By Carol Glatz ROME (CNS) – People need to be passionate about serving others and caring for those who suffer, Pope Francis said.
“Lord, we entrust to your heart the vocation of care – let us make every person who approaches us in need feel special,” he said in a homily to medical and teaching staff, students, patients and others at a Mass held outside the medical school connected to Rome’s Gemelli hospital, where he was a patient for 10 days in July.
The pope presided over the Mass at Rome’s University of the Sacred Heart, Nov. 5 – the first Friday of the month, which many devote to the sacred heart of Jesus. The university, which was founded in Milan and has four satellite campuses in Italy, is one of the largest Catholic universities in the world and is celebrating its 100th anniversary.
The Mass marked the 60th anniversary of the founding of the university’s Agostino Gemelli Department of Medicine and Surgery in Rome, known informally as “the pope’s hospital” as it is where popes typically go for medical treatment. Pope Francis underwent colon surgery there in July.
In his homily, the pope recognized the fatigue and challenges medical staff face, not just in their day-to-day duties, but also when it comes to dealing with rare or undetected diseases and wanting to give everyone the same high-quality health care.
“We might get discouraged. This is why we need comfort,” he said. Comfort can be found in Jesus’ sacred heart, “which beats for us, always to the rhythm of those words, ‘Have courage, do not be afraid, I am here.’”
“Have courage brothers and sisters, do not give up, the Lord, your God, is greater than your ills, he takes you by the hand and caresses you, he is near, compassionate and gentle. He is your comfort,” the pope said.
People, particularly those in the field of health care, also need the strength of memory, he said. Reflecting on the sacred heart of Jesus reminds people of the boundless goodness and love he offers freely and unconditionally.
People are usually so busy each day that they forget to remember this love and to feel the same compassion for others, he said.
During “this time of pandemic, it would be good for us to also remember those more trying times, not to make us sad, but to not forget and to guide us in our choices with the light of a very recent past,” he said.
The “art of remembering” should be practiced by not letting the day end in exhaustion but rather by taking note of and appreciating all the faces, smiles and friendly exchanges that happened throughout the day, he said.
Remembering these small gestures are important for giving meaning to those who are ill, too, he said, explaining that the “therapy of remembering” restores and heals the heart.
Jesus’ sacred heart also reflects how important passion is, the pope said.
“If we want to truly love God, we have to become passionate about humanity, each person,” above all those who live in pain and who are abandoned or discarded, he said.
“Let us ask for the grace to become passionate about people who suffer, about service, so that the church, before saying anything, safeguards a heart that pulsates with love,” he said.
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — El Evangelio lleva a los católicos a trabajar por la justicia y la paz y la protección del medio ambiente, pero los retos son tan grandes que trabajar con miembros de otras religiones y personas de buena voluntad es esencial, dijo el papa Francisco.
“El cuidado de nuestra casa común y de la fraternidad y la amistad social” son caminos que “tienen su origen en el Evangelio de Cristo, y sobre esta base podemos avanzar junto a muchos hombres y mujeres de otras denominaciones cristianas, de otras religiones e incluso con aquellos que no tengan una pertenencia religiosa particular”, dijo el papa.
El aliento del papa Francisco a la colaboración fue parte del discurso del 17 de noviembre a los oficiales de justicia y paz de las conferencias episcopales y órdenes religiosas nacionales y regionales.
El Dicasterio Vaticano para la Promoción del Desarrollo Humano Integral celebró una reunión en línea el 17 de noviembre con representantes de las comisiones de justicia y paz de Europa, Oceanía, África y Asia, y el 18 de noviembre con sus homólogos de América Latina, el Caribe, Canadá y Estados Unidos.
El dicasterio dijo que las reuniones estaban diseñadas para promover la colaboración entre las comisiones locales y la oficina del Vaticano, y encontrar un balance de los desafíos nacionales y regionales a la justicia, la paz y la integridad de la creación y para “fomentar la creación de una red de estas comisiones incluso mediante el intercambio de experiencias y buenas prácticas”.
