Featured photo …Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration …

JACKSON – On Dec. 12 at Holy Family parish, Bishop Joseph Kopacz and Father Clem observe a dance performance for Our Lady Guadalupe by “Danza Azteca.” The group is a ministry of Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle and is coordinated by Celia Aleman, who has studied ancestry dances of indigenous from Latin America for nine years. The dancers used incense, the sound of seashells and colorful clothing to represent scenes of the apparition of the Virgin to St. Juan Diego. Tree seeds are also worn on the ankles, that makes rattling sound that accompanies the rhythm of the drums during the dance. (Photos by Tereza Ma)

Calendar of events

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Second printing of Father David O’Connor’s book – A Priestly Pilgrimage, now available. The book is described as “an autobiographical narrative told through the sub-stories of an evolving theology, ministry skills development, cultural transitions, and programs that are responsive to the pastoral needs of God’s people.” Details: His book is available at the parish offices of St. Mary, Assumption and Holy Family churches, at the Natchez Coffee Company (Franklin Street), at Locus Benedictus Retreat Center (Greenwood) or by contacting the author, doconnor.natchez@gmail.com. For a book to be shipped call (601) 442-7250. Cost: $20/plus shipping.

PEARL St. Jude, Sung Mass in Extraordinary Form, first and third Sundays of each month at 6 p.m. Details: church office (601) 939-3181.

COLUMBUS Annunciation, Christmas Youth Choir performance, Friday, Dec. 24, 5:30 p.m. Details: church office (601) 328-2927

HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Weight Loss Support Group, Tuesdays at 9 a.m. Come join us each week as we support each other on our weight loss journey. Details: Liz Brown at (901) 331-3419.

MADISON St. Francis, Ring in Your Faith 10k/5k, Jan. 1, 2022 at 8 a.m. at Old Trace Park in Ridgeland. They will be serving a New Year’s meal of corned beef, black-eyed peas and cabbage. Cost: $30. Details: register at https://bit.ly/RingInYourFaith.

MERIDIAN St. Patrick, “Mash Bash” Blood Drive, Dec. 28 at the KC Hall. Details: vitalant.org.

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, the choir will perform a Christmas program from 7:30-8 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 24, before Christmas Vigil Mass. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.
St. Mary Basilica, Vanguard (Young Adult Ministy), Trivia Night, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 7 p.m. at the Family Life Center. Only $5 to play with prizes available. Also $5 potato bar and $1 soft drinks. BYOB. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.

SENATOBIA Catholic Social Services offices open Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. to assist with food, orientation or financial assistance. Bilingual services/staff available. Details: Please call to make an appointment (662) 560-1991.

STARKVILLE St. Joseph needs volunteers for spring semester food preparation for TND (Tuesday Night Dinners), no previous cooking experience necessary. Details: Joseph Terbrack at ccm@stjosephstarkville.org.

VICKSBURG St. Paul, Children’s Christmas program, Friday, Dec. 24, 5 p.m. Details: Jordan Amborn (601) 415-2524.

YAZOO CITY Children’s Christmas Eve program, Friday, Dec. 24, 6:30 p.m. Details: church office (662) 746-1680.

HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Wednesday night “Open Gym” 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Make plans to come Wednesdays and enjoy food, fun and games. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.

TUPELO St. James, Disciple Now – Rhythms, Jan. 14-16, for 7-12 graders. Cost: $50. Details: email Cara at carambristow@gmail.com.

FLOWOOD St. Paul, Black & White Ball/Annual Drawdown, Saturday, Feb. 19, 6:30 p.m. at the Family Life Center. Details: church office (601) 992-9547.

MADISON St. Joseph School, Jeans, Jazz & Bruin Blues $10,000 Draw Down, Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022 at the Country Club of Jackson. To sponsor or purchase a draw down ticket visit www.stjoedrawdown.com.

