Por Berta Mexidor
JACKSON – Con el lema “Principales Valores Humanos y Cristianos de la Familia” el 31 de mayo, la Federación del Movimiento Familiar Cristiano(MFC) celebró su reunión anual cerrando el ciclo 2018-2019.
Estuvieron allí presentes el obispo Joseph Kopacz y los asesores espirituales del movimiento – el padre Odel Medina, ST, el hermano Ted Dausch de la orden de los Hermanos Cristianos y las hermanas Magdalena Carrillo, María Elena Mendez, María Josefa García, todas Misioneras Guadalupanas del Espíritu Santo
Después de la oración inicial se le dió la palabra al obispo Kopacz y al padre Odel. El obispo Kopacz recalcó que el Espiritu Santo, “estaba en la reunion” y que la virgen Maria e Isabel son un ejemplo de como las familias se ayudan entre sí.
Luego se leyeron los reportes anual y financiero.El movimiento impulsa los temas que rezan en su estandarte: Amor, Buena Voluntad, Confianza en Dios, Sacrificio, Humildad Obediencia, Perdón, Reconciliación, y Responsabilidad. Primeramente, Dios. Con estas metas en mente, durante todo el año el equipo coordinador se reunió mensualmente.
Los delegados- la pareja Mazy, los presidentes- el matrimonio Melo y todos los coordinadores asistieron a juntas de asesoramiento, coordinaron la Asamblea Regional, realizada el pasado marzo juntamente con familias de Alabama y rezaron el Rosario en grupo a distancia, temprano en la mañanita.
El MFC agradeció al Obispo y al padre Quyet, de la Catedral de San Pedro por su apoyo
Al final se entregaron certificados a todas las parejas que completaron una de las cuatro etapas del movimiento.
El fin de semana terminó con una kermes, donde las familias se reunieron para pasar un rato de esparcimiento pleno de deportes, juegos, sol y convivencia.
Category Archives: Parish News
Ordenaciones de los Diáconos Cesar y Andrew
Por Maureen Smith
CANTON/MCCOMB – La Diócesis de Jackson concluyó la temporada de ordenación el 25 y 26 de mayo con las ordenaciones de César Sánchez Fermín y Andrew Nguyen al diaconado de transición.
En la Diócesis de Jackson los seminaristas son ordenados en el diaconado en sus parroquias de origen. Como ambos hombres son extranjeros se seleccionaron las parroquias donde encontraron un segundo hogar, para el diácono Sánchez, la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Cantón y para el diácono Nguyen, la de St. Alphonsus en McComb.
Durante su homilía, en ambos ritos de ordenación, el obispo Kopacz recitó todas las obligaciones de un diácono centrándose en servir a un solo Señor. Luego el obispo Kopacz preguntó a César y Andrew si estaban dispuestos a seguir el ejemplo de Cristo para servir al pueblo de Dios.
El sábado y domingo 25 y 26 de mayo, el Sagrado Corazón y St. Alphonsus, respectivamente, estuvieron llenas de feligreses de todas las edades y nacionalidades, docenas de sacerdotes y diáconos, incluido el Padre Joseph Krafft del Seminario de Notre Dame en Nueva Orleans, donde los seminaristas de la diócesis completan sus estudios.
El diácono Sánchez es de San Andrés, México, donde “aprendió a leer, orar y reflexionar con la Biblia,”dice. Solía tocar la batería en una banda con sus amigos. Todavía le gusta tocar la guitarra y cantar. Encontró su llamado a la vida sacerdotal a los 17 años, en un retiro vocacional que tocó su corazón.
El diácono Cesar comparó su viaje de discernimiento con un músico en el escenario. “…En otras palabras, no estaba tocando la canción de la vida con el instrumento que Dios quería, debido a mi introversión y poca iniciativa. Fue una etapa en la que me contenté con lo mínimo, pero mi corazón, hecho para lo grande y trascendente, no fue engañado.”
