All aboard: WYD pilgrims know about the synod, share its concerns

By Cindy Wooden
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – With the approach of the assembly of the Synod of Bishops, a major event in the pontificate of Pope Francis, it was surprising that the pope did not use the word “synod” or “synodality” in any of his talks to the 1.5 million young people gathered in Portugal for World Youth Day.

If he thought young Catholics were not aware of the synod, of its vision and of some of the controversy surrounding it, he was wrong.

The staff of the synod secretariat went to World Youth Day in Lisbon prepared to explain “synodality” to young Catholics, but they found the pilgrims from around the world already knew about the synod assembly planned for October and about many of the issues proposed for discussion.

“Being in contact with the young people was amazing, really amazing,” said Thierry Bonaventura, the synod communication manager. “Most of them knew about the synod, were ready to listen to more about it” and were eager to share their hopes and concerns.

The synod had a booth at the “City of Joy,” a venue in a Lisbon park where religious orders and Catholic service and mission organizations interacted with young people throughout World Youth Day Aug. 1-6.

The young people who visited the synod booth left thousands of prayers for the synod and for the church written on Post-it Notes and hundreds of letters to Pope Francis and synod members on full-sized sheets of paper pre-printed with “Say something to the synod.”

While Bonaventura and the synod staff were still sorting through the notes and letters back at the Vatican Aug. 9, he told Catholic News Service that the young Catholics’ chief concerns were clear, and first on their lists was the unity of the church.

One unsigned Post-it prayer read, “That together we may grow both in unity & diversity. All are welcome.”

And a message to the synod written in English signed by a German pilgrim said, “I hope that the synod will strengthen and renew the unity in the church and not lead to division. Please find a way to find all together in Christ.”

Young Catholics in Lisbon told synod staff they want more time and space in the church dedicated to them, Bonaventura said, but not simply as recipients of ministry. They want the church to welcome their gifts and talents, for instance by using their skills in technology and social media.

Recognizing and expanding the leadership of women in the church and ensuring LGBT Catholics feel welcome also were top concerns, he said.

Another frequently repeated concern, “always repeated with this idea of unity in diversity,” he said, was greater access to the pre-Vatican II Latin Mass.

On a “say something to the synod” form, a young man from the United States wrote that the traditional Latin Masses he has attended are “the most beautiful Masses that I have ever been to,” and he asked Pope Francis to end the restrictions on its celebration because they “exclude and ostracize a large group of faithful Catholics.”

For Bonaventura, World Youth Day was a clear demonstration of synodality in action: Young Catholics from around the world literally walked together, joining “to praise the Lord, to deepen their knowledge of Jesus, to gather around the pope and listen to his teaching.”

“And what astonished me a little bit, because I didn’t know it was so strong, was their awareness of mission, of really helping others who don’t know Jesus to know him,” he said.

While Pope Francis did not talk about the synod to the young people, his “todos, todos, todos” refrain – his insistence that all are welcome in the church – and his encouragement to share the Gospel will joy resonated with the pilgrims and echoed the key points of the synod’s theme: “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.”

Cardinal Robert W. McElroy of San Diego, who was appointed by the pope to be a member of the synod, told CNS, “His constant refrain that all are welcome in the life of the church – that strikes young people very profoundly and beautifully.”

“This is how God relates to us: first, wanting us to know we are loved; second, wanting us to know that God stands with us as we face the problems which weigh us down; and thirdly that God is helping us to change in our lives,” the cardinal said.

Speaking to reporters on his return flight to Rome Aug. 6, Pope Francis said he knows some people don’t like his insistence on welcoming everyone. A common objection, he said, is: “But young people don’t always live life in accordance with morality.”

“Who among us has not made a moral mistake in our lives? Everyone has,” he continued. “Each of us has had downfalls in our own history. Life is like that. But the Lord is always waiting for us because he is merciful and is Father, and mercy goes beyond everything.”

In welcoming and ministering to all, he told the reporters, “One of the important things is patience: accompanying people step by step on their way to maturity.”

