MADISON – While the seminarian journey is lengthy and demands commitment, discernment, and personal growth, the rewards are many. A true highlight for Andrew Bowden, a student at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, was being mentored by Father Nick Adam, director of vocations for the Diocese of Jackson.
“I have been thinking about the priesthood for about as long as I can remember,” Bowden said. “I first got to know Father Nick in 2013 when he was assigned to St. Jude (in Pearl), my home parish, as a seminarian for a summer assignment. I remember working with him on how to be an altar server.
“Then, while Father Nick was in theology at Notre Dame, I was at St. Joseph Seminary College (in St. Benedict, Louisiana). Guys studying for the same diocese are often called ‘diocesan brothers.’ The sense of fraternity among brothers even at different seminaries is desirable. It was always pleasant to visit with guys further along during my first few years of formation.”
The friendship and mentoring from Father Nick deepened once the former St. Richard parish priest moved to his new position earlier this year. “Father Nick quickly made sure that the seminarians were getting sufficient and equal financial support from parishes and Knights of Columbus councils around the state,” Bowden said. “He updated paperwork in our files. He has shown my diocesan brothers and myself an incredible amount of support and care.
“I had the pleasure of staying in the parish he took up residence in during the summer when he was appointed full-time vocations director. This allowed me to get to know him even better. Toward the end of the summer, I had to quarantine in isolation. Father Nick made a point of regularly coming to check on me and bringing me the Holy Eucharist.”
Bowden, on track to be ordained to the transitional diaconate in spring 2021, will be assigned for several months to a parish of Bishop Joseph Kopacz’s choosing before returning to Notre Dame for his final semester and a half. He will be ordained a priest in spring 2022.
“One of Father Nick’s qualities that I seek to emulate is his reverence and joy in the liturgy,” Bowden said. “Reverence and joy are both appropriate and even necessary but can be difficult to balance. I believe he does this exceptionally well.
Blessing of the pets ceremonies are part of the celebration for the Feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, in rememberance for his love of all creatures. This time of year, people bring a procession of animals, everything from dogs and cats to snakes, lizards to our churches and schools for a special blessing cermony. The love we give to pets and receive in return from pets draws us into the circle of life and our relationship to God.
SOUTHAVEN – Father Greg Schill, SCJ blessed a wide variety of animals at Sacred Heart School on Friday, Oct. 2 – including this bearded dragon. (Photos by Bridget Martin)
PEARL – Father Lincoln Dall of St. Jude parish blesses the pet goat of the Jose Varela family. (Photos by Rhonda Bowden)
OLIVE BRANCH – Queen of Peace parishioners brought their animals to get a special blessing in honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on Sunday, Oct. 4. Father Ardi (Hendrick Ardianto, SCJ) blessed a number of pets as members drove through. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
HOLLY SPRINGS – In honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Holy Family School held a special blessing of the pets Friday, Oct. 2. Father Ardi (Hendrick Ardianto, SCJ) extended a special blessing on the student’s furry friends during the afternoon car pool line. Pictured is Principal Tunia Sangster with her new puppy, Diesel. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
SOUTHAVEN – The Knights of Columbus at Christ the King create a huge Pumpkin Patch each year as a fundraiser, with many varieties of pumpkins, perfect for fall and Halloween decor. The patch is open through Oct. 31 and is open daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT METAIRIE, La. Healing Mini-Conference, Nov. 13-14 at St. Angela Merici Church. Presenter: Sister Briege McKenna, well-known for her ministry of praying for healing. She has authored a book entitled Miracles Do Happen, giving accounts of extraordinary healings she was witnessed. There will be three sessions: Friday night from 7-9:30 p.m.; Saturday morning 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Saturday night from 7-9:30 p.m. Cost: Adults – $15 per person per session; Youths (under 18) – $5 per person per session. Pre-registration is required. Because of social distancing, seating is limited to approximately 300. Details:, or (504) 828-1368. NEW ORLEANS Our Lady of the Cenacle Retreat Center, Men’s Retreat – “Relying on Faith in Times of Struggle,” Oct. 30 – Nov. 1. The retreat begins with check-in at 3 p.m. on Friday and concludes after lunch on Sunday. Presenters: Dr. Paul Ceasar and Darryl Ducote on finding hope and direction through insights from psychology and our beliefs. Because of the special circumstances due to COVID-19, no deposit is required to register. Full payment will be collected upon arrival at the retreat center. Details: to register, contact Susan Halligan at (504) 267-9604 or If you need financial assistance, contact Kim Gandolfi at (504) 887-1420. SCHOLARSHIPS Applications for the Brunini Memorial Scholarship and the Stella Schmidt Memorial Scholarship are open. The Brunini Scholarship is for any undergraduate at a Catholic college or university. Area of study is not restricted. The Stella Schmidt Scholarship was established to be used specifically for tuition assistance for advance studies in theology or religious education at Spring Hill College. Applications for both scholarships are due by Dec. 1. Details: Visit for applications or email for more information.
