Lean into Lent: Monica Walton’s fresh take on Lenten devotionals

By Staff Reports
JACKSON – Monica Walton didn’t take a lengthy vacation after writing her successful first book, Advent Reflections For This Day, which was published in late 2023 and reached readers in cities as far away as Chicago as well as throughout the southeastern region of the country.

She went right to work on a Lenten devotional, which has arrived in time for the 2025 season. Like her first book, Lean Into Lent (A New Approach to Old Traditions), will delight readers who, despite the best of intentions, tend to fall behind during a weeks-long daily study.

“Lean Into Lent is a unique, weekly devotional that fits into the busyness of life and delivers a more authentic, life-changing season, guiding you closer to Jesus each week,” Walton said. “The focus on the weekly Sunday gospels and accompanying modern day parables enables readers to relate the ancient text of scripture to our lives in this millennium.”

A parishioner for over three decades at St. Paul Church in Brandon, Walton is an accomplished freelance writer whose work has been published in The Word Among Us, Mississippi Catholic and The Clarion Ledger. Her work can also be enjoyed on her blog, SacredandSensible.com.

She is again working with Joe Lee, Editor-in-Chief of Dogwood Press and an active parishioner at St. Francis of Assisi in Madison. Both of her books are published by Sunrise Press, the faith-based division of Lee’s publishing house.

“Monica is a good friend, an especially hard worker, and a devout Catholic,” Lee said. “It was an easy call to make when it came to publishing the book. There’s just as much spiritual nourishment in her weekly approach to the Lenten season as you will find in any daily study, and the modern-day parables are especially well done.”

There was an additional hook that Lee, as publisher, couldn’t pass up.

“Readings for Liturgical Years A, B and C are included,” he said. “Meaning Lean Into Lent will be relevant every year. It’s a beautiful little book and will be a tremendous study guide to get the most out of the Lenten season. It’s ideal for small church groups, too.”

“This book is an invitation to lean into the Lord Jesus for 40 days so that under His loving gaze, we can be more like His disciples,” said Bishop Joseph Kopacz. “Individuals, families, and parish prayer and study groups can benefit from its weekly treasurers … and a renewed commitment to prayer, fasting and almsgiving.”

(Signed copies of Lean Into Lent are available at Lemuria Books of Jackson and through the publisher’s website, dogwoodpress.com.)

FEATURE PHOTO: … Going once, going twice …

JACKSON – One of the hottest auction items at Krewe de Cardinal 2025 was a signed Tom Brady jersey. Pictured: Anna Neel showcases Brady’s autographed Nike Patriots Jersey (donated by Michael Simmons) to the crowd during Krewe de Cardinal’s Live Auction at the Westin. (Photo by Tereza Ma)
King Hilary Zimmerman and Queen Helen Shirley of Krewe de Cardinal 2025 enjoying a dance together at St. Richard Catholic School’s largest fundraiser, held at The Westin in Jackson on February 15. (Photo by Valerie Caserta)

Calendar of Events

CAMDEN – Sacred Heart, Intercultural Competence Workshop for Parish Leaders, Saturday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Presenter: Deacon Juan Pagan of the Diocese of Lafayette. Explore what is culture and more. Details: Sister Amelia at amelia.breton@jacksondiocese.org.

GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Millions of Monicas – Praying with confidence for our children, each Tuesday from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the church. Join with other mothers and grandmothers as we pray for our children’s faithful return to the church. Details: email millionsofmonicas@stjosephgluckstadt.com.
PEARL – St. Jude, “Women and the Power of Prayer” Women’s Retreat, Saturday, March 15 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sponsored by the St. Jude Artisan Group. Details: Linda at (601) 573-8583 or maria.l.tynes@gmail.com.

OFFICE OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION – The OCE hosts a Zoom Rosary the first Wednesday of each month during the school year at 7 p.m. The upcoming Rosary is on March 5, hosted by members at the Chancery office. Details: Join the rosary via zoom at https://bit.ly/zoomrosary2024.

VIRTUAL – Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples virtual event, Wednesdays from March 5 through April 9 at 7 p.m. Event is free. Register once for participation in any or all of the sessions at springfieldop.org/events. Hear reflections on the theme, enjoy periods of silence and sharing, and build a community of prayer for Lent. Details: call Sister Denise at (217) 787-0481.

VOCATIONS – Come and See Weekend, April 11-13 at St. Joseph Seminary College in St. Benedict, Louisiana. Father Tristan Stovall is hosting an opportunity for young men age 16-18 to learn more about the priesthood, to begin discernment of a vocation and to connect with other teens who love their faith. Details: visit https://jacksonvocations.com/events for more information and to register. Deadline is April 3.

CANTON – Holy Child Jesus, Musical Celebration in honor of Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA, Saturday, March 29 at 3 p.m. Details: “Cherie” Evans at arievans29@yahoo.com or (601) 259-1363.
GREENWOOD – Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mardi Gras Chili Fest, Tuesday, March 4 from 5-7:30 p.m. Details: church office (662) 453-3980.

