Parish calendar of events


BATON ROUGE Louisiana, WINE (Women in the New Evangelization) Conference “Beautifully United in Spirit” Saturday, July 27, 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, St. Amant, Louisiana. Emcee Karen Sheehy Catholic author and WINE Specialist. Keynote speakers Kelly Wahlquist, WINE foundress, Catholic author and inspirational speaker, Teresa Tomeo, syndicated talk show host, author, and motivational speaker and Catholic evangelist, retreat director and radio host and Gloria Purvis Catholic advocate, speaker, and radio host. Join women from around the country for a day of inspiration, faith, fellowship and fun. Event price: $55 early bird price before June 27, $65 after June 27. Special price for religious sisters, consecrated women and students. Details: to register or email
BROOKSVILLE The Dwelling Place, Not Seeing Eye-to-Eye with Jesus, June 14-16. Do I think Jesus sees me the way I see myself? If not, is the difference important to me? Do I want to see myself as Jesus sees me? Conversion happens only when this change in seeing occurs. Presenter: Father Henry Shelton, retired priest of the diocese, who has conducted many seminars and retreats in Mississippi and surrounding states. Begins with dinner on Friday at 6:30 p.m. and concludes with lunch at noon on Sunday. Donation: $200. Details: (662) 738-5348 or email
CHATAWA St. Mary of the Pines Retreat Center, “With Burning Hearts” Henri J.M. Nouwen’s meditative book, June 16-22. We read in the Emmaus story “Did not our hearts burn within us?” Both sources, contemporary writers and Sacred Scripture, will form the basis for reflection on Eucharist as sacrament and way of life. Begins with dinner on Sunday and concludes with breakfast on Saturday. Presenter: Sister Kate DuVal, SSND. Suggested donation: $450. Details: Sister Sue Von Bank (601) 783-0801 or
CULLMAN, Ala., Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, Letting Go and Letting God: The Wisdom of Twelve-Step Spirituality, Saturday, June 22, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Letting God’s will and loving care uphold and direct our lives requires an ever-deepening process of surrender that is described in all genuine spiritual traditions yet uniquely articulated through the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. This reflection day will focus on the core principles of Twelve-Step Spirituality and the gift of spiritual freedom that is experienced when these principles are put into practice. Retreat Director: Sister Therese Haydel, O.S.B. Cost: $30, includes lunch. Details: (256) 734-8302, or


CLEVELAND Our Lady of Victories, “Life After Loss: An Invitation” from 12-1 p.m. (bring your lunch) led by Larry L. Lambert, LPC. Remaining dates and topics on Wednesdays, May 15: Telling my story – struggling to hold on and to move on; May 22: A new day, a different world – distressing emotions and stressing demands; May 29: Where do I go from here? Renewed direction and enthusiasm and June 5: Learning to trust in a good future. Sessions are free and open to all. Details: (662) 719-8756 or email
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Weight Loss Support Group, Tuesdays at 9 a.m. Come join each week as we support each other on our weight loss journey and strive to become healthier, happier persons. Details: Liz Brown at (901) 331-3419.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Adult Sunday School, Queen of Heaven: Mary’s Battle for Souls”, DVD series from Saint Benedict Press, Sundays at 8:30 a.m. in the conference room of the Family Life Center. Details: Karen Verucchi, Class facilitator at (601) 870-5388.


GREENVILLE St. Joseph, Vacation Bible School, June 10-13, 9 a.m. – noon in the Parish Hall for children ages 4-12 years old. Workers are needed. Details: church office (662) 335-5251.
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Vacation Bible School, June 17-21, 6 – 7:30 p.m. See your Holy Happenings for volunteer sheet. Details: Allison Baskin at (901) 409-1038.
LELAND St. James, Ladies Lunch Bunch, Wednesday, May 15, at the Mexican restaurant on Highway 82 at noon. Details: Call Patricia Maugh at (662) 379-0615 or Anita Minton at (662) 822-1775 for reservations.
MERIDIAN Catholic Community of St. Joseph and St. Patrick, First Family Dodgeball Championship, Sunday, May 19 at 1 p.m. in St. Patrick Family Life Center. Family teams of 4-6 persons will compete for a trophy. Registration fee is $5. Details: Adrian at (601) 917-4566.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Vacation Bible School, June 10-14, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center. This time set is different from past years. Eight to 10 adult volunteers are needed. Details: Regina at the church office (601) 445-5616.