PARISH, SCHOOL AND FAMILY EVENTS CLARKSDALE Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth, Charismatic Prayer Group meets Tuesdays at 2 p.m. (via Zoom). All parishioners are invited to pray with us. Contact the church to sign up and/or add your prayer requested. Details: church office (662) 624-4301. GREENVILLE St. Joseph, Parish Fair Covid-Style Spaghetti Takeout and Raffle, Tuesday, Nov. 17. They have $1, $100 and spaghetti tickets for sale. Due to COVID-19, there will be no games or handmade items this year. Details: church office (662) 335-5251. HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Weight Loss Support Group meets Tuesdays at 9 a.m. Make plans to join each week to strive to become healthier and happier persons. Details: Liz Brown at (901) 331-3419. JACKSON St. Richard, Volunteers are needed for Meals-On-Wheels, as well as Stewpot Lunch and Stewpot Pantry. St. Richard Meals-On-Wheels delivers meals from an assigned menu to the Jackson area the second Tuesday of every month. St. Richard Church sends volunteers to Stewpot Lunch Serve and Stewpot Pantry one week per quarter. Details: For more information, call Tommy Lamas at the church (601) 366-2335 or email McCOMB St. Alphonsus, “Behold, I Make all Things New” Life in the Spirit Seminar. Saturday, Nov. 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at St. Alphonsus Liguori Hall, 104 South 5th Street, sponsored by the Marian Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The seminar is an invitation to renew or make a deep personal commitment to Jesus Christ in openness to the Holy Spirit and His gifts. It will introduce you to a life in the power of the Holy Spirit. Featured speakers are Father Bill Henry, Mark Davis, Dr. Frank Henchy and Charlene Brown. Lunch will be provided. There is no cost, but donations will be accepted. Details: Call Charlene Brown at (601) 276-5954; Marion Amedee at (601) 684-3098 or Annette Gabler at (601) 810-0053 to register. MADISON St. Francis of Assisi, the Knights of Columbus 9543 are selling spiral-sliced holiday hams for $40 and smoked turkey breasts for $15 to raise money for seminarian education. There are limited quantities, so order today or visit the St. Francis website at Pickup is Friday, Nov. 20 from 4-7 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 21 from 8-11 a.m. at St. Thomas Hall on the St. Francis campus. One hundred percent of proceeds go directly to fund seminarian education. Details: Tunney Vandevender at St. Francis of Assisi, Coffee and Creed, Sundays from 9-10:15 a.m. in the Family Life Center for all adults 18 and up. It’s a great way to learn more about the Sunday scriptures we read each week and to deepen our faith. For those who cannot meet in person, we are live on Zoom also. Details: visit the Adult Faith Formation page at NATCHEZ Assumption BVM, Grief Support Group, Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. in Tuite Hall. Cost: $15 for workbook. Details: Carolyn Verucchi at (601) 807-1698 or church office (601) 442-7250. YOUTH BRIEFS BROOKHAVEN St. Francis, Faith Formation Class for K-8 and high school students, Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m. Details: church office (601) 833-1799. FLOWOOD St. Paul, Drive-thru Truck or Treat, Friday, Oct. 30 from 7-9 p.m. Follow the line of traffic and stop at each trunk to receive pre-packaged bags of treats.Details: Grand Knight, Bill McBride (601) 832-7061. MERIDIAN St. Patrick School, Candy Cane Virtual 5K Dash and Kids Fun Run, you can run anytime between Nov. 28 – Dec. 5. You can run solo, with family and/or friends or in a group at any location. Then simply email your time in upon completion to see where you placed amongst other runners. Register at Registration Fees: 5K Run/Walk $30; Fun Run (age 12 and under) $20. T-shirts are guaranteed to those that register by Oct. 31. All participants will have a chance to win a New Year’s trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Details: school office (601) 482-6044 or NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Trunk or Treat, Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 6 p.m. in the Family Life Center Parking Lot. Candy and more surprises await Come out and experience a screamingly good time. Open to families and children through 4th grade. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.