In our last edition on the Thanksgiving celebration at St. Patrick Meridian, the cooks name was misspelled. His name is Gary Koca. His family traveled by car, not motorcycle – 1,450 miles is a long way on a bike! We apologize for the error.

Calendar of events

JACKSON St. Richard Bereavement Support Group will again hold a special Candle-light Remembrance Celebration on Thursday, Dec. 9, at 6:30 p.m. in Foley Hall. There will be a discussion of various ways to honor our deceased loved ones followed by a brief candle-light prayer service. Each couple or person will be given a candle to light in honor of as many loved ones as they wish to remember by name. You may then take your candle home to light again on Christmas Day. A social time follows the service. It is a very beautiful and comforting time for all. Please RSVP, so that we will know how many to plan for and the number of candles needed. Event is open to all, regardless of how long ago the death occurred or your church affiliation. Details: please call Suzie Cranston (601) 573-3347, Nancy McGhee (601) 942-2078 or email ncmcghee@bellsouth.net.

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Second printing of Father David O’Connor’s book – A Priestly Pilgrimage, now available. The book is described as “an autobiographical narrative told through the sub-stories of an evolving theology, ministry skills development, cultural transitions, and programs that are responsive to the pastoral needs of God’s people.” Details: His book is available at the parish offices of St. Mary, Assumption and Holy Family churches, at the Natchez Coffee Company (Franklin Street), at Locus Benedictus Retreat Center (Greenwood) or by contacting the author, doconnor.natchez@gmail.com. For a book to be shipped call (601) 442-7250. Cost: $20/plus shipping.

PEARL St. Jude, Sung Mass in Extraordinary Form, first and third Sundays of each month at 6 p.m. Details: church office (601) 939-3181.

CANTON Sacred Heart, Ladies Stretch Classes, Thursdays, Dec. 2-23 at 10 a.m. led by Teresa Speer in the Sacred Heart Parish Center. Details: Jo Lynn at (601) 941-0821 or Teresa at (769) 233-1989.

FLOWOOD St. Paul, Mississippi Association of Returning Citizens (MARC) will be resuming re-entry classes in prisons in January 2022. If you are interested in serving in this ministry and helping incarcerated men and women “Get Ahead While Getting Out,” make plans to attend a training session in the Family Life Center on Saturday, Dec. 11 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Details: Bob Pavolini at (334) 717-0890.

MADISON St. Francis, Ring in Your Faith 10k/5k, Jan. 1, 2022 at 8 a.m. at Old Trace Park in Ridgeland. Finisher medals for all and t-shirts for everyone who registers by Dec. 16. Also will serve New Year’s meal of corned beef, black-eyed peas and cabbage! Cost: $30. Details: register at https://bit.ly/RingInYourFaith.

NATCHEZ Assumption of BVM, Bingo, Sunday, Dec. 12 in Tutie Hall beginning 10 a.m. They will play 10 games and break for a burger lunch, then resume for another 10 games. To donate prizes, bring items or gifts before Dec. 12. Details: (601) 442-7250.

OLIVE BRANCH Queen of Peace, Manger Lighting, Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. In union with Knights of Columbus through out the world, there will be prayer, a ceremonial blessing and lighting of the manger. Details: church office (662) 895-5007.

Queen of Peace, Annual Women’s Club Bake Sale, Saturday/Sunday, Dec. 11-12. Parishioners are asked to donate a baked item. Please sign up in the Commons area. Details: church office (662) 895-5007.

HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Wednesday night “Open Gym” 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Make plans to come Wednesdays and enjoy food, fun and games. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Santa Breakfast, Saturday, Dec. 11 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at the Family Life Center. Details: Carrie Lambert at (601) 920-9538.

TUPELO St. James, Disciple Now – Rhythms, Jan. 14-16, for 7-12 graders. Cost: $50. Details: email Cara at carambristow@gmail.com.