Mississippi priest, Army chaplain, music lover, bishop laid to rest

ALEXANDRIA, La – Bishop Emeritus Ronald Paul Herzog of the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana, and a priest of the Diocese of Natchez-Jackson, died on Friday, April 12, at CHRISTUS St. Frances Cabrini Hospital. He was born on April 22, 1942, in Akron, Ohio to Paul Herzog and Kathryn Donahue.
His father, who was Lutheran, worked for Firestone in Akron for 24 years. His mother was Catholic. As a young boy, he attended various parochial and public schools through the eighth grade. The Herzog family moved to Natchez, Mississippi in 1953, and in 1956, while Herzog was in high school, his parents moved to St. Benedict, Louisiana, where he entered St. Joseph Seminary.
After graduating from the junior college of St. Joseph Seminary, Bishop Herzog began his major seminary years at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Worthington, Ohio, where he earned a bachelor degree in Philosophy, followed by four more years of Theology culminating in a Bachelor of Sacred Theology, granted in association with Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. On June 1, 1968, he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Natchez-Jackson by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States.
His first assignment was as associate pastor of Sacred Heart Church in D’Ilberville, Mississippi. Through the encouragement of the pastor of the adjoining parish who had returned to the diocese after serving as an Army chaplain, Bishop Herzog requested permission to become a chaplain in the Mississippi Army National Guard, and Bishop Joseph Brunini allowed him to join. During his nearly 30 years as a military chaplain, Chaplain Herzog served in different units in the Mississippi Army National Guard. His only active tour of duty was at Camp Shelby during Desert Shield/Desert Storm from November 1990 – January 1991. At that time he was the only Catholic chaplain in the Mississippi Guard. He retired from the Mississippi National Guard on April 21, 2002, with the state rank of Brigadier General.
Besides the National Guard, another love of Bishop Herzog’s was music. Throughout college and theology, he participated in choirs and served as head cantor. In addition to serving as a chorus member and soloist for the Gulf Coast Messiah Chorus, he directed church choirs in several parishes as well as the diocesan choir. He served as a member or the chairman of several boards of directors for community chorus groups and performing arts groups. At the time, he was one of only three Mississippians accepted through national audition as a member of the American Choral Directors Association National Community Honor Choir for the national convention in San Diego, California in March, 1977.
But his true passion was his role as a priest. He was named Domestic Prelate (Monsignor) on November 20, 1987, by Pope John Paul II. As a priest, Bishop Herzog was an associate pastor of Sacred Heart Church in D’Ilberville and associate pastor and pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Hattiesburg, and pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Joseph Church, St. Paul Church, St. Bernadette Church, Trinity Church, and Immaculate Conception Church, all in Mississippi.
In addition to his pastoral duties, Bishop Herzog was assigned many diocesan responsibilities some of which included Diocesan Director of the Office for Worship, Diocesan Tribunal Defender of the Bond, Past Chair of the Presbyteral Council, Former Dean of the Northern and Western Deaneries, College of Consulters, and Secretary-Treasurer/President Elect of the Association of Priests for the Dioceses of Biloxi and Jackson.
After spending all of his 36 years as a priest in the church parishes of Mississippi, he was named 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria on October 27, 2004, and ordained a bishop in St. Francis Xavier Cathedral on January 5, 2005, by Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes of New Orleans.
Bishop Herzog focused much of his episcopacy on seminarian education and communications.
He is survived by members of his extended family, Bette Jean Lyons, Mary Elaine Lange, Marianne Bertsch, and Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons. A Mass of Christian Burial was held Monday, April 22, at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Alexandria, with Archbishop Gregory Aymond of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, presiding. Fourth degree Knights of Columbus and priests of the Diocese of Alexandria served as pallbearers. Donations in memory of Bishop Herzog may be made to the Diocese of Alexandria Seminary Burse or the Priests’ Retirement Fund.

