Calendar of Events

Our Lady of Hope Retreat Center, 15th annual “Speak Lord I’m Listening” Retreat for men and women, using the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Friday, July 22 from 7 p.m. till Sunday, July 24 at 12 p.m. Retreat is directed by Father Bill Henry. Come learn techniques to pray and meditate on the scriptures to deepen your relationship with the Lord. Cost is $250 per person and includes housing and meals; cost for commuters is $150. Registration deadline July 11. Details: Charlene Brown (601) 276-5954 or Marion Amedee (601) 684-3098.

Our Lady of Hope Retreat Center, Quo Vadis? Young Men’s Discernment Retreat, July 26-29. Age range for retreat is 15-25. Come pray, eat, have fun and build fraternity. To register visit: Details: email Father Nick at

JACKSON The Carmelite Monestery invites you to join them for Mass in their Monastery Chapel each evening during their annual Novena of Masses to honor Our Lady of Mount Carmel and to ask her intercession. Masses will be daily at 5:30 p.m., July 7 – July 16 and will be preceded by praying the Rosary at 5 p.m. There will be no morning Masses. Details: email

St. Francis of Assisi, Parish Cook-out Party, July 2 after 5 p.m. Mass. Sign-up sheet posted in parish hall for sides and other things to bring. Details: parish hall (601) 813-2295.

CANTON Sacred Heart, Chair stretch and contemplative prayer, Mondays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. in the parish center. Details: Tereza Speer (769) 233-1989.

CLEVELAND Our Lady of Victories, Ladies Fellowship Lunch, Friday, June 24 at 11:30 a.m. at The Warehouse. Just show up! Details: Mary Foust at (662) 902-9903.

JACKSON St. Richard, 4th of July Family Picnic, Sunday, July 3 after 5 p.m. Mass. Food, fun, treats and more! Bring your favorite dessert to share. Details: church office (601) 366-2335.

St. Richard Boy Scout Troop Flag Retirement Ceremony, Boy Scout Troop #30 will hold their annual Flag Retirement Ceremony at the 4th of July Family Picnic on July 3. Please bring your worn out and torn flags to the church office by Friday, July 1 to participate.

MERIDIAN St. Patrick and St. Joseph, Prison Ministry volunteers needed to spread the Good News. Details: call (601) 527-3497 John Maloney or (601) 513-9907 Ken Woodward.

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Thursday Nights at the Movies at 6:30 p.m. in the youth wing of the Family Life Center. Classic Catholic movies suitable for older children through adults will be shown. Snacks and drinks available for purchase. Donations accepted with proceeds going to new Miss-Lou Pregnancy Resource Center. June 30 – The 13th Day (2009); July 7 – Brother Sun, Sister Moon (1972); July 21 – The Way (2010). Details: church office (601) 445-5616.

St. Francis, VBS, July 11-13 from 5:30-8 p.m. for preschool through age 11. Sign up sheets are in the vestibule. Details: church office (601) 833-1799.

CLINTON Holy Savior, Totally Catholic Rocky Railway VBS, July 11-15 from 6-8 p.m. for children going into PreK-3 through sixth grade. Registration open. Cost is $10 per child. Details: Trish Ballard (601) 924-6344.

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, VBS, July 11-15 at the Family Life Center. Begins at 5:15 p.m. and a light, kid-friendly supper will be provided. For children entering PreK-4 through exiting fifth grade. Theme is Jerusalem Marketplace. Pre-registration is required and ends on July 1. Register at Details: church office (601) 445-5616.

MERIDIAN St. Patrick, Vacation Bible School, July 18-22. Theme is Food Truck Party … On a Roll with God! Registration now open at the parish office or online at Children must be registered individually. Cost is $10 per child (no child will be turned away if the family is unable to pay the fee). Open for children Kindergarten through fifth grade. Details: church office (601) 693-1321.

Catholic schools across the diocese have a variety of positions open from principals to substitutes. Please visit for an opportunity near you.