St. James, Christmas VBS – Follow the Star, Saturday, Dec. 18 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m for ages three through sixth grade at the St. James Catholic Life Center. Register by Dec. 8. Details: Lora Beth at (662) 213-7959 or lorabethb@gmail.com.

JACKSON Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle, World Day Marriage on Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022 at 3 p.m., there will be Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Kopacz. The Mass honors all married couples, but especially invites those celebrating their 25th, 50th and 60th anniversaries. Details: to have your anniversary recognized, call your parish office or email charlene.bearden@jacksondiocese.org.

JACKSON St. Richard School, Krewe de Cardinal, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022. This festive evening features a brass band, silent and live auctions, a cash drawing, and cocktails and cuisine. Tickets are $50/per person or $100/per couple in advance. Sponsorships are available and come with reserved seating and an invitation to the pre-event VIP Cocktail Hour. Details: development@strichardschool.org.

MADISON St. Joseph School, Jeans, Jazz & Bruin Blues $10,000 Draw Down, Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022 at the Country Club of Jackson. To sponsor or purchase a draw down ticket visit www.stjoedrawdown.com.

Trinity Missions celebrate centennial in Camden

By Berta Mexidor

CAMDEN – “There is no truer proof of a great love of God than a great love of our neighbor.” Father Thomas Judge, Founder of Trinity Missions

Hundreds of parishioners from four parishes gathered at Sacred Heart Camden to celebrate 100 years of Trinitarian Missions with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Kopacz and concelebrated by the Trinitarian priests, Fathers Mike Barth, general custodian of Trinity Missions, Odel Medina, Guy Wilson, Gustavo Amell, Raul Ventura, Alexis Zuniga Velasquez, Robert “Bob” Goodyear; in addition to Father Mike O’Brien of Sacred Heart Canton.

Bishop Kopacz recognized the Trinitarian’s servants’ deeds serving four Bishops before him, Bishops Gerow, Brunini, Houck and Latino, and thousands of Catholic Mississippians for more than 77 years. “We have the spirit of awe, for all what God has done for us … The Holy Spirit is flying above this assembly … because we are children of God. We have a spirit of hope and gratitude,” Bishop Kopacz said in his homily.

CAMDEN – On Nov. 13, the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity celebrated 100 years of their founding. The Trinitarian Missions have been a part of Mississippi history for 77 years. Pictured left to right: Father Guy Wilson, Father Mike Barth, Father Bob Goodyear, Bishop Joseph Kopacz, Father Odel Medina, Father Alexis Zuniga Velasques, Father Mike O’Brien and Father Gustavo Amell. (Photos by Berta Mexidor)

The apostolic Spirit, that Father Judge envisioned 100 years ago makes “missionary disciples offer the fire of God to all. This celebration is the first day of 100 more years,” Bishop Kopacz concluded.

At the end of the Mass, Father Mike Barth gave recognition plaques for their contribution to the Trinitarian Missions to representatives of Sacred Heart Camden, Holy Child Jesus Canton, St. Therese Kosciusko, St. Anne Carthage, Holy Rosary Indian Mission, Sister Mary Anne Poeschl, RSM and Bishop Kopacz. Father Barth also blessed the renovated cross in front of the Sacred Heart Camden Church; and Father Guy Wilson, ST created a ceramic necklace in memory of the centennial celebration for each attendee.

Foundation of the Trinitarians
It only takes a tiny spark from the Holy Spirit to ignite a fire that grows into something magnificent. And for the Trinitarians that spark grew into an institution that has helped millions of people over a 100-year period.

In this case, the Holy spark came in 1909 from six female volunteers in Brooklyn, who met with Father Thomas Judge to discuss their interest in assisting Catholic immigrants. They began an outreach program to visit homes and offer what help they could. This was the beginning of the Missionary Cenacle Apostolate (lay missionaries).

Father Judge, a son of Irish immigrants, arrived in Opelika, Alabama, an area with very few Catholics, in 1920. He then began forming lay groups or “cenacles.”

