfortunately, “in many areas of the world, reading, writing and the most basic arithmetic is still the privilege of only a few.”
“Children, furthermore, have the right to recreation,” he added. “In a word, they have the right to be children.”
Christians must offer a dignified welcome to migrants because every human being is precious and “more important than things,” the pope said. “The worth of an institution is measured by the way it treats the life and dignity of human beings, particularly when they are vulnerable, as in the case of child migrants.”
He urged long-term solutions be found to tackle the root causes of migration such as war, human rights violations, corruption, poverty, environmental injustice and natural disasters.
In so many of these scenarios, Pope Francis said, “children are the first to suffer, at times suffering torture and other physical violence, in addition to moral and psychological aggression, which almost always leave indelible scars.”
Among the many factors that make migrants, especially children, more vulnerable, and need to be addressed are: poverty; limited access to the means to survive; “unrealistic expectations generated by the media”; poor literacy; and ignorance about the law, culture and language of host countries, he said.
“But the most powerful force driving the exploitation and abuse of children is demand. If more rigorous and effective action is not taken against those who profit from such abuse, we will not be able to stop the multiple forms of slavery where children are the victims,” he said.
Immigrant adults must cooperate more closely with host communities “for the good of their own children,” he said.
Countries need to work together and communities need to offer “authentic development” for all boys and girls “who are humanity’s hope,” he said.
Saying inadequate funding often “prevents the adoption of adequate policies aimed at assistance and inclusion,” the pope said that instead of programs that help children integrate or safely repatriate, “there is simply an attempt to curb the entrance of migrants, which in turn fosters illegal networks” or governments forcibly repatriate people without any concern “for their ‘best interests.'”
While nations have the right to control migration and protect and safeguard their citizens, Pope Francis said it must be done while carrying out “the duty to resolve and regularize the situation of child migrants,” and fully respecting the rights and needs of the children and their parents “for the good of the entire family.”
The pope praised the “generous service” of all those who work with minors who migrate, urging them to “not tire of courageously living the Gospel, which calls you to recognize and welcome the Lord Jesus among the smallest and most vulnerable.”
Speaking to reporters at the Vatican press office, Cardinal Antonio Maria Veglio, president of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers, said Christians cannot be xenophobic and they cannot refuse to help welcome immigrants.
While it is impossible for one country “to receive everyone,” he said, that doesn’t mean the problem will be solved by telling immigrants to leave or saying that no one may come.
“It’s a problem that needs to be solved, seek a solution,” he said.
Unfortunately, the cardinal said, people tend to be self-centered and bothered by the presence of “the other.” People prefer to keep to their “ivory tower, their gilded cage and do not want any disturbance” or threats to “the beautiful things we have.”
“This is egoism. This is not human or Christian,” he said.
(Editor’s note: look in the next Mississippi Catholic for a story about what Catholic Charities is doing here in the Diocese of Jackson for migrants, refugees and immigrants.)