Father Hendrick Ardianto, SCJ of the Catholic Parishes of Northwest Mississippi displays the US Flag during an event at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal.

Although Pope Francis did not speak to the WYD pilgrims about the synod, it was a significant part of his homily Aug. 2 at a prayer service with bishops, priests and pastoral workers in Portugal.
“The church is synodal,” he said. “She is communion, mutual assistance and shared journey.”

“In the boat of the church, there has to be room for everyone: all the baptized are called on board to lower the nets, becoming personally involved in the preaching of the Gospel,” the pope continued.

The model, he said, is “that passage of the Gospel in which the wedding feast of the son is all prepared, and people do not come to it. So, what does the Lord, the master of the feast, say? ‘Go out to the highways and byways and bring everyone, everyone: the sick, the healthy, young and old, the righteous and sinners. Everyone!’”

(Follow Wooden on Twitter: @Cindy_Wooden)

Sister Josephine Garrett shares ‘hope stories’ of Black Catholicsin podcast meant to inspire

By Katie Yoder

(OSV News) – A podcast production by Catholic publishing company OSV (the parent company of OSV News) with a nationally-recognized religious sister is featuring “Hope Stories with Black Catholics” this summer.

“A hope story is a time in someone’s life when he or she was called to hope in a deep way,” Sister Josephine Garrett, a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, told OSV News of the ongoing series. “Hope (especially hope that is deep and profound and connected to the deepest desires of our hearts) takes courage, and as we wait for what is longed for, we can experience grief, loss, joy, fear, expectancy – all sorts of feelings.”

“Hope isn’t the easiest experience to enter into,” she added, saying that “in each episode the guests share times in their life when they were brought to the thresholds of hope.”
In total, the podcast will consist of 15 episodes lasting around 30 minutes each while highlighting the stories of 17 U.S. Black Catholics from all walks of life.

This is an illustration for a new podcast called “Hope Stories,” hosted by Sister Josephine Garrett, a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. The first episode launched June 26, 2023, and is available at (OSV News photo/OSV)

“Seventeen guests because some episodes include married couples!” Sister Garrett explained, adding that the podcast also will include single Catholics, deacons, religious, priests and a bishop.

Sister Garrett, a writer, speaker and mental health counselor based in Tyler, Texas, has experience talking about hope. A relevant voice on social media, where thousands of people follow her on platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, Sister Garrett became Catholic in 2005 before professing vows in 2020.

While Sister Garrett’s podcast about hope stories will cover the same topic in each episode, each story is unique because each guest is unique, she stressed.

“We discuss the guest’s faith journey, their definition of hope, their hope story that they chose to share in the episode and each guest also shares their views on the place of Black culture in the life of the church,” Sister Garrett said.

As one of the guests, Father Robert Boxie, chaplain at Howard University and priest-in-residence at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Washington, told OSV News he “absolutely enjoyed” being a part of the podcast and sharing his hope story. He was grateful to share his work as the Catholic chaplain at one of the U.S.’s preeminent historically Black institutions of higher education ministering to young Black Catholics and students at Howard.

“I believe we are bringing hope in a real way because our Catholic faith has something to offer on campuses like Howard,” he said. “And more importantly, we are encouraging and forming a generation of Black Catholic leaders with the message that their faith, their gifts, their contributions and their presence in the church matter.”

Father Boxie also shared his advice for listeners seeking hope.

“We all have a story of hope to tell and all of us have a reason for our hope, that is, Jesus Christ,” he said. “My prayer is that listeners will be inspired by the stories of Black Catholics, appreciate the unique witness that we bring to the Catholic Church and realize how it’s necessary for these stories to be told.”

Sister Garrett agreed that every person has a hope story.

“We all have stories of hope, we are all called to hope courageously in the promises of God, so I believe these episodes will resonate in some way with all people,” she said before citing Romans 5:2-5: “We boast in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”

She said the podcast began after OSV decided to enter the podcasting space and invited her to host one that they hoped to launch.

“We knew the podcast would line up with my book that comes out in the fall and we zeroed in on highlighting Black Catholics before we zeroed in on telling stories of hope,” she said, referencing her upcoming book that will be released by OSV called “Hope: An Invitation.”