Due to their hard work and zeal for the salvation of souls, the Cenacle was then formally recognized by Bishop of Mobile, Edward Patrick Allen, in 1921.

Today, there are over 145 Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity in missions around the world, most within the United States.

Trinitarian history reaches back 77 years in Mississippi
History books recall that Trinitarians first came to Mississippi in 1944, represented by Father Andrew Lawrence, ST, taking responsibility of Immaculate Conception, and at that moment, its missions: Sacred Heart on Sulphur Springs Road near Camden and St. Anne in Carthage.

CAMDEN – Father Odel Medina stands among those gathering for Mass to celebrate the centennial of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity. (Photo by Berta Mexidor)

With the direction of Bishop R. O. Gerow, Father Lawrence started looking for a place to first build a church, then schools to follow, to improve the lives of local African Americans – this led to a place named Sulpher Springs.

According to Cleta Ellington’s 1989 book, Christ: The Living Water, Sulphur Springs was an extension of land that no one knew where it started, nor where it ended. But there was a Catholic church there, its roof collapsing under snow in 1923, and then rebuilt in Camden with the name of Immaculate Conception of Sulphur Springs around 1927, which then became the first church where Father Lawrence and the Trinitarians began their missions in Mississippi in 1944.

After the church, Father Lawrence and the Trinitarians founded the Sacred Heart Agricultural School in Sulphur Springs for African American youths. The school enrolled over 140 students at one point and was highly praised by the Mississippi Department of Education. Then sadly, the school was destroyed by fire and burned down in 1954.

In her book, Ellington also highlighted the struggles of the Trinitarians creating the Holy Child Jesus’ school in Canton, and how a little, non-Catholic Black girl named Bertha Bowman came to enroll in this school. Of course, this little girl grew up and became the first black Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration – Servant of God, Sister Thea Bowman.
In another amazing turn of the history of Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity in Mississippi, the small spark from the Holy Spirit back in 1909 ended up touching the Choctaw Reservation in Philadelphia beginning back in 1944.

From 1975 to 1990 and again from 2006 to the present, Father Robert “Bob” Goodyear, ST has served at the Holy Rosary Indian Mission in Philadelphia. Each Sunday he drives nearly 90 miles to three parishes to celebrate Mass for the Choctaw community. Recently, the work of Father Goodyear was highlighted nationwide when he was recognized as a finalist for the Catholic Extension Lumen Christi award.

In 2019, two Trinitarian priests were at the center of the aftermath of a massive raid against immigrants in Mississippi, Father Odel Medina, of St. Anne Carthage, was one of them. The support they received from volunteers and the whole community, along with their leadership hit the standards set by Fathers Judge and Lawrence years ago.

After almost 10 years in Mississippi, Father Odel has witnessed the growth of the Hispanic community in the state. He views the growth as fruits of the legacy of the Trinitarian founders, ”preserving the faith among immigrants.”

“Father Judge started with mainly the Italian immigrants, here in Mississippi. Hispanic immigrants [are] a new phenomenon and numbers are increasing … The future is going to a pluricultural church,” he said.

“This centenary is a jubilee,” said Father Odel. “I have been walking with all my parishioners, in good and bad times, but mainly with the most vulnerable, it has been a blessing for me.”

In one hundred years, the Trinitarians have accomplished more than just building schools and church buildings, they have touched millions of people from all different backgrounds, races and creeds.

(Joanna Puddister King contributed to this article.)

Parishes and organizations prepare for #iGiveCatholic

By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – For the sixth year in a row, the Catholic Diocese of Jackson is joining several dioceses around the country to host #iGiveCatholic on #GivingTuesday, the week after Thanksgiving. Participating parishes, schools and Catholic non-profit organizations will have the opportunity to raise funds online for their own local needs.

