Papa: Negar ayuda a los inmigrantes es ‘pecaminoso, criminal’

Por Cindy Wooden

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Negar ayuda a los migrantes desesperados es “repugnante, es pecaminoso, es criminal”, dijo el papa Francisco al canonizar a un obispo dedicado a ayudar a los migrantes y a un hermano salesiano que había emigrado con su familia a Argentina.

“La exclusión de los migrantes es criminal. Los hace morir frente a nosotros”, dijo el papa el 9 de octubre, refiriéndose a las muertes de migrantes y refugiados que cruzan mares peligrosos en busca de libertad y una vida digna.

Al inicio de la liturgia en la Plaza de San Pedro, el papa Francisco reconoció formalmente la santidad de San Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, un italiano que fundó los Misioneros de San Carlos Borromeo para atender a los migrantes, y de san Artemide Zatti, un inmigrante italiano en Argentina que se hizo salesiano coadjutor, farmacéutico y enfermero.

Las oraciones de la Misa incluyeron una por “los que se ven obligados a dejar su patria” y pidiendo a Dios que enseñe a las personas a compartir “su mirada acogedora hacia todas las personas” y “sane la cultura del descarte de la indiferencia”.

El Papa Francisco camina junto a una imagen y una reliquia de San Giovanni Battista Scalabrini en la sala de audiencias del Vaticano el 10 de octubre de 2022, durante una reunión con peregrinos que habían venido a Roma para la canonización del sacerdote italiano. St. Scalabrini fundó una orden religiosa que atiende a inmigrantes y refugiados. (Foto del CNS/Vatican Media)

El papa Francisco enfocó gran parte de su homilía en la lectura del Evangelio del día sobre los 10 leprosos sanados por Jesús y, por lo tanto, a los que se les permitió volver a la sociedad.

“Cuando somos honestos con nosotros mismos, nos damos cuenta de que todos estamos enfermos de corazón, todos pecadores necesitados de la misericordia del Padre”, dijo el papa. “Entonces dejamos de crear divisiones en base al mérito, la posición social o algún otro criterio superficial; nuestras barreras interiores y prejuicios también caen. Al final, nos damos cuenta una vez más de que somos hermanos y hermanas”.

El papa Francisco pidió a las aproximadamente 50,000 personas en la Misa que pensaran si en sus familias, en el trabajo y en sus parroquias están dispuestos a caminar con los demás y escucharlos, “resistiendo la tentación de encerrarnos en nosotros mismos y ensimismados” pensar sólo en nuestras necesidades.

“Caminar juntos, ser ‘sinodal’, es también la vocación de la iglesia”, dijo. “Preguntémonos si somos realmente comunidades verdaderamente abiertas e incluyentes para todos; si cooperamos, como sacerdotes y laicos, al servicio del Evangelio; y si nos mostramos acogedores, no sólo con palabras sino con gestos concretos, tanto con los que están cerca de nosotros como con los que están lejos, y todos los que están azotados por los altibajos de la vida”.

El papa dijo que está “preocupado” al ver a los cristianos que tienden a dividir el mundo entre los “buenos y malos, santos y pecadores; esto los hace sentirse superiores a los demás y excluye a tantas personas que Dios quiere abrazar”.

Tanto la iglesia como la sociedad, dijo, “todavía están marcadas por muchas formas de desigualdad y marginación”.

Los nuevos santos Scalabrini y Zatti, dijo el papa, lucharon contra tales actitudes, dedicando sus vidas al servicio de los pobres, los migrantes y los enfermos.

“Sean siempre inclusivos”, dijo.

“Hoy, día en que el obispo Scalabrini se convierte en santo, pienso en los migrantes. La exclusión de los migrantes es escandalosa”, dijo. “En realidad, la exclusión de los migrantes es criminal”.

Algunas personas dicen de los migrantes y refugiados: “No, no los excluimos, los echamos”, dijo. Pero están siendo enviados a campos donde “son explotados y vendidos como esclavos”, repitiendo lo que han dicho muchas organizaciones de derechos humanos sobre los campos en Libia para las personas atrapadas tratando de cruzar el Mediterráneo.

“Hermanos y hermanas, recordemos hoy a estos migrantes, especialmente a los que están muriendo”, dijo. Y ¿qué pasa con “los que pueden entrar, los acogemos como hermanos y hermanas, o los explotamos? Simplemente planteo la pregunta”, agregó el papa.

Otra migración masiva en curso, particularmente en Europa, involucra a los millones de ucranianos que huyen de la guerra y “nos obligan a abrir nuestros corazones”, dijo el papa. “No olvidemos la asediada Ucrania”.