By David Healy (Delta Democrat-Times) GREENVILLE – Father Aaron Williams of St. Joseph Catholic Church said he was not nervous at all as he watched his good friend, Harrison Butker, line up to kick a 58-yard field goal in overtime on Sept. 20 against the San Diego Chargers. “I know Harrison’s range, and I know that it is a lot farther than that,” Father Williams said. “And each of those do-over kicks were good practice for him. Father Williams was right not to worry. Butker’s kick, his second made 58 yarder in the game, sailed right through the uprights to give the defending Super Champion Kansas City Chiefs their second win to open the season. After the game, the two texted each other. Father Williams — “Can’t get over it. Charger coaches trying to throw you off with those time outs. You were just getting started. Haha” Butker — “Don’t play with me! Lol, just added fuel to the fire.” Father Williams — “I wasn’t even worried.” Father Williams’s friendship with Butker began when Father Williams was a seminary student in New Orleans. Butker was the place kicker for the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets at the time and was in New Orleans to visit their mutual friend, Grant Aasen, who was the Georgia Tech punter. Butker and Williams struck up a quick friendship, based largely on Butker’s hunger to learn more about the Catholic faith. “We immediately hit it off with our shared interest in liturgy,” Butker said. “From there he has grown close with my family and me. We are able to discuss difficult subjects pertaining to the faith. He has helped me understand the faith more fully, including stuff like Canon Law, Church Tradition, Doctrine, and Scripture. “It is important to use our priests as resources to be better husbands and fathers, and ultimately challenge us to be saints.”
Harrison Butker and Father Aaron Williams pose for a photo after serving Mass on New Year’s Day 2020.
Said Father Williams, “Harrison is very Catholic, and we had a lot of conversations about the church. We had many great conversations over the phone, and then his wife, Isabelle, invited me to come up to a game. And we hit it off. They are both my age, and they are a great couple.” Butker is an altar server at his local parish in Kansas City and is in charge of the younger altar servers. “A lot of our early conversations were about Mass and how you serve Mass, and I would get videos from him showing his feet walking, and he would ask me, ‘Am I walking at the right angle here?’,” Father Williams recalled. “It was very exact, and I would joke with him that ‘You don’t have to watch film after mass to see if you played well.” Father Williams has visited Butker many times once he became a member of the Kansas City Chiefs. Last season, he was in attendance for five games. “The coolest experience was I was at the AFC Championship this past year, and we all went out to the field because I was with the family group,” Father Williams said. “When I am at the games, I always dress as a priest. Harrison likes me to dress as a priest when I go to games, and there were like random players who would come up and grab me and pick me up and say, ‘Father, I am so happy that you came to our game. So that was a cool experience for me.’” While Father Williams was not a football fan before meeting Butker, he said he now loves watching the sport, especially at the high school level. Father Williams is on the sidelines of every St. Joseph football game, donning his No. 33 St. Joseph jersey. He chose No. 33 because that is the number of years Jesus Christ lived on the earth. “I did not know anything about football, but when you sit next to Harrison’s dad at the games, he teaches you everything that you need to know in football. Now, I can sit there and watch his form and know what is going on. And during football practice everyday (at St. Joseph), after stretching I will go off and watch the kickers. I have never kicked myself, and I can look at them and know when they are doing something wrong. I may not be able to communicate that effectively, but I can tell.” The relationship between Father Williams and Butker continues to be one of mutual admiration. “I admire Harrison because he is an extremely sucessful and talented athlete, and he is probably one of the best kickers out there. And the priority for him is his faith first, and then his family and then football,” Father Williams said. Said Butker, “My faith is the most important thing in my life, followed by my vocation as a husband and father. Football is my job, it’s what I love to do. But at the end of the day, my main concern is not on how good of a football player I am, but on how well I followed God’s will for my life.”
METAIRIE, La. Healing Mini-Conference, Nov. 13-14 at St. Angela Merici Church. Presenter: Sister Briege McKenna and is well-known for her ministry of praying for healing. She has authored a book entitled Miracles Do Happen, giving accounts of extraordinary healings she was witnessed. There will be three sessions: Friday night from 7-9:30 p.m.; Saturday morning 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Saturday night from 7-9:30 p.m. Cost: Adults – $15 per person per session; Youths (under 18) – $5 per person per session. Pre-registration is required. Because of social distancing, seating is limited to approximately 300. Details:, or (504) 828-1368. NEW ORLEANS Our Lady of the Cenacle Retreat Center, Women’s Retreat, “Jesus the Christ: Wisdom, Beauty and Love in the Storm,” Oct. 23-25. The retreat begins with check-in from 3-6 p.m. on Friday and concludes after lunch on Sunday. Presenter: Sister Janet Franklin, a Sister of St. Joseph. She has been engaged in spirituality ministry for over 40 years. Cost: $350. Because of the special circumstances due to COVID-19, no deposit is required to register. Full payment will be collected upon arrival at the retreat center. Details: to register, contact Susan Halligan at (504) 267-9604 or If you need financial assistance, contact Kim Gandolfi at (504) 887-1420. Our Lady of the Cenacle Retreat Center, Men’s Retreat – “Relying on Faith in Times of Struggle,” Oct. 30 – Nov. 1. The retreat begins with check-in at 3pm on Friday and concludes after lunch on Sunday. Presenters: Dr. Paul Ceasar and Darryl Ducote on finding hope and direction through insights from psychology and our beliefs. Because of the special circumstances due to COVID-19, no deposit is required to register. Full payment will be collected upon arrival at the retreat center. Details: to register, contact Susan Halligan at (504) 267-9604 or If you need financial assistance, contact Kim Gandolfi at (504) 887-1420.