ALEXANDRIA – Priests of the Diocese of Alexandria carry the coffin containing the body of Bishop Ronald Herzog, Eleventh Bishop of Alexandria, Louisiana, out of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral following an April 22 Mass of Christian Burial. Bishop Herzog was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Natchez-Jackson on June 1, 1968. He served in Diocese of Biloxi from its establishment until his appointment as Bishop of Alexandria on October 27, 2004. Bishop Herzog’s funeral fell on his 77th birthday.

(Reprinted with permission from Church Today, the newspaper for the Diocese of Alexandria.)

Parish calendar of events

COVINGTON Louisiana, Married couples retreat, May 4-5 at St. Joseph Abbey Christian Life Retreat Center, 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. Come away for rest and spiritual strength and nourishment. Suggested donation: $275 per couple. Details: or call (504) 830-3716.
CULLMAN, Ala., Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, Common Wisdom: Parallels in Benedictine and Twelve-Step Spiritualities, Saturday, May 4, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. This reflection day will focus on the core principles of Twelve-Step spirituality and the gift of spiritual freedom that is experienced when these principles are put into practice. Retreat Director: Sister Therese Haydel, O.S.B. Cost: $30, includes lunch. Details: (256) 734-8302, or
Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, Eight-day Intensive/Post-Intensive Centering Prayer, May 21-28. Retreat Intensive: An in-depth retreat for those experienced in Centering Prayer. DVD’s of Father Thomas Keating’s Spiritual Journey course will be viewed. Post-Intensive: A next step into a profound silence and stillness to facilitate a more intimate union with God. An Intensive Centering Prayer experience is a prerequisite of the Post-Intensive. Arrive between 3-5 p.m. on arrival day, with departure after breakfast on the final day. Fee includes lodging, meals, linens, and program materials. Details: Contact Katy Smith at (205) 410-1493 or for cost and registration information. Deadline for registration and deposit is May 1. Go to for more information.

AMORY St. Helen, Book Discussion Group will read The Boy Who Knew Too Much by Cathy Byrd at noon on Monday, May 13, at the parish hall. Everyone is invited to read the book and plan to join the discussion. Details: church office (662) 256-8392.
CLARKSDALE St. Elizabeth, Gospel of St. Luke Bible Study, Wednesdays at noon in the meeting room. Details: contact study leader Libby Antici at the church office (662) 624-4301.
GREENVILLE St. Joseph, Annual Abide Memorial Golf tournament, Friday, May 17, at 1 p.m. at the Greenville Country Club, 2476 Highway 1 South. The tournament is a St. Joseph School tuition assistance fundraiser. Details: Cindy Abide at the church office (662) 335-5251.
GRENADA St. Peter, Old Fashioned Church Picnic, Sunday, May 5. Food will be provided. Please gather items not needed around your home for bingo prizes. Details: church office (662) 226-2490.
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, “The Great American Game Show” Saturday, July 13, at 7 p.m. in the Family Life Center. There will be food, fun and prizes. Let Ken or Dana know if you have a favorite classic game show that you would like to help recreate. Details: Ken and Dana Hoover at (901) 426-2047 or (662) 420-0110.
MADISON St. Francis of Assisi, 32nd Annual Cajun Fest, Sunday, May 5, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. They will have mouth-watering items including crawfish etouffee, jambalaya, boiled crawfish and other Cajun delicacies. They will also have games for the kids, awesome raffle prizes and bingo. Dance to live music by Waylon Thibodeau. Arts and craft vendors will also have a variety of Mississippi-made products on display. Details: church office (601) 856-5556 or visit
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Adult Sunday School, “Queen of Heaven: Mary’s Battle for Souls,” DVD series from Saint Benedict Press, Sundays at 8:30 a.m. in the conference room of the Family Life Center. Details: Karen Verucchi, Class facilitator at (601) 870-5388.