“It wasn’t a private inspiration, it was the fruit of my own prayer, my editor’s prayer and the prayer of other members of the OSV team,” she added.

If listeners take away one thing from the podcast, Sister Garrett hopes it is the realization “that every member of the body of Christ is a gift and brings something to the church that only he or she can bring.”

“While our stories are unique and our various hopes are unique, at the same time all of our stories and all of our hopes are rooted in Christ, and the hope of the resurrection won for us in Christ,” she said.

“I also want listeners to enter into the joy,” she added. “There is so much laughter and joy throughout this podcast and so I hope listeners take away the joy as well.”

Listeners can already tune in to the first several episodes of the production from OSV podcasts on a variety of platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Amazon Music, Castro, Castbox and Goodpods.

(Katie Yoder is a contributing editor for Our Sunday Visitor, a national Catholic newspaper based in Huntington, Ind. NOTES: A link to “Hope Stories with Black Catholics” is here:

At Congress closing Mass, Black Catholics urged, ‘Don’t let the fire go out!’At Congress closing Mass, Black Catholics urged, ‘Don’t let the fire go out!’

Editor’s note: Ivory Phillips, parishioner of Holy Ghost Jackson, wrote a summary of his experience at the 13th National Black Catholic Congress that took place from July 20-23 in National Harbor, Maryland. To read it, visit
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By Gina Christian
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (OSV News) – A Sending forth the participants of the 13th National Black Catholic Congress at their July 23 closing Mass in the Washington metropolitan area, Bishop John H. Ricard offered them an admonition that he said he learned from his days as a youth camping in the woods – “Don’t let the fire go out!”

Bishop Ricard, the superior general of the Josephites, who formerly served as the bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida, was the homilist at the Mass, celebrated at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. He encouraged the congress participants to be enlivened by the flame of the Holy Spirit, and to bring that spirit of faith back to their homes, parishes, dioceses and to the African American communities in their cities and towns.

“You’ve got to poke the flame and stir it up … We can’t let the fire go out,” he said, also encouraging people to address problems like violence in their communities, the mass incarceration of people of color, and the challenge of reaching out to young adult Black Catholics raised in the faith, who no longer go to church.

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Pictured (l-r) at the National Black Catholic Congress are Maxine Ford (St. Francis Greenwood); Dr. Ivory Phillips (Holy Ghost Jackson); Sister Amelia Breton, SBS; Jackie Lewis (St. Francis Greenwood); Father Sebastian Myladiyil, SVD (Sacred Heart Greenville); Laveria Green (Holy Family Natchez); Vincent Green (Holy Family Natchez); Glara Martin (St. Francis Greenwood); Linda Simmons (Christ the King Jackson); Janie Hicks (Holy Family Jackson); and Edith Spells (St. Francis Greenwood). (Photo courtesy of Sister Amelia Breton, SBS)

An estimated 3,000 Black Catholics from 80 dioceses across the United States attended the four-day gathering, which included Masses, keynote addresses, breakout sessions for adults and youth, and a visit to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture.
“I’m grateful to God that you are here in such great numbers, to bear witness to our church and our faith in the Lord,” Bishop Ricard, 83, said.

In his homily, Bishop Ricard praised the legacies of faith of the six U.S. Black Catholics being considered for sainthood whose portraits were depicted in large banners hanging behind the altar, noting how the Holy Spirit had reigned down on each of them.

“We’re here this weekend to reap the harvest that has been sown,” said Bishop Ricard.

Those candidates for sainthood include Venerable Henriette Delille of New Orleans, the foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Family; Venerable Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange of Baltimore, the foundress of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first religious congregation of African American women; Venerable Father Augustus Tolton of Chicago, the first publicly known Black Catholic priest in the United States; Venerable Pierre Toussaint of New York, renowned for his charitable works; Servant of God Julia Greeley of Denver, known for her devout faith; and Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration and dynamic evangelist from Mississippi who died of cancer in 1990.