“Con gran visión”, dijo el papa, San Scalabrini “esperaba un mundo y una iglesia sin barreras, donde nadie fuera extranjero”.

“Por su parte, el salesiano coadjutor Artemide Zatti -con su bicicleta- fue un ejemplo vivo de gratitud”, dijo el papa. “Curado de la tuberculosis, dedicó toda su vida al servicio de los demás, cuidando con tierno amor a los enfermos”.

Al reunirse el 8 de octubre con los peregrinos que llegaron a Roma para presenciar la canonización de San Zatti, el papa Francisco ofreció un saludo especial a los hermanos religiosos; un día antes, los salesianos habían publicado partes de una carta que el entonces padre Jorge Mario Bergoglio había escrito sobre sus oraciones y novenas al hermano Zatti en la década de 1970 cuando era superior provincial de los jesuitas. Gracias a esas oraciones, escribió el futuro papa, de 1978 a 1986, 23 hombres ingresaron a los jesuitas para convertirse en hermanos después de años en los que la sociedad no tenía nuevos hermanos.

El papa Francisco les contó a los peregrinos sobre la experiencia de la familia Zatti como inmigrantes en Argentina, pero también confirmó su devoción a San Zatti como intercesor de las vocaciones a la vida religiosa.

“Los hermanos (religiosos) tienen un carisma especial, alimentado en la oración y en el trabajo. Y son buenos para todo el cuerpo de la congregación”, dijo el papa. “Son personas de piedad, son alegres, trabajadoras”, no se sienten inferiores porque no son sacerdotes sino que se enriquecen siendo hermanos de todos.CNS/Vatican Media)

Pope tells Putin: Stop the war

By Cindy Wooden
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – With “rivers of blood and tears” still flowing in Ukraine and with the increasing threat of the use of nuclear weapons, Pope Francis begged Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Stop this spiral of violence and death.”

With the situation being “so serious, devastating and threatening,” the pope did not offer his customary commentary on the day’s Gospel reading before reciting the Angelus prayer Oct. 2. Instead, he focused on the war and the “terrible and inconceivable wound” it is inflicting on humanity.

While constantly calling for peace and offering prayers for the victims since the war began in late February, the pope drew attention in his talk to “the serious situation that has arisen in recent days with further actions contrary to the principles of international law,” a clear reference to Putin’s announcement Sept. 30 that Russia was annexing four occupied territories in Ukraine.

The decision, the pope told people in St. Peter’s Square, “increases the risk of nuclear escalation to the point of fears of uncontrollable and catastrophic consequences worldwide.”

“My appeal is addressed first of all to the president of the Russian Federation, begging him to stop this spiral of violence and death, also for the sake of his people,” the pope said.

But “saddened by the immense suffering of the Ukrainian people as a result of the aggression suffered,” Pope Francis also appealed to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy “to be open” to any “serious peace proposals.”

Pope Francis leads the Angelus from the window of his studio overlooking St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Oct. 2, 2022. The pope begged Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop the war in Ukraine and condemned Russia’s annexation of four Ukrainian regions. He also called upon Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to be open to serious peace proposals. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

The pope also asked world leaders “to do everything in their power to put an end to the ongoing war, without allowing themselves to be drawn into dangerous escalations, and to promote and support initiatives for dialogue.”

While remembering Ukraine’s “thousands of victims,” including children, the destruction and the displacement of millions of people, Pope Francis also spoke of specifics.

“Some actions can never be justified. Never!” the pope said.

“It’s distressing that the world is learning the geography of Ukraine through names like Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol, Izium, Zaporizhzhia and other towns that have become places of suffering and indescribable fear,” the pope said, referring to cities previously occupied by Russian troops and where mass graves were found once the areas were liberated.

“And what about the fact that humanity is once again faced with the atomic threat?” the pope asked. “It is absurd.”

“How much blood still must flow before we understand that war is never a solution, only destruction?” the pope asked thousands of people gathered in the square for the midday prayer.

“In the name of God and in the name of the sense of humanity that dwells in every heart,” he said, “I renew my call for an immediate ceasefire.”

Pope Francis prayed for a negotiated settlement of the conflict, one that is “not imposed by force, but agreed, just and stable.”

A just solution, he said, must be “based on respect for the sacred value of human life, as well as the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each country, and the rights of minorities and legitimate concerns.”

Jesus, present in the Eucharist, inspires compassion, sharing, pope says

By Carol Glatz
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – One cannot love and worship the Eucharist without compassion for the poor and marginalized, Pope Francis said at a Mass concluding Italy’s eucharistic congress.

“Let us recognize that the Eucharist is the prophecy of a new world, it is the presence of Jesus who asks us to dedicate ourselves to an effective conversion,” which includes the conversion from indifference to compassion, from waste to sharing, from selfishness to love and from individualism to fraternity, he said in his homily Sept. 25.