BROOKHAVEN St. Francis, CYO Lock-In (guys only) for grades 4-12, Friday, May 5, 6 p.m. – 10 a.m. Details: Ms. Ange’le at (601) 757-3084.
CLEVELAND, Delta State University students meet Tuesdays at 9 p.m. at the Union, 2nd floor (east side). Details: To receive text notifications, send your name by text to Father Kent Bowlds at (662) 588-5868.
MADISON St. Joseph School, St. Joe Bruin Classic Golf Tournament, Friday, May 10, Whisper Lake Golf Club, 414 Annandale Parkway, Madison. Proceeds to fund all St. Joseph School athletics. Details: Dana Caskey at or for more information.
MERIDIAN Catholic Community of St. Joseph and St. Patrick, Baccalaureate Mass, Sunday, May 5, at 11 a.m. at St. Patrick in honor of graduating high school students. Details: contact youth ministry office if you plan to attend at (601) 693-1321, ext. 9 or
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, May Crowning/Senior Farewell Mass, Friday, May 3. Cathedral student body, faculty and staff will attend the 8 a.m. Mass at St. Mary Basilica for the annual May crowing of Blessed Mother. It will also be the senior Farewell Mass for graduating seniors. Everyone is invited to attend. Details: school office (601) 601-442-1988.

Songs and praise for Sister Thea Bowman

CANTON – Gospel choirs from many churches gathered at Holy Child Jesus Parish on Saturday, March 30 for a musical celebration in honor of Sister Thea Bowman. Sister Thea died on March 30, 1990. Last year the Diocese of Jackson opened a cause for sainthood for the Mississippi native, who became Catholic and later served as a teacher at Holy Child.
Choirs included the Mary Grove Baptist Church men’s choir, Jackson Christ the King and Holy Ghost choirs, the Frazier Riddel Choir, the Jackson Family, Ed Hightower, Landris Jones and the Rembert Washington Chorale.
Participant choirs each offered a couple of songs while Billy Joe Wells, acting as master of ceremonies, kept the crowd upbeat and involved. Organizers hope to make the celebration an annual event.

(Story and photos by Maureen Smith)

Grenada Parish celebrates St. Joseph’s Day

GRENADA – Members of St. Peter Parish sing during the blessing of their St. Joseph Altar on Tuesday, March 19. The parish celebrated the feast of St. Joseph in true Italian style with a traditional altar loaded with bread and other goodies. Pastor Father Arokia Savio concelebrated Mass at 8 a.m. with Father Manohar Thanugundla of Brookhaven St. Francis. Those gathered then went to the parish hall to pray a rosary, bless their St. Joseph Altar and enjoy an Italian Meal. (Photo by Michael Liberto)

Parish calendar of events

BROOKSVILLE The Dwelling Place, Life Lines: Finding the Pearl of Great Price, May 3-5. Life Lines is a writing experience in which the narrative technique of storytelling to focus on different life experiences is used. Facilitator: Raymond Komar, Ph.D. Begins with dinner at 6:30. Donation: $180. Details: (662) 738-5348 or email for more information.
CULLMAN, Ala., Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, Common Wisdom: Parallels in Benedictine And Twelve-Step Spiritualities, Saturday, May 4, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. This reflection day will focus on the core principles of Twelve-Step spirituality and the gift of spiritual freedom that is experienced when these principles are put into practice. Retreat Director: Sister Therese Haydel, O.S.B. Cost: $30, includes lunch. Details: (256) 734-8302, or
MOBILE Ala, Spring Hill College, Silent Ignatian Directed Retreats, June 7-15 following the the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Participants may register for either three, five or eight full days of retreat. The eight-day retreat begins with a short orientation on Friday, June 7 at 7:30 p.m. and ends after lunch on Saturday, June 15. Five and three-day retreats may be taken for any five or three consecutive days during this time period. Details: Father Christopher Viscardi, S.J. at (251) 380-4662, and for registration information.