JACKSON – Sister Thea Bowman School, Drawdown 2025, Saturday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. Grand prize is $5,000. Tickets cost $120; with additional $15 for second chance. Join us for fellowship, food, entertainment, silent auction and more! Details: school office (601) 352-5441.

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School, Trivia Night and Silent Auction, Saturday, March 22 from 7-9 p.m. in the school gym. Join us for trivia, door prizes, giveaways, split the pot raffle and more. Teams with max of eight players. Single players will be assigned a spot. Cost: $25 per player and $160 per table. BYOB and snacks. Doors open at 6 p.m. to decorate your table for a chance to win a prize. Details: register by emailing Allison at abaskin@shsm.org.

CLINTON – Holy Savior, Stations and Lenten Meals, every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. followed by Mass at 6 p.m., Lenten meals follow except on March 14. Knights Fish Fry on March 7 and 28 with cost of $9 per plate or $40 for family of 5+. Please RSVP for meals: holysavior@att.net.

COLUMBUS – Annunciation, Stations and Fish Dinner, every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel with dinner in Activity Center following.

CORINTH – St. James the Less, Soup Supper and Stations, every Friday during Lent at 5 p.m.

GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Fish Fry, March 21 and April 11. Details: church office (601) 856-2054.

GREENVILLE – St. Joseph, KC Fish Fry, March 28 and April 11. Details: church office (662) 335-5251.

HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Soup and Stations, every Friday during Lent at 6:30 p.m. Fish Fry on Friday, April 4 from 4-7 p.m.

JACKSON – St. Richard, KC Fish Fry, March 21 and 28, and April 4 and 11 from 6-7:30 p.m.

NATCHEZ – Knights Fish Fry, every Friday during Lent from 5-7 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Eat in or take out. Cost: catfish $12, shrimp $12 or combo $14. Dinner includes fries, hush puppies and coleslaw. For grilled catfish, call 30 minutes ahead to Darren at (601) 597-2890.

PEARL – St. Jude, Fish Fry, Every Friday during Lent following Stations at 6 p.m. Dine-in only.

BATESVILLE – St. Mary, Stations, every Friday during Lent at 10:30 a.m. followed by Mass at 11 a.m.
FOREST – St. Michael, Way of the Cross (Spanish), every Friday during Lent at 7 p.m.
GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Stations, every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m.
GREENVILLE – St. Joseph, Stations, every Friday during Lent at 5 p.m.
JACKSON – St. Richard, Stations, every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m.
NATCHEZ – St. Mary Basilica, Stations, every Friday during Lent at 5:15 p.m.
NATCHEZ – Assumption, Stations, every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m.
SARDIS – St. John, Stations, every Wednesday during Lent at 4:30 p.m. followed by Mass at 5 p.m.

CLINTON – Holy Savior, Reconciliation Service, Wednesday, March 26 at 6 p.m.
GREENVILLE – St. Joseph, Penance Service, Monday, April 7 at 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

BROOKHAVEN – St. Francis, Lenten Mission with Father Aaron Williams – Spirit and Truth: Understanding the Word of God, March 13 and 14 from 6:30-8 p.m.

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick, “Hope in Mercy” Lenten Mission, March 23-25 from 6-7:30 p.m. Retreat features Tim Mowdy, Scott Owen and Ken Woodward as speakers. Reconciliation offered Monday, March 24 from 5-6 p.m.

STARKVILLE – St. Joseph, Parish Mission – Plating Grace with Father Leo Patalinghug (author, speaker TV-radio host and famous cook), March 2-3 at 7 p.m. Bring the whole family for inspirational, interactive presentations. Details: church office (662) 323-2257.

HOLY LAND – Pilgrimage to Holy Land: Join Father Mark Shoffner, pastor of St. John Oxford, July 21-31, 2025. Details: lpjp.org, then click on “All Pilgrimages” and “Holy Land.” Details: church office (662) 234-6073.

MARIAN SHRINES – Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines (Fatima, Spain and Lourdes) with Father Lincoln Dall and Deacon John McGregor, Sept, 15-24, 2025. Details: for more information visit www.206tours.com/frlincoln.

ROME/LISBON/FATIMA – Pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, Lisbon and Fatima with Father Carlisle Beggerly, Oct. 4-15, 2025. Cost: $5,799 per person (includes airfare from anywhere in the U.S.) Details: contact Pat Nause at (601) 604-0412; Proximo Travel at (855) 842-8001 or proximotravel.com. Mention trip #1181.

Diocese of Jackson celebrates World Marriage Day

By Joanna King
JACKSON – The Diocese of Jackson joyfully honored the anniversaries of married couples from across the diocese with two special Masses, celebrated by Bishop Joseph Kopacz. The first Mass took place on Saturday, Feb. 1, at the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle in Jackson, followed by a second celebration on Sunday, Feb. 9, at St. James in Tupelo. These gatherings brought together couples of all ages to celebrate the sacred bond of marriage and their commitment to one another through the years.