The pope concelebrated the Mass at an outdoor stadium in the southern Italian city of Matera, which was host to Italy’s 27th National Eucharistic Congress Sept. 22-25.

In his homily, the pope reflected on the day’s Gospel reading (Lk 16:19-31), in which Jesus tells the parable about the nameless rich man who “dined sumptuously each day” and ignored the poor man, Lazarus, “who would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps.”

Pope Francis holds his crosier as he celebrates the closing Mass of Italy’s National Eucharistic Congress at the municipal stadium in Matera, Italy, Sept. 25, 2022. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Pope Francis said, “It is painful to see that this parable” is still alive today with so many “injustices, inequalities, the unequal distribution of the earth’s resources, the abuse of the powerful against the weak, the indifference to the cry of the poor, the abyss we dig every day creating marginalization.”

All of this, he said, “cannot leave us indifferent.”
The parable talks about the abyss or great chasm that the rich man dug between him and Lazarus when they were alive, so now, “in eternal life, that gulf remains,” the pope said.

One’s eternal destination is determined by one’s earthly life, he said. “If we dig a chasm now,” separating oneself from others, then “we dig our own grave for later; if we raise walls against our brothers and sisters now, we remain imprisoned in loneliness and death later.”

The Eucharist offers a “permanent challenge” to adore and worship God, not oneself, the pope said, and “to put him at the heart” of everything.
“Only the Lord is God, and everything else is a gift of his love,” he said.

“If we worship ourselves, we die, asphyxiated inside our tiny ego; if we worship the riches of this world, they take possession of us and enslave us; if we worship the god of appearance and are inebriated in wastefulness, sooner or later life is going to ask us (to pay) the bill,” Pope Francis said.

“Instead,” he said, “when we adore the Lord Jesus present in the Eucharist, we receive a new way of looking at our lives as well: I am not the things I possess and the successes I am able to achieve; the value of my life does not depend on how much I can show off nor does it diminish when I go through failures and setbacks.”

“Every one of us is a child who is loved” and blessed by God, “who wanted to clothe me with beauty and wants me free from all enslavement,” he said. Those who worship God are free and are slaves to no one, he added.

The pope asked people to rediscover the prayer of adoration and to pray for a church that is “eucharistic, made up of women and men who break themselves like bread for all those who gnaw on loneliness and poverty, for those who are hungry for tenderness and compassion, for those whose lives are crumbling because the good leaven of hope has been lacking.”

The ideal, he said, is “a church that kneels before the Eucharist and worships with awe the Lord present in the bread, but which also knows how to bend down with compassion and tenderness before the wounds of those who suffer” and to become the “bread of hope and joy for all.”

Correct view of tradition nurtures beauty, grandeur of the liturgy

By Carol Glatz
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The liturgy must be nurtured with care and never be neglected or abused, Pope Francis said.

“The liturgy is Christ’s work and the church’s, and as such, it is a living body,” he told members of Italy’s Association of Professors of Liturgy.

The liturgy “is not a monument made of marble or bronze, it’s not a museum piece. The liturgy is alive like a plant, and it must be nurtured with care” and never be “neglected or mistreated,” he said.

The pope made his remarks during an audience at the Vatican Sept. 1 with members of the association, which was founded 50 years ago to promote the study and teaching of liturgy at seminaries, departments of theology and other educational institutions.

Pope Francis underlined the importance of progress being rooted in a true sense of tradition.
“Progress in the understanding of, and even in the celebration of, the liturgy must also be rooted in tradition, which always advances in the way the Lord wants,” he said. Like with a tree, growth comes from the roots – from tradition, which is “the assurance of the future.”

However, the pope warned there are “many who say, ‘According to tradition …,’” when talking about the liturgy, and “at most they will be traditionalists.”

There is a “worldly spirit” of going backward that is “disguised as tradition” and is “fashionable today,” he said.

Pope Francis meets with members of Italy’s Association of Professors of Liturgy in the Clementine Hall at the Vatican Sept. 1, 2022. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

This “backwardism,” he said, “is a temptation in the life of the church that leads you to worldly restorationism, disguised as liturgy and theology.”

According to the New Testament’s Letter to the Hebrews, “We are not among those who draw back,” he said. All Christians are called to “go forward, according to the line that tradition gives you. To go backward is to go against the truth and also against the Spirit.”

The association, which was founded after the Second Vatican Council to help promote the reception in Italy of the council’s teachings on the liturgy, continues to assist the church in this “season” of liturgical reform, the pope said.