BIKING FOR BABIES, Renewing the culture of life in America, one pedal stroke and one pregnancy resource center at a time. They are riding through the state Monday, July 11, starting at St. Mary Basilica, Natchez and their first stop will be Tuesday, July 12 at 7 p.m. at Dayspring Community Church (1100 Clinton Business Park Drive, Clinton). They ask people to attend and support them as they raise funds for Pregnancy Resource Centers across the country. Details:

Father Adolfo installed as pastor in tri-lingual celebration

By Berta Mexidor
MORTON – Bishop Joseph Kopacz officially installed Father Adolfo Suarez-Pasillas as pastor of St. Michael Forest, its mission, St. Anne Newton, St. Michael Paulding and administrator of Centro Católico in Morton on Friday, June 3 with a tri-lingual celebration. Between COVID outbreaks, illnesses and scheduling issues, the installation was delayed almost a year, but the celebration was no less joyous.

The missions in Forest, Newton, Paulding and Morton serve many immigrants, not only of Hispanic descent but also Vietnamese among other nationalities, with a history that dates back to 1996 when the Catholic Center opened in Morton with a spiritual retreat led by Father Jorge Julio Mejia of Bogota, Colombia, who was visiting Mississippi and has continuously offered Sunday Mass and social services to the growing Hispanic community residing in and around Morton.

Father Adolfo was ordained on May 11, 2019, and had his first Mass of Thanksgiving, on June 7 of the same year, in the parish of Jesus of Nazareth, in his hometown Jesús Maria, of Aguascalientes in Mexico. Since childhood, around the age of six, Father Adolfo remembers wanting to be a priest and look at the images of his grandmother’s Bible, when he could not read. His grandmother and aunts taught him the world of faith and prayer.

“The first time I remember, the priesthood came to mind was when I was about six years old. It was Sunday, I was walking with my cousin and I remember telling her I wanted to be a priest. She asked me why, then I told her, because all priests go to heaven,” Father Adolfo recalled in an interview with Mississippi Catholic.

With his longing to serve and desire to follow God, Father Adolfo draws on the example of the many saints who inspire him, St. Augustine, St. John Bosco, St. Francis de Sales, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Mary Vianney, St. Francis of Assisi and St. John Paul II, along with his devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe to serve the People of God.

Obispo de San Diego dice estar ‘asombrado’ al ser nombrado Cardenal

Por Catholic News Service
SAN DIEGO (CNS) – El cardenal designado Robert W. McElroy dijo a periodistas el 31 de mayo que rezó “una gran oración” cuando se enteró de que se encuentra entre los 21 nuevos cardenales que el papa francisco creará el 27 de agosto.

“Dije varias oraciones porque estaba asombrado y en shock” tras el anuncio, dijo el prelado de 68 años que dirige la diócesis de San Diego. Es el único estadounidense en el grupo que el papa anunció el 29 de mayo.

Monseñor Robert W. McElroy de San Diego conversa con participantes en una sesión de clausura del sínodo sobre jóvenes adultos de la Diócesis de San Diego en la Misión San Diego de Alcalá el 9 de noviembre de 2019. El obispo McElroy estuvo entre los 21 nuevos cardenales nombrados por el papa Francisco el 29 de mayo de 2022 (Foto CNS/David Maung, Diócesis de San Diego)

“Fue una oración en agradecimiento por mi familia y las muchas personas que me han ayudado a formarme a lo largo de los años y una acción de gracias a Dios por todos (su ayuda) en mi vida”, dijo durante una conferencia de prensa de 25 minutos fuera del centro pastoral diocesano.

Después del consistorio, estará entre los 132 cardenales menores de 80 años, que podrán votar en un cónclave. El número de los mayores de 80 años será de 97, elevando el número total de cardenales a 229.

Monseñor McElroy, originario de San Francisco, es el sexto obispo de San Diego. Fue instalado el 15 de abril de 2015. Fue ordenado sacerdote para la Arquidiócesis de San Francisco el 12 de abril de 1980, fue obispo auxiliar de la arquidiócesis desde septiembre de 2010 hasta que fue nombrado para encabezar la Diócesis de San Diego en 2015. El obispo de San Diego dijo a los periodistas que no sabía antes del anuncio del papa que sería nombrado cardenal. Se despertó esa mañana con una avalancha de llamadas, mensajes de texto y correos electrónicos felicitándolo. “Pensé ‘¿Felicidades por qué?'”, dijo.

El cardenal designado McElroy dijo que está profundamente honrado de ser nombrado miembro del Colegio Cardenalicio y también está feliz de saber que se quedará en San Diego. “Eso me encanta”, dijo.
“Había el deseo de tener un cardenal en la costa oeste, así que eso tuvo algo que ver”. Pero dijo que otra razón por la que el papa lo eligió podría ser que San Diego es una diócesis fronteriza con ministerios que reflejan la prioridad que el pontífice otorga a la iglesia y la sociedad que recibe a los inmigrantes y refugiados incondicionalmente.

