PARISH, FAMILY & SCHOOL EVENTS BATESVILLE – St. Mary, Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, March 31 following 10:30 a.m. Mass. Details: church office (662) 563-2273.
BROOKHAVEN – St. Francis, Easter Egg Hunt and Photos, Sunday, March 31 following 9 a.m. Mass. Details: church office (601) 833-1799.
CLINTON – Holy Savior, Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, March 24 at 9:30 a.m. Details: church office (601) 924-6344.
CLEVELAND – Our Lady of Victories, Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, March 24 after 9 a.m. Mass. For ages sixth grade and under. Bring 12 candy-filled eggs. Details: Jenifer at (662) 402-7050.
FLOWOOD – St. Paul, Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, March 24 after 10:30 a.m. Mass. Details: church office (601) 992-9547.
GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Charity Tea, Saturday, April 20 at 2 p.m. in the parish hall. Cost: adults $25; children 10 and under $15. Tickets available after Mass on April 6 and 7; April 13 and 14. Limited number available. Details: church office (601) 856-2054.
GREENWOOD – Immaculate Heart of Mary, Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, March 31 after 9 a.m. Mass. Details: church office (662) 453-3980.
HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, March 24 at 11:45 a.m. Hunts by age group (0-3; 4-6; 7-10). Lunch provided and prizes awarded. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.
JACKSON – Sister Thea Bowman School, Annual Draw Down, Saturday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose building. Grand prize $5,000; tickets $100 (admits 2), second chance insurance $20. Enjoy great food, entertainment, silent auction, door prizes and more. Casual attire. Details: contact Shae at (601) 351-5197 or
MADISON – St. Francis, Luella and Floyd Q. Doolittle Golf Tournament, Saturday, April 13 at Whisper Lake Country Club. Information and registration form available at Details: Tunney at (601) 622-4145 or
St. Francis, Save the dates: Vacation Bible School – June 17-20; Cajun Fest – Sunday, May 19. NATCHEZ – St. Mary Basilica, Blood Drive, Tuesday, April 16, from 12:45-5:45 p.m. at the Family Life Center. Details: church office (601) 445-5616.
St. Mary Basilica, Life Line Screening, Friday, April 19 at the Family Life Center. Advanced ultrasound technology looks inside your arteries for signs of plaque buildup. To register for an appointment and receive a special discount, call 1-800-640-6307 or visit
SOUTHAVEN – Sacred Heart School, Trivia Night, Saturday, April 6, from 7-10 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. Cost: $160 per team, eight person max. Door prizes, silent auction, split the pot raffle and decoration awards. Details: email Allison at to register.
STARKVILLE – St. Joseph, Spring Trivia Night, Thursday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. Cost: $20/person or $10/student (college undergrad or under) Details: email for reservations. Tables seat up to eight participants.
VICKSBURG – VCS Annual Alumni banquet, Saturday, April 6, 5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Michael, with 6:30 p.m. social and 7 p.m. banquet at the Levee Street Warehouse. Honorary classes include Class of 1974 and 2024. Guest Speaker: George Valadie. Details: register to attend at
SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT GREENWOOD – St. Francis, Revival with Father Anthony Bozeman, SSJ, April 8-9 at 6 p.m. Details: church office (662) 453-0623.
MERIDIAN – St. Patrick, Divine Mercy Chaplet and more. Every weekday (Monday – Friday) at 3 p.m. join the Catholic Community of Meridian and others from around the country in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. If you are able to join, they also have evening prayer and the rosary at 4:45 p.m. Call (769) 206-1927 to join in.
NATCHEZ – Ladies Mini-Retreat “Hearing God in the Noise,” Saturday, April 6 at the Family Life Center. Check in begins at 8:30 a.m.; Retreat from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Morning of quiet, reflection and prayer presented by Melinda Laird. Details: to attend email or call (601) 445-5616 to ensure we have enough materials for everyone.
NATCHEZ – 2nd annual Believe Conference, April 19-21, 2024. Featured speakers are Anne Trufant, Catholic speaker and founder of The Mission on the Mountain; Barbara Heil, founder of From His Heart Ministries; and Joanne Moody, minister author, and founder of Agape Freedom Fighters. Cost: $100 for weekend; $50 for students. Lunch included on Saturday. Details: visit
OLIVE BRANCH – Queen of Peace, Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration, Sunday, April 7 at 2:30 p.m. Join Father Ardi for adoration, reflection, Divine Mercy Chaplet and more. All are welcome! Details: church office (662) 895-5007.
SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King, “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist,” Thursdays, April 4, 18, 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; and June 6 from 6:30-8 p.m. How do these Jewish roots help us, to understand his real presence in the Eucharist? Facilitator is Don Coker. Details: church office (662) 342-1073.
COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. – Women’s Morning of Spirituality, Saturday, April 13 at Catholic Church of the Incarnation (360 Bray Station Road). Continental breakfast in the gym at 7:15 a.m; Program begins in Sanctuary at 8:15 a.m.; Mass at 12:15 p.m. Opportunities for Adoration, Reconciliation, Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Details: church office (901) 441-6157.