This ongoing process “requires time and care, passionate and patient care; it requires spiritual intelligence and pastoral intelligence; it requires formation for a celebratory wisdom that cannot be improvised and must be continually refined,” he said.

Their work as experts, researchers and professors requires “synodal” dialogue with others in the fields of theology and the humanities, and with the people of God, who always need the formation and growth that helps their own understanding see “what comes from God and what really leads to him, even in the realm of the liturgy,” the pope said.

“We need more than ever today an exalted vision of the liturgy, so that it is not reduced to rambling about rubrical detail” or liturgical rules, he said.

The liturgy must not be “worldly” nor must it turn its back on the world with “worldly exclusivity,” he said.
The liturgy must make “people raise their eyes to heaven, to feel that the mystery of Christ dwells in the world and life” and, at the same time, it must be a liturgy for the good of humanity, with its “feet on the ground” and not removed from people’s lives, he said.

The liturgy should be “serious (and) close to the people,” he said. “The two things together: turning our gaze to the Lord without turning our backs on the world.”

The liturgy is not a worldly festivity, nor should it feel “gloomy” or funereal, he said. It is filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, he said, and it celebrates “the beauty and grandeur of the mystery of God, who gives himself to us.”

Tolerancia cero para sacerdotes culpables de abusos, dice papa en entrevista

Por Carol Glatz

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Calificando el abuso sexual como “diabólico” y una “monstruosidad”, el papa Francisco recalcó que hay “tolerancia cero” para aquellos en la iglesia que son culpables de abuso.

“Algo que es clave es la tolerancia cero. Cero. Un sacerdote no puede seguir siendo sacerdote si es un abusador. No puede actuar (como sacerdote) porque está enfermo o es un delincuente”, expresó el papa en una entrevista con CNN Portugal.

Pope Francis addresses participants of Hechos 29, a youth conference held in Monterrey, Mexico on evangelization in the digital age, in a video released Aug. 6, 2022. The pope encouraged young men and women to carry out their mission in the digital space “so that contemporary culture can know God by feeling him within you.” (CNS screen grab/Vatican Media)

“Si es un sacerdote, está ahí para llevar a la gente a Dios y no para destruir a la gente en el nombre de Dios. Tolerancia cero y no debemos quedarnos ahí”, manifestó.

La larga entrevista se grabó el 11 de agosto en el Vaticano y se transmitió en dos segmentos durante dos noches, los días 4 y 5 de septiembre. CNN Portugal proporcionó a los reporteros en el Vaticano una transcripción de la entrevista en español.

La entrevista abarcó una amplia gama de temas, como la liturgia, el rol de la mujer, la importancia del diálogo, la sinodalidad, la vida de oración, y la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, que se celebrará en Lisboa, Portugal, del 1 al 6 de agosto de 2023.

Se le preguntó al Santo Padre sobre el enojo que la gente puede sentir hacia la iglesia por los abusos cometidos por algunos de sus miembros y cómo se manejaron esos casos.

“El abuso por parte de hombres y mujeres de la iglesia — abuso de autoridad, abuso de poder, y abuso sexual — es una monstruosidad porque el hombre o la mujer de la iglesia, ya sea sacerdote, religioso, o laico, fue llamado a servir y crear unidad, para fomentar el crecimiento, y el abuso siempre destruye”, sostuvo el papa.

La mayoría de los abusos ocurren y permanecen ocultos en las familias, acotó, y se estima que el 3 por ciento de los abusos denunciados fueron perpetrados por miembros de la iglesia, una cifra que aún es demasiado alta, dijo el papa.

Incluso si hubiera un solo perpetrador, “es una monstruosidad”, dijo. Desafortunadamente, la cultura del abuso está muy extendida en el mundo, pero “yo miro esto que existe (en la iglesia) y que yo soy el responsable de que no vuelva a pasar, ¿no?”.

CNN Portugal preguntó al Sumo Pontífice sobre sus esfuerzos para mantener el diálogo con los líderes de Ucrania y Rusia.

“Siempre creo que, si hablamos, podemos avanzar”, señaló.

Hablando sobre el papel de la mujer en la iglesia, en particular el nombramiento de varias mujeres para los principales puestos del Vaticano, dijo que esto no indicaba algún tipo de “tendencia feminista”, sino que era “un acto de justicia culturalmente descuidado”.

“Yo no inventé esto (la contratación de mujeres en el Vaticano). Ha estado ocurriendo durante los últimos 20 o 30 años y se está implementando lentamente”, dijo.

Hablando de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, el entrevistador le dijo al papa que los jóvenes y el mundo esperaban con ansias su visita el próximo año y su mensaje.