El papa Francisco dijo que las comisiones “tienen la tarea de difundir y dar a conocer la doctrina social de la iglesia, trabajando activamente por la protección de la dignidad de la persona humana y sus derechos, con una opción preferencial por los pobres y los más necesitados”.
Abogando por “la justicia social, económica y ecológica, y por la construcción de la paz”, dijo, las comisiones pueden extraer de sus encíclicas “Laudato Si'” sobre ecología integral y de “Fratelli Tutti” sobre la fraternidad mientras buscan dirigirse a cuestiones que encuentra en las comunidades locales.
La pandemia de COVID-19, dijo, “ha puesto de manifiesto numerosas contradicciones en el sistema económico y político, al tiempo que persisten desafíos no resueltos que requieren el esfuerzo conjunto de muchos actores. Los exhorto, por tanto, a abordar estas cuestiones también en colaboración con otras realidades eclesiales y civiles —locales, regionales e internacionales— comprometidas con la promoción de la justicia y la paz”.
By Junno Arocho Esteves VATICAN CITY (CNS) – With many people around the world facing exclusion and inequality, the social teaching of the Catholic Church can inspire new economic systems that are more “people-centered,” Pope Francis said.
Christians must not “remain indifferent” to those affected by an “economic system that continues to discard people’s lives in the name of the god of money, fostering greed and destructive attitudes toward the resources of the earth and fueling various forms of injustice,” the pope said Oct. 23.
“Our response to injustice and exploitation must be more than mere condemnation,” he said. “First and foremost, it must be the active promotion of good: condemnation of what is wrong, yet promotion of what is good.”
The pope addressed participants of an international conference sponsored by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation. The two-day conference reflected on “Solidarity, Cooperation and Responsibility: The antidotes to fight injustices, inequalities and exclusions.”
Established in 1993, the foundation seeks to promote the teaching of St. John Paul II’s 1991 encyclical on social and economic justice.
Pope Francis praised the foundation for its “commitment to financing study and research by young people on new models of economic and social development inspired by the church’s social doctrine.”
“This is important and greatly needed: in soil contaminated by the predominance of finance, we need to sow many small seeds that can bear fruit in an economy that is equitable and beneficial, humane and people-centered. We need possibilities able to become realities, and realities able to offer hope. This means putting into practice the social teaching of the church,” he said.
Reflecting on the conference’s theme, the pope said that solidarity, cooperation and responsibility represent the “three pillars of the church’s social teaching,” which places the human person at the center of “the social, economic and political order.”
Rather than an individualistic world view, the church’s teaching is based on the word of God that “seeks to promote integral human development on the basis of our faith in the God who became man.”
“In every sphere of life, today more than ever, we are bound to witness our concern for others, to think not only of ourselves, and to commit ourselves freely to the development of a more just and equitable society where forms of selfishness and partisan interests do not prevail,” the pope said.
Pope Francis said Christians must be inspired by the teachings of Jesus and care for others with a “love that transcends borders and limits,” giving witness that “it is possible to pass beyond the walls of selfishness and personal and national interest.”
“We can be ‘brothers and sisters all,’ and so we can and must think and work as ‘brothers and sisters of all,’” he said. “This may seem to be an unrealistic utopia. But we prefer to believe that it is a dream that can come true. For it is the dream of the triune God. With his help, it is a dream that can begin to become reality, also in our world.”
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — El papa Francisco nombró a la hermana Raffaella Petrini, miembro italiana de las Hermanas Franciscanas de la Eucaristía con sede en Estados Unidos, como secretaria general de la oficina que gobierna el estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano.
El nombramiento, que incluye departamentos de supervisión tan diversos como los Museos Vaticanos, la oficina de correos y la fuerza policial, convierte a la romana de 52 años en la mujer de más alto rango en el Vaticano.