Papa Francisco tiene una serie de iniciativas que él está tratando de traer a la vida de la iglesia”, dijo el cardenal designado McElroy a los periodistas el 31 de mayo. “Y he tratado de tomar esas iniciativas y sembrarlas aquí”.

Padre Adolfo queda instalado en nuevo Pueblo de Dios

Por Berta Mexidor
JACKSON – El obispo Joseph Kopacz en Misa de Instalación celebrada en Morton, en la tarde del viernes 3, dio el nombramiento oficial al Padre Adolfo Suárez-Pasillas, nombrado párroco de la parroquia Forest St. Michael y su misión, St. Anne en Newton; parroquia de Paulding St. Michael y administrador del Centro Católico en Morton.

La Misa de instalación fue concelebrada por el Padre Cesar Sanchez con muestras de mucha alegría por parte de los parroquianos que ya conocen el servicio del Padre Adolfo, ya que el mismo ha dirigido su misión por casi un año, desde su asignación el pasado 25 de agosto de 2021, trayendo consigo la experiencia después de servir en St. James Tupelo y St. Richard Madison.

Las misiones en Forest, Newton, Paulding y Morton sirven a muchos inmigrantes, no solo de descendencia Hispana sino también Vietnamitas entre otras nacionalidades, con una historia que viene desde 1996 cuando se inauguró el Centro Católico en Morton con un retiro espiritual dirigido por el padre Jorge Julio Mejía de Bogotá, Colombia, quien estaba de visita en Mississippi y ha ofrecido continuamente Misa dominical y servicios sociales a la creciente comunidad de hispanos residenciados en Morton y sus alrededores.

El padre Adolfo fue ordenado el 11 de mayo de 2019 y tuvo su primera Misa, el día 7 de junio del mismo año, en la parroquia Jesús de Nazaret, en su pueblo natal Jesús Maria, de Aguascalientes en México. Desde pequeño, alrededor de los seis años, el padre Adolfo recuerda querer ser sacerdote y mirar las imágenes de la Biblia de su abuela, cuando no sabía leer. Su abuela y sus tías le enseñaron el mundo de la fe y la oración.

“La primera vez que recuerdo que el sacerdocio me vino a la mente fue cuando tenía alrededor de 6 años. Era domingo, caminaba con mi prima y recuerdo haberle dicho que quería ser sacerdote, recordaba el Padre Adolfo en entrevista con Mississippi Catholic.

Todos esos anhelos de servir, de seguir a Dios y el ejemplo de muchos santos que lo inspiran, San Agustín, San Juan Bosco, San Francisco de Sales, Santa Teresa de Calcuta, San Juan María Vianney, San Francisco de Asís y San Juan Pablo II, “… por la gente, su cercanía con el pueblo de Dios y que con su cuidado causaron un gran impacto en mi vida” y con la ayuda de su devoción a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe acompañaran al Padre Adolfo en esta y nuevas asignaciones de servir al Pueblo de Dios.

Mississippi summers provided bishop with many challenges

From the Archives
By Mary Woodward
JACKSON – As we begin our journey into the lovely days of summer filled with that heat and humidity we treasure so much, I thought I would share some more experiences of Bishop John Gunn’s adventures. These few entries detail his battles with travelling in July on the Gulf Coast, which was once part of our diocese until the Diocese of Biloxi was established in 1977.

The 17 counties that make up the Diocese of Biloxi would have been Deanery VII of this Diocese in Bishop Gunn’s time. It stretches up to Laurel and over to Tylertown. Bishop Gunn enjoyed being on the Gulf and spent a lot of time in Pass Christian. He attributed it to the easier access to rail and road travel from the Coast than Natchez had.

DeLISLE – The interior of Our Lady of Good Hope parish is pictured in Christmas of 1920. Bishop John Gunn takes readers on summer adventure at the parish when he visited in July of 1912. Established in 1872, the church was first destroyed by fire in 1905 and rebuilt by Father René Sorin and ultimately destroyed beyond repair by Hurricane Camille in August 1969. (Photos courtesy of archives)

The week of July 23, 1912, Bishop Gunn, who was only a few months into his tenure as bishop, spent a couple of days visiting DeLisle and its missions. Once again, the entries reflect Bishop Gunn’s dry wit and matter-of-fact demeanor. As a disclaimer, the reader needs to remember this is 110 years ago and conditions would have been different in the state of communities and parishes.