Sister Thea, who was known for her soaring style of singing, participated in the sixth National Black Catholic Congress, held in 1987 on the campus of The Catholic University of America in Washington. Remembering the impact of her life, Bishop Ricard said, “The Holy Spirit came upon the songbird. Didn’t she become a witness of triumph over sickness and discrimination?”

Bishop Ricard also noted the legacy of Daniel Rudd, a pioneer Black Catholic journalist from Kentucky who founded the Congress of Colored Catholics that first met at St. Augustine Church in Washington in 1889.

That group, the bishop said, “is the granddaddy of the National Black Catholic Congress,” a movement that was revived in 1987, after Rudd’s group had held five earlier national gatherings around the turn of the century.

Honoring the memory of Rudd’s effort, Bishop Ricard said, “They had the vision, they had the determination, and they had the will back then to come together, because Rudd believed that in the Catholic Church, there was the fullness of the revelation of the teaching of Jesus, and that was the answer to all of the problems that Blacks were facing.”

The main celebrant of the July 23 closing Mass was Washington Auxiliary Bishop Roy E. Campbell Jr., the president of the National Black Catholic Congress. He was joined by five other bishops, about 60 priests and nearly 50 deacons. Joining the laypeople in the congregation were numerous African American women and men religious.

(Mark Zimmermann is editor of the Catholic Standard, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Washington.)

KPCLA Jr. Daughters National Convention

NEW ORLEANS – The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxillary, Father Anthony Bourges Junior Daughter Court #171 of Holy Ghost parish in Jackson attended the 25th Biennial Junior National Convention in New Orleans from July 13-16. Pictured left to right: Lady Rosalind Moses (Jr. Daughter Counselor), Lady Cinteria Green (Jr. Daughter Counselor Assistant), Bella Moses (Junior Daughter) and J’Nyah Slaughter (Junior Daughter). (Photo courtesy of Rosalind Moses)

Catholics appeal for help as Biden declares Maui’s deadly fires a federal emergency

By Patrick Downes
(OSV News) – Catholic Charities Hawai’i in the Honolulu Diocese has appealed for donations to help the agency meet housing, food and other needs of what could be thousands of victims from wildfires raging on the island of Maui that wiped out an entire town and drove people to seek refuge in the ocean.

More than 11,000 people were evacuated as wildfires burned the historic town of Lahaina “to the ground,” as numerous news outlets reported. Maui County officials confirmed Aug. 17 that at least 111 people have died, with two of them identified; and possibly 1,000 still missing. Maui police have asked families of people still unaccounted for to submit DNA samples to aid in possible identification.

An assessment of the Lahaina fire by the Pacific Disaster Center and Federal Emergency Management Agency reported 2,170 acres burned and more than 2,200 structures were damaged or destroyed.

Other Maui communities affected by the fires include the Kihei area and inland communities known as Upcountry. Firefighting crews continued to extinguish flare-ups in Lahaina and Upcountry into the evening Aug. 12, and the Pulehu/Kihei area fire was declared 100% contained to avoid further spread of the flames.

An aerial view shows the community of Lahaina after wildfires driven by high winds burned across most of the town several days ago, in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, U.S. August 10, 2023. (OSV News photo/Marco Garcia, Reuters)

News reports said that wildfires also were affecting the Big Island (officially named Hawaii), and crews were battling a total of six fires, with three simultaneously torching Maui.

Various news outlets have reported on survivors supporting one another and receiving aid from local volunteer relief efforts. The Hawai’i Emergency Management Agency website maintains a page listing where to find the latest updates online and via radio, along with various agencies and resources on the ground for supplies, shelter, services and finding missing loved ones. Hawai’i Governor Josh Green said Aug. 13 that a Temporary Housing Task Force has been formed to work with federal partners, and has already secured 1,000 rooms to house those displaced by the fire with longer-term housing plans in the works.