Anteriormente, el cargo lo ocupaba un sacerdote, que fue nombrado obispo poco después de convertirse en secretario general.
La hermana Petrini tiene un doctorado en ciencias sociales de la Pontificia Universidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino en Roma y una maestría en ciencias en comportamiento organizacional de la escuela de negocios Barney en la Universidad de Hartford, Connecticut. Además de trabajar en la Congregación para la Evangelización de los Pueblos desde 2005, imparte cursos de sociología y economía en la Universidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino.
Los nombramientos de la hermana Petrini y de un nuevo vicesecretario general, Giuseppe Puglisi-Alibrandi, ex jefe de la oficina legal de la gobernación, fueron anunciados por el Vaticano el 4 de noviembre.
La hermana Petrini sucede al arzobispo Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, quien fue nombrado arzobispo y presidente de la comisión que gobierna el estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano el 1 de octubre.
Otras mujeres nombradas por el papa Francisco sirven en el puesto número 2 de varios cargos, al igual que lo hará la hermana Petrini, pero comparten el cargo con un colega masculino o se les ha asignado el cargo de manera temporal, al menos inicialmente. Ninguna de las otras oficinas emplea a tantas personas como la oficina del gobernador del Vaticano.
En agosto, el papa Francisco nombró a la salesiana Sor Alessandra Smerilli secretaria interina del Dicasterio para la Promoción del Desarrollo Humano Integral, y en febrero nombró a la Hermana Misionera Xavière Nathalie Becquart como una de las dos subsecretarias del Sínodo de los Obispos. El otro subsecretario nombrado fue el padre agustino Luis Marín de San Martín, quien fue nombrado obispo.
By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) – A synod calls on everyone to become experts in “the art of encounter” in a way that is uplifting and transformative, Pope Francis said, formally opening the process leading up to the assembly of the Synod of Bishops in 2023.
“Celebrating a synod means walking on the same road, together” just like Jesus did – encountering, listening and discerning with all who one meets, the pope said in his homily at the Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica Oct. 10.
“Are we prepared for the adventure of this journey? Or are we fearful of the unknown, preferring to take refuge in the usual excuses: ‘It’s useless’ or ‘We’ve always done it this way?’” he asked.
Some 3,000 people attended the Mass, including the 270 people – cardinals, bishops, priests, religious and laypeople – invited to the day of reflection in the Vatican Synod Hall Oct. 9.
The weekend of events began the “synodal journey,” which will explore the theme, “For a synodal church: communion, participation and mission.” Bishops around the world were to open the process in their dioceses Oct. 17. The diocesan phase, which runs until April, will focus on listening to and consulting the people of God.
In his homily, the pope said they should begin the synodal process “by asking ourselves – all of us, pope, bishops, priests, religious and laity – whether we, the Christian community, embody this ‘style’ of God, who travels the paths of history and shares in the life of humanity.”
The day’s Gospel reading (Mk 10:17-30) of Jesus setting out on a journey and encountering a rich man offers just one example of how Jesus “walks alongside people and listens to the questions and concerns lurking in their hearts,” he said. “He shows us that God is not found in neat and orderly places, distant from reality, but walks ever at our side.”
Celebrating a synod, he said, means walking on the same road as others and living out the “three verbs” that characterize a synod: to encounter, listen and discern.
“We too are called to become experts in the art of encounter. Not so much by organizing events or theorizing about problems as in taking time to encounter the Lord and one another,” to devote time to prayer and adoration, and to listen to what the Holy Spirit wants to say to the church, the pope said.
Jesus shows that an encounter has the power to change someone’s life – “the Gospel is full of such encounters with Christ, encounters that uplift and bring healing,” the pope said. In fact, Jesus was never in a hurry, and he would never have looked at a watch to signal it was time to wrap things up. “He was always at the service of people he met in order to listen to them.”