CLARKSDALE St. Elizabeth, Trunk or Treat and Canned Food Drive, Sunday, Oct. 25 at 5 p.m. in the parking lot. All are welcome. Come dressed in your fun costumes and bring some canned food for the Clarksdale Care Station. Details: (662) 624-4301. JACKSON St. Richard, Coffee & Creed meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. in Glynn Hall. They are currently doing a retreat series from Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Please remember to wear a mask. Details: church office (601) 366-2335. MERIDIAN Catholic Community of St. Joseph and St. Patrick, Due to COVID-19 and current safety guidelines, St. Joseph’s October fest is cancelled. We look forward to seeing everyone next year on the first Saturday of Oct. in 2021. Details: (662) 693-1321. NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, to mark both Respect Life Month and to honor Mary’s request, Rosary for Life will be in the Basilica Prayer Garden across from the Family Life Center, Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 5:15 p.m. We will pray the rosary with special prayer intentions for the protection of life. In case of inclement weather, the rosary will be held in the Basilica. Details: church office (601) 445-5616. St. Mary Basilica, Period of Inquiry: Getting Acquainted. They will meet on Thursdays, Oct. 15: Jesus Christ: True God and True Man; Oct. 22: Jesus Christ: Redeemer and Savior; Oct. 29 – The Holy Spirit; and Nov. 5 – Church: Nature and Mission. Individuals who seek to know more about the church are called inquirers. In many cases, they have been attracted to the church by a Catholic friend or spouse whose life has witnessed to the love, generosity and peace of Jesus. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.
GREENVILLE St. Joseph, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is back Sundays 9:15-10:15 a.m. in the CGS room in the parish hall. Class is for children 3-6 years old. Details: (662) 335-5251. JACKSON Sister Thea Bowman School, 14th Annual Draw Down (done virtually), Saturday, Oct. 24 at 6:30 p.m. Cost: $100 and optional second chance insurance for $20 per ticket. Grand prize: $5000. Proceeds will be used for instructional materials and operational expenses. Details: contact Shae Goodman-Robinson at (601) 352-5441 or for more information or to purchase a ticket. MERIDIAN St. Patrick, the Youth Group (6th-12th Grades) meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 4 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Details: Angela Dove at (601) 693-1321 Ext 8 or St. Patrick School, The Parent School Association (PSA) is sponsoring a raffle and will be giving away a $250 Walmart gift card. Cost: tickets are $2 each. It is a great fundraiser to help the school. Drawing will be Friday, Oct. 16. You can purchase tickets from students, PSA members and the school or church office. Details: school office (601) 482-6044.
All over the age of two are required to wear a mask at Mass. The obligation to attend Mass continues to be dispensed by Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, so if you do not feel safe attending, or have an underlying health condition, or feel sick, please stay home. Be safe and stay vigilant!
By Laura Grisham SENATOBIA – A steady stream of cars maneuvered through the parking lot at St. Gregory The Great Catholic Church last Thursday. The mobile pantry in Senatobia had been open for just over an hour. Volunteers and staff, with machinelike movement, gathered boxes and bags of produce, cereals, meats and other staples and placed them in the vehicles as they rolled through. Even before the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on the nation’s food supply and economy, nearly one in every five Mississippians had trouble getting enough food due to lack of income or other issues. Disruptions to food-supply chains, employment and other services because of COVID-19 worsened the situation.