Debbie Tubertini, coordinator for the Office of Family Ministry, explained that the decision to hold two Masses was made to better accommodate couples in different regions of the diocese. By offering celebrations in both the northern and central areas of the state, more couples had the opportunity to participate in this special recognition of their enduring love and faith.

JACKSON – Couples from around the Diocese of Jackson celebrated World Marriage Day at the Cathedral of St. Peter on Saturday, Feb. 1. (Photos by Madelyn Johnson)

World Marriage Day has a rich history, tracing its roots to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where in 1981, a group of couples encouraged their local leaders – including the Mayor, the Governor, and the Bishop – to proclaim St. Valentine’s Day as “We Believe in Marriage Day.” The idea quickly gained momentum, and in 1993, Pope St. John Paul II imparted his Apostolic blessing upon World Marriage Day, solidifying its place as an international celebration. Today, the event continues to spread across the globe, embracing different faith traditions and cultural expressions, all in recognition of the beauty and importance of marriage.

During the World Marriage Day celebrations in the Diocese of Jackson, couples were honored with a special anniversary certificate, blessed and signed by Bishop Kopacz. These certificates serve as a meaningful keepsake, commemorating their years of love, commitment and faith. The ceremonies also provided an opportunity for couples to renew their vows in the presence of family, friends and fellow parishioners, reaffirming their dedication to one another and to God.

The diocese extends heartfelt congratulations to all the couples who participated in this year’s celebrations. Whether newlyweds or those marking decades of marriage, each couple serves as a witness to the enduring power of love and the grace of the sacrament of matrimony.

Please join us in celebrating and praying for these special couples, that their love may continue to grow and inspire others for years to come.

(View photos from World Marriage Day at https://jacksondiocese.zenfoliosite.com.)

Happy Anniversary

75 Years
Ruperto & Matilde Garcia

74 Years
Clint & Elizabeth Smith

69 Years
Ron & Roseminette Gaude

66 Years
Carl & Glenda Voss

65 Years
Maurice & Barbara Roy
Ronald & Sandra Wojcik

63 Years
Stephen & Linda Smith

62 Years
James & Ella Kimbrell
Stephen & Linda Smith

61 Years
The late Junius & Barbara Clark
Dennis & Virginia McDaniel
George & Anita Souderes

60 Years
Dickie & Pat Junkin
Cliff & Pat Stein

56 Years
Tom & Becky Corkern

55 Years
Gregory & Carolyn Victoriano
53 Years
Daniel & Sally Dare

51 Years
Robert & Patricia Barber
Michael & Sharron Scheel

50 Years
Vincent & Laveria Green
Alan & Laurissa Henderson
Charles & Karen Hill
Jason & Margot Orman
Arnold & Cathy Landry
Carroll & Debra LeBlanc
Duncan & Cathy Mansell
Denson & Mary Etta Robinson
Hank & Jackie Smith
Norman & Marlene Williams

40 Years
Peter & Sherra Arnold
Terry & Deborah Bergin
Paul & Laura Burns
Anthony & Renee’ Carpenter
Zoffee & Sandra Dahmash
Frank & Patty Davis
Henry & Marla Farmer
Gary & Carolyn Guido
Ron & Ann Porter
Allen & Beth Richard
Jeffrey & Carol Wadlington

30 Years
Edward & Lilia Alba
Enrique & Carolina Amador
Craig & Leigh Anne Bertelsen
Walt & LaShon Brown
Paul & Marybeth Dawes
Basil & Colleen Demarest
José & Maribel Martinez
Stacy & Patricia McKay
Eddie and Brenda Panteria
Eddie & Margaret Stutzman

25 Years
David & Patricia Cavin
William & Erica Chisholm III
Jason & Kerri Dare
Jeremy & Caroline Erwin
John & Amy Hornback
Chris & Joni House
Hermilo & Cristina Lira
Chris & Emily Maxwell
David & Bridgette Moore
Fred & Jeanne Setzer
Ronnie & Mindy Smith
Rafael & Monica Valdepena
Chris & Amanda Williams