“Planeo ir. El papa irá, o Francisco o Juan XXIV, pero el papa irá”, dijo entre risas.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, pope tells young people

By Junno Arocho Esteves
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Christians must never give in to fear when evangelizing, especially when reaching out to those in need in the digital space, Pope Francis said.

“Do not be afraid to make mistakes,” the pope said in a video message sent Aug. 6 to participants of Hechos 29, a youth conference in Monterrey, Mexico, on evangelization in the digital age.

“I never tire of repeating that I prefer a church that is wounded because it goes out to the existential peripheries of the world, rather than a church that is sick because it remains closed up in its own little securities,” Pope Francis said.

Pope Francis addresses participants of Hechos 29, a youth conference held in Monterrey, Mexico on evangelization in the digital age, in a video released Aug. 6, 2022. The pope encouraged young men and women to carry out their mission in the digital space “so that contemporary culture can know God by feeling him within you.” (CNS screen grab/Vatican Media)

According to its website, the Aug. 5-6 conference is “an international meeting of digital evangelizers that seeks to awaken in all participants (the desire) to become and to build up the church.”

In his message, the pope greeted the young men and women attending Hechos 29 and said the meeting was “an important initiative for missionary work in digital environments.”

“May this meeting help you to feel like a community, as part of the missionary life of the church, which has never been afraid to go out to meet new horizons and frontiers. And, with creativity and courage, announce the mercy and tenderness of God,” he said.

Recalling his address to church leaders during his July 24-30 visit to Canada, the pope emphasized the need to “find new ways to proclaim the heart of the Gospel to those who have not yet encountered Christ.”

Modern-day evangelizers, he said, must use “pastoral creativity to reach people where they live, not waiting for them to come, but where they live, discovering opportunities for listening, dialogue and encounter.”

“The Lord knocks on the door to enter within us, but how often does he knock on the door from the inside, so that we may let him out,” the pope said.

Pope Francis encouraged the young evangelizers to carry out their mission and to be good Samaritans in the digital space, “so that contemporary culture can know God by feeling him within you.

“Go and bring the hope of Jesus, especially to those who are farthest away, giving them reasons for their hope,” the pope said. “May your words be accompanied by charity, and may your virtual presence strengthen your physical presence, so that the network may generate communion, which makes Jesus present in your culture.”

Follow Arocho on Twitter: @arochoju

Papa nombra a tres mujeres para departamento de seleccionar obispos

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – Diez días después de decir que nombraría a dos mujeres para el grupo que lo ayuda a elegir obispos, el papa Francisco nombró a tres mujeres para el cargo.

Por primera vez, los miembros incluyen mujeres: Hermana Raffaella Petrini, miembro de las Hermanas Franciscanas de la Eucaristía, quien es secretaria general de la oficina que gobierna el Estado de la Ciudad del Vaticano; la hermana salesiana francesa Yvonne Reungoat, ex superiora general de la orden; y Maria Lia Zervino, argentina, presidenta de la Unión Mundial de Organizaciones Femeninas Católicas.

Pope Francis greets Sister Raffaella Petrini, an Italian member of the U.S.-based Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist who is secretary-general of the office governing Vatican City State, at the Vatican Dec. 3, 2015. (CNS photo/Vatican Media via Reuters)

El dicasterio está dirigido por el cardenal canadiense Marc Ouellet y es responsable de ayudar al papa a elegir obispos para las diócesis de rito latino fuera de los territorios de misión de la iglesia. Antes de que la reforma de la Curia romana del papa Francisco entrara en vigor en junio, los miembros del dicasterio eran solo cardenales y algunos obispos.

Los otros nuevos miembros del dicasterio incluyen: Cardenales Anders Arborelius de Estocolmo; José F. Advincula de Manila, Filipinas; José Tolentino de Mendonca, archivero del Vaticano; y Mario Grech, secretario general del Sínodo de los Obispos.

El papa Francisco también nombró como miembros a varios obispos que se convertirán en cardenales en agosto: Cardenales-designan a Arthur Roche, prefecto del Dicasterio para el Culto Divino y la Disciplina de los Sacramentos; Lázaro You Heung-sik, prefecto del Dicasterio para el Clero; Jean-Marc Aveline de Marsella, Francia; y Oscar Cantoni de Como, Italia.

Los otros nuevos miembros son: el arzobispo Drazen Kutlesa de Split-Makarska, Croacia; el obispo Paul Tighe, secretario del antiguo Consejo Pontificio para la Cultura; y el abad benedictino Donato Ogliari, abad de San Pablo Extramuros en Roma y administrador apostólico de la Abadía de Montecassino, Italia.
Los nuevos miembros se unen a los miembros existentes, incluidos los cardenales estadounidenses Blase J. Cupich de Chicago y Joseph W. Tobin de Newark, Nueva Jersey.