“July 23 – DeLisle and Missions: Big reception at the church – dinner in St. Joseph’s Hall. DeLisle has a long history and is connected with big men. The present Bishop of Oklahoma [Théophile Meerschaert] commenced his missionary career at DeLisle. Father [Alphonse] Ketels, now in Biloxi, followed him and Father [René] Sorin has spent nearly 20 years in the most abject poverty and isolation that it is possible to imagine a priest can have.”

“July 24 – Gave Confirmation after Mass in DeLisle. Gave a lecture at Cuevas at eight o’clock on Wednesday night and got the scare of my life in the house to which I was assigned to sleep after the lecture. It was a little bungalow, and I got the best room in the house and I think I got the concentrated heat of the entire coast.”

“I was wet and tired, and I fell asleep as soon as I could. … In the middle of the night I thought my last hour had come as something got into the bed with me and fought me like a tiger. I had nothing but a sheet covering me and in my surprise, to get the bed all to myself I rolled the sheet round the visitor and we had an unequal tussle.”

“It seems a big Scotch Collie had been accustomed to sleep in the bed and had not been notified of the change of occupants. I rolled the sheet ‘round the collie who objected to the familiarity and frightened me thoroughly before I let him loose.”

“July 25 – I gave Confirmation in Cuevas or Pineville. After the Mass and Confirmation and a sermon, I felt as if I had been pulled out of the ocean and it was then I was told that I had to see all the people.”

“I was wet – the church itself was the reception room. The Protestant idea of using the church for everything obtains unfortunately in Mississippi when actual service is not going on. For a little while, I endured the handshaking and the heat, but I begged the priest to get me somewhere where I could get rid of my wet clothes and effect a change at least in parts.”

DeLISLE – Our Lady of Good Hope parish was served by Father René Sorin, from 1896 until his death on Feb. 6, 1955.

“There was no available spot in the church nor in the sacristy, nor behind the altar – nor anywhere and I found my wet clothes now growing cold. Finally, the priest asked me if I would use a kind of closet that was in the sacristy. The closet was about three feet square and contained a barrel in which all the things the ladies of the Altar Society did not want the Bishop to see – old flowers, old candles, broken vases, etc., but I was glad to get even there to get out of my wet clothes.”

“I was progressing rapidly and quickly, when I looked at a slit in the closet and there to my horror, I saw a snake looking right into my eyes. About four or five inches of him stuck to the wall and the rest of him hissed at me.”

“I did not take long to beat a retreat and I never thought I could be such a coward. Irishmen and snakes don’t agree.”

So, I sit here in my air-conditioned office, thinking of those mid-summer days growing up without this luxury and how we managed to endure it. Then I imagine the most likely wool-suited Bishop Gunn perspiring in buckets in his missions throughout the diocese – fending off creatures in the night and slithering snakes in closets – to be shepherd to his sheep. God bless him.

As we make the slide into the heat and humidity of Mississippi’s summer through the traditional doorway of Memorial Day weekend, let us remember to offer prayers and thanks for all who have served our country and paid the ultimate price on the battlefields of the world. Bishop Gunn, who loved three things – his Catholic faith, his Irish heritage, and his American citizenship – would expect that of us. Amen.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson)

Knights award Family of the Year

MADISON – The late Mart Bisek of Madison was not present to receive the award for Family of the Year with his wife Ginger at the Annual Knights of Columbus State Convention in Robinsonville on April 23. Mart lost his battle to cancer before the convention, but he left behind a dedicated spouse, two grown children and grandchildren, and a legacy of service and dedication to faith, family, life and community that will live on forever.

As this year’s recipients of the State Knights of Columbus Family of the Year, Mart and Ginger served the Lord in four local parishes over the years and led ministries that provided for many of the people of God.

Mart served in many leadership roles in the Knights through the years while Ginger served as officer and charter member of the KC Ladies Auxiliary and chaired the Giving Tree Ministry for many years. Together, they helped many in the community. Mart also served as CEO of Gleaners for 12 years and Ginger volunteered for 10 years at Our Daily Bread in Canton and Hope Hollow for 12 years. “The Bisek family are truly role models of how a family should use their time, talent and treasure in support of the church and the community,” said Ned Darbonne of Grand Knight Council 11934 Gluckstadt.