CORRECTIONS PEARL – In the March 8, Mississippi Catholic, we misprinted that St. Jude Pearl is holding a Reconciliation service in March. They already held their’s in February. We apologize for the error.
VICKSBURG – In the March 8, Mississippi Catholic, we misprinted the parish name for Grace Windham, who received a Bishop Chanche Youth Award. She is a member of St. Michael, Vicksburg. We apologize for the error.
TRAVEL “SPIRIT OF IRELAND AND SCOTLAND” WITH FATHER O’CONNOR – Join Father David O’Connor on a trip to Ireland and Scotland, June 8-17. Itinerary includes: flight to Dublin, two nights in Belfast, ferry to Scotland, two nights in Glasgow, Inverness and Edinburgh and return flight from Edinburg. Travel in a luxury coach from arrival time until departure, a professional driver/guide, 4-star hotels. Tour highlights include City of Belfast, Titanic, historic and architectural sites, wonderful landscapes and lakes of the Scottish highlands, Scottish food and entertainment. Cost: $4,955 (per person sharing) or $5,950 single. Only a few spots left! For more information/reservations contact Cara Group Travel at (617) 639-0273 or email
IRELAND AND SCOTLAND WITH FATHER AUGUSTINE – Join Father Augustine on a trip to Ireland and Scotland, Sept. 6-18. Trip includes stops in Galway, Our Lady of Knock, Cliffs of Moher, Killarney, Dingle Peninsula, Dublin, Edinburgh and St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Cost: $5,499 – all inclusive, including airfare. To register, contact Proximo Travel at (855) 842-8001 or visit
By Laura Grisham SOUTHAVEN – Bishop Joseph Kopacz was the main celebrant at a Mass on Saturday, Feb. 23, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the dedication of Christ the King Church in Southaven.
Speaking to those gathered, Father Ardianto Hendrik, SCJ (“Father Ardi”) expressed gratitude to the attendees and leaders of the church for their presence and guidance. He acknowledged the wisdom, compassion and education of the pastoral staff and thanked them for their inspiration.
Father Ardi also thanked the members of the church, both past and present, for their faith and steadfastness, which formed the foundation of the church family. Additionally, he extended a special thank you to the team behind the 20th anniversary celebration for their hard work and attention to detail.
“As we reflect on the past 20 years and look forward to the future, let us continue to walk together in faith, in unity and love. We’ll walk road of life together, day by day, with love our hearts every step of the way.”
SOUTHAVEN – Bishop Kopacz and the priests of the Sacred Heart celebrate Mass for the 20th anniversary of the dedication of Christ the King Church on Church Road on Saturday, Feb. 23. From a humble beginning in a car auction barn where 20 families met for Mass, the parish has grown to nearly 2,000 families that now celebrate Mass at the current church structure. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
The parish itself began as a mission of Sacred Heart Church in Walls; about 20 families gathered in a car auction barn every week for Mass. The first church was built on State Line Road in Southaven and the mission grew into a parish.
Twenty years ago, the original church was replaced with the present structure to accommodate the nearly 2,000 families that now make up the parish. Mass and other services are offered in both Spanish and English.
(Laura Grisham is the PR and Communications manager for Sacred Heart Southern Missions in Walls, Mississippi)
Por Berta Mexidor PONTOTOC – Los jóvenes y parroquianos de Pontotoc, bajo la guía espiritual de la Hermana Raquel Otez se están involucrando en la actividad de la parroquia y buscan las formas de participar en cada una de las iniciativas que unan a todos a la fe católica.
El proyecto de Jornadas de Mississippi que la Madre Raquel trajo para los Hispanos desde Missouri a Mississippi, inspirado desde México.
PONTOTOC – Jóvenes de Pontotoc, Houston y Tupelo se unieron en febrero 20 para comenzar un grupo bajo el programa Jornadas de Mississippi, a iniciativa de la Hermana Raquel de Pontotoc. Ellos, como pioneros quieren llevar la iniciativa a todo el Decanato V y más allá. En la foto Jazmín Lira, quien junto a Esteban Lira imparten las clases.
La idea es reunir a las comunidades cercanas, y entre ellos a los jóvenes de 17 a 33 años. “Estos jóvenes apenas empezaron como un estilo de las clases de catecismo, con Jasmín Lira y Esteban Lira, para crear una pastoral juvenil,” dijo Aracely Nieves, quien se ha convertido en poco tiempo en una líder natural y dedicada a promover actividades con los jóvenes, que van desde los retiros a la danza.
Los jóvenes que participan de St. Christopher Pontotoc son Brittany González y David Hiracheta, de la iglesia Inmaculado Corazón de Maria Houston está Cristina Gonzales y de St. James Tupelo el joven Roberto Becerra.