Catholics need better understanding of the Mass, pope says

By Cindy Wooden
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The “sense of mystery” and awe Catholics should experience at Mass is not one prompted by Latin or by “creative” elements added to the celebration, but by an awareness of sacrifice of Christ and his real presence in the Eucharist, Pope Francis said.

“Beauty, just like truth, always engenders wonder, and when these are referred to the mystery of God, they lead to adoration,” he wrote in an apostolic letter “on the liturgical formation of the people of God.”
Titled “Desiderio Desideravi” (“I have earnestly desired”), the letter was released June 29, the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. The title comes from Luke 22:15 when, before the Last Supper, Jesus tells his disciples, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.”

In the letter, Pope Francis insisted that Catholics need to better understand the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council and its goal of promoting the “full, conscious, active and fruitful celebration” of the Mass.

Pope Francis elevates the host as he celebrates Mass at the GSP Stadium in Nicosia, Cyprus, Dec. 3, 2021. On June 29, 2022, the pope issued issued an apostolic letter insisting Catholics need to better understand the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council and its goal on promoting the “full, conscious, active and fruitful celebration” of the Mass. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

“With this letter I simply want to invite the whole church to rediscover, to safeguard and to live the truth and power of the Christian celebration,” the pope wrote. “I want the beauty of the Christian celebration and its necessary consequences for the life of the church not to be spoiled by a superficial and foreshortened understanding of its value or, worse yet, by its being exploited in service of some ideological vision, no matter what the hue.”

While his letter offered what he called a “meditation” on the power and beauty of the Mass, Pope Francis also reiterated his conviction of the need to limit celebrations of the liturgy according to the rite in use before the Second Vatican Council.

“We cannot go back to that ritual form which the council fathers, ‘cum Petro et sub Petro,’ (with and under Peter) felt the need to reform, approving, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and following their conscience as pastors, the principles from which was born the reform.”

The liturgical books approved by “the holy pontiffs St. Paul VI and St. John Paul II,” he said, “have guaranteed the fidelity of the reform of the council.”

Although the post-Vatican II Mass is celebrated in Latin and dozens of vernacular languages, he said, it is “one and the same prayer capable of expressing her (the church’s) unity.”

“As I have already written, I intend that this unity be reestablished in the whole church of the Roman rite,” he said, which is why in 2021 he promulgated “Traditionis Custodes” (Guardians of the Tradition), limiting celebrations of the Mass according to the rite used before the Second Vatican Council.

The bulk of the pope’s new letter focused on helping Catholics learn to recognize and be astounded by the great gift of the Mass and the Eucharist and how it is not simply a weekly “staging” or “representation” of the Last Supper but truly allows people of all times and all places to encounter the crucified and risen Lord and to eat his body and drink his blood.

And, the pope wrote, it is essential to recognize that the Mass does not belong to the priest or to any individual worshipper, but to Christ and his church.

Pope Francis said “the non-acceptance of the liturgical reform” of Vatican II, as well as “a superficial understanding of it, distracts us from the obligation of finding responses to the question that I come back to repeating: How can we grow in our capacity to live in full the liturgical action? How do we continue to let ourselves be amazed at what happens in the celebration under our very eyes?”

“We are in need of a serious and dynamic liturgical formation,” he said.

En entrevista, papa condena el aborto y dice que no renunciará

Por Cindy Wooden

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — En una amplia entrevista con la agencia de noticias Reuters, el papa Francisco condenó el aborto, descartó la idea de que se está preparando para renunciar y dijo que todavía espera poder visitar Rusia y Ucrania en el otoño.

El papa Francisco también le dijo a Philip Pullella, corresponsal de Reuters en el Vaticano, que si bien el acuerdo del Vaticano con China en 2018 sobre la nominación de obispos no fue ideal, fue posible, y espera que se renueve nuevamente en octubre.

El papa habló con Pullella el 2 de julio y partes de la entrevista se publicaron el 4 y 5 de julio, incluso en los propios medios de comunicación del Vaticano.

Consultado sobre el controvertido y aún inédito acuerdo del Vaticano con China sobre el nombramiento de obispos, el papa Francisco dijo: “El acuerdo avanza bien y espero que en octubre pueda ser renovado”.

El Papa Francisco sostiene su crucifijo durante una entrevista exclusiva con Reuters en el Vaticano el 2 de julio de 2022. (Foto CNS/Remo Casilli, Reuters)

Originalmente firmado en 2018 y renovado en 2020, el acuerdo supuestamente permite al papa aprobar o vetar a los obispos nominados por el Partido Comunista Chino. Hasta ahora, solo seis obispos han sido nombrados, ordenados e instalados en virtud del acuerdo; el último fue anunciado en septiembre de 2021.