This year, on Nov. 30, more than forty dioceses will join together for the day. #iGiveCatholic isn’t just a fundraiser. It is also an opportunity for the Catholic community to affirm their faith as disciples of Jesus Christ and showcase all the good work the church and its parishes, schools and institutions does for the community at large.

Groups across the diocese are participating in #iGiveCatholic on #GivingTuesday. Advanced giving is going on now, with the giving period ending at 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 30. Visit jackson.igivecatholic.org to support Catholic parishes, groups and non-profits today.

In 2020, the sixth year of the campaign raised more than $12.7 million for over 2,600 participating parishes, schools and non-profit ministries representing the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), ministries across the U.S., and 40 arch/dioceses across the country. At the close of the 24-hour giving period, the number of contributions both online and offline totaled more than 48,000 gifts from 50 states and 12 countries.

This year, St. Joseph Starkville is hoping to raise $20,000 for two vital projects. The first is to pay the balance for their “Surrounded by Saints” stained glass windows and the second is to update their outdated fire system in the church.

The parish’s previous church building burned on Good Friday in 1997 and their priority is to prevent another fire tragedy from happening again.

In Jackson, the Carmelite sisters are aiming to raise funds through #iGiveCatholic to aid in covering costs of the on-going renovation project in their chapel and other maintenance projects. Crews began working in early November to level the cement and install vinyl planks in the Monastery Chapel.

“We are most hopeful that your generous support of our ministry through the #iGiveCatholic fundraising campaign will help us raise the amount of $47,000 to cover renovation expenses,” said a statement from the sisters.

Secure, tax-deductible donations to eligible Catholic organizations in the Diocese of Jackson can be made at www.jackson.iGiveCatholic.org through Tuesday, Nov. 30, ending at 11:59 p.m.

Blessing of the graves

CANTON – Father Mike O’Brien blessed graves in the Canton City Cemetery on Sunday, Nov. 7. Sacred Heart parishioners gathered at the grave of Msgr. Edward L. Cratin for a prayer service and learned from Father Mike that he “learned a lot about being a priest” from Msgr. Cratin. (Photo by Joanna Puddister King)

Calendar of events

BROOKHAVEN St. Francis, Advent Program (Faith Hope, Joy and Love). It will take place the four weekends of Advent after the Saturday 4 p.m. Vigil Mass and after the 10 a.m. Sunday Mass in the Parish Center Library. Sessions will be followed by a light meal. Details: church office (601) 833-1799.

PEARL St. Jude, Sung Mass in Extraordinary Form, first and third Sundays of each month at 6 p.m. Details: church office (601) 939-3181.

PINEVILLE, La. A.C.T.S. Retreats at the Mary Hill Renewal Center, Men’s retreat Jan. 13-16. 2022 and Ladies retreat Feb. 10-13, 2022. Opportunity for spiritual renewal and fellowship beginning Thursday evening at 5 p.m. and concluding with 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday at St. Patrick Church in Ferriday, La. Cost of the retreat is $50 deposit plus $125 due at retreat check-in. Open to persons 18 years or older. Details: to register contact St. Patrick Church at (318) 757-3834.

CANTON Sacred Heart, Ladies Stretch Classes, Thursdays, Dec. 2-23 at 10 a.m. led by Teresa Speer in the Sacred Heart Parish Center. Details: Jo Lynn at (601) 941-0821 or Teresa at (769) 233-1989.

CLEVELAND Our Lady of Victories, Life After Loss beginning Nov. 30 at 11:45 a.m. and continuing to Jan. 4. Deaths and suffering from COVID and other illnesses and the uncertainties about daily life still linger. We worry for ourselves and others. What can we do? Join discussions on recovering and coping. Sessions free and open for all. Details: Larry Lambert at (662) 719-8756 or larry@mazzy.com.

