Students offer gifts to nursing home

JACKSON – St. Richard Catholic School’s annual service project, Manhattan Mall, is one of the yearly endeavors that speaks to the Catholic Social Teaching of the school’s option for the poor and vulnerable, and to the works of mercy that are at the root of our Mercy Sisters’ heritage. Manhattan Nursing and Rehabilitation Center sits across the street from the school. Many of the residents are not able to leave the nursing home and shop for Christmas presents for their children, grandchildren or even fellow residents and staff, so the sixth grade brings the stores to them. The stores, which are supervised by the sixth graders, are divided into different sections and each resident will receive Manhattan Mall “money” to shop for five gifts each. Once the residents have purchased their items, they have the option of having them gift-wrapped for their loved ones. The hope is for the residents to be able to personally buy gifts for their family and friends, which allows them to feel independent.

Youth Enthusiastic about National Catholic Youth Choir

COLLEGEVILLE, Minnesota – When Perry Leffler (NCYC Alum 2015) of Jackson St. Richard Parish went to Minnesota for a youth choir camp, she knew there would be lots of singing. What she found was so much more: fun, friendship, and faith. “[This camp] definitely strengthened my faith,” she said. “I like how we came to camp not knowing anyone leave it as close friends.”

COLLEGEVILLE, Minnesota – St. Richard Parish member Perry Leffler, front row, far left, toured with the National Catholic Youth Choir in 2015. This year, there is a new scholarship available for a student who wishes to join. (Photo by Marc Leffler)

The National Catholic Youth Choir, which meets on the grounds of Saint John’s Abbey and University in central Minnesota, is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2019. Since the choir’s founding in 2000, more than 300 young Catholic singers have participated in the summer camp. They have all shared a powerful experience of singing sacred music, studying the Bible and their Catholic faith, learning some music history, and making new friends to play sports and recreate with. “It’s a positive, joyful experience of being Catholic that really speaks to young people,” said founding director Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB.
During the camp the choir members pray with the Benedictine monks and sisters, participate in experiences such as the Rosary or Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and end each day by chanting Compline. After the intense music rehearsal on campus, the choir goes on tour to sing at parish liturgies and offer concerts of sacred music. “
Membership in the selective choir is by audition. To make it easy for applicants from across the U.S., the entire application process is done online. All young singers with note-reading ability and choir experience are invited to apply. For the 20th anniversary it is expected that the choir will be larger than ever – and they will be joined at the final Mass by dozens of alum singers from the past 20 years!
Thanks to the generosity and support of Bishop Joseph Kopacz, a young chorister from the Diocese of Jackson is eligible for a $250 scholarship toward NCYC camp and choir tour.
“The NCYC provides opportunity for every person to grow spiritually, intellectually, and socially into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. I am so very happy to have taken part in it,” said Remy Mumby (NCYC Alum 2016) from Lansing, Michigan
For information about the choir, including how to apply, go to Applications are due in mid-March.

(Story submitted by National Catholic Youth Choir)

Reconciliation retreat

CORINTH – St. James the Less’ First Communion Class plays during their First Reconciliation retreat on Saturday Dec. 1. Teachers include Yolanda Salinas, Edith del Ángel, Teresita Peña, Mariana García, Roberto Santamaria and the candidates are Maya Gomes, Jairo López, Emilio Ceron, Pascual Baltazar, Aylin Hernandez y Yoseline Ruiz. (Photo by Luis Rosales)

St. Nicolas visits St. Patrick

MERIDIAN – On the Feast Day of St. Nicholas, St. Patrick School students left a shoe outside their classroom for St. Nicholas to fill. The children received a candy cane, chocolate coins and a prayer card. Shown are first graders Hayden Thompson, foreground, and Chance Glass as they discover what St. Nicholas left for them. (Photo by Celeste Saucier)

St. Peter leads the way in Grenada Christmas parade

GRENADA – Members of St. Peter Parish won first place in the church division for their float in the annual city Christmas parade by offering “the greatest story ever told.”
Volunteers built the float, which held a living nativity made up of children from the parish. It rolled through the streets on Saturday, Dec. 1.

Merciful Mufflers : ministry of hands and hearts

By Mary Billups and Maureen Smith
MERIDIAN – Back in 2016, the Catholic Community of Meridian launched a new ministry in response to Pope Francis’s Jubilee Year of Mercy. Seeking to respond to the Gospel challenge of “clothe the naked,” the members of the newly formed Merciful Mufflers gathered weekly to knit and crochet more than 150 scarves, hats and hand-warmers for the homeless and those fleeing domestic violence. The ministry then looked inward to its own parishioners, and for the past two years has provided prayer shawls and lap robes for the home-bound, the ill, and their caregivers.
“People have called and told me they were moved to tears when they received a blanket because someone thought of them,” said Pam Walston, who has been with the group from the beginning. “This (ministry) drew the parish together. Sometimes when people get older, they think you have forgotten them, especially if they can’t come to church anymore,” she explained. The blankets and scarves are a tangible reminder of their connection to their faith community. She said the original group had about five members but continues to grow each year. The group worked together to create a blanket for pastor Father Augustine Palimattam.
They only meet during the school year and each year they pick a particular project.
They instituted the tradition of giving hand-made white baby blankets to the infants newly baptized into St. Patrick and St. Joseph parishes. “Mary (Billups) has all these wonderful ideas – she genuinely wants to reach out and draw the community together,” said Walston.
The members’ mercy-driven commitment has further expanded to encompass Meridian’s Center for Pregnancy Choices, where the ministry provided layettes consisting of baby blankets, baby caps and booties for the infants, along with beautiful scarves for the mothers, all delivered in special tote bags.
“Everything we make comes with a prayer of one kind or another and sometimes a medal or something else,” said Walston. The group is about more than just the handiwork. The last half-hour of every meeting is dedicated to prayer for those in need, including those who will receive the blankets.
The parish helps with supplies, but members also participate. One member crocheted a bedspread this year that was auctioned off. The money raised went back into the ministry.
Beginning in January 2019, this ministry will work to fashion lap-size afghans for those dependent upon dialysis for their continued well-being. Walston encourages others to join. She said the members have all different skill levels in knitting and crochet and members help one another with projects.
For more information, or to begin a group like this one, contact Mary Billups at 601-693-1321 or

(Mary Billups is the director of adult faith formation for the Catholic Community of Meridian.)