Carrie & David Haadsma – 44 years
Jose Luis & Ma. Concepcion Segura – 42 years
Eloy & Gloria Hernandez – 42 years
Phillip & Colleen Ray – 38 years
Mike & Angela Massey – 37 years
Byron & Lillian Trahan– 37 years
Paul & Michelle Harkins – 39 years
Gary & Sheila Carver – 36 years
Jeff & Christi Houin – 35 years
Ken & Mimi Cash – 32 years
Marc & Lainie Anthony – 31 years
Guillermo Benitez & Lidia Serrano – 31 years
Shane & Nina Hoang– 31 years
Todd & SuzAnne Liddell – 31 years
Ted & Raquel Thompson – 29 years
Reynaldo & Aracely Acosta – 28 years
Shane & Ann Sanders – 28 years
Leo & Glenda Bautista – 24 years
Noel & Matilde Benavides – 24 years
Jai & Lori Eschete – 24 year
Augusto & Olga Soltero – 21 years
Alejandro & Katya Cruz – 18 years
Martín & María Mariela Martinez – 17 years
German & Natali Flores – 15 years
Gabriel & Luz María Gonzalez – 15 years
Tam & Lucy Nguyen – 15 years
Francisco & Yolanda Aguilar – 9 years
Javier & Kathya Candanedo – 5 years

Calendar of Events

GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Millions of Monicas – Praying with confidence for our children, each Tuesday from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the church. Join with other mothers and grandmothers as we pray for our children’s faithful return to the church. Details: email millionsofmonicas@stjosephgluckstadt.com.

GREENWOOD – Locus Benedictus, Wings of Grace, Tuesday nights at 6 p.m. beginning Feb. 25. This is a new ministry providing a journey of healing from abortion. Program is 12 weeks and is led by Teresa Lambert. Find hope, peace, love and forgiveness through Bible study. Free and confidential. Register by Feb. 17. Details: email t.lambert0814@gmail.com or (662) 561-6018.

Knights of Columbus – Grow in your faith with five short videos produced by the Knights of Columbus called the “Mission of The Family.” The Mission of the Family” videos can be found at https://www.kofc.org/en/campaigns/into-the-breach.html. Videos are less than 14 minutes in length.

OLIVE BRANCH – Queen of Peace, Gathering in the Spirit Men’s Retreat, Saturday, Feb. 22 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Join us for group and individual activities, adoration, opportunity for reconciliation and more. Morning refreshments and lunch provided. Details: RSVP in the narthex or email ctksdonna@gmail.com.

PEARL – St. Jude, “Women and the Power of Prayer” Women’s Retreat, Saturday, March 15 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sponsored by the St. Jude Artisan Group. Details: Linda at (601) 573-8583 or maria.l.tynes@gmail.com.

PILGRIMAGE – Pilgrimage to Holy Land: Join Father Mark Shoffner, pastor of St. John Oxford, July 21-31, 2025. Details: lpjp.org, then click on “All Pilgrimages” and “Holy Land.” Details: church office (662) 234-6073.

PILGRIMAGE – Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines (Fatima, Spain and Lourdes) with Father Lincoln Dall and Deacon John McGregor, Sept, 15-24, 2025. Details: for more information visit www.206tours.com/frlincoln.

PILGRIMAGE – Pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, Lisbon and Fatima with Father Carlisle Beggerly, Oct. 4-15, 2025. Cost: $5,799 per person (includes airfare from anywhere in the U.S.) Details: contact Pat Nause at (601) 604-0412; Proximo Travel at (855) 842-8001 or proximotravel.com. Mention trip #1181.

COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. – Church of the Incarnation, Women’s Morning of Spirituality, Saturday, March 1 with breakfast at 7:15 a.m. and program beginning at 8:15 a.m. Keynote speaker is Beth Davis and witness speaker is Angela Edwards. Register at https://womensmorning.com.

ST. LOUIS, Mo. – School Sisters of Notre Dame invite single women to a discernment retreat Feb. 21-23, 2025, at their Sancta Maria in Ripa campus. Details: Pre-registration by Feb. 7, is requested. There is no cost for participation. Private rooms with restroom provided; all meals included. Some assistance with transportation costs is available if needed. Details: email sisters@ssnd.org or call (314) 633-7026.

VIRTUAL – Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples virtual event, Wednesdays from March 5 through April 9 at 7 p.m. Event is free. Register once for participation in any or all of the sessions at springfieldop.org/events. Hear reflections on the theme, enjoy periods of silence and sharing, and build a community of prayer for Lent. Details: call Sister Denise Glazik at (217) 787-0481.

CANTON – Holy Child Jesus, Musical Celebration in honor of Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA, Saturday, March 29 at 3 p.m. Details: “Cherie” Evans at arievans29@yahoo.com or (601) 259-1363.

CLARKSDALE – St. Elizabeth School, Mardi Gras Drawdown, Friday, Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. at Hopson Hospitality. Tickets are $100 and must be 21+ to attend. Details: call (662) 624-4239 for more information.

COLUMBUS – Annunciation School, Mardi Gras Masquerade – Draw Down and Art Auction, Friday, Feb. 28 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Details: school office (662) 328-4479.

Annunciation School, Welcome Week, Feb. 18-21. Come see our school and meet our teachers. Tours available each day in 45 minute slots. Come tour and we will waive your application fee. Details: Register at https://bit.ly/3WAjfU6.

FOREST – St. Michael, Way of the Cross (Spanish), every Friday at 7 p.m. during Lent. Details: email stmichaelchurchforest@gmail.com.