FLOWOOD St. Paul, Mississippi Association of Returning Citizens (MARC) will be resuming re-entry classes in prisons in January 2022. If you are interested in serving in this ministry and helping incarcerated men and women “Get Ahead While Getting Out,” make plans to attend a training session in the Family Life Center on Saturday, Dec. 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Details: Bob Pavolini at (334) 717-0890.

NATCHEZ Assumption of BVM, Bingo, Sunday, Dec. 12 in Tutie Hall beginning 10 a.m. They will play 10 games and break for a burger lunch, then resume for another 10 games. To donate prizes, bring items or gifts before Dec. 12. Details: (601) 442-7250.

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Poinsettia sale fundraiser for the CYO. Plants are from Fred’s Nursery in 6-inch foil sleeved pots. Cost $15; or order 10 or more for $12.50 each. Available for pickup first week of Dec. Quantities are limited, so place your order early. Details: stmaryyouth@cableone.net.

OLIVE BRANCH Queen of Peace, Manger Lighting, Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. In union with Knights of Columbus through out the world, there will be a prayer, a ceremonial blessing and lighting of the manger. Details: church office (662) 895-5007.

Queen of Peace, Breakfast with Santa, Sunday, Dec. 5 after Mass. Details: church office (662) 895-5007.
SOUTHAVEN Sacred Heart Southern Missions needs your help with mobile food distribution at Landers Center, on Wednesdays, Nov. 17 – Dec. 15. Details: call Lois Harrison (901) 626-5432.

STARKVILLE St. Joseph, Position available! Homebound food pantry coordinator is needed beginning in January. Details: for more information, email Barbara Clynch at paubab@hotmail.com.

CYO Garage Sale, Saturday, Dec. 4 from 8-11:30 a.m. in parish center, donations needed in good, working condition. Drop off Thursday, Dec. 2, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. No clothing. Details: deaconjeff@stjosephstarkville.org.

TUPELO St. James, Christmas VBS – Follow the Star, Saturday, Dec. 18 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for ages three through sixth grade at the St. James Catholic Life Center. Register by Dec. 8. Details: Lora Beth at (662) 213-7959 or lorabethb@gmail.com.

YAZOO CITY St. Mary, Bake Sale, Tuesday, Nov. 23 from 7-11 a.m. in the parish hall. Details: yazoocitystm@jacksondiocese.org.

HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Wednesday night “Open Gym” 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Make plans to come Wednesdays and enjoy food, fun and games. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.

TUPELO St. James, Disciple Now – Rhythms, Jan. 14-16, for 7-12 graders. Cost: $50. Details: email Cara at carambristow@gmail.com.

JACKSON Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle, World Day Marriage on Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022 at 3 p.m., there will be Mass celebrated by Bishop Joseph Kopacz. The Mass honors all married couples, but especially invites those celebrating their 25th, 50th and 60th anniversaries. Details: to have your anniversary recognized, call your parish office or email charlene.bearden@jacksondiocese.org.

JACKSON St. Richard School, Krewe de Cardinal, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022. This festive evening features a brass band, silent and live auctions, a cash drawing, and cocktails and cuisine. Tickets are $50/per person or $100/per couple in advance. Sponsorships are available and come with reserved seating and an invitation to the pre-event VIP Cocktail Hour. Details: development@strichardschool.org.

MADISON St. Francis, Ring in Your Faith 10k/5k, Jan. 1, 2022 at 8 a.m. at Old Trace Park in Ridgeland. Finisher medals for all and t-shirts for everyone who registers by Dec. 16. Also will serve New Year’s meal of corned beef, black-eyed peas and cabbage! Cost: $30. Details: register at https://bit.ly/RingInYourFaith.

St. Joseph School, Jeans, Jazz & Bruin Blues $10,000 Draw Down, Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022 at the Country Club of Jackson. To sponsor or purchase a draw down ticket visit www.stjoedrawdown.com.

MERIDIAN St. Patrick School, Candy Cane 5K Dash, Saturday, Dec. 4 beginning at 8:30 a.m. Details: Registration is now open at www.time2run.net.