Each encounter requires “openness, courage and a willingness to let ourselves be challenged by the presence and the stories of others,” the pope said. It means not hiding behind a facade or stiff formalities indicative of a spirit of clericalism or of courtiers, but it means being a father.
To that end, the pope said he would be meeting a group of people who live on the streets later that day. He said they had already started meeting because another group of people had gone to listen to them and from there, “they have been able to begin the journey.”
Sincere listening involves the heart, not just the ears, Pope Francis said. The aim is not to be able to answer people’s questions, especially with pre-packaged or “artificial and shallow responses,” but to provide an opportunity to tell one’s story and speak freely.
“Whenever we listen with the heart, people feel that they are being heard, not judged; they feel free to recount their own experiences and their spiritual journey,” he said.
Listening to one another “is a slow and perhaps tiring exercise” but it must be done, including listening to “the questions, concerns and hopes of every church, people and nation,” and to the “challenges and changes” that world presents, he added.
Encountering and listening “are not ends in themselves” where everything stays the same, but must lead to discernment, he said.
“Whenever we enter into dialogue, we allow ourselves to be challenged, to advance on a journey. And in the end, we are no longer the same; we are changed,” he said.
The synod is “a journey of spiritual discernment that takes place in adoration, in prayer and in dialogue with the word of God,” the pope said.
By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The fear, sickness, death, mourning and economic impacts of COVID-19 should make people who are relatively well off and have access to health care think about “what it means to be vulnerable and live in precariousness on a daily basis,” Pope Francis told members of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Acknowledging how people are “worn down” and tired of hearing or thinking about the coronavirus, the pope insisted the challenges and suffering of the past 18 months would make sense only if people learned from them.
Meeting members of the Pontifical Academy for Life Sept. 27, Pope Francis urged them to find new ways to collaborate with other physicians, researchers, scholars and theologians in defending human life at every stage of its development and in every condition of health or frailty.
The Catholic Church cannot “water down” the truth that the defense of life includes opposition to abortion and euthanasia – the clearest signs today of a “throwaway culture,” he said. But it also includes continuing the traditional Catholic advocacy for the right to health care for all people.
While disease is a natural occurrence, it often also is the result of human action or inaction, and responses to it are the result of social and political choices, Pope Francis said.
“Moreover, it is not enough for a problem to be serious for it to attract attention and be addressed” with the same kind of global commitment that is being seen in response to COVID, he said. In fact, “very serious problems are ignored because of a lack of adequate commitment.”
“Think of the devastating impact of certain diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis,” he said. “Every year, millions of avoidable deaths occur in the world. If we compare this reality with the concern that the COVID-19 pandemic has provoked, we see how the perception of the gravity of the problem and the corresponding mobilization of energy and resources is very different.”
And while global measures to stop the spread of COVID and to get people vaccinated are good, he said, one cannot ignore the fact that millions of people do not have access to clean water or adequate food.
“I do not know whether to laugh or cry, sometimes I weep, when we hear government or community leaders advising the inhabitants of the slums to wash several times a day with soap and water. My dear, you have never been in a slum: there is no water there and they don’t have soap,” he said.
Statistically “variables such as salary level, educational qualification and neighborhood of residence, even in the same city,” also make a huge difference, he said.
“We affirm that life and health are equally fundamental values for all, based on the inalienable dignity of the human person, but if this affirmation is not followed by an appropriate commitment to overcome the inequalities,” he said, “we in fact accept the painful reality that not all lives are equal, and health is not protected for all in the same way.” “Here I would like to reiterate my concern that there will always be a free health care system,” he said. For countries that have a free health care system, “don’t lose it, because otherwise only those who can pay for it will have the right to health care and the others will not.”
Universal health care plans, he said, “help to overcome inequalities.”