PONTOTOC – Como cada año, al comenzar la Cuaresma, los católicos Hispanos se preparan para recrear la Pasión de Cristo. En foto de 2023 parroquianos de San Cristóbal. (izq.) Representación de la Pasión en 2023. (centro) Jesus Aguilar, quien este año dirige la obra de la Pasión 2024, dice que esta actividad lo hace más fuerte, después de perder a su padre hace solo dos semanas. (der.) Pasión del 2022. (Fotos cortesía de Aracely Nieves
Los jóvenes están trabajando mucho para reunir los fondos necesarios con ventas de comida, para ellos llevar a cabo retiros y clases de seguimiento Llamado Escuelita Jornadas.
Todo es para que jóvenes y adultos sigan enriqueciendo a los jóvenes con Fe, espiritualidad, ayuda emocional y como idear con las batallas que un joven adulto pasa. Por igual se está formando un grupo de jóvenes menores de 16 que se llama Alianza Juvenil X Cristo. Estos dos grupos eventualmente trabajaran juntos, informa Aracely.
PONTOTOC – La llegada de la Hermana Raquel Otez ha reactivado la participación de los parroquianos en varias iniciativas de San Cristóbal. En las fotos, parte de los ensayos que se llevan en la parroquia por Cuaresma, en preparación para Semana Santa, y conversatorio de la Hermana Raquel con miembros de la comunidad.
Aracely comenta “Son proyectos que están en su comienzo, Tenemos Fe en Cristo que esto pueda ayudar a jóvenes de todas las edades a tomar mejores decisiones y como buscar ayuda y como saber expresarse y no guardar las cosas que puedan dañar su ser interno.”
La instructora Jazmín Lira cuenta con estudios de psicología para mejor comprender a estos jóvenes. Y Aracely concluye diciendo “…estos chicos están aprendiendo como ser lideres y catequistas para ayudar a otros jóvenes.”
La actividad de activar la fe no para. En estos días los parroquianos de San Cristóbal se reúnen para practicar la representación de la Pasión de Cristo. Como cada año, al comenzar la Cuaresma, los católicos Hispanos se preparan espiritualmente para la semana Santa. Además de los viernes y las estaciones de la Cruz, la representación en vivo para la Misa es una de las prioridades de todas las iglesias a nivel mundial, y en Pontotoc, los católicos no son la excepción.
Este es el primer año sin embargo, que los parroquianos de Pontotoc tendrán una representación de la Pasión de Cristo con un equipo tan grande. El desafío, tomado por Jesus Aguilar, tendrá nueve soldados, un gran grupo de mujeres y adolescentes, como mujeres de Jerusalén, y los doce discípulos con Jesus.
La Hermana Raquel, a quien ellos le llaman Madre Raquel, además de la pastoral juvenil Jornadas de Mississippi, ha traído a San Cristóbal el primer Retiro de EMAUS de hombres y mujeres, el primer retiro de Quinceañeras, para el crecimiento espiritual de las jovencitas y padres de familia y la guía para monaguillos, las lectoras que la ayudan en su labor.
“Gracias Madre Raquel por ser nuestra líder, consejera y sobre todo tener esa humildad con toda su comunidad que la quiere mucho. Decía un sabio, ‘de algo chico nace algo grande, será ejemplo para muchos y jamás perderá su autenticidad’,” concluyó Aracely, expresando el sentir de toda la comunidad católica del lugar.
LENTEN MEALS/STATIONS BATESVILLE – St. Mary, Fish fry, Friday, March 22. Dine-in or takeout. Cost: $12/plate.
BROOKHAVEN – St. Francis of Assisi, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. with meal following. Knights of Columbus Fish Fry on March 8. Details: church office (601) 833-1799.
COLUMBUS – Annunciation, Fish dinner following Stations, every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. Details: church office (662) 328-2927.
CORINTH – St. James, Soup supper, 5 p.m. Fridays during Lent. Stations to follow at 5:45 p.m. (bilingual) and Mass at 6:30 p.m.
FLOWOOD – St. Paul, Fish Fry following Stations, every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m. Participants in Sattions served first, then if enough food, take-out orders may be available.
GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Fish Fry, Friday, March 22 after Stations at 6 p.m. Cost $10/plate – includes fried catfish, fries, hushpuppies, coleslaw and drink.
GREENVILLE – St. Joseph, Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, Friday, Feb. 23 in the parish hall. Details: church office (662) 335-5251.
GREENWOOD – Immaculate Heart of Mary, Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, every Friday during Lent through March 22 from 5-7 p.m. Cost: $15 per plate. Details: church office (662) 453-3980.
HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Soup and Stations, every Friday during Lent at 6:30 p.m. Variety of meatless soups available with bread/crackers and tea. Donation of $1 per person with proceeds to go to Hernando Catholic Social Services.
Holy Spirit, Men’s Association Fish Fry, Friday, March 15 beginning at 4 p.m. Dine-in or take out. Cost: $13/plate or $6 for children under 12 –includes fish, fries, hushpuppies, slaw and dessert. JACKSON – Cathedral of St. Peter, Stations in English at 5:30 p.m and in Spanish at 7 p.m. Simple Lenten meal served in between.