VICKSBURG Vicksburg Catholic School, $10,000 Drawdown on the River, Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022. Details: www.vicksburgcatholic.org.

CLINTON Holy Savior, Knights of Columbus Bishop R. O. Gerow Assembly 554 is sponsoring the Clinton City Cemetery. Wreaths are $15 and they have approx. 250 veterans’s gravesites which they hope to lay wreaths on Dec. 18 at 12 p.m. Details: https://kofc554.org/wreaths.

NATCHEZ Home with Heroes, To sponsor a wreath in the Natchez National Cemetery, Greenlawn Memorial Park or Vidalia Cemetery. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Bishop R. O. Gerow Council 1034. Wreaths are $15 and must be purchased by Nov. 30. Details: Mark LaFrancis at (601) 442-0980 or www.homewithheroes.org.

Knights bring Wreaths Across America to Clinton Cemetery

By Berta Mexidor
JACKSON – This year the Bishop R.O. Gerow Assembly 554 of the Knights of Columbus, has gotten involved in the Wreaths Across America program by sponsoring the Clinton Cemetery. They have identified approximately 250 veterans’ gravesites which they hope to lay wreaths on Dec. 18 at noon. The mission is to remember, honor and teach.
“What a beautiful and meaningful way to remember and honor our veterans during the Christmas season,” said the Knights of Columbus.

The wreaths are made of live greenery with a red velvet bow and cost $15. Wreaths can be purchased for an unspecified veteran at the Clinton Cemetery, for a specific veteran at the Clinton Cemetery, or for a veteran buried somewhere other than the Clinton Cemetery. Wreaths purchased for placement at other cemeteries will be available for pick up at Holy Savior Church at 714 Lindale Street in Clinton on Dec. 18 at 3 p.m. Wreaths must be purchased prior to Nov. 19, 2021, so orders can be placed.

Wreaths can be purchased online at https://kofc554.org/wreaths or by mail – just visit their website for details.

Honoring veterans buried at the Clinton Cemetery this holiday season is the mission for members of the Knights of Columbus Bishop R.O. Gerow Assembly 554, which are participating in the annual Wreaths Across America sponsorship drive. The national wreath-laying remembrance effort is planned for Dec. 18. (Photo WAA Staff)

Ars Celebrandi: Getting more out of Mass

By James Tomek, Ph.D
Celebrating the Mass as an art was the subject of a recent workshop, led by Father Dennis Gill for Priests, Deacons and Lay Ecclesial Ministers of our diocese. Ars Celebrandi, the title of Father Dennis’s book, is also a church activity promoting the study of Liturgy (our official public worship used here interchangeably with the Mass) as an art. A general lack of respect at Mass, along with a general “not getting” of what happens at Mass has inspired Father Dennis to become an expert in Sacred Liturgy.

Active participation at Mass, a major aim, happens when we all feel united with Jesus, offering himself and us to God. Viewing Mass as an art can help us see that participating at Mass requires skills. As a literature person, when I see Ars Poetica, it is usually a poem or essay about what a certain art should be – its essence. Art can be defined as a “doing” of things that makes them beautiful and memorable. We will now talk about Father Dennis’s view of major essences at Mass, followed by how they fit into the Order of the Mass.

Father Gill encourages us to study the General Instructions of the Roman Missal (GIRM). What is happening “inside” us? Mystagogia describes this “inside” – a leading into the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus. How do we render this “prayer” concrete in real life? (orandi vivendi)

The Sacrament of Holy Orders confers on priests the official authority to speak in the person of Jesus Christ at Mass. Theological realities? Where is Jesus in all this? Liturgy puts us in the presence of Jesus, who is raised from the dead by the Father and Holy Spirit. We are all “priests” by our Baptism. When the ordained priest says, “the Lord be with you” we lay people, as a part of this priesthood, answer “and with your Spirit.”