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Todos, pero especialmente los menos y más frágiles, son amados por Dios y tienen un lugar en la iglesia y en el mundo, dijo el Papa Francisco a un movimiento católico que trabaja con personas con discapacidad intelectual y sus familias. La existencia del movimiento, “Foi et Lumière” (Fe y Luz), es profética, dijo el Papa,
porque “a menudo las personas más frágiles son descartadas, consideradas inútiles. Tu profecía es aún más importante hoy para combatir la cultura del descarte y para recordar a todos que la diversidad es una riqueza y nunca debe convertirse en un motivo de exclusión y discriminación”, dijo en su discurso al grupo en el Vaticano el 2 de octubre. Fundada hace 50 años durante una peregrinación de personas con discapacidad intelectual, sus amigos y familia a Lourdes, el movimiento “Fe y Luz” y sus comunidades están presentes en muchos países de los cinco continentes hoy, dijo el Papa. El movimiento lleva “un mensaje de amor y bienvenida”, que es el núcleo del mensaje del Evangelio, dijo. “Nos recuerda que todas las personas, incluso y especialmente las más pequeñas y frágiles, son amadas por Dios y tienen un lugar en la iglesia y en el mundo.”
By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) – There is no place for discrimination or divisive distinctions among people who believe in Christ, Pope Francis said during his weekly general audience.
That everyone is made new and equal in Christ overcomes all ethnic, economic and social differences, even between the two sexes, “establishing an equality between man and woman which was revolutionary at the time and which needs to be reaffirmed even today,” he said Sept. 8 to those gathered in the Paul VI audience hall at the Vatican. “How many times we hear expressions that denigrate women,” he said, adding that even today women experience a kind of slavery in which “women do not have the same opportunities as men.”
The pope continued his series of talks on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians by looking at what faith in Christ brings. With faith and baptism, people become new creatures, “clothed” with Christ and children of God in Christ, the apostle writes. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is no male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
The pope said this shows how “baptism, therefore, is not merely an external rite. Those who receive it are transformed deep within, in their inmost being, and possess new life” with an identity that is so new “that it prevails over the differences that exist on the ethnic-religious level” and social and economic levels.
St. Paul’s teaching was “shocking” and “revolutionary” at a time when distinctions, for example, between slaves and free citizens “was vital in ancient society,” the pope said.
“By law, free citizens enjoyed all rights, while the human dignity of slaves was not even recognized,” he said. The same thing is happening to many people in the world today, “who do not have the right to eat, who do not have the right to education, who do not have the right to work. They are the new slaves. They are the ones who live on the margins, who are exploited by everyone” and whose human dignity is denied, he said.
“Equality in Christ overcomes the social differences between the two sexes, establishing an equality between man and woman,” he said, calling for a reaffirmation of this truth.
St. Paul “confirms the profound unity that exists between all the baptized, in whatever condition they are bound to, because every one of them is a new creature in Christ. Every distinction becomes secondary to the dignity of being children of God.”
Therefore, “it is decisive even for all of us today to rediscover the beauty of being children of God, to be brothers and sisters among ourselves, because we have been united in Christ, who redeemed us,” he said.
Differences and conflicts caused by separation “should not exist among believers in Christ,” he said, cautioning against creating differences between people, “many times unconsciously.”
“Rather, our vocation is that of making concrete and evident the call to unity of the entire human race.”
“Everything that exacerbates the differences between people, often causing discrimination – all of this, before God, no longer has any meaning, thanks to the salvation effected in Christ.”
By Carol Glatz VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Complaining is a poison that causes anger, resentment and sadness, and closes one’s heart to God, Pope Francis said.
“Let us ask in prayer for the grace not to waste time polluting the world with complaints, because this is not Christian,” the pope told those gathered in St. Peter’s Square Aug. 29 during his Sunday Angelus address.
“Jesus instead invites us to look at life and the world starting from our heart” because, by looking inside, people will find “almost all that we despise outside,” he said.
When people sincerely ask God “to purify our heart, that is when we will start making the world cleaner” because the best way to defeat evil is “by starting to conquer it within yourself,” the pope said.