GREENVILLE – St. Joseph School, Spring Fling, March 1 at 5:30 p.m. Details: school office (662) 378-9711.

HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Soup and Stations, every Friday during Lent at 6:30 p.m. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.

HOLLY SPRINGS – Gregory House, Young Women’s Retreat for 9-12 grade, Feb. 28 through March 2. Come listen, pray and play. Event is free. Details: SHSM at (662) 781-1360.

JACKSON – Holy Family, Black History Celebration, Sunday, Feb. 23 after 10:30 a.m. Mass. Join us for singing, presentations and a wonderful display of amazing African-American culture. All are welcome. Details: church office (601) 362-1888.

JACKSON – Cathedral of St. Peter, Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Saturday, Feb. 22 at 4 p.m. Bilingual Mass with reception and dinner following in the Cathedral Center. Details: church office (601) 969-3125.

JACKSON – Sister Thea Bowman School, Drawdown 2025, Saturday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. Grand prize is $5,000. Tickets cost $120; with additional $15 for second chance. Join us for fellowship, food, entertainment, silent auction and more! Details: school office (601) 352-5441.

MADISON – St. Joseph School, Bruin Burn 5k Run and 2k Walk, Saturday, March 1 at 9 a.m. Race held at 200 W Jackson Street in Ridgeland. Registration $30 for 5k run or 2k walk; $15 for fun run; $10 virtual run. Come enjoy music, fun and glow tunnel in your best 80s running attire. Details: register at https://runsignup.com/Race/MS/Ridgeland/BruinBurn.

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick, Ladies Retreat “We Wait in Joyful, Hope: a Lenten Journey,” Saturday, Feb. 22 from 2:30-5 p.m. in the Father Valley room. Retreat led by Mary Billups. Group will attend 5 p.m. Mass at conclusion of retreat. Details: church office (601) 693-1321.

St. Joseph, Mardi Gras Party, March 1 from 6-10 p.m. at Kehrer Hall. Must be 21+ to attend. Details: church office (601) 693-1321.

St. Patrick School, Glow Run, Friday, Feb. 28. More information coming soon. Details: school office (601) 482-6044.

NATCHEZ – St. Mary Basilica, Blood Drive, Tuesday, Feb. 18 from 12:30-5:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center. Details: schedule an appointment at www.vitalant.org or call the church office at (601) 445-5616.

SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School, Trivia Night and Silent Auction, Saturday, March 22 from 7-9 p.m. in the school gym. Join us for trivia, door prizes, giveaways, split the pot raffle and more. Teams with max of eight players. Single players will be assigned a spot. Cost: $25 per player and $160 per table. BYOB and snacks. Doors open at 6 p.m. to decorate your table for a chance to win a prize. Details: register by emailing Allison at abaskin@shsm.org.

OFFICE OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION – The OCE hosts a Zoom Rosary the first Wednesday of each month during the school year at 7 p.m. Our upcoming Rosary is on March 5. Details: Join the rosary via zoom at https://bit.ly/zoomrosary2024.

YOUTH – DCYC, March 21-23, 2025 at the Vicksburg Convention Center. Theme is “Here I am Lord Work in Me.” Register by Feb. 21, contact your parish to register. Details: contact your individual parish offices or contact Abbey at (601) 949-6934 or abbey.schuhmann@jacksondiocese.org.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Catholic Scouters Region 5 Conference, Feb. 21-22. The Catholic Committee on Scouting for the Diocese of Nashville invites you to join Catholic Scouter’s from the states of Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee to a special conference that includes current scouting topics and an opportunity to receive a special event patch with registration. Cost $65 per person. Meetings held at the Knights of Columbus Council 4972 Hall located at 3129 McGavock Pike. For more information visit https://www.ndccos.org. Register online at https://scoutingevent.com/560-93593. Details: email backpackergus@gmail.com.

WASHINGTON, DC – Catholic University of America, Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman Conference, Saturday, March 28 Theme is “I Bring My Whole Self.” Details: Visit https://www.blackcatholicmessenger.org/thea-bowman-conference-2025 for more details or email cua-bowman@cua.edu.

Martin Luther King: a “Moses” of the 20th century

(Editor’s note: This reflection by a local parishioner was read at an event organized by the Office of Intercultural Ministry in honor of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Jackson on Saturday, Jan. 18. The theme was “On the Path to Fulfilling the Dream” with speaker Constance Slaughter-Harvey.)

By Dorothy Davis Ashley
CRASH! The sound of broken glass caused by a brick startled me! It had been thrown by an irate individual demonstrating his rage against ideas of equality of Black citizens in our small Delta town of Indianola, Mississippi. The brick was thrown into our sliding glass patio door one summer night as I sat with my parents watching television. It was around 1966, and I was nine years old. Indianola, Mississippi was in the midst of the Civil Rights unrest and Black citizens would meet periodically at St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church Center and strategize under the guidance of the local priest, Father Walter Smiegel and Attorney Carver Randle, Sr.