JACKSON – St. Richard, Knights of Columbus Fish Fry following Stations, every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. Dine-in at Foley Hall or carry out. Plate cost: $12 adult; $6 children; $40 all inclusive price for families of four or more. Details: church office (601) 366-2335.
MADISON – St. Francis, Stations every Friday during Lent at 6:30 p.m. with Lenten meal at 7 p.m.
MERIDIAN – St. Patrick/St. Joseph, Stations and Lenten Fish Fry, every Friday in Lent. Fry follows Stations at 6 p.m. Rotates between parishes. St. Joseph on March 8 and 22; St. Patrick on March 15 is led by youth group with soup and salad. Cost: $10/plate. Details: church office (601) 693-1321.
NATCHEZ – St. Mary Basilica, Lenten Fish Fry, every Friday during Lent from 5-7 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Cost: catfish $12; shrimp $12; combo $14. Dinners include fries, hushpupppies and coleslaw. For grilled catfish call 30 minutes ahead to Darren at (601) 597-2890.
OLIVE BRANCH – Queen of Peace, Lenten Fish Fry, Friday, March 15 at 5:30 p.m. Dine-in or carry out. Meal includes fried catfish, fries, coleslaw and dessert. Cost: $12 per plate or $35 per family.
PEARL – St. Jude, Lenten Fish Fry, Every Friday during Lent, immediately following 6 p.m. Stations. Menu: catfish, fries, hushpuppies, coleslaw and tea. Dine-in only. Proceeds benefit Knights of Columbus community programs. Details: church office (601) 939-3181.
SENATOBIA – St. Gregory, Stations every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m. followed by Lenten potluck meal.
SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King, Lenten Fish Fry, March 15 from 4-7 p.m. Dine-in or carryout. Cost: $13/adult plate and $6/children under 12 plate. Meal: catfish, fries, hushpuppies, slaw and dessert. Potluck Lenten meals, March 8 and 22. Meals at 5:30 p.m. with Stations at 7 p.m. Details: church office (662) 342-1073.
STARKVILLE – St. Joseph, Fish fry every Friday after Stations at 5:30 p.m. Cost: $10/plate or $30 per family. Meal includes fried or baked catfish, fries, coleslaw and hushpuppies. Email Richard to reserve a plate at
St. Joseph, Men’s Lenten Lunches, every Tuesday through March 26 at 11:30 a.m. in the parish hall. Topic is “Seven Last Words of Jesus.”
VICKSBURG – Knights of Columbus Council 898, Fish Fry, Fridays during Lent from 5:30-7 p.m. Cost $15, dine-in or carry out. Meal: fried or grilled catfish, hushpuppies, fries, coleslaw, baked potato, baked beans and bread.
LENTEN RECONCILIATION BATESVILLE – St. Mary, Penance Service, Thursday, March 21 from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
BROOKHAVEN – St. Francis, Reconciliation Service, Monday, March 18 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and 7:30-until.
CORINTH – St. James the Less, Reconciliation Service, Tuesday, March 12 at 5:30 p.m.
FLOWOOD – St. Paul, Reconciliation Service, Monday, March 25 at 6 p.m.
OLIVE BRANCH – Queen of Peace, Reconciliation Service, Wednesday, March 13 at 7 p.m.
STATIONS ONLY BATESVILLE – St. Mary, Stations, every Friday during Lent at 10:30 a.m. followed by Mass at 11 a.m.
CANTON – Holy Child Jesus, Stations every Friday during Lent at 12 p.m.
CORINTH – St. James, Stations every Wednesday during Lent at 2 p.m. and Fridays at 12 p.m. Bilingual stations at 5:45 p.m. on Fridays.
GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Stations every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m.
GREENVILLE – St. Joseph, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5 p.m.
GREENWOOD – St. Francis, Stations every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m. (English) and 7 p.m. (Spanish).
HOLLY SPRINGS – St. Joseph, Stations every Friday during Lent at 7:30 p.m. and each Friday following Mass at 4 p.m.
JACKSON – Christ the King, Stations every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m. Rosary after Stations.
MAGEE – St. Stephen, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m.
NATCHEZ – St. Mary Basilica, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5:15 p.m.
Assumption, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m.
PEARL – St. Jude, Stations every Friday during Lent after 10 a.m. Mass.
SARDIS – St. John, Stations, every Wednesday during Lent at 4:30 p.m. followed by Mass at 5 p.m.
(Please email to add information for your parish, if it is missing. We don’t always see everything! Thank you for your help!)
JACKSON – St. Veronica’s Compassionate Hands is a small women’s group that meets weekly to create items to help post-operative patients, as well as the homeless in the Jackson area. Most recently, the group has started making plastic mats for the homeless out of plastic shopping bags, using a weaving loom. By partnering with Sister Trinita, known for her heart for the poor through the Central Urban Ministry Center (Stewpot and St. Dominic Community Healthy Clinic), the mats will be distributed to the homeless in the Jackson area. The group is named after St. Veronica who displayed a great act of kindness and charity by wiping the face of Jesus with her veil while on His way to Calvary. If interested in volunteering, contact Marie Morris at Pictured (l-r): Rosemary Grantham and Marie Morris work on a plastic mat project. (Photos by Julia Williams)
PARISH, FAMILY & SCHOOL EVENTS BROOKHAVEN – St. Francis, Easter Egg Hunt and Photos, Sunday, March 31 following 9 a.m. Mass. Details: church office (601) 833-1799.