Our primary aim at Mass is to prepare to be worthy to receive “Holy Communion,” which I take as not just the Sacred Host, but a sum of receiving the Body of Christ in Communion with all the faithful. The Eucharist, meaning thanksgiving, is a beautiful word to summarize Mass and this Holy Communion.

“Worship” comes from “worth-ship” where we give God the respect for his worth to us. Gestures and postures help. For example, we stand when we say prayers. This attention is authentic participation. Liturgy is life and life is Liturgy. If we have participated well, we can put what we rehearsed at Mass into real life – the meaning of Ite, Missa Est at the end. We are sent. Mass is not a pep rally, but a worship – a rehearsal of our Christian eternal life.

Music highlights the spiritual value. Here, Father Dennis focuses more on the musicality of the dialogs. He prefers the singing of the dialogs, like the “Let us give thanks to the Lord” and the “Holy, holy, holy.” There should be a music feel or a rhythm where even silences are important so that we have time to let the mystery soak into our hearts. Furniture also provides meaning. The Altar is the centerpiece where the Sacrifice takes place. It is Christ. The Ambo, or lectern, is where the Word of God is read and spoken. The Chair is the permanent sign of where Jesus speaks.

Every part of the Order of the Mass – the Entrance, Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist and Concluding Rites – is about the offering of Jesus Christ and us to God. What will we do with our Holy Communion? How will we be worthy of it depends on how we will put it in practice in our Christian lives.

With the Entrance rites, we should focus on establishing communion with others, so to be worthy of the Sacrament. With the procession, the priest, as Jesus, leads us to the altar. The kiss at the altar symbolizes the communion of Jesus and his sacrifice (sometimes intensified by an incensing). The Collect prayer points to the scriptures and the offerings of the people that are about to happen.

In the Liturgy of the Word, lectors recite the story of Christ’s redemption and salvation. The Homily becomes a liturgical rite where the scriptures are broken open. With the Universal Prayer, or intercessions, we pray for the general needs of the church. These petitions should be associated with the scripture readings and can form a base of offerings that we will put in practice in everyday life. This prayer slides into the Offertory and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

The third part of Mass is the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The “Eucharist” in this part of Mass refers to the “meal” celebration. The gifts are prepared as the altar is dressed with the corporal, missal and vessels. The bread and wine are raised slightly and then set to the side for the sacrifice coming.

The Eucharistic Prayer that follows is Jesus starting our conversation with God. It is a prayer of thanksgiving and sanctification. The introduction to the preface calls us to lift our hearts and minds to God. The Preface leads to the “Holy, holy, holy,” and emphasizes our thankfulness. The main body of the Eucharistic Prayer follows (Father Dennis recommends using Prayer I or III for Sundays). From this prayer, Father stresses the Epiclesis, where the Holy Spirit is called on to bless the proceedings, the Institution Narrative, where the bread and wine are consecrated, and the Anamnesis, where we remember what Christ has done for us.

The last part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is the Communion Rite. The Lord’s Prayer is where we dare say with Jesus “Our Father” asking God to forgive us and give us the grace to forgive others. The sign of peace goes back to when Jesus tells us that, before receiving communion, we need to reconcile any differences with our neighbor. The Breaking of the Bread (fraction) is the huge Sacramental sign where Sacred Bread is broken and shared with the community. The Lamb of God prayer is recited simultaneously. With the Concluding Rites, the priest, preferably from the chair, dismisses us and sends us on our way to live what we have just rehearsed. We need to reflect on the liturgy regularly.

Father Dennis concludes, saying that with every celebration of the Liturgy, there is a hint of the Ascension with Jesus Christ where we are all raised to the Father.

(James Tomek is a retired language and literature professor at Delta State University who is currently a Lay Ecclesial Minister at Sacred Heart in Rosedale and also active in RCIA at Our Lady of Victories in Cleveland.)