As a young girl of nine years of age, I remember there were “separate and unequal” bathrooms, separate seating areas in doctor’s offices and movie theaters for “White” and “Colored,” and segregated schools for the “colored children.” The Mississippi Delta with its rich cotton fields was also where Black cotton pickers and “field hands” worked in the cotton fields, aka “Delta gold,” many living in shotgun houses on the plantations of their employers.

Detail of victorian stained glass church window in Fringford depicting Moses with the tablets of covenant in his arms interestingly without text means he is pictured before climbing Mount Sinai.

Looking back on my history and the many roads I have travelled since my childhood and that fateful night a brick was thrown into my parent’s patio door, I think of Dr. Martin Luther King as being a “Moses” for Black (aka “African Americans”), all oppressed people and those who were treated unfairly and unjustly in the South, particularly. Like Moses, I think he was chosen and led by God for his mission. It is because of his leadership which initiated the Civil Rights era that I was able to attend the majority “White” (aka “Caucasian”) Catholic School, St. Joseph in Greenville, Mississippi in the early 70s and the University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Health-Related Professions in Jackson in the early 80s which earned me a degree in physical therapy and the opportunity to work in medical facilities which once barred Black citizens from entering the same door, much less becoming an employee with equal pay and benefits as my counterparts.

Like Moses, he had humble beginnings and became a strong voice against oppression to the political leaders of his day. Like Moses, Dr. Martin Luther King never reached the “Promised Land” but saw its vision. His message was one of prayer, peace, humility, faith, strength, solidarity, organization and perseverance. I am grateful to God and to him for his courage, vision and answering God’s call. In part, my career progression in the medical and later spiritual pathways as a Secular Order Carmelite, hospital chaplain and spiritual director were affected and made possible because of his message.

(Dorothy Ashley is a parishioner of Holy Ghost Church in Jackson.)

Calendar of Events

GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Millions of Monicas – Praying with confidence for our children, each Tuesday from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the church. Join with other mothers and grandmothers as we pray for our children’s faithful return to the church. Details: email millionsofmonicas@stjosephgluckstadt.com.

Knights of Columbus – Grow in your faith with five short videos produced by the Knights of Columbus called the “Mission of The Family.” The Mission of the Family” videos can be found at https://www.kofc.org/en/campaigns/into-the-breach.html. Videos are less than 14 minutes in length.

OFFICE OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION – The OCE hosts a Zoom Rosary the first Wednesday of each month during the school year at 7 p.m. On Feb. 5, Sacred Heart Catholic School will lead us in prayer. Join early and place your intentions in the chat. Details: Join the rosary via zoom at https://bit.ly/zoomrosary2024.

COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. – Church of the Incarnation, Women’s Morning of Spirituality, Saturday, March 1 with breakfast at 7:15 a.m. and program beginning at 8:15 a.m. Keynote speaker is Beth Davis and witness speaker is Angela Edwards. Register at https://womensmorning.com.

ST. LOUIS, Mo. – School Sisters of Notre Dame invite single women to a discernment retreat Feb. 21-23, 2025, at their Sancta Maria in Ripa campus. Details: Pre-registration by Feb. 7, is requested. There is no cost for participation. Private rooms with restroom provided; all meals included. Some assistance with transportation costs is available if needed. Details: email sisters@ssnd.org or call (314) 633-7026.

PEARL – St. Jude, “Women and the Power of Prayer” Women’s Retreat, Saturday, March 15 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sponsored by the St. Jude Artisan Group. Details: Linda at (601) 573-8583 or maria.l.tynes@gmail.com.

PILGRIMAGE – Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines (Fatima, Spain and Lourdes) with Father Lincoln Dall and Deacon John McGregor, Sept, 15-24, 2025. Details: for more information visit www.206tours.com/frlincoln.
PILGRIMAGE – Pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, Lisbon and Fatima with Father Carlisle Beggerly, Oct. 4-15, 2025. Cost: $5,799 per person (includes airfare from anywhere in the U.S.) Details: contact Pat Nause at (601) 604-0412; Proximo Travel at (855) 842-8001 or proximotravel.com. Mention trip #1181.

SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King, “Gathering in the Spirit” Women’s Retreat, Saturday Feb. 1, 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. Group and individual sessions and activities, as well as adoration and reconciliation opportunities. Morning refreshments and lunch provided. Details: RSVP at ctksdonna@gmail.com or sign up in the Narthex.

COLUMBUS – Annunciation School, Mardi Gras Masquerade – Draw Down and Art Auction, Friday, Feb. 28 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Details: school office (662) 328-4479.

COLUMBUS – Annunciation School, Welcome Week, Feb. 18-21. Come see our school and meet our teachers. Tours available each day in 45 minute slots. Come tour and we will waive your application fee. Details: Register at https://bit.ly/3WAjfU6.