SENATOBIA – A tractor-trailer full of fresh fruits, vegetables, shelf staples and meats is distributed at each of Sacred Heart Southern Missions mobile pantry sites. (Photos by Laura Grisham)
For more than six years, Sacred Heart Southern Missions (SHSM) has sponsored the DeSoto and Marshall County mobile pantries, providing fresh, nutritious food to struggling families and individuals each month. The mobile pantry program brings regular food distributions to the hard-to-reach places that need it the most. A tractor-trailer full of fresh fruits, vegetables, shelf staples and meats are distributed at each of our mobile sites. Given the toll the public health crisis has taken on communities across the area served, SHSM has intensified its efforts to safeguard the health and wellbeing of poor families, especially older adults and children, who lack sustained access to healthy food and adequate nutrition. Since the onset of the pandemic in mid-March, SHSM has hosted 22 mobile food pantries across the five counties of their service area. That’s an additional ten distributions on top of their regularly scheduled mobiles. In six months, more than 430,000 pounds of food has been given out to hungry families at these distributions — more pounds than all of last year’s mobile pantries combined. Tragically, the disabled and elderly are some of the most vulnerable that SHSM serve. Nearly one third of those who come to SHSM social service offices for assistance are the elderly poor. Attempting to balance basic living expenses on fixed incomes, they are presented with an impossible choice — to pay for utilities, life-saving medicine or a meal on the table. And now, with the COVID-19 pandemic, they are more vulnerable and isolated than ever before. “These days, at a trip to the grocery store, I only get about half of what I used to,” said Lee, as he waited in line. “I am on a fixed income. The price of everything has gone up, but what we old folks get has not. I can’t hardly afford to eat.”
SENATOBIA – A friend told Mattie about Sacred Heart Southern Missions mobile pantry. She was thrilled to find out another was scheduled the following month. Pictured is Mattie waving “thanks” to volunteers after they loaded her car with fresh produce, cereal, canned goods and other staples.
Lee says the mobile pantries provide him with the extra groceries he needs to make it through the month. For his sister, Carol, who was in the car behind him, SHSM’s distributions are even more critical. Carol has cancer. “My twin sister, Carol, back there,” Lee motioned to the car behind his, “she is terminal. She can’t afford nothing with buying medicine and all. I told her about this food and it is helping her and her family out a whole lot.” For seniors and other adults who are at high risk for COVID-19, the mobile pantry program is a blessing in several ways. Besides providing them with fresh, healthy food and supplementing their meager incomes, the drive-through distribution arrangement allows them to avoid crowded retail stores, thus reducing the possible exposure to the virus. Mattie, another elderly woman in line commented, “This food sure helps me be able to pay my bills.” A friend had told Mattie about the mobile opportunity in Senatobia last month. Eagerly, she inquired when Sacred Heart would be returning for another distribution. “I was so glad that I could get it so close to home. Thank ya’ll so much!” Food pantry manager Jose Franco said that grateful comments like these are a common occurrence at the mobiles. “You hear them all the time! There are so many people in need, and they are thankful for the help.” Hunger is a problem that most often affects low-income families. Many hardworking families and individuals are living paycheck to paycheck, then suddenly, an illness or other disaster strikes and they can no longer afford food. Others juggle their bills every month, knowing there will never be enough money. Jose recalled last month’s mobile food distribution in Senatobia. As he assisted a woman with her intake form, he noticed three young children in the back seat of her car. The woman explained that she and her husband had both recently lost their jobs and they had no food to give their family. Pointing to the form, she said, “We don’t have any income … is that ok?” “That was heart-breaking,” Jose said quietly. Unfortunately, this woman’s plight is something SHSM sees often. Yet, no matter how many times they meet people struggling in life and hear their stories, the impact on them never lessens. SHSM continues to prioritize food distributions in their communities in Northwest Mississippi. Through the generosity of our donors and the continued support of volunteers, SHSM is able to ensure that people like Lee, Carol, Mattie and countless others facing unimaginable financial challenges have access to nutritious food. Looking ahead, additional pop-up mobile pantries have been added to SHSM’s regular monthly schedule to help even more people in need, providing them an essential lifeline during these difficult times.
By Berta Mexidor JACKSON – Catholic Extension, in collaboration with several organizations, has launched the program, Sisters on the Frontlines, to help families impacted by COVID-19 and at the same time ”recognize the vital role of Catholic sisters in communities where needs are great.” The goal of the initiative is to give 1,000 sisters, $1,000 each to provide rapid response to the poor and distressed. Five sisters in the Diocese of Jackson have received the Sisters on the Frontlines grant, so far: Sister Lael Niblick and Sister Mary Christine Fellerhoff from St. Helen Amory; Sister Nancy Schreck in Excel in Okolona; and Sisters Maria Eugenia Moreno, MGSpS and Obdulia Olivar, MGSpS in St. Michael, Forest. Excel in Okolona Excel – a nonprofit organization in the area is the center for the sisters to help, explained Sister Nancy Schreck. There are five sisters from three different religious congregations working in Okolona. The regular outreach includes after school and summer learning, adult basic education, english language learning, a senior center, a resale store and a variety of other programs for community needs. “This provides our ability to know the community and for people to know Excel and to come with their needs. What we do is different from a traditional parish. These Excel’s programs provide us with good knowledge of the community needs,” Sister Nancy said. Due to COVID-19, all the programs have concentrated on providing material and emotional assistance to people living on the edge of poverty, immigrant families in the area who do not qualify for public assistance, families with school-age children and especially the elderly. Food insecurity has been a major issue for the community. With COVID-19, “food scarcity became an issue to be addressed,” said Sister Nancy. “The assistance we at Excel get is uneven, sometimes people bring meat, at another time it has been dairy products from Prairie Farms in Tupelo, some funds from United Way, and Create, the grant from the Extension Society, and so forth.”