BROOKSVILLE The Dwelling Place, Life Lines: Finding the Pearl of Great Price, May 3-5. Life Lines is a writing experience in which the narrative technique of storytelling to focus on different life experiences is used. Facilitator: Raymond Komar, Ph.D. Begins with dinner at 6:30. Donation: $180. Details: (662) 738-5348 or email for more information.
CULLMAN, Ala., Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, Common Wisdom: Parallels in Benedictine And Twelve-Step Spiritualities, Saturday, May 4, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. This reflection day will focus on the core principles of Twelve-Step spirituality and the gift of spiritual freedom that is experienced when these principles are put into practice. Retreat Director: Sister Therese Haydel, O.S.B. Cost: $30, includes lunch. Details: (256) 734-8302, or
MOBILE Ala, Spring Hill College, Silent Ignatian Directed Retreats, June 7-15 following the the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Participants may register for either three, five or eight full days of retreat. The eight-day retreat begins with a short orientation on Friday, June 7 at 7:30 p.m. and ends after lunch on Saturday, June 15. Five and three-day retreats may be taken for any five or three consecutive days during this time period. Details: Father Christopher Viscardi, S.J. at (251) 380-4662, and for registration information.

BRANDON Bay Point Golf Course, 2019 Knights of Columbus State Convention Golf Tournament, Friday, April 26, 8:30 a.m. Cost is $65 per player includes refreshments and lunch. Hole sponsorships available for $85. Proceeds will support the Retired Priest Fund. Details: visit
MADISON St. Francis of Assisi Cajun Fest, Sunday, May 5 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Dropoff location for donations is the Social Concerns Office by Saturday, April 27. Details: church office (601) 856-5556.
NATCHEZ Holy Family, “A Southern Road to Freedom” a choral presentation, Monday April 15, and Tuesday, April 16, 8 p.m. The Natchez saga of African-Americans from slavery to modern times. Details: church office (601) 445-5700.
St. Mary Basilica, Adult Sunday School, DVD series from Saint Benedict Press, “Queen of Heaven: Mary’s Battle for Souls,” Sundays at 8:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center. Details: Karen Verucchi, (601) 870-5388
Assumption of BVM, Line Dancing, Mondays 10-11 a.m. Details: church office (601) 442-7250.
SOUTHAVEN Christ the King, calling all women, Rejoice and be Glad, Saturday, April 27, 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Gather with us to come aside and rest a while and reflect on the words of Pope Francis. Lunch will be provided; no childcare. Details: (662) 342-1073.

GLUCKSTADT St. Joseph, Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Sunday, April 21, at 9:20 a.m. for children up to age nine. Details: church office (601) 856-2054.
Save the date, Vacation Bible School “Savior Stadium,” June 10-12. adult volunteers needed. Sign up for attendees and youth helpers will begin in May. Details: contact Karen Worrell at or (601) 672-5817.
JACKSON Sr. Thea Bowman School, 13th Annual Draw Down, Saturday, April 27, at 6:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Building. Good food, entertainment, silent auction and door prizes. Grand prize: $5,000. Tickets are $100 and Second Chance Insurance is $20. Details: Shae Robinson at the school office (601) 352-5441 or
MERIDIAN Catholic Community of St. Joseph and St. Patrick, Baccalaureate Mass, Sunday, May 5, at 11 a.m. at St. Patrick in honor of graduating high school students. Details: contact John if you plan to attend at (601) 693-1321, ext. 9 or
NATCHEZ Cathedral School, 35th Annual Cathedral Crawfish Countdown, Friday, April 26, 6-10 p.m. at Cathedral School Cafeteria. Details: school office (601) 442-1988.
OLIVE BRANCH Queen of Peace, Divine Mercy Holy Hour, Sunday, April 28, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Reception to follow. Details: Contact Mary Jerkins for more information at (662) 895-5844.
PEARL St. Jude, Save the Date, Vacation Bible School, “Surf’s Up – Chill Out with the Beatitudes,” June 17-21, 9 a.m. – noon, ages 3 years and up. Details: church office (601) 939-3181.

NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Fridays at 12:05 and 5:15 p.m.
Assumption, Fridays at 5:30 p.m.
PEARL St. Jude, Fridays following 10 a.m. Mass and Stations of the Cross ending with Benediction at 6 p.m. Following the 6 p.m. Stations, the Knights of Columbus will be preparing catfish dinners.
WOODVILLE St. Joseph, Monday, April 15 at 6:30 p.m.

Renew introduces small-group series to deal with clergy abuse crisis

By Mark Pattison
WASHINGTON (CNS) – Renew International, which has been offering small-group parish renewal series since the 1970s, has put together a six-week series for parishioners on dealing with the current clergy sexual abuse crisis.
Titled “Healing Our Church,” it offers reflections, Scripture passages, questions to participants to ponder and statements from abuse victims.
“We brought in a lot more with the victims’ voices,” said Jennifer Bober, Renew’s manager of marketing and communications, who was in on all of the development meetings for the new series. “That was something we felt was missing from the earlier resource. Just the directness of the approach, the forthrightness of the approach in this, is different. It’s a different time, and people’s response is very different.”
The Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania, will employ “Healing Our Church” during Lent in a big way, with nearly 70 parishes — about 83 percent of all parishes in the diocese — offering the Renew series.

Renew International, which has been offering small-group parish renewal series since the 1980s, has put together a six-week series for parishioners on dealing with the current clergy sexual abuse crisis. Titled “Healing Our Church,” it offers reflections, Scripture passages, questions to participants to ponder and statements from abuse victims. (CNS)

Allentown had used Renew twice before, including its 2003 series dealing with clergy sex abuse, “Healing the Body of Christ.”
“We’re trying to do the best we can to meet the needs of victims of abuse, physical victims of abuse,” said Bishop Alfred A. Schlert of Allentown in a Feb. 27 telephone interview with Catholic News Service, but “the people in the pew are hurting, too.”
“Healing the Body of Christ” drew 12,000 participants when Allentown offered it 16 years ago, Bishop Schlert noted. “I don’t know what we’ll get this time. The success is not so much in the concrete number but who came, who felt comfortable to come, and who felt healing in some way,” measurements he acknowledged tend to manifest themselves in the long term.
“All of us are active in church ministry in some form or another,” Renew’s Bober told CNS, and when the latest revelations broke last summer regarding bishops’ roles in the crisis, a common reaction Renew staffers got was, “How can you stay Catholics?”
“We looked around us and we said, ‘We need to do something.’ We know that people are upset, we know people are hurting,” Bober added. “As news broke, we were reading more victims’ stories and we were seeing the power in them, and knowing that, it really made us understand the depth of the hurt that is going on. We wanted to empathize with the victims and for them to do that, we had to include their stories.”
Bober said, “We had (‘Healing Our Church’) small groups running in the office, as things were being written” to test the strength of the material being developed. “We had people within the office, some friends of people who work here from their parishes.” One of them, G. Madsen, a member of Our Lady of Peace Parish in New Providence, New Jersey, wrote in an endorsement for the back cover of “Healing Our Church,” saying that “this six-week program is a positive first step in healing the wounds suffered by faithful Catholics.”
Renew had considered introducing it in the fall, Bober said, but were dissuaded by Bishop Schlert, who wanted it sooner – and his words were used in the book’s foreword: “My people need healing now.”
“I never saw myself as cutting-edge on anything,” Bishop Schlert told CNS. “But my pastors embraced it and said, ‘We’d like to give this a try.’ That’s where the rubber hits the road, in the local parishes.”