El acuerdo ha sido criticado por el cardenal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, obispo jubilado de Hong Kong, así como por defensores de la libertad religiosa y la administración del expresidente estadounidense Donald Trump.

Pero el papa Francisco dijo a Reuters que el acuerdo era lo mejor que la iglesia podía esperar en la actualidad.

“La diplomacia es así. Cuando te enfrentas a una situación bloqueada, tienes que encontrar la salida posible, no la ideal”, dijo el papa. “La diplomacia es el arte de lo posible y de hacer cosas para que lo posible se haga realidad”.

Cuando se le preguntó sobre el fallo de la Corte Suprema de EE. UU. en Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization el 24 de junio, una decisión que establece que no existe un derecho constitucional al aborto en los Estados Unidos, el papa Francisco dijo que no podía comentar sobre los aspectos técnicos de la decisión ni sobre Roe. v. Wade, que anuló.

“Realmente no entiendo (los detalles de) el fallo de hace 50 años, y ahora no puedo decir si estuvo bien o mal desde el punto de vista judicial. Respeto las decisiones”, dijo.

Sin embargo, dijo, el aborto en sí mismo “es un problema”.

“Yo pregunto: ‘¿Es lícito, es correcto, eliminar una vida humana para resolver un problema?’ Es una vida humana, eso es ciencia”, dijo el papa. “La pregunta moral es si es correcto quitarle la vida a un ser humano para resolver un problema. De hecho, ¿es correcto contratar a un asesino a sueldo para resolver un problema?”

Cuando se le preguntó sobre los obispos que niegan la Comunión a los políticos católicos que apoyan públicamente el aborto, el papa Francisco no entró en grandes detalles.

En cambio, repitió lo que dijo en el pasado cuando se le preguntó. “Cuando la iglesia pierde su naturaleza pastoral, cuando un obispo pierde su naturaleza pastoral, genera un problema político. Eso es todo lo que puedo decir”, dijo. 

Pullella también le preguntó al papa Francisco sobre rumores de que estaba a punto de anunciar su renuncia, rumores que encontraron combustible adicional cuando el papa anunció que crearía nuevos cardenales a fines de agosto, un momento en que muchos funcionarios romanos y del Vaticano toman sus vacaciones de verano, y también cuando dijo que viajaría el 28 de agosto a la ciudad italiana de L’Aquila, el lugar de sepultura de San Celestino V, un papa del siglo XIII que abdicó apenas unos meses después de su elección.

Antes de renunciar, el papa Benedicto había visitado la tumba de San Celestino.

“Todas estas coincidencias hicieron que algunos pensaran que sucedería la misma ‘liturgia’, pero no se me pasó por la cabeza, nunca se me pasó por la cabeza”, dijo el papa Francisco a Reuters. “Por el momento no, de verdad. Pero cuando llegue el momento que vea que no puedo (dirigir la iglesia, por mala salud) lo haré”, dijo, refiriéndose a renunciar.

“Ese fue el gran ejemplo del papa Benedicto. Fue algo muy bueno para la iglesia. Les dijo a los papas que se detuvieran a tiempo”, dijo el papa. “Es uno de los grandes, Benedicto”.

Cuando se le preguntó sobre los rumores de que los médicos encontraron cáncer hace un año cuando el papa se sometió a una cirugía de colon, el papa Francisco se rió y dijo: “No me lo dijeron. No me lo dijeron”.

Pero, en realidad, dijo, “me explicaron todo bien, punto”.

El rumor del cáncer, dijo, “son chismes de la corte. El espíritu de la corte todavía está presente en el Vaticano. Y si lo piensas bien, el Vaticano es la última corte europea de una monarquía absoluta”.

El papa Francisco dijo que fue una decisión “dolorosa” posponer su viaje al Congo y Sudán del Sur, previsto del 2 al 7 de julio, “pero el médico me dijo que no lo hiciera porque todavía no puedo hacerlo. Lo haré”. el de Canadá porque el doctor me dijo: ‘Con 20 días más te vas a recuperar'”.

Dijo que se le inflamó un ligamento de la rodilla derecha, “y como caminaba mal y este caminar mal movía un hueso, (esto causó) una fractura allí, y ese es el problema”.

Sin embargo, dijo, “estoy mejorando poco a poco y, técnicamente, la calcificación ya se produjo, gracias a todo el trabajo realizado con el láser… y la magnetoterapia. Y ahora tengo que empezar a moverme porque hay peligro de perder el tono muscular si uno no se mueve”.