FLOWOOD – St. Paul, Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, March 24 after 10:30 a.m. Mass. Details: church office (601) 992-9547.
HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday, March 24 at 11:45 a.m. Hunts by age group (0-3; 4-6; 7-10). Lunch provided and prizes awarded. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.
JACKSON – St. Richard, Bereavement group, “The River of Grief,” Thursday, March 14 at 6 p.m. in the Mercy room. Speaker: Claudia Addison. Details: Nancy at (601) 942-2078 or email
St. Richard School, Flight to the Finish 5k and Fun Run, Saturday, April 20 at 9 a.m. Details: Visit website for more info and to register at
JACKSON – Sister Thea Bowman School, Annual Draw Down, Saturday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose building. Grand prize $5,000; tickets $100 (admits 2), second chance insurance $20. Enjoy great food, entertainment, silent auction, door prizes and more. Casual attire. Details: contact Shae at (601) 351-5197 or
MADISON – St. Francis, Luella and Floyd Q. Doolittle Golf Tournament, Saturday, April 15 at Whisper Lake Country Club. Information and registration form available at Details: Tunney at (601) 622-4145 or
NATCHEZ – St. Mary Basilica, St. Patrick’s Parade, Saturday, March 16, gather at 5:30 p.m. at Memorial Park, walking parade begins at 6 p.m. Details: email
OLIVE BRANCH – Queen of Peace, Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, March 23 at 10 a.m. Details: church office (662) 895-5007.
STARKVILLE – St. Joseph, Spring Trivia Night, Thursday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. Cost: $20/person or $10/student (college undergrad or under) Details: email for reservations. Tables seat up to 8 participants.
VICKSBURG – VCS Annual Alumni banquet, Saturday, April 6, 5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Michael, with 6:30 p.m. social and 7 p.m. banquet at the Levee Street Warehouse. Honorary classes include Class of 1974 and 2024. Guest Speaker: George Valadie. Details: register to attend at
SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT BATESVILLE – St. Mary, Lenten Parish Mission, Wednesday, March 20 and 21, with dinner from 5-5:45 p.m. and Mission at 6 p.m. Details: church office (662) 563-2273.
BROOKHAVEN – St. Francis, Parish Lenten Mission, March 18 and 19 from 6-8 p.m. Gifts of the Holy Spirit presented by Father Bill Henry. Details: church office (601) 833-1799.
GREENWOOD – St. Francis, Revival with Father Anthony Bozeman, SSJ, April 8-9 at 6 p.m. Details: church office (662) 453-0623.
NATCHEZ – 2nd annual Believe Conference, April 19-21, 2024. Featured speakers are Anne Trufant, Catholic speaker and founder of The Mission on the Mountain; Barbara Heil, founder of From His Heart Ministries; and Joanne Moody, minister author, and founder of Agape Freedom Fighters. Cost: $100 for weekend; $50 for students. Lunch included on Saturday. Details: visit
SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King, “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist,” Thursdays, April 4, 18, 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; and June 6 from 6:30-8 p.m. How do these Jewish roots help us, to understand his real presence in the Eucharist? Facilitator is Don Coker. Details: church office (662) 342-1073.
Christ the King, Lenten Lunch and Learn, Saturday, March 16 at 11 a.m. Topic: Conversations Overheard by the Cross. RSVP by Sunday, March 10. Details: church office (662) 693-1321. TUPELO – St. James, Lenten Parish Mission – “How Faith Changes Us,” March 17-19 with Father Xavier Raj. Details: church office (662) 842-4881.
COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. – Women’s Morning of Spirituality, Saturday, April 13 at Catholic Church of the Incarnation (360 Bray Station Road). Continental breakfast in the gym at 7:15 a.m; Program begins in Sanctuary at 8:15 a.m.; Mass at 12:15 p.m. Opportunities for Adoration, Reconciliation, Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Details: church office (901) 441-6157.
JOB OPENING JACKSON – The Department of Faith Formation is looking for a full-time administrative assistant. The successful candidate will provide administrative assistance exercising quality pastoral skills for those in pastoral and formational ministry in the Diocese of Jackson. Details: 3-5 years’ experience in an administrative role providing direct support to a multicultural intergenerational department. Understanding basic accounting a plus. High school diploma or GED required; completion of college degree in business preferred. Contact with questions or for full job description. Send a cover letter and resume no later than March 11, 2024.
