Por Berta del Carmen Mexidor
FOREST – El 15 de agosto, día de la asunción de la Virgen María, es dos veces notable para cuatro Misioneras Guadalupanas del Espíritu Santo, primero por la solemnidad de la fiesta y segundo porque es el aniversario de profesión para las hermanas María Elena Méndez, María Josefa García, Obdulia Olivar y María Eugenia Moreno, MGSpS.
La celebración eucarística, en inglés, español y vietnamita, tuvo lugar en Forest, coincidentemente con la visita de los miembros del equipo de Extensión Católica (Catholic Extension, por su nombre en inglés) a las parroquias en Mississippi. El padre Sergio Romo de la parroquia St. Andrew en Chicago ofició la misa. Parroquianos del lugar participaron en el alegre evento. El aniversario marcó 28 años para la hermana María Elena, 42 años para la hermana María Josefa, 45 para María Eugenia y 44 para Obdulia Olivar. Otro ejemplo del servicio a Dios es la hermana Magdalena Carrillo con 57 años de profesión religiosa, a celebrarlos el 12 de diciembre.
Las Misioneras Guadalupanas del Espíritu Santo tienen su origen en 1914, en Saltillo México y más de 88 años de servicio desde su fundación en 15 de septiembre 1930. Las Misioneras Guadalupanas han estado en Mississippi por 16 años. La hermana María Elena dijo: “Agradecemos a Dios por nuestra hermosa vocación y por su constante fidelidad hacia nosotras. Además, a nuestras familias y a todas las personas que nos ayudan a ser mejores y nos permiten ser parte de sus vidas “.
Cientos de rostros y millas de camino están en los archivos guardados en los corazones de estas hermanas. Su trabajo es reconocido por líderes en parroquias alrededor de Mississippi, pero también por cientos de personas, receptoras de sus esfuerzos que un día, inesperadamente, le muestran su aprecio.
La dulzura en sus voces y los impecables hábitos de color blanco hueso, no son un impedimento para andar por caminos polvorientos o enlodados y ayudar con sus delicadas manos en lugares sucios o estrechar las asperezas de manos trabajadoras. Las mismas manos suaves con las que enseñan, comparten alimentos, limpian lágrimas y sudor y dan consuelo espiritual a mujeres y hombres que necesitan el amor de Dios.
Category Archives: Parish News
Germanfest kraut canning
GLUCKSTADT– Wesley Gannon, closest to the camera, Billy Endris and Paul Aubin boil the canning materials as they prepare sauerkraut for GermanFest 2018. The festival is a St. Joseph Parish tradition honoring the German roots of the community. The 32nd annual GermanFest is scheduled for Sunday, September 30, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The day features lots of German delicacies, polka music, games for kids and a country store. Advance meal tickets are $6 and are available from parishioners of St. Joseph. Ticket information is also available by calling the parish office at (601) 856-2054. Meals the day of the festival will be $7. (Photo by Felicia Lobrano)
Parish calendar
CULLMAN, Ala., Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, Introduction to Centering Prayer for those new to Centering Prayer. Centering Prayer is a form of Christian prayer rooted in the ancient Christian contemplative tradition. Its purpose is to foster a deeper intimacy with Christ through the silence and stillness of contemplative prayer. August 31 – September 2. Private rooms and the ability to maintain silence are required. Cost: $245 Details: (256) 734-8302, retreats@shmon.org or www.shmon.org.
JACKSON Mississippi State Capitol Building on the South Steps, Memorial Service for Aborted Children, Saturday, September 8, 12:30 p.m. as part of sixth annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Details: contact: Laura Duran, 601-956-8636, laura.duran@prolifemississippi.org.
GREENVILLE Delta Event Center, 2524 East Alexander Street, Annual Delta Alliance for Congregational Health Conference, Saturday, September 22, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Details: (662) 702-5055 or Sacred Heart church office (662) 332-0891.
St. Joseph, Parish Fair, Tuesday, September 11. Candy makers, spaghetti workers, donations for prizes, cakes, new toys and two-liter bottled soft drinks are needed. Volunteers are appreciated. Details: church office (662) 335-5251.
TUPELO St. James Church, Dia de la Hispanidad. Friday, September 15. The gathering includes a celebration of many Hispanic cultures. Other parishes are invited to participate as vendors. Details: Raquel Thompson (662) 402-9599
GRENADA St. Peter, bilingual Mass followed by a meal at the Family Life Center, Sunday, September 16, 6 p.m. Details: church office (662) 226-2490.