Pictured left to right, David Madere, Ginger Bisek and Ned Darbonne. (Photo courtesy Ned Darbonne)

Senior Wellness Resources

St. Catherine’s Village believes that health and wellness is promoted through a holistic approach that encompasses physical health plus emotional, social and spiritual well-being. In addition to healthy, nutritious dining options throughout the day, there are many supervised and unsupervised fitness activities available.

These include daily exercise classes including aerobics and water aerobics, a large indoor heated swimming pool, a walking path and biking trails, and an on-site fitness facility with rowing machines, elliptical, stationary bikes, treadmills, weights, and resistance bands.

“There is nice scenery as (residents) walk or ride their bikes, a nice big pond, bird houses, and geese surrounding it,” said Lakeisha Love, assistant activity coordinator for Independent Living at St. Catherine’s Village. “We also take group walks around the lake sometimes.

“A lot of residents are not confident in their abilities, so we will basically challenge them to do things they do not think they are able to do. They always thank us the next day for giving them the extra push, (and) always say they feel better physically.”

“There is not personal consultation to get residents involved in different activities,” Love said. “It is up to the individual unless we have a resident ask what they could do to strengthen a certain part of their body, and our answer is always come to stretch class, or we will give them the specific exercise that will work for them.”

There’s also an emphasis at St. Catherine’s on the heart, brain, healthy eating, chronic diseases and more, with support groups for specific illnesses, medical conditions, and caregivers.
To learn more, call (601) 856-0123 or email


“Realizing that our population is an aging one, St. Dominic’s created a wellness program to meet the unique needs of mature adults,” said LeAnn Henderson, manager of New Directions for Over 55. “Built on the premise that social interaction, enrichment opportunities and wellness education help promote healthy, active lifestyles among seniors, New Directions over 55 brings all these and numerous benefits together in a membership-based program.”

The program offers chair yoga, ballroom dance, an exercise class called Be-Fit, hiking groups known as the Trailblazers, the Live Well program (which focuses on the seven aspects of wellness), and classes accessible by cellphone. Pickle ball classes are even coming soon.
To learn more, call (601) 200-6698 or email


“A lot of people are hesitant to join a facility and exercise in a group because they fear not knowing how to use the equipment,” said Amy Batson, manager of The Club at St. Dominic Hospital. “We give prospective members a tour as well as an explanation of how to use the equipment. Also, we’re on the medical fitness side, as opposed to some clubs and gyms that don’t emphasize that side of it as much, and we’re all degreed staff members when it comes to training and fitness.

“We have water aerobics classes, a Seniorcise class that combines cardio, stretching and strength training, equipment such as treadmills, bikes and weights, and a fitness instructor you’ll meet when you join who will help craft a plan that best fits your needs. We also offer a reduced membership rate for hospital employees.”

To learn more, call (601) 519-8197 or email

St. Francis of Assisi School in Greenwood closing doors permanently

By Franciscan Friars of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province
GREENWOOD – The doors to St. Francis of Assisi School closed permanently when the academic year concluded on Friday, May 20, bringing an end to an institution that has been part of the Greenwood community for nearly three-quarters of a century. The announcement was made on May 13 by the Franklin, Wisconsin-based Franciscan Friars of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province. The Franciscan friars will continue serving St. Francis Parish in Greenwood, an association that began some 70 years ago when Assumption Province was invited by the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Jackson to begin pastoral ministry among the African American community. The school was opened in 1951.

Assumption Province officials cited a combination of factors that led to the decision, including years of:
• Steadily declining student enrollment – which plummeted to its current level of 50 total students and was projected to drop even further in the 2022/23 academic year, with only 41 students registered to date. Three of the six grade levels have single-digit student populations – the 1st grade the lowest with two students. The 3rd grade class has the most with 13 students.

• Increasing operating budget deficits – whose gap has widened from a $35,000 shortfall in 2016/17, to the current school year deficit that’s approaching $100,000. The 2022/23 deficit was projected to be $173,950.

• Diminishing funding and financial resources – which has steadily tumbled, from $168,000 in combined donations in 2017/18 to cover tuition assistance, building operations, and educational-related costs, to $30,000 in 2021/22. Despite the support of generous donors to St. Francis of Assisi Mission, the school’s fundraising arm, donations have decreased dramatically due to death and other life-changing events among donors, predominantly an elder population.