TRAVEL “SPIRIT OF IRELAND AND SCOTLAND” WITH FATHER O’CONNOR – Join Father David O’Connor on a trip to Ireland and Scotland, June 8-17. Itinerary includes: flight to Dublin, two nights in Belfast, ferry to Scotland, two nights in Glasgow, Inverness and Edinburgh and return flight from Edinburg. Travel in a luxury coach from arrival time until departure, a professional driver/guide, 4-star hotels. Tour highlights include City of Belfast, Titanic, historic and architectural sites, wonderful landscapes and lakes of the Scottish highlands, Scottish food and entertainment. Cost: $4,955 (per person sharing) or $5,950 single. Only a few spots left! For more information/reservations contact Cara Group Travel at (617) 639-0273 or email
IRELAND AND SCOTLAND WITH FATHER AUGUSTINE – Join Father Augustine on a trip to Ireland and Scotland, Sept. 6-18. Trip includes stops in Galway, Our Lady of Knock, Cliffs of Moher, Killarney, Dingle Peninsula, Dublin, Edinburgh and St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Cost: $5,499 – all inclusive, including airfare. To register, contact Proximo Travel at (855) 842-8001 or visit
JACKSON – La Diócesis de Jackson comenzó un proceso de reinvención pastoral de un año de duración en Pentecostés de 2023 y espera concluir en Pentecostés de este año.
Este proceso diocesano se inició como resultado del Sínodo sobre Sinodalidad en 2021.
Durante el proceso del Sínodo se articularon tres prioridades en toda la diócesis que incluyeron todos los datos demográficos (edad, género, raza, etc.). Estas prioridades eran un llamado a la sanación y la unidad; una mayor catequesis en todos los niveles; y una comprensión más profunda de las Escrituras.
El proceso de reinvención se extiende a lo largo de cinco fases principales. La primera fase se desarrolló desde Pentecostés hasta principios de septiembre de 2023, en la que cada pastor o ministro eclesial laico (LEM) estableció un comité de reinvención pastoral y hizo que el comité viera cuatro sesiones de videos de eclesiología y respondiera una serie de preguntas diseñadas para guiar la conversación sobre quiénes somos. como iglesia.
NATCHEZ – El obispo Joseph Kopacz habla sobre el proceso de reimaginación pastoral a sacerdotes, diáconos y LEM de toda la diócesis el martes 20 de febrero en un evento de convocatoria en el Centro de Vida Familiar de la Basílica de Santa María. (Foto de Joanna King)
El obispo Kopacz dijo que la primera fase “prepara la mesa para recordarnos lo que significa ser una iglesia y lo que nuestra identidad como católicos requiere de nosotros en el mundo. Nuestro deseo era crear un entendimiento común a partir del cual desarrollar una visión para la Diócesis de Jackson”.
“En otras palabras, fomentar un sentido de unidad subrayado por las cuatro marcas de la iglesia”.
A las parroquias se les dio hasta finales de enero de este año para completar la fase dos, y cada parroquia realizó una evaluación parroquial que incluyó la situación actual en la parroquia local: los bordes en crecimiento; las áreas que están disminuyendo; y las oportunidades de colaboración con otras parroquias de la zona y otras realidades locales.
El obispo Kopacz declaró anteriormente que en la fase dos, “reimaginaremos las responsabilidades de cada parroquia y misión para fomentar un sentido de unidad, subrayado por las cuatro marcas de la iglesia y basado en datos”, dijo el obispo Kopacz.
Esta fase también incluyó un informe detallado sobre la demografía diocesana elaborado por el Centro de Investigación Aplicada en el Apostolado (CARA) de la Universidad de Georgetown. El informe resume la demografía general de la diócesis, así como un perfil de la población católica que vive en los límites de la diócesis.
“Después de analizar los datos demográficos, a las parroquias se les dio la oportunidad de consultar el informe en busca de áreas de crecimiento; evaluar los ministerios y evaluar los desafíos que podrían abordarse”, dijo Fran Lavelle, director de formación en la fe de la diócesis y miembro del equipo central que trabaja en el proceso de reinvención.
NATCHEZ – El Padre Tim Murphy y Fran Lavelle comparten información con uno de los participantes en el proceso de reimaginación pastoral a sacerdotes, diáconos y LEM de toda la diócesis el martes 20 de febrero en un evento de convocatoria en el Centro de Vida Familiar de la Basílica de Santa María. (Foto de Joanna King)
En una convocatoria para sacerdotes, diáconos y LEM celebrada en Natchez durante febrero, el obispo Kopacz y Lavelle cubrieron los hallazgos de la fase dos del informe CARA y dieron una descripción general a los reunidos en la fase tres del proceso de reinvención.
El informe indicó que durante COVID, como se esperaba, hubo una disminución del 50% en todos los sacramentos dentro de la diócesis, con la excepción de los bautismos y confirmaciones infantiles, que experimentaron cada uno una disminución del 39%.
El obispo Kopacz informó en la convocatoria que la investigación de CARA indica que la asistencia a misa a nivel nacional ahora está solo un 2% por debajo de los niveles anteriores a COVID.
Parte del informe CARA destacó el Estudio del panorama religioso de Pew de 2014, en el que el 4% de los adultos encuestados que viven dentro de la Diócesis de Jackson se identificaron como católicos. Con una población actual reportada de 2.138.154 dentro de la diócesis, las estimaciones basadas en encuestas asumirían que hay 85.513 católicos dentro de la diócesis, informó el obispo Kopacz.