JACKSON St. Richard, inaugural Team Bass Challenge, Saturday, November 10, at Ross Barnett Reservoir. Friday, November 9, dinner for team members in Foley Hall. Guest speaker and door prizes. You do not have to be a parishioner to participate. This is a fundraiser for retired priests. Details: Tommy Lamas at (601) 366-2335 or email lamas@saintrichard.com.
MADISON St. Francis of Assisi, “A Taste of St. Francis” annual multicultural event, Sunday, September 30, in the Family Life Center following 10:30 Mass. Volunteers needed to cook and serve. Details: call the church office (601) 856-5556 or Amy Hornback (601) 953-4182.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Basilica Music Ministry Adult choir begins Wednesday, September 5 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Advent concert and seasonal music will be introduced and distributed. Music rehearsals are held in St. Therese Hall. Details: contact Musicdirector@cableone.net.
6th Anniversary of the Dedication of the O’Connor Family Life Center, Saturday, September 22, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Guest speaker is Dr. Tom Neal. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.
OXFORD St. John, groups of 3-5 people willing to cook enough spaghetti for 100-150 people needed. Parish provides all the supplies and recipes and a volunteer to help with set up and clean up. Each Sunday after the 5 p.m. Mass, parishioners prepare a spaghetti supper for University of Mississippi students and any parishioners who want to enjoy a $2 meal. Details: Susan Kelly at (662) 801-1008 or email suekel1@bellsouth.net.
Trained for service
PEARL – St. Jude Parish has a whole new set of altar servers to join their “veteran” servers thanks to a day-long training and retreat Saturday, August 4. The day included fun as well as prayer and lessons. (Photos by Rhonda Bowden)
Vardaman summer camp offers variety of experiences
VARDAMAN – The Catholic Charities Northeast Office ended its three-week summer program for 40 students from kindergarten through seventh grade with a big celebration Thursday, July 26. The center partnered with local businesses to offer classes in art, gardening, civic involvement and culture. Bancorp South and Topashaw Farms both donated to the program. In photo above, Father Tim Murphy learns about the flowers the children have planted. (Photos by John Lundardini)
Cool start to school year
Students, supplies, teachers blessed for new year
Youth ministers ‘recharge’ with day-long workshop
By Maureen Smith
MADISON – On Saturday, July 28, more than two dozen youth minister representing four deaneries and 10 parishes gathered at Madison St. Francis of Assisi Parish for a day-long event. The theme was “Reflect, Renew, Recharge” as an effort to offer support, encouragement, time for personal reflection, prayer and to share best practices.
The agenda included Youth Culture/GenZ, study from St. Mary’s Press called “Going Going Gone,” the Pre-Synodal Document on “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment,” Creating a Vision in Ministry, Spirituality of a Youth Leader and best practices for youth ministry. The presentation involved prayer, discussion, activities, multimedia, and resources for youth ministers to take home to their parishes. Abbey Schuhmann, coordinator for youth ministry for the diocese, coordinated the day, compiled the materials and lead the workshop.
“We’ve added new diocesan events for youth over the past couple of years and I knew we needed to include something to offer support specifically for youth ministers which is what sparked the birth of this event. It was purposely planned for this time of year to “recharge” youth ministers before the start of a new ministry year which often coincides with the start of a new school year,” said Schuhmann.
St. Anne celebrated in namesake parish
By Sister Maria Elena Mendez. MGSPS
CARTHAGE – The St. Anne Parish community celebrated their patroness on Sunday, July. 29. The women of the parish led a procession with the statue of St. Anne around the Church’s property followed by a bilingual Mass at 10:30. Father Odel Medina, ST, was the celebrant. After the Mass everyone was invited to a celebratory meal. Representatives from many cultures were on hand to celebrate their “grandmother,” as they call St. Anne since she was Mary’s mother.
Her actual feast day is July 26. Legend holds that Anne and her husband Joachim thought they were barren so Anne prayed for a child. When she found out she was pregnant with Mary, she promised to concecrate the child to God and took Mary to the temple at the age of three to fulfill that promise. The parishioners in Carthage have celebrated this feast with a procession for several years.
St. Anne is the patron of women in labor and miners.
(Sister Maria Elena Mendez is a coordinator for Hispanic Ministry for the Diocese of Jackson.)