OKOLONA – Pictured, Sister Mary Beth Goldsmith, OSF distributes food to various families through Excel. Sister Nancy Schreck of Excel is the recipient of a grant from the Catholic Foundation through Sisters on the Frontlines that grants $1,000 to sisters to aid those impacted by COVID-19. (Photo courtesy of Sister Nancy Schreck)
St. Helen Parish Amory The grant from Sisters on the Frontlines was used to help families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, “…not because they themselves had COVID, but because their lives were changed by the pandemic,” said Sister Mary Christine Fellerhoff, CSA, the executive director of CHANGE in Amory. The organization is a community-wide, ecumenical nonprofit located in the parish center of St. Helen Parish in Amory, providing financial assistance since 2014 to families living in poverty. Sister Mary said that CHANGE closed their operations around March due to the COVID-19 outbreak and reopened again in June, taking all the hygiene and social distance measures for the safety of staff and clients. “For me as a religious sister, COVID-19 has intensified the feelings I always experience when ministering to our clients. We share their suffering, their frustrations, their tears, and, yes, their small triumphs,” Sister Mary explained. Sister Lael Niblick, CSA, lay ecclesial minister of St. Helen Amory says, “I feel both blessed and challenged in assisting our members to grow as disciples of Christ and to build a strong Christian community.” Along with Sister Mary of CHANGE, Sister Lael also received the Sisters on the Frontline grant. As for the pandemic, she says her ministry has been impacted, with a few of the parish members have been diagnosed positive, a couple of them in a nursing home and two asymptomatic cases in a family. To impact her ministry further, Sister Lael was in a serious car accident at the end of July, putting her physically unable to help others, relying on other parishioners to aid her in continuing her mission to help others in need. “Nevertheless, we have aged and ill members, several with cancer diagnoses. I am saddened by my inability to visit and take Eucharist to our homebound on a regular basis. Although we have opened the church to Mass on a restricted basis (masking, social distancing, and sanitizing), we feel deeply the fact that we cannot come together as a church community,” said Sister Lael. Stories are bountiful from Sisters Mary and Lael on how they were able to help others with the Sisters on the Frontline grant. Here are a few of those stories (names have been changed for privacy):
“Sally” lost her job due to budget cuts from COVID-19, she was in the process of seeking a divorce from her abusive husband, with three children. Sister Mary was able to help her with an electric bill to help keep her family in their home.
“Sasha” lost her job when the pandemic struck. The restaurant where she worked let her go because she was pregnant and felt she was at a greater risk to catch the coronavirus. Normally able to manage, her income was drastically reduced, even with unemployment, government aid and SNAP benefits. The grant was able to assist her with a utility bill when funds were unavailable through CHANGE to help.
“Annie” broke her hip and after a successful surgery, entered a nursing rehab facility as the pandemic struck. She had to quarantine for weeks before therapy was possible. “Annie” learned that she would need a ramp built on her home before she could be released from the facility, but being on a fixed income, she had no extra funds for the project. With the help of the grant and a generous donation of labor from a contractor), CHANGE was able to assist in building a ramp for “Annie” to continue her recovery at home. Neither COVID-19 or a bad car accident stopped Sister Lael in her optimism. “This difficult situation calls forth creativity. We are developing ways to connect with our members in a variety of ways through social media, technology, and the written word,” she said. “Thank you FADICA and the Extension Society for the Sisters on the Frontlines grant enabling us to make Annie’s homecoming a joyous one.” Sister Mary concluded saying “We feel blessed to share these clients’ stories, their tears and their gratitude. We are privileged to serve them.” All the recipients of the Catholic Extension grant agree and share these challenges: trying to find a new way of delivering programs and create socialization this time with heavy safety measures and social distance. Sister Nancy expressed her gratitude for the ”flexibility of the Extension Grant. [It] has been very helpful in this regard.” Since the program began in June, more than 378 sisters have received support from the Sisters on the Frontline grant program and another 622 have requested funds. Sisters who have received funding are asked to report back to Catholic Extension as to how the funds were used. Catholic Extension will be sharing the sisters’ stories as they are received. To learn more or to donate, visit
Michael Hawke, third degree Knight of the Father Leo John Dehon Council 14051, speaks about living out his faith on behalf of the “least of these.” (Matthew 25)
What does it mean to you personally to put your faith into action? I was always taught that the best way to bring others to the faith is simply to show them what a person living a faith-filled life can look like. I have never been one to actively evangelize through discussions with people, but I try to do it by living as the best example I can, answering questions when people ask. My Catholic faith is part of my daily living. It shapes how I look at the world and other people. Always looking for Christ in others.