• Deteriorating building infrastructure – which a recent independent site survey recommended addressing before the new school session with capital project upgrades, renovations and replacement to outdated electrical, plumbing, windows, parking lot, and other major systems at an estimated cost of nearly a half-million dollars.

A drop in student enrollment in 2017 – when the projection of 105 students plunged to a “crisis level” of 89, the first time in more than 50 years that its enrollment fell below 100 – prompted Assumption Province to begin a series of emergency meetings with faculty, parents, the school’s advisory board, parish leadership – including the pastoral council and finance council – diocesan officials and the Franciscan Sisters. During these meetings, which continued into 2018, the Province presented the alarming trends of declining enrollment, increasing budget deficits and other mounting financial issues – and engaged with all stakeholders in brainstorming about the school’s future. Enrollment has plummeted 60% since 2015/16, when the school had 123 students, compared to 50 today.

“We had been grappling with this decision for several years, during which we had to plan each new academic year without knowing if we would have the financial resources to actually open the school at the start of each fall semester,” said Father James Gannon, OFM, Provincial Minister of Assumption Province. “We friars are saddened and disappointed to close down an institution that has been vital to the education and faith development of thousands of students in our Greenwood community. But steadily declining enrollment and diminishing resources – coupled with growing budget deficits and deteriorating conditions of an aging physical plant – have made it abundantly clear that the long-term operational viability of St. Francis of Assisi School is no longer a sustainable reality. Our assessment to close the school was a painfully difficult, yet necessary decision.”

He added, “The support of our parent community, and the dedication and perseverance of the administration, faculty, staff, Franciscan Sisters, and friars have been nothing short of amazing during these very challenging years. Our students must also be commended for their numerous achievements during this time. It’s human nature to lay blame, but no one is at fault. This decision is the result of conditions beyond everyone’s control.”

While the school received what is considered extraordinary funding that temporarily kept the doors open – for example, monies from the pandemic-related federal Paycheck Protection Program, which mitigated a fraction of the operating deficit for a short period – Province officials likened this one-time funding assistance, although a blessing, to covering a gaping wound with a band aid. Projected budget deficits had also been mitigated through the years by funding from the Mission, the parish and Assumption Province.

“We are grateful for the prayers and support of our school and parish families, and to those who have provided financial support through the years,” said Father Joachim Studwell, OFM, pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish.

Holy Ghost celebrates 113 years of mission

By Dorothy Ashley
JACKSON – Holy Ghost the Comforter Catholic Church will celebrate their feast day on June 5, Pentecost Sunday, along with their 113th anniversary of mission and presence in Midtown Jackson.

Holy Ghost was founded in 1909 by Father Aloysius Heick, SVD, a German priest who traveled to America as a missionary. With the financial help of St. Mother Katherine Drexel, the foundress of the Blessed Sacrament Sisters of Philadelphia, Father Heick was given $16,000 to buy two acres of pastureland in Midtown Jackson.

JACKSON – Holy Ghost parish, located at 1151 Cloister Street, will celebrate 113 years on June 5, Pentecost Sunday. All are invited.

The mission school broke ground on June 25, 1909, and the following September, three Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters came from Techny, Illinois to serve at the two-story brick mission school dedicated in October 1909.

Holy Ghost Mission School opened the following day with an enrollment of 111. It began as a grammar school. A high school program was added and in 1918, it became the first high school for African American students in Jackson.

Holy Ghost Catholic School was instrumental in graduating many African American students with a first-rate education. A convent was built and dedicated in 1911. Two years later, old St. Peter’s Church (now Cathedral) downtown was dismantled, and the material was used to build Holy Ghost Catholic Church on what today is Cloister Street.

Since then, a new parish church was built in 1970. The original parish church was dismantled and the Father George Artis Family Life Center was erected many years later where the original church stood.
Father Heick worked 21 years at Holy Ghost. He retired in 1929 and died the following September.
In 1969, the high school merged with St. Joseph Catholic High School. The elementary school has since closed, but the building is being leased to Hinds County Project Headstart.

Holy Ghost Catholic Church continues its mission of evangelization in the heart of Midtown Jackson. All are invited to attend the Pentecost Mass at the parish on June 5 at 9 a.m.