Parish calendar
CULLMAN, Ala., Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center, “Celebrating Women,” September 28-30. This weekend for women will be framed with the Navajo story of Spider Woman, who wove the way in the richness of form and color of our present world. Women will be invited to explore ways they can celebrate beauty and create it in their own lives. Retreat Director: Sister Mary McGehee, O.S.B. and the Celebrating Women Team. Cost: $245; shared room $205 per person. Details: (256) 734-8302, retreats@shmon.org or www.shmon.org.
BROOKSVILLE The Dwelling Place, Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, September 7-9. A beautiful opportunity for any person who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is an opportunity to surface and release repressed feelings of anger, shame, guilt and grief. Donation: $180. Scholarships available upon request. Details: (662) 738-5348 or maria_vineyard@yahoo.com or dwellpl@gmail.com.
Olive Branch Senior Center, 8800 College Street, Alzheimer’s And Dementia Support Group, Thursday, August 16 from 1- 2 p.m. Details: Pat Youd at (662) 892-8102.
CLARKSDALE Catholic Community of St. Elizabeth, Parish Fair, Tuesday, September 18. Help-wanted sheets will be located at all church doors. Details: church office (662) 624-4301.
CLEVELAND Our Lady of Victories, Parish indoor picnic, Sunday, August 26, following 10 a.m. Mass. Food will be provided by the church and games in the parish center. Details: church office (662) 846-6273.
COLUMBUS Annunciation, social and overview of the RCIA process, Tuesday, September 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Activities Center. All are welcome. Details: Maria Dunser at dunserfarm@att.net or call the church office (662) 328-2927.
GLUCKSTADT St. Joseph, Save-the-Date: The 32nd annual GermanFest is Sunday, September 30, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The family-oriented festival is best known for its delicious German food and authentic German Folk music provided by the band, Polkameisters from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Cost: Advance meal tickets are $6 and are available from parishioners. Meals the day of the festival will be $7. Details: church office (601) 856-2054.
GRENADA St. Peter, Knights of Columbus are selling tickets for the football raffle for the upcoming season. Tickets will be on sale until September 1. Take time to support your local Knights of Columbus! Details: church office (662) 226-2490.
HERNANDO Holy Spirit, Annual Ladies Association Appreciation Dinner, Saturday, August 25, 7 p.m. in the Family Life Center. This year’s theme is: “Color Me Purple”. Wear your purple clothes, hat, shoes and purse. Prizes will be given for best outfit, best purse and best accessories. RSVP by August 13. Details: church office (662) 429-7851 or email holyspirit.la.hernando@gmail.com
Save the date, Church Bazaar, Saturday, September 22 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Details: Barbara Smith at (662) 233-4833 (home) or (901) 413-8102 (cell).
MADISON St. Francis of Assisi, “A Taste of St. Francis” annual multicultural event, Sunday, September 30, in the Family Life Center following 10:30 Mass. Details: call the church office (601) 856-5556 or Amy Hornback (601) 953-4182 for more information about how you can volunteer and cook/bring a dish.
NATCHEZ St. Mary Basilica, Appreciation and gratitude meal Wednesday, August 29, at 5:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center to all parishioners and sponsors who donated to help their youth attend Catholic Heart Work Camp in June. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.
OLIVE BRANCH Queen of Peace, Women’s Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 16. Sister Rose Hacker, SSSF, will present a talk on Human Trafficking. The group will also be making sandwiches for the needy of New Hope Village in Holly Springs and which is an ongoing project. Details: church office (662) 895-5007.
TUPELO St. James, Study Theology in English or Spanish. Are you inspired by Pope Francis’s commitment to the “freshness and fragrance of the Gospel”? Do you want to better answer the call to holiness in everyday life and bring disciplined study to your Catholic faith? Consider pursuing studies in theology and spirituality in English or Spanish. Loyola University in New Orleans offers Master’s level and Certificate classes at Saint James. Orientation is Sunday, August 19; classes start in September. Details: go to https://cnh.loyno.edu/lim/tupelo or call the local class facilitators: Mrs. Gail Boland, (662) 889-8771 or Dr. Len Pinkley, (662) 640-2221.
MADISON St. Joseph School, Spirit Steppers are sponsoring a “Spirit Stepper for a Day” Dance Clinic on Saturday, August 18 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the school gym. “Mini Steppers” will perform during the St. Joe vs. St. Andrew football game on Friday, September 7. K-6th grade are eligible to participate, and the cost is $50. Details: school office (601) 898-4800.