In general, how do the Knights show faith in action? First and foremost by being an open, welcoming group of compassionate people. I firmly believe that Christ’s intention was for us to be welcoming of all people and walks of life and to refrain from being judgmental. That has never meant changing my own values to match others, but instead always trying to be understanding of where they are coming from. If their actions and thoughts don’t match up with Catholic teaching, it may simply be because they have been misled. But it is not for me to judge. It is always for me to act with compassion to them and treat them with respect. I believe that the parish and the Knights of Columbus must embody that spirit. We believe in service to others without asking their affiliation or life choices. Simply helping those who need help and, hopefully, through that example, we bring more people to our faith. I believe that by being that example to the public, without using it only to “show off” or “gain publicity,” is the single most important thing any group of faith can do. Those actions are what will generate curiosity in others, sowing the seeds that the Holy Spirit can use to change a person over time.
Describe one or two of your ministries where faith in action is seen. First, the Knights of Columbus as a group shows faith in action. As a group we stand together as practical, Catholic men, not ashamed to make that claim or wear the signs of our brotherhood. Through that we can seek support from each other on our own faith journey while aiding people in the community who need it. By being visible both in the community and the church, we show that it is still possible to be a practicing Catholic who has compassion and working to make things better for everyone. A second ministry that is near to me is RCIA. I have acted as a sponsor and teacher for the program, currently and in the past. It is always important to me as the process unfolds to help people understand the misconceptions about the Catholic faith that were taught in my protestant and non-denominational church as a way to scare people away from Catholics. As they learn what our faith is truly based on, they can interact with Catholics in that setting where than can see that many of us have had faith struggles. They see people converting, and a change can be seen in their outlook and faith. It brings me a great sense of peace to know that I have helped sow the seed of faith in someone and brought them to our beautiful Catholic tradition. Through that process I continue to learn more about both our faith and myself. The questions and challenges that people learning our faith go through become a catalyst for me to question things myself in order to learn more about our faith.
What impact has this faith in action ministry had on the people served and on those involved in the ministry? I think the biggest impact that I have seen with RCIA is to help bring people to our faith. Most importantly, providing some ways for them to develop a personal relationship with Jesus and God the Father. To understand that he is someone they can talk to as long as they are willing to listen. When I see people continuing to go to Sunday Mass after completing the program and becoming a full member it brings a sense of peace to my soul.
What challenges have you faced in developing this ministry and what kept you going despite the challenges? I have faced a couple challenges, both personal and because of work. I travel frequently for work which makes it more difficult for me to participate at times in parish activities. But Queen of Peace parish, and the Knights of Columbus have always been understanding of those difficulties and been willing to work with me on schedules. I was always apprehensive to get involved because it was hard for me to commit, knowing that a sudden business trip could call me away. However, once I started into the parish as a lector and Extraordinary Eucharistic minister and realized that the parish and people in it would work with my scheduling issues, I slowly became more involved in other things. As a teacher and sponsor within RCIA, it is sometimes a challenge to remember that we are all in a different place in our faith journeys. There are tenants of our faith or ways that the church has acted that some may accept and others will struggle with. It works both ways. It is important to remember that we each come to the Lord’s table as who we are, bringing our own doubts, sins, gifts, and talents. The Lord accepts all of us and expects us to do the same of others. Everyone has their own struggles of faith they are working through. I would guess that very few people besides maybe the Pope fully accept everything or understand everything the church presents or teaches. That is why as Catholics we believe that conversion and being “saved” is a lifelong process and not something that happens in an instant.
What suggestions do you have for people that aren’t sure how to put their faith in action? To start somewhere, simply. The easiest and most comfortable place to start is with like-minded people. If your family shares your faith, that is a place to start. If not, work to find a group at your parish that you can act through. There is plenty of fellowship in the available groups of people, like the Knights of Columbus, or men’s and lady’s clubs, etc. The important thing is to start somewhere. Once you start, you will continue to grow. And don’t be afraid to try a different parish if you can’t find what you need. Every parish has its own personality and groups of people. No one should feel bad about wanting to try a different parish to get what you are looking for. Our faith is a journey, that means accepting change and going to new places to find what you are looking for. I have been blessed with living many different places in the U.S. and traveling abroad for most of my life. That has allowed me to experience parishes throughout the country and made me come to the realization that everyone is different. From the people, to small changes in how Mass is celebrated, or the flow of the church. All those things are part of the faith experience and you must be willing to hunt around and find what you are looking for. No one else can do it for you.