Parishes calendar of events

CULLMAN, Ala. – Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, Weekend Intensive Centering Prayer, April 11-14, develop further the discipline of Centering Prayer and deepen your relationship with God. There will be extended periods of Centering Prayer and shared Lectio Divina. The weekend will be spent in silence. This retreat will begin on Thursday evening and conclude on Sunday with the noon meal. Retreat Directors: Contemplative Outreach Birmingham staff. Prerequisite: Introduction to Centering Prayer Cost: private room $330. Details: (256) 734-8302, or
Holy Week at the Monastery, April 18-21 – Holy Thursday through Easter. Experience the three days of the Sacred Triduum immersed in the beauty of Sacred Heart Monastery, joining the Sisters in their silence and in their prayer as they celebrate the special liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday. Limited enrollment; Silence. Cost: private room $245; shared room $205/person. Details: (256) 734-8302, or


BATESVILLE St. Mary, Save the Date, Springfest 2019, May 17-19. Details: church office (662) 563-2273.
BROOKHAVEN St. Francis, Knights of Columbus White Elephant Sale, Saturday, April 6, 7-11 a.m. in Serio Hall. Donations can be dropped off on Wednesday, April 3, 5-7 p.m. Contact a Knight member for large item pickup. Details: church office (601) 833-1799.
BRANDON 2019 Knights of Columbus State Convention Golf Tournament, Friday, April 26, Bay Point Golf Course, 8 a.m., four-Man scramble shotgun start. Cost is $65 per player, includes refreshments and lunch. Proceeds will support the Retired Priest Fund. Details: visit
CLARKSDALE St. Elizabeth, Gospel of St. Luke Bible study, Wednesdays at noon in the meeting room. Details: contact Libby Antici (662) 624-4301.
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Forgiveness Walk, Wednesday, March 27, from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. The walk is a silent meditative prayer journey reflecting on your own. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts we can give. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.
Lenten Talk, Thursday, March 28, at 7 p.m. with Father Greg Schill, SCJ. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.
JACKSON St. Richard, Save the Date, Cardinal Men’s Cub Flight to the Finish XI 5K run and walk on Saturday, May 4. Details: church office (601) 366-2335.
MADISON St. Francis of Assisi, Good Friday Live Way of the Cross plans are underway. Volunteers are needed to portray various roles and help behind the scenes. Join us as we reflect on Jesus’ last footsteps. Details: Amy Hornback or call the church office (601) 856-5556.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica and Assumption, Blood Drive, Thursday, March 28, O’Connor Family Life Center, 12:30 – 5:30 p.m. Details: sign up at (sponsor code: stmarynatchez) or Regina at the church office (601) 445-5616.
Cathedral School, Save the Date, 35th Annual Cathedral Crawfish Countdown, Friday, April 26, 6-10 p.m. at Cathedral School Cafeteria. Details: school office (601) 442-1988.
SOUTHAVEN Christ the King, Seder Meal, Monday, April 15, at 6:30 p.m. for all Sacred Heart parishes. Details: (662) 342-1073.


CLARKSDALE St. Elizabeth, see the Memphis Grizzlies and hear Sadie Robertson speak, Sunday, April 7 at 5 p.m. Cost: $15 per person plus money for food. Details: (662) 624-4301.
Alive in You Mission Trip, July 9-14 in St. Louis. Cost is $325 per person. There will be fundraising done for the trip. Details: (662) 624-4301.
JACKSON St. Richard Special Kids Art Show Saturday, April 6, 5-7 p.m. in Foley Hall at St. Richard. Details: 601-366-2335.
Sr. Thea Bowman School, 13th Annual Draw Down, Saturday, April 27, at 6:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Building. Good food, entertainment, silent auction and door prizes. Grand prize: $5,000. Tickets are $100 and second chance insurance is $20. Details: Shae Robinson at the school office (601) 352-5441.
GREENVILLE Sacred Heart, youth retreat, Saturday, April 13, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Locus Benedictus, Greenwood for teens grades 7-12 for the entire deanery are invited to attend. Details: church office (662) 332-0891.
MADISON St. Francis of Assisi, Breakfast with Jesus for all First Communion children, Sunday, April 7, 9-11:45 a.m. Details: church office (601) 856-5556.

Students participate in service, prayer

SOUTHAVEN – Vinney Heeney helps load groceries for a client. Sacred Heart Students are participating in their school theme for the year ‘Mercy Knows No Bounds’ by volunteering all year at the mobile food pantry run by Southern Missions

Sacred Heart middle school students prepared for Lent with a daylong retreat led by members of the National Evangelization Team, NET.(Photos by Laura Grisham)