La familia de César está principalmente en México, su padre Feliciano García López, su madre María Graciela Sánchez Fermín y sus hermanos Lizet, Alan, Jonathan, Fabián y Joel no pudieron estar físicamente presentes, y siguieron la ceremonia en línea. Su hermano, Diego, acompañó a César durante su fin de semana de ordenación y ceremonia. “Mi familia está feliz, él nos hace sentir orgullosos. Este es un sueño hecho realidad.”, dijo Diego.
El diácono Nguyen es de Vietnam. Su madre, Truong thi Mink, hizo el viaje desde Vietnam para la ordenación con ayuda de la comunidad católica en general para llegar a la misa. Fue la primera vez que vio a su hijo desde que se fue de casa.
El diácono Andrew pasó varios veranos en McComb donde la comunidad lo acogió. “Lo tomé como un honor especial porque él es tan dulce. En días festivos y algunos veranos, estuvo con nosotros, ayudando al padre Brian (Kaskie),” dijo Nita Pounds, quien cantó para la misa.
A principios de mayo, el padre Adolfo Suárez Pasillas y Mark Shoffner fueron ordenados al sacerdocio.
Los diáconos Cesar y Andrew esperan ser ordenados en el sacerdocio en el próximo año. Hasta entonces, a partir del 14 de junio., el diácono Sanchez está asignado a Madison St. Francisco de Asís y el diácono Nguyen está asignado para las parroquias de St. Patrick y St. Joseph en Meridian
(Tereza Ma y Berta Mexidor contribuyeron con esta historia)
CANTON – Como parte del Rito de Ordenación, el diácono Cesar jura obediencia al obispo de la diocese de Jackson, al presente y a los obispos futuros, en un gesto de redención ante el obispo Kopacz, el 25 de mayo. (Fotos por Berta Mexidor)
MCCOMB – El diácono Andrew se prepara para servir en su primera Eucaristia como diácono, el 26 de mayo. (Fotos por Tereza Ma)
Greenville St. Joseph gets new roof
By Mary Lynn Powersh
GREENVILLE – After 110 years, St. Joseph Church is receiving a new roof, thanks to the generosity of a parishioner’s estate. The roof which is slate-based tile is being replaced with genuine slate with a barrier underneath to help protect the church within from any water damage.
For some time now, the parishioners have been raising money for these repairs. The leaks have gotten more numerous as time has passed. Unfortunately, the century-old nails holding the tiles have rusted, causing the tiles to become dislodged. Tiles have fallen or just become barely hanging.
The spire, which is 126 feet high, was struck by lightning in 1915 and burned. One fearless fireman scaled the spire to rescue the cross on the top. For this repair, workers use a crane with a basket to get to the roof. They cut and hang each tile individually from the basket.
The church was completed in 1908 and financied by Father Paul Korstenbroek, a Dutch nobleman prior to entering the priesthood. It contains 16 exceptional mouth-blown stained glass windows in the Munich Pictorial Style, created by the Emile Frei Studios of Munich, Germany. In 2015, St. Joseph Church was added to the National Register of Historic Places.
A major restoration in 2007/2008 to the interior of the church included new paint, new interior and exterior doors, and the updated sound and lighting systems. Additionally, the side altars, which had been walled closed after Vatican II, were opened and restored. The Rose window in the front of the ediface, which had come from a little frame church built in 1874 on the Main Street location, was removed and restored. Many other small but important updates were made at that time.
This restoration on the church will take about four months to complete and the parish community looks forward to another one hundred years of service.
(Mary Lynn Powers is a member of the restoration committee at Greenville St. Joseph Parish.)
Immaculate Conception sewing club makes gifts for parish, community
By Lynn Kyle
WEST POINT – Immaculate Conception parishioner Theresa Jolly, an accomplished seamstress and embroider, decided in 2018 to see if anyone else in the parish might want to learn to hand-make quilts and do embroidery. The first project for the sewing club was to be lap quilts, but this quickly turned into a full-size quilt which was presented to Virginia Johnson. Johnson has been a member of the parish for more than 90 years and is still a part time secretary for the church.