En 2021, los católicos registrados en las parroquias ascendieron a 42.850. “Por lo tanto, se puede suponer que hay aproximadamente 42.663 católicos autoidentificados en la diócesis que no asisten a misa ni están activos en una parroquia de ninguna otra manera”, dijo el obispo Kopacz a los reunidos en la convocatoria.
“Entonces, hay muchos que podrían ser bienvenidos y evangelizados”.
Si las tendencias actuales continúan, se espera que la población católica de la diócesis crezca a casi 54.000 para 2030; y a casi 56.000 para 2040.
El obispo Kopacz también destacó la creciente población hispana y planteó la pregunta a considerar: ¿cómo les servimos fiel y eficazmente?
En la reunión estuvieron presentes sacerdotes que sirven a las poblaciones Afroamericanas e Hispanas. (i-d) Jesuraj Xavier, quien administra St Francis Assisi New Albany y St. Matthew Ripley y Alexis Zúñiga, ST, Misionero Trinitario que sirve en Sacred Heart Candem, Holy Child Jesus Canton y St. Anne Carthage, además de ser asesor espiritual del Movimiento Familiar Católico Cristianos, delegación Jackson- Alabama
“Estoy agradecido con varias de nuestras parroquias que se han abierto para invitar a la población hispana a través de misa y liturgia. Es simplemente asombroso ver el crecimiento”.
El obispo Kopacz informó que algunas parroquias, como el Sagrado Corazón en Cantón, están considerando agregar segundas misas en español para acomodar el número de asistentes, ya que a veces solo queda espacio disponible para estar de pie.
La síntesis de los informes parroquiales de la fase dos del proceso de reimaginación mostró áreas de oportunidades, como la creciente población hispana, el alcance a diferentes grupos étnicos dentro de la diócesis y el desarrollo económico en varias áreas de la diócesis. La creciente población hispana también fue señalada como uno de los tres desafíos dentro de la Diócesis de Jackson, específicamente en cómo evangelizar a la población. Los otros dos desafíos incluyen el envejecimiento de la población y la migración de adultos jóvenes fuera del estado.
En el evento de convocatoria, cada sacerdote dentro de sus respectivos decanatos recibió los informes que cada uno completó en la fase dos con el análisis de datos que completaron, al ingresar a la fase tres del proceso de reinvención. “Cada parroquia ha identificado su realidad y lo que es importante… como explorar oportunidades de crecimiento en general, como llegar a la creciente población hispana”, dijo el obispo Kopacz.
También les recordó a cada uno que recordara el tema del sínodo para alcanzar un nivel más profundo de “Comunión, Participación y Misión” cuando se reúnan para examinar sus respectivos decanatos y parroquias.
Este mes, la tercera fase del proceso de reinvención consistirá en sesiones guiadas y facilitadas para que cada uno de los seis decanatos de la Diócesis de Jackson trabaje en los desafíos, tanto en las áreas crecientes como en las áreas decrecientes del ministerio a nivel local y dentro del decanato.
“El objetivo de la fase tres es obtener una perspectiva realista de la salud y el bienestar del decanato dentro del entorno de cada parroquia individual; y analizar áreas de redundancia y áreas potenciales para compartir recursos”, compartió Lavelle.
En cuanto a los informes compilados de casi todas las parroquias, Lavelle dijo que el material “es muy poderoso y que se ha realizado un trabajo realmente bueno y reflexivo a nivel parroquial para analizar los desafíos, las ventajas crecientes y saber qué es lo que está sucediendo”. Necesitamos seguir haciendo crecer nuestras parroquias”.
Lavelle también señaló que no se trata sólo de que los sacerdotes o religiosos hagan cambios en sus respectivas parroquias. “Tenemos que empezar a pensar en quiénes ocupan nuestros bancos los fines de semana e involucrarlos y empoderarlos para que hagan el trabajo con nosotros”.
En abril, el obispo Kopacz visitará cada decanato para celebrar una Misa de Acción de Gracias y reunirse con las personas clave que trabajaron en la reinvención pastoral de cada parroquia.
El Papa Francisco, a través del proceso del sínodo, pidió a los obispos que involucraran más a sus respectivas diócesis. El obispo Kopacz dijo que a través de las visitas al decanato y de participar en “una conversación eucarística de Acción de Gracias”, la diócesis está haciendo precisamente eso a través del proceso de reimaginación a través del diálogo fructífero, el discernimiento y la apertura al Espíritu Santo.
La cuarta fase del proceso de reinvención incluirá un período de discernimiento sobre los informes de los seis decanatos de la diócesis y una carta pastoral del obispo Kopacz, que describirá el hallazgo en cada decanato y establecerá parámetros para la implementación de una visión diocesana general.
“Creo que fiel al espíritu de sinodalidad y a todo lo que puede surgir de ello a través del poder del Espíritu Santo… este es un buen proceso que dará frutos en el futuro”, dijo el obispo Kopacz.