CLEVELAND – Our Lady of Victories, 4th Annual Supper and Substance, Saturday, Feb. 15, directly following 5:30 p.m. Mass in the parish center. This is a special event for married couples! Mark your calendars. Details: church office (662) 846-6273.

CLINTON – Holy Savior, Knights Gumbo fundraiser, Sunday, Feb. 9 after 10:30 a.m. Mass. Sign up in the vestibule.

Holy Savior, Garage Sale, Saturday, Feb. 1 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Details: church office (601) 924-6344.

FLOWOOD – St. Paul, Annual Drawdown, Saturday, Feb. 15 at The Ivy. Theme is “The Roaring Twenties.” Details: church office (601) 992-9547.

St. Paul, Bingo Night, Saturday, Feb. 7. Doors open at 6 p.m. with games beginning at 6:30 p.m. Join us for an evening of fun and fantastic prizes for adults only. Cost is $5 per card. Hot dogs and chili will be served with a suggested $5 donation. BYOB. Details: church office (601) 992-9547.

GREENWOOD – St. Francis of Assisi, Mardi Gras Ball 2025, Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Civic Center. Details: church office (662) 453-0623 or email sfgwparish@gmail.com.

HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Cocktails and Catholicism, Friday, Feb. 14, doors open at 6 p.m. and talk begins at 7 p.m. Speaker is Janet Cupo on Saints in Waiting. Event is for 21+. BYOB. Sign up in the Narthex. Details: church office (662) 429-7851 or email holyspiritchurch@shsm.org.

JACKSON – Cathedral of St. Peter, Cathedral Music Series. Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 6:30 p.m. Organist Buck McDaniel will present a program on the Cathedral’s magnificient Rieger tracker organ. A wine and cheese reception will be in the parish center at 5:30 p.m. before the program.

Cathedral of St. Peter, Cathedral Music Series. Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 6:30 p.m. Organist Beau Baldwin of Little Rock will present a concert. A reception will be in the parish center at 5:30 p.m. before the program. Details: church office (601) 969-3125.

JACKSON – St. Richard, Krewe de Cardinal, Saturday, Feb. 15 at the Westin Jackson. At this Mardi Gras inspired event, our parents, friends and supporters Laizzez le bon temps rouler in grand fashion! The food and drinks are second to none. The entertainment is top notch, and the auction items are out of this world! This is one party you definitely do not want to miss! Details: visit https://bit.ly/3E1y9Mr for more information and register for the silent auction at https://one.bidpal.net/krewe/welcome.

JACKSON – Holy Family, Black History Celebration, Sunday, Feb. 23 after 10:30 a.m. Mass. Join us for singing, presentations and a wonderful display of amazing African-American culture. All are welcome. Details: church office (601) 362-1888.

JACKSON – Sister Thea Bowman School, Drawdown 2025, Saturday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. Grand prize is $5,000. Tickets cost $120; with additional $15 for second chance. Join us for fellowship, food, entertainment, silent auction and more! Details: school office (601) 352-5441.

MADISON – St. Joseph School, Bruin Burn 5k Run and 2k Walk, Saturday, March 1 at 9 a.m. Race held at 200 W Jackson Street in Ridgeland. Registration $30 for 5k run or 2k walk; $15 for fun run; $10 virtual run. Come enjoy music, fun and glow tunnel in your best 80s running attire. Details: register at https://runsignup.com/Race/MS/Ridgeland/BruinBurn.

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick, Dinner and Dancing, Saturday, Feb. 15 at 6 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Tickets $30. Dress in your Sunday best for a Valentine’s weekend intimate night of fine dining and romantic melodies. Ages 21+. Details: church office (601) 693-1321.

St. Patrick, CWO SOUPer Bowl Dinner, Saturday, Feb. 8 at 6 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Tickets $10 each. Meal includes soup, bread, dessert and drink.

PEARL – Knights of Columbus Spaghetti dinner, Sunday, Feb. 9. Tickets will be sold after Mass and are available on the day of the dinner. Tickets are $12 each. To-go only. Details: church office (601) 939-3181.

St. Jude, Family Fun Night, Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m. Join us for a fun evening with a potluck dinner, arts and crafts, soccer (weather permitting) and story time. Details: Kathleen at ccd@stjudepearl.org.

STARKVILLE – Campus Ministry Winter Retreat, Saturday, Feb. 1 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at St. Joseph Starkville. Join college students from across the diocese for a day of fellowship, games, prayer, song, scripture, Mass and more. Cost: $20. Details: register at https://bit.ly/3OoES58.

WORLD MARRIAGE DAY – Event recognizes couples celebrating anniversaries in 2025 – 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th+. Celebration to be held in Tupelo at St. James on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 5 p.m. Details: debbie.tubertini@jacksondiocese.org.