This year, the sewing club, comprised of teacher, Jolly, students, Margie Burns, Debbie Dichiara, Lynn Betbeze and Mary Waldrep decided to make baby quilts and donate them to a hospital. The ladies proudly displayed their quilts in the vestibule of the church for our parishioners to see. On Thursday, May 30, Jolly packed up the quilts and mailed them to St. Dominic’s in Jackson.
“I had the pleasure of being able to see the ladies during their classes and watch as they took small squares of cloth and ended up with such beautiful gifts of their hands and their hearts. I can’t wait to see what they are going to do next. Whatever it is, it will be just as wonderful as the past projects,” said parish secretary Lynn Kyle.
WEST POINT – At right, Virginia Johnson with her quilt presented by the Immaculate Conception Sewing Club.
At left,Theresa Jolly, Margie Burns, Mary Waldrep and Lynn Betbeze at work. (Photo by Lynn Kyle)
Pentecost at St. Jude parish
Vacation Bible Schools
AMORY St. Helen, Team Jesus, July 14-16, 5 – 7:30 p.m. for grades K-6 in conjunction with First Presbyterian Church at St. Helen. Details: church office (662) 256-8392.
BROOKHAVEN St. Francis, Cathletics, July 21-24, 6-8 p.m. Snack provided. Details: Erin Womack at the church office (601) 833-1799.
CLARKSDALE St. Elizabeth, June 17-21, 8 a.m. – noon for children leaving Pre-3 through fifth grade. Details: church office (662) 624-4301or www.vbspro.events/p/stelizabethclarksdale.com
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, June 17-21, 6-7:30 p.m. Details: Allison Baskin at (901) 409-1038.
JACKSON St. Therese, June 24-28, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. with lunch at noon. Closing Mass Friday, June 28 at 11 a.m. followed by lunch. Details: church office (601) 372-4481.
MERIDIAN Catholic community of St. Joseph and St. Patrick, July 22-25, 5:30 – 7 p.m. for grades K – fifth. Details: (601) 693-1321.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, ROAR! Totally Catholic, July 15-19, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. for Children PreK 3 (potty trained) – fifth grade at the Family Life Center. Must turn in registration form by June 24 to be guaranteed a t-shirt and deadline for turning in application form for attendance is July 9. Details: Melissa Johnson mjohnsonfnp17@gmail.com or the church office (601) 445-5616.
YAZOO CITY St. Mary, Friday, July 19, 5:30 – 7:15 p.m. and Saturday, July 20, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Details: church office (662) 746-1680.
Featured photo . . . Mosaic installed in Oxford
By Gene Buglewicz
Simon Quiriconi and Cristian Costa, artists from Stagi Masaici Artistici in Pietrasanta, Italy, recently completed installing a glass mosaic on the south face of St. John the Evangelist Church in Oxford. The mosaic was created in their Italian studio where they produced and crafted thousands of pieces of colored glass that would complete the mosaic.
The mosaic was first laid out face down, backside up. A composite material, similar to paper with glue attached was spread over the glass pieces. After drying, contour lines were drawn over the paper material dividing the mosaic into pieces. It was then divided into pieces following the contour lines and packed for shipment to the United States. After arriving in Oxford, the boxes were unloaded and the mosaic re-constructed, again, face down.
It took only three days to complete the project once the Italian artists arrived in Oxford and began work. They first laid out the mosaic on the floor and made sure the lines on the back of the mosaic all matched and fit together like a puzzle. The large pieces of mosaic were then pressed onto the front niche on the outside of the Church and the mosaic took shape. The glass surface, now permanently exposed to the outside and bonded to the church, was smeared with grout, similar to grouting bathtub tile. After drying, the glass pieces were cleaned. Final plans call for the mosaic to be permanently lit at night.
The mosaic is a depiction of St. John the Evangelist. He is shown on a rocky landscape which is representative of Patmos where he composed the Book of Revelation. John is typically shown as either a clean-shaven young man or a bearded old man. The mosaic portrays John as he is maturing, which is representative of the role the parish plays as students at the University of Mississippi begin to mature in their faith.