The pope reflected on the Sunday Gospel reading from St. Mark in which Jesus explains why he does not follow some of the rituals of purification, saying God knows when people honor him “with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” Jesus told the crowd that the things that defile people do not come from the outside world, but from within themselves, from their hearts and “evil thoughts.”
Pope Francis said, “this also pertains to us. We often think that evil comes mainly from the outside: from other people’s conduct, from those who think badly of us, from society.”
“How often we blame others, society, the world, for everything that happens to us! It is always the fault of ‘others,’” including those who govern, misfortune and so on, he said.
But all that time spent blaming others “is wasting time,” he said.
“We become angry, bitter and keep God away from our heart,” he said. “One cannot be truly religious in complaining: complaining poisons, it leads you to anger, to resentment and to sadness, that of the heart, which closes the door to God.”
The first step on the path of holiness, according to the first fathers of the church, was “to blame yourself,” the pope said.
“It is wisdom: learning to blame yourself. Try to do it, it will do you good. It does me good, when I manage to do so, but it is good for us,” he said. He prayed that Mary would help people purify their hearts by letting go of “the vice of blaming others and complaining about everything.”
After the Angelus, the pope greeted members of the Laudato Si’ movement.
He thanked them “for your commitment to our common home, particularly on the World Day of Prayer for Creation” Sept. 1 and the Season of Creation that runs from Sept. 1 to Oct. 4.
“The cry of the earth and the cry of the poor are becoming ever more serious and alarming, and they call for a decisive and urgent action to transform this crisis into an opportunity,” he said.
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Quejarse es un veneno que causa ira, resentimiento y tristeza, y cierra el corazón a Dios, dijo el Papa Francisco.
“Pidamos en oración la gracia de no perder el tiempo contaminando el mundo con quejas, porque esto no es cristiano”, dijo el Papa a los reunidos en la Plaza de San Pedro el 29 de agosto durante su discurso del Ángelus dominical.
“Jesús en cambio nos invita a mirar la vida y el mundo desde nuestro corazón” porque, al mirar hacia adentro, la gente encontrará “casi todo lo que despreciamos afuera”, dijo.
Cuando la gente le pide sinceramente a Dios “que purifique nuestro corazón, es cuando comenzaremos a hacer el mundo más limpio” porque la mejor manera de vencer el mal es “comenzando a conquistarlo dentro de uno mismo”, dijo el Papa.
El Papa reflexionó sobre la lectura dominical del Evangelio de San Marcos en la que Jesús explica por qué no sigue algunos de los rituales de purificación, diciendo que Dios sabe cuando la gente lo honra “con los labios, pero su corazón está lejos de mí”. Jesús le dijo a la multitud que las cosas que contaminan a las personas no provienen del mundo exterior, sino de dentro de ellos mismos, de sus corazones y de sus “malos pensamientos”.
El Papa Francisco dijo, “esto también nos atañe a nosotros. A menudo pensamos que el mal proviene principalmente del exterior: de la conducta de otras personas, de quienes piensan mal de nosotros, de la sociedad “.
“¡Cuán a menudo culpamos a los demás, a la sociedad, al mundo, por todo lo que nos pasa! Siempre es culpa de ‘otros’ ”, incluidos los que gobiernan, la desgracia, etc., dijo.
Pero todo ese tiempo dedicado a culpar a los demás “es una pérdida de tiempo”, dijo.
“Nos enojamos, nos amargamos y alejamos a Dios de nuestro corazón”, dijo. “No se puede ser verdaderamente religioso al quejarse: quejarse es veneno, te lleva a la ira, al resentimiento y a la tristeza, la del corazón, que cierra la puerta a Dios”.
El primer paso en el camino de la santidad, según los primeros padres de la iglesia, fue “culparse a sí mismo”, dijo el Papa.