YOUTH – DCYC, March 21-23, 2025 at the Vicksburg Convention Center. Theme is “Here I am Lord Work in Me.” Register by Feb. 21, contact your parish to register. Details: contact your individual parish offices or contact Abbey at (601) 949-6934 or abbey.schuhmann@jacksondiocese.org.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Catholic Scouters Region 5 Conference, Feb. 21-22. The Catholic Committee on Scouting for the Diocese of Nashville invites you to join Catholic Scouter’s from the states of Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee to a special conference that includes current scouting topics and an opportunity to receive a special event patch with registration. Cost $65 per person. Meetings held at the Knights of Columbus Council 4972 Hall located at 3129 McGavock Pike. For more information visit https://www.ndccos.org. Register online at https://scoutingevent.com/560-93593. Details: email backpackergus@gmail.com.

Calendar of Events

GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Millions of Monicas – Praying with confidence for our children, each Tuesday from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the church. Join with other mothers and grandmothers as we pray for our children’s faithful return to the church. Details: email millionsofmonicas@stjosephgluckstadt.com.
Knights of Columbus – Grow in your faith with five short videos produced by the Knights of Columbus called the “Mission of The Family.” The Mission of the Family” videos can be found at https://www.kofc.org/en/campaigns/into-the-breach.html. Videos are less than 14 minutes in length.

OFFICE OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION – The OCE hosts a Zoom Rosary the first Wednesday of each month during the school year at 7 p.m. On Feb. 5, Sacred Heart Catholic School will lead us in prayer. Join early and place your intentions in the chat. Details: Join the rosary via zoom at https://bit.ly/zoomrosary2024.

ST. LOUIS, Mo. – School Sisters of Notre Dame invite single women to a discernment retreat Feb. 21-23, 2025, at their Sancta Maria in Ripa campus. Details: Pre-registration by Feb. 7, is requested. There is no cost for participation. Private rooms with restroom provided; all meals included. Some assistance with transportation costs is available if needed. Details: email sisters@ssnd.org or call (314) 633-7026.

PILGRIMAGE – Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines (Fatima, Spain and Lourdes) with Father Lincoln Dall and Deacon John McGregor, Sept, 15-24, 2025. Details: for more information visit www.206tours.com/frlincoln.

PILGRIMAGE – Pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, Lisbon and Fatima with Father Carlisle Beggerly, Oct. 4-15, 2025. Cost: $5,799 per person (includes airfare from anywhere in the U.S.) Details: contact Pat Nause at (601) 604-0412; Proximo Travel at (855) 842-8001 or proximotravel.com. Mention trip #1181.

COLUMBUS – Annunciation School, Mardi Gras Masquerade – Draw Down and Art Auction, Friday, Feb. 28 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Details: school office (662) 328-4479.

FLOWOOD – St. Paul, Annual Drawdown, Saturday, Feb. 15 at The Ivy. Theme is “The Roaring Twenties.” Details: church office (601) 992-9547.

GREENWOOD – St. Francis of Assisi, Mardi Gras Ball 2025, Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Civic Center. Details: church office (662) 453-0623 or email sfgwparish@gmail.com.

JACKSON – St. Richard, Krewe de Cardinal, Saturday, Feb. 15 at the Westin Jackson. At this Mardi Gras inspired event, our parents, friends and supporters Laizzez le bon temps rouler in grand fashion! The food and drinks are second to none. The entertainment is top notch, and the auction items are out of this world! This is one party you definitely do not want to miss! Details: visit https://bit.ly/3E1y9Mr for more information and register for the silent auction at https://one.bidpal.net/krewe/welcome.

MADISON – St. Joseph School, $10,000 Draw Down, Saturday, Jan. 25 from 6-10 p.m. at Reunion Golf Club. Details: visit www.stjoebruins.com/drawdown.

MERIDIAN – St. Patrick, Dinner and Dancing, Saturday, Feb. 15 at 6 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Tickets $30. Dress in your Sunday best for a Valentine’s weekend intimate night of fine dining and romantic melodies. Ages 21+. Details: church office (601) 693-1321.

STARKVILLE – Campus Ministry Winter Retreat, Saturday, Feb. 1 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at St. Joseph Starkville. Join college students from across the diocese for a day of fellowship, games, prayer, song, scripture, Mass and more. Cost: $20. Details: register at https://bit.ly/3OoES58.

WORLD MARRIAGE DAY – Event recognizes couples celebrating anniversaries in 2025 – 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th+. Celebrations held in Jackson at the Cathedral of St. Peter on Saturday, Feb. 1 at 1 p.m. and in Tupelo at St. James on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 5 p.m. Details: debbie.tubertini@jacksondiocese.org.

YOUTH – DCYC, March 21-23, 2025 at the Vicksburg Convention Center. Theme is “Here I am Lord Work in Me.” Register by Feb. 21, contact your parish to register. Details: contact your individual parish offices or contact Abbey at (601) 949-6934 or abbey.schuhmann@jacksondiocese.org.