St. John is shown wearing the colors of blue and red, which are not only the colors of the University of Mississippi but the colors associated with the Divine Mercy; Spirit and Water. The eagle is his attribute and seen flying across a night sky. Although the eagle is not a night predator, the use of night and the bright moon acknowledge the themes of darkness and light which play out in John’s Gospel.
The mosaic was a gift to St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church from Knights of Columbus Council 10901 of St. John. This depiction of St. John was created by Lee Ann O’Keefe, a member of St. John’s Parish, and facilitated by Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Missouri.
Youth news
Students prepare backpack blessings for neighbors
Students take virtual field trip
VICKSBURG – Vicksburg Catholic School recently completed the first installation of a Virtual Reality Lab. Vicksburg Catholic School is the second school in the state to make this big step forward in technology in education. Seniors Elise Piazza, Mattie Derivaux and Sarah Jane Pierce took the headsets out for a spin during the program introduction. (Photo by Kristi Smith)
Storms offer opportunity for service
By Maureen Smith
JACKSON – A group of students from the University of Portland stepped in to help Jackson area residents trying to fight back flood waters on Saturday, May 11. The group is on a regional tour of sites significant to the Civil Rights Movement. They contacted the Diocese of Jackson to see if there were any service projects they could do while they were in town.
Paul Byrne, facilities manager for the diocese, had set up an outdoor project for them which involved painting. When storms rolled in the week before, he thought the students were going to get a day off. “That’s when I heard an announcement on the radio about sand and bags being available at the City of Jackson’s impound lot. I thought that might be a good way for the students to help people right now,” he said.
Twelve students and their two moderators went to the distribution site and filled and loaded sandbags into vehicles for a couple of hours. People facing rising waters could pick them up for their homes and businesses throughout the day. “I was a little worried on Friday, but it all worked out and those students worked hard,” Byrne added.
This is the second year for a group from the Catholic university to take this tour, which includes stops in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. (Photos by Paul Byrne)
Race for education
By Laura Grisham
The third annual Sacred Heart School Race For Education Day was held Friday, May 10. Students, teachers and parents came together to show their school spirit in this unique fundraiser by running laps around the school in exchange for sponsorship by family and friends. Prizes were given out in each homeroom for most laps run in an hour. DJ Rockin’ Robin once again kept the crowd moving with great music and dance contests. Volunteers made sure that hungry bellies were fed and the Koha Ice Truck provided frosty treats to cool off the runners.
This event continues to be a tremendous success, raising $35,205 so far. Principal Bridget Martin said that the final total would rise, as there continues to be a flood of sponsorship envelopes arriving daily. With the funds raised over the previous two years, the school has been able to replace bleachers in the gym and refurbish the school library. This year monies will fund new technology with the purchase of more Surface Pros and a Surface Pro Cart. (Photos by Laura Grisham)
Featured photo . . . CajunFest offers food, fun, friendly crowd
Parish calendar of events
BROOKSVILLE The Dwelling Place, St. Teresa of Avila’s The Interior Castle, July 19-20, Beginning with dinner Friday at 6:30 p.m. to Saturday at 3:30 p.m. St. Teresa describes how the soul is like a diamond in the shape of a castle that contains seven mansions – symbolic of the seven stages of a journey of faith which culminates in union with God. Presenter: Father John Bohn, Pastor of Jackson St. Richard, is a long-time student of St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross. Donation: $100. Details: (662) 738-5348 or email dwellpl@gmail.com.
CHATAWA SSt. Mary of the Pines Retreat Center, With Burning Hearts Henri J.M. Nouwen’s meditative book, June 16-22. We read in the Emmaus story “Did not our hearts burn within us?” Both sources, contemporary writers and Sacred Scripture, will form the basis for reflection on Eucharist as sacrament and way of life. Begins with dinner on Sunday and concludes with breakfast on Saturday. Presenter: Sister Kate DuVal, SSND. Suggested donation: $450. Details: Sister Sue Von Bank (601) 783-0801 or retreatcenter@ssndcp.org.