En cuanto a otros viajes, el papa Francisco dijo que le gustaría ir a Kyiv, Ucrania, y que podría ir después de su viaje a Canadá a fines de julio, pero que le gustaría “ir primero a Moscú. Intercambiamos mensajes sobre esto porque pensé que si el presidente de Rusia me diera una pequeña ventana, iría allí para servir a la causa de la paz”.

Pope: People expect priests to be models, guides

By Carol Glatz

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – People have high expectations for priests to be good spiritual and moral guides, to be active in helping the community and families, and to be someone young people can look up to, Pope Francis told bishops and priests from Sicily.

“To be supportive, close by, this is how we are called to live; out of God’s faithfulness, out of his love, we are there for others to the end, up to extreme consequences,” which lead to “justice, reconciliation, honesty and forgiveness,” he said.

“Closeness, compassion and tenderness: this is God’s style, and it is also the style of a priest,” the pope said during an audience at the Vatican June 9 with priests and bishops from the Italian island of Sicily.

The audience was part of the commemorations of the island’s patroness, Our Lady of the Way, whose feast is the Tuesday after Pentecost, as well as the lives of their compatriots, Blesseds Pino Puglisi and Rosario Livatino, two so-called “Mafia martyrs.”

Father Puglisi, Palermo’s most outspoken anti-Mafia priest, was assassinated in 1993, and Livatino, an anti-Mafia judge, was murdered by Mafia hitmen in 1990 when he was 37.

During the audience, the pope brought to light some issues that “worry me quite a bit,” particularly whether priests and bishops in Sicily were implementing the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council.

Popular piety needs to be safeguarded, but also informed and guided so that it is free from all “superstitious gestures,” he said.

The liturgy, too, needs attention starting with the homily, which should be under eight minutes and leave people with “a thought, a feeling and an image” that will stick with them “all week,” he said. He asked the priests to consider whether “they preach in such a way that people go out for a cigarette and then come back” because the homily talks “about everything and nothing.”

Liturgical vestments were another issue, he said, particularly the abundance of lace and birettas.

“Where are we? Sixty years after the council! Some updating even in liturgical art, in liturgical ‘fashion'” is needed, he said. “Yes, sometimes wearing some of grandma’s lace works, but only sometimes.”

“It’s nice to pay homage to grandma, but it’s better to celebrate the mother, the holy mother church and in the way the mother church wants to be celebrated,” he said.

Do not let “insularity prevent the true liturgical reform that the council sent forward” and do not be passive, he told his audience.

Pope Francis highlighted the extraordinary beauty, culture and history of the island, as well as its extreme insularity and contradictions, which mean “we witness in Sicily behaviors and gestures marked by great virtues as well as vicious brutality.”

“It is no accident that so much blood has been shed thanks to the hands of the violent,” he said, but it also is no accident that there have been many cases of “the humble and heroic resistance of the saints and the righteous, servants of the church and the state.”

The many challenges in Sicily require the help of everyone, but priests and bishops are especially called to offer their “full, total and exclusive service,” he said. The church, too, faces its own challenges such as the decline in vocations and the increased detachment of young people from the church, he added.

“Young people are finding it hard to see parishes and ecclesial movements as helpful in their search for the meaning of life, and they do not always see any clear distancing from old, erroneous and even immoral ways of behaving that would be decisively taking the path of justice and honesty,” he said.

The pope added that he was “saddened” after receiving “some files” sent to Vatican offices and requiring “some judgment on priests and people of the church. But why? Why did it go along this road of injustice and dishonesty?” he asked without elaborating any further.

Pope Francis praised the numerous priests and lay people who have fully dedicated themselves to others, being faithful to Christ and the people. “How can we ignore the silent, tenacious and loving work of so many priests in the midst of people who are disheartened or jobless, in the midst of children or the increasingly lonely elderly?”

Priests who are good and close to their people are important, he said, “because in Sicily, people still look to priests as spiritual and moral guides, people who can also help improve the civil and social life on the island, support families and be a point of reference for growing young people,” he said.

“Sicilians have high and demanding expectations of priests,” he said, urging them not to be stuck “in the middle of the road!”

“Faced with the awareness of our weaknesses, we know that Christ’s will places us at the heart of this challenge. The key to everything is in his call, upon which we lean to set out to sea and cast our nets again,” the pope said.

Reminding them of the passage in Deuteronomy (4:7), which asks, “What great nation is there that has gods so close to it as the Lord, our God, is to us,” the pope said their ministry must be one of “closeness, which is compassionate, forgives everything, is tender. It embraces, it caresses.”

Pope Francis waves as he arrives for an audience with bishops and priests from Sicily June 9, 2022, in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican. The pope told them that Catholics expect their priests to be spiritual and moral guides, advocates for a better world and a reference point for young people. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)