NEW ORLEANS Our Lady of the Cenacle Retreat Center, Women’s Retreat “Joy in the Face of Adversity,” Oct. 16-18, check-in is at 3 p.m. on Friday and concludes after lunch on Sunday. We will reflect on God’s unconditional love for us and His desire that we live lives filled with joy. Presenter: Father Doug Doussan, retired and currently serving as Resident Chaplain of the Retreat Center. Cost: $350 and includes accommodations and meals. Because of the special circumstances of the COVID-19 situation, no deposit is required to register. Full payment will be collected upon arrival at the retreat center. Details: to register, contact Susan Halligan at (504) 267-9604 or If you need financial assistance, contact Kim Gandolfi at (504) 887-1420.
CLARKSDALE St. Elizabeth, Parish Fair, Tuesday, Oct. 6 from 5-7 p.m. This year the fair will be drive through food items only with some surprise booths. The sweet shoppe and frozen casseroles will only be offering their top five items to be purchased. Details: (662) 846-6273. GREENVILLE St. Joseph, The Parish Fair originally scheduled in Sept. has been rescheduled for Nov. 2020. More information will be forthcoming. Details: church office (662) 335-5251. LELAND St. James, Annual Parish Fair originally scheduled in Sept. has been rescheduled for 2021. Details: church office (662) 686-7352. JACKSON St. Richard, Bereavement Support Group, resumes Thursday, Oct. 8, at 6:30 p.m. The topic will be general sharing on the difficulty of grief during the pandemic. Many have lost loved ones right before or during this time. The group is for all who are hurting from losing a loved one or for those who are trying to comfort and understand the grief of a family member or friend. If you know someone who is bereaved, please invite them. Masks are required and social distancing adhered to. Only bottled water and canned drinks will be served. Please RSVP as soon as possible in order to plan accordingly. Details: Nancy McGhee (601) 942-2078 or email or Suzie Cranston (601) 982-5464. NATCHEZ Assumption of BVM, Grief Support Group, a 13-week program on Tuesdays beginning Oct. 6 at 6:30 p.m. in Tuite Hall. Cost: $15 for workbook. Details: Carolyn Verucchi at (601) 807-1698 or church office (601) 442-7250. St. Mary Basilica, Women’s Retreat, Sunday, Oct. 4 from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. “Making Room for God in the Busyness” with Becky Eldredge, author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls. Come renew your spirit and explore practical ways we can make time for God and prayer in our lives, even amidst the busyness. Please join in and bring a friend. Cost: $15 includes box lunch. Details: Ruth Powers at or (601) 445-5616. St. Mary Basilica, “Into the Breach,” Tuesdays, Oct. 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 6-7:15 p.m. It will be held in the Family Life Center and is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. This is a Faith Formation program specifically for the men of the parish. Many men receive mixed messages concerning who they are and what their role is. This program is focused on helping men of all ages grow into an authentic Catholic masculinity as men, as husbands and as fathers. Facilitator: Kevin Friloux, Lecturer and Faith Chairman of Bishop R. O. Gerow Council 1034. There is no cost for the program. Details: the church office (601) 445-5616 or Ruth Powers at to register. SOUTHAVEN Christ the King, Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser, Monday, Sept. 28 to Saturday, Oct. 31 from 12-8 p.m. sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #7120. Some of the specific programs these funds support include: Coats for Kids, relief for persecuted Christians, Gary Sinise Foundation (for disabled veterans), priests’ formation and priests’ retirement. Details: church office (662) 342-1073.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, CYO Youth Day, Sunday, Oct. 4 from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Facilitator: Stephanie Clouatre Davis, who was spent more than 23 years in youth ministry as a retreat facilitator, teacher and youth minister. The day will include lunch, fun, games and prayer. Cost: $10 registration fee; lunch and snacks will be served. Details: email to register your teen or for further information. Payment can be made via Venmo. You will receive the Venmo account information when you send an email to register. You can also call the church office (601) 445-5616.
In person Masses are now open at many parishes within the Diocese of Jackson. Check with your local parish for details and follow guidelines in place for attendance. All over the age of two are required to wear a mask. The obligation to attend Mass continues to be dispensed by Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, so if you do not feel safe attending, or have an underlying health condition, or feel sick, please stay home. Be safe and stay vigilant!