LENTEN MEALS/STATIONS BATESVILLE – St. Mary, Stations, every Friday during Lent at 10:30 a.m. followed by Mass at 11 a.m.
BROOKHAVEN – St. Francis of Assisi, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. with meal following. Knights of Columbus Fish Fry on March 8. Details: church office (601) 833-1799.
COLUMBUS – Annunciation, Fish dinner following Stations, every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. Details: church office (662) 328-2927.
CORINTH – St. James, Soup supper, 5 p.m. Fridays during Lent. Stations to follow at 5:45 p.m. (bilingual) and Mass at 6:30 p.m.
FLOWOOD – St. Paul, Fish Fry following Stations, every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m. Participants in Stations served first, then if enough food, take-out orders may be available.
GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Fish Fry, Friday, March 1 and 22 after Stations at 6 p.m.
GREENVILLE – St. Joseph, Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, Friday, Feb. 23 in the parish hall. Details: church office (662) 335-5251.
GREENWOOD – Immaculate Heart of Mary, Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, every Friday during Lent through March 22 from 5-7 p.m. Cost: $15 per plate. Details: church office (662) 453-3980.
HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Soup and Stations, every Friday during Lent at 6:30 p.m. Variety of meatless soups available with bread/crackers and tea. Donation of $1 per person with proceeds to go to Hernando Catholic Social Services.
JACKSON – Cathedral of St. Peter, Stations in English at 5:30 p.m. and in Spanish at 7 p.m. Simple Lenten meal served in between.
JACKSON – St. Richard, Knights of Columbus Fish Fry following Stations, every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. Dine-in at Foley Hall or carry out. Cost: $12 adult plate; $6 children’s plate; $40 all inclusive price for families of four or more. Details: church office (601) 366-2335.
MADISON – St. Francis, Stations every Friday during Lent at 6:30 p.m. with Lenten meal at 7 p.m.
MERIDIAN – St. Patrick/St. Joseph, Stations and Lenten Fish Fry, every Friday in Lent. Fry follows Stations at 6 p.m. Rotates between parishes. St. Joseph on Feb. 23 and March 8 and 22; St. Patrick on March 1 and 15. Details: church office (601) 693-1321.
NATCHEZ – St. Mary Basilica, Lenten Fish Fry, Every Friday beginning Feb. 23 from 5-7 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Cost: Catfish $12; Shrimp $12; Combo $14. Dinners include fries, hushpupppies and coleslaw. For grilled catfish call 30 minutes ahead to Darren at (601) 597-2890.
PEARL – St. Jude, Lenten Fish Fry, Every Friday beginning Feb. 16, immediately following 6 p.m. Stations. Menu: catfish, fries, hushpuppies, coleslaw and tea. Dine-in only. Proceeds benefit Knights of Columbus community programs. Details: church office (601) 939-3181.
SENATOBIA – St. Gregory, Stations every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m. followed by Lenten potluck meal.
SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King, Lenten Fish Fry, Feb. 15, March 1 and 15. Potluck Lenten meals, Feb. 23, March 8 and 22. Meals at 5:30 p.m. with Stations at 7 p.m. Details: church office (662) 342-1073.
VICKSBURG – Knights of Columbus Council 898, Fish Fry, Fridays during Lent from 5:30-7 p.m. Cost $15, dine-in or carry out. Meal: fried or grilled catfish, hushpuppies, fries, coleslaw, baked potato, baked beans and bread.
STATIONS ONLY CANTON – Holy Child Jesus, Stations every Friday during Lent at 12 p.m. CORINTH – St. James, Stations every Wednesday during Lent at 2 p.m. and Fridays at 12 p.m. GLUCKSTADT – St. Joseph, Stations every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m. GREENVILLE – St. Joseph, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5 p.m. HOLLY SPRINGS – St. Joseph, Stations every Friday during Lent at 7:30 p.m. and following Mass at 4 p.m. JACKSON – Christ the King, Stations every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m. Rosary after Stations. MAGEE – St. Stephen, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. NATCHEZ – St. Mary Basilica, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5:15 p.m. Assumption, Stations every Friday during Lent at 5:30 p.m. SARDIS – St. John, Stations, every Wednesday during Lent at 4:30 p.m. followed by Mass at 5 p.m.
LENTEN RECONCILIATION BATESVILLE – St. Mary, Penance Service, Thursday, March 21 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. BROOKHAVEN – St. Francis, Reconciliation Service, Monday, March 18 from 6-8 p.m. CLEVELAND – Our Lady of Victories, Reconciliation, Wednesday, March 6 from 4-6:30 p.m. Several priests will be available. HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Reconciliation Service, Wednesday, March 6 at 7 p.m. OLIVE BRANCH – Queen of Peace, Reconciliation Service, Wednesday, March 20 at 7 p.m. SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King, Reconciliation Service, Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. YAZOO CITY – St. Mary, Reconciliation Service, Monday, Feb. 26 at 5 p.m.