CULLMAN, Ala., Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, Common Wisdom: Parallels in Benedictine and Twelve-Step Spiritualities, Saturday, July 13, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. We cannot save ourselves is a universal truth that contemporary society attempts to suppress by its overemphasis on pleasure, power, excessive consumption and unbridled individualism. The spiritualities offered by The Rule of St. Benedict and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous set forth a vision that challenges the illusory promises of contemporary society. Retreat Director: Sister Therese Haydel, O.S.B. Cost: $30, includes lunch. Details: (256) 734-8302, or www.shmon.org.
CLARKSDALE Care Station (next to the Delta Blues Museum), Catfish Supper Fundraiser, Friday, May 31, from 5-7 p.m. Cost: $10 donation for dine-in or carry out. Tickets are available at St. Elizabeth School and church. Details: St. Elizabeth church office (662) 624-4301.
CLEVELAND Our Lady of Victories, “Life After Loss: An Invitation” from 12-1 p.m. (bring your lunch) led by Larry L. Lambert, LPC. Remaining dates and topics on Wednesdays, May 29: Where Do I go from Here? Renewed direction and enthusiasm and June 5: Learning to Trust in a Good Future. Sessions are free and open to all. Details: (662) 719-8756 or email lamb5999@bellsouth.net.
GREENVILLE Sacred Heart, Parish Picnic Sunday, June 2, at 1 p.m. There will be games. Details: church office (662) 332-0891.
GRENADA St. Peter, new date for Old-Fashioned Parish Picnic, Sunday, September 8, following 10 a.m. Mass. Details: church office (662) 226-2490.
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Follies 2019: “The Great American Game Show” Saturday, July 13 at 7 p.m. in the Family Life Center. There will be food, fun and prizes. Let Ken or Dana know if you have a favorite classic game show that you would like to help recreate. Details: Ken and Dana Hoover at (901) 426-2047 or (662) 420-0110.
JACKSON St. Therese, Spiritual Direction is available upon request. Ignation Spirituality is spirituality for everyday life. It is a pathway to deeper prayer and insists that God is present in our world and active in our daily lives. Details: Teresa Preuss, Ignatian spiritual director, at (601) 372-4481.
MERIDIAN Catholic Community of St. Joseph and St. Patrick, Knights of Columbus Memorial Day Picnic, Monday, May 27 at 11 a.m. at the KC Hall. Bring a dessert to share. There will be plenty of activities. Details: church office (601) 693-1321.
Xavier University Meridian Alumni Jazz Reception, Saturday, June 8, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Mississippi Arts and Entertainment Experience (The MAX). Cost: $35. Details: church office (601) 693-1321 or may be purchased from any Alumnus after Mass.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Appreciation Celebration for Father David O’Connor, on the afternoon of Sunday, June 23. More details will follow. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.
PEARL St. Jude, Pentecost International Food Fest, Saturday, June 8, at 6:30 p.m. Sign-up sheets are in the back of the church. Details: church office (601) 939-3181.
TUPELO St James, Level 1 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Formation Course. The first Formation weekend will be July 26-28 and the second will be August 16-18. The rest of the weekends will be determined during those first two sessions. Cost: $600. Details: Karen Mayfield at stjamescgs@comcast.net or (662) 213-6593.
CLARKSDALE Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth, Mission Trip, July 9-14 in St. Louis. Cost: $325. Details: church office (662) 624-4301.
GRENADA St. Peter, ECHO Retreat for Juniors and Seniors, Pineville, Louisiana, July 22-25. The retreat is a Theology of the Body camp including outdoor activities. Details: church office (662) 226-2490. Register at www.dumboxministries.com.
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, CSI – Catholic Service Initiative for high school youth who are completing the 9th – 12th grades, June 2-7 (for young men) and June 9 –14 (for young women). They will have the opportunity to work with Sacred Heart Southern Missions volunteer program and help the less fortunate. They will live together at the SHSM volunteer house. They will work, play, eat, and pray together as they strengthen the bonds that unite them as Catholic youth in North Mississippi, grow in their faith, show love and mercy to others, and get to know other Catholic teens. Details: Amanda at the church office (662) 429-7851.