“Es sabiduría: aprender a culparse a sí mismo. Intenta hacerlo, te hará bien. Me hace bien, cuando lo logro, pero es bueno para nosotros,” dijo. Rezó para que María ayudara a las personas a purificar sus corazones dejando de lado “el vicio de culpar a los demás y quejarse de todo”.
Después del Ángelus, el Papa saludó a los miembros del Movimiento Laudato Si ’. Les agradeció “por su compromiso con nuestra casa común, particularmente en el Día Mundial de Oración por la Creación” el 1 de septiembre y la Temporada de la Creación que va del 1 de septiembre al 4 de octubre.
“El grito de la tierra y el grito de los pobres son cada vez más graves y alarmantes, y exigen una acción decisiva y urgente para transformar esta crisis en una oportunidad”, dijo.
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Si bien las reformas financieras en el Vaticano avanzan de manera constante, los casos de corrupción y malversación en la Ciudad Eterna son “una enfermedad en la que recaemos”, dijo el Papa Francisco. En una amplia entrevista transmitida el 1 de septiembre por COPE, la estación de radio española propiedad de la conferencia episcopal española, el Papa Francisco dijo que los cambios realizados en las leyes financieras del Vaticano han permitido a los fiscales “volverse más independientes” en sus investigaciones. “Esperemos que estos pasos que estamos tomando … ayuden a que estos eventos sucedan cada vez menos”, dijo. Durante la entrevista, se le preguntó al Papa sobre el juicio del Vaticano contra 10 personas y entidades, incluido el cardenal Angelo Becciu, ex prefecto de la Congregación para las Causas de los Santos, por cargos que van desde malversación de fondos hasta lavado de dinero y abuso de poder. Los cargos se derivaron de una investigación del Vaticano sobre cómo la Secretaría de Estado usó 200 millones de dólares para financiar un proyecto de desarrollo inmobiliario en el elegante distrito londinense de Chelsea e incurrió en deudas de millones de dólares. En ese momento, el entonces arzobispo Becciu se desempeñaba como “sostituto”, el puesto número 3 en la Secretaría de Estado del Vaticano. El cardenal Becciu se vio obligado a ofrecer su renuncia al Papa en septiembre de 2020, después de que fuera acusado de malversar unos 100.000 euros de fondos del Vaticano y redirigirlos a Spes, una organización de Caritas dirigida por su hermano, Tonino Becciu, en su diócesis de origen. Ozieri, Cerdeña.
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – En su primera entrevista desde que se sometió a una cirugía en julio, el Papa Francisco criticó los intentos occidentales de imponer la democracia en otros países tras la retirada de Estados Unidos en Afganistán. En una entrevista de 90 minutos con COPE, la cadena de radio propiedad de la conferencia episcopal española, transmitida el 1 de septiembre, el Papa comentó sobre los “20 años de ocupación y luego salida” de Estados Unidos de Afganistán. Sin embargo, atribuyó erróneamente una cita a la canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, que criticaba los intentos de imponer la democracia en otros países; lo dijo el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin. “Es necesario detener la política irresponsable de imponer sus propios valores a los demás y los intentos de construir la democracia en otros países sobre la base de modelos externos sin tener en cuenta los problemas históricos, étnicos y religiosos e ignorando por completo las tradiciones de otras personas”, dijo Putin durante un agosto. 20 encuentro con Merkel en Moscú. “Conciso y concluyente”, dijo el Papa sobre la cita. “Creo que esto dice mucho; y todos pueden interpretarlo como quieran. Pero ahí sentí sabiduría en lo que dijo esta mujer”. El Papa dijo que la situación en Afganistán es una señal más de que “vivimos en un mundo de guerras” y “que como pastor, debo llamar a los cristianos a un momento especial de oración”. “Voy a intentar pedir lo que la iglesia siempre pide en tiempos de gran dificultad y crisis: más oración y ayuno”, dijo. “Oración, penitencia y ayuno, que es lo que se pide en los momentos de crisis”.