“We can only imagine the distress and heartache that many are currently experiencing from the destructive wildfires on Maui, and our thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted,” said a statement posted on the website of Catholic Charities Hawai’i, which urged people to make a donation to the agency for Maui relief at

“As a community of hope we can help those in need to overcome this tragedy and rebuild their lives through recovery efforts. Thank you for your consideration and for your continued support as we navigate through this challenging time together,” the agency said.

As the fires continued to burn and as the death toll continued to rise, Pope Francis offered his prayers, his encouragement to firefighters and rescue workers, and invoked “upon all the people of Maui Almighty God’s blessings of strength and peace,” according to a telegram sent by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, to Cardinal-designate Christoph Pierre, the apostolic nuncio to the United States.

The Maui blazes began the night of Aug. 8. The National Weather Service said strong winds from Hurricane Dora, passing hundreds of miles to the southwest of the Hawaiian Islands, were partly to blame for fueling the fires, though authorities had not yet identified what caused the fires.

During an Aug. 10 visit to a Veterans Affairs medical center in Salt Lake City, President Joe Biden issued a federal disaster declaration for Maui and the Big Island, ordering “all available federal assets on the Islands to help with response.” Green requested the declaration, which makes federal funds available to affected individuals by providing grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses and other assistance. The federal funds can help businesses as well as state and eligible county governments, and nonprofit organizations.

“This is a tragic day for everyone in Hawai’i and the nation. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims and the survivors suffering through the deadliest natural disaster the state has seen in generations,” Green said in an Aug. 10 statement.

“In the coming days – as more and more details emerge – I ask that we as a state provide all the emotional and financial support we can to the people of Lahaina and Maui,” he said, adding that as governor, “I pledge to spare no resources to combat the destructive wildfires, shelter the displaced, treat and bring comfort to the traumatized, support our first responders, restore communication lines and enlist the aid of our federal and county partners to confront this this once-in-a-lifetime catastrophe.”

Lahaina’s Maria Lanakila Catholic Church miraculously survived the blaze.

In the days immediately following the fire, the Diocese of Honolulu had been unable to verify the fate of the church and its nearby parish school, K-8 Sacred Hearts School. The day before the fire, Aug. 7, half of the school’s roof blew off from the heavy winds.

Father Robert Ni Ni, a Missionaries of Faith priest who is pastor of the neighboring parish of St. Rita in Haiku and recently had been assigned to Maria Lanakila as parochial vicar, said he had heard conflicting reports on the fate of the church. He said it would be a “miracle” if the church survived.
The daily Honolulu Star-Advertiser had reported that the church had burned down. Another news source reported the church was still standing, Father Ni Ni told the Hawaii Catholic Herald, Honolulu’s diocesan newspaper, by phone Aug. 10.

The Star-Advertiser corrected its report Aug. 11 with a story that the church was still standing.
The Lahaina fire ripped down Front Street, leaving the famous waterfront home to visitors’ shops and restaurants a smoldering pile of ashes. The church is a block from Front Street.

With all the power and cellphone service out, the fate of Maria Lanakila Church was for several days the subject of rumor. The day after the fire ripped through Lahaina town, the word going around was that the church was “gone.” By Aug. 10 the diocese had received enough ground and aerial photographic evidence to determine that the church and rectory survived intact, while the school was heavily damaged. However, no one from the church has been able to visit the site because the area is closed off indefinitely as the search for victims continues.

Father Ni Ni reported that the pastor, Father Kuriakose Nadooparambil, and a visiting priest are safe as are three sisters of the Missionaries of Faith who work for the parish, and all the school and parish lay employees. At least five lost their homes, however.

Father Ni Ni has been one source of information about Lahaina as communication lines are down all over.

When the fire struck, Honolulu Bishop Larry Silva was on vacation in California as he returned from World Youth Day. His office quickly organized a Zoom virtual rosary to pray for the victims.

“What is needed is prayer for those who have lost their homes and businesses, prayers for our firefighters and first responders and police, and all those you are trying to protect the community, prayer for our social service agencies which are gearing up to help those who are most in need in this time of crisis and trial,” he said, introducing the virtual prayer session that was attended by about 300 people.

“And so we pray to our Blessed Mother for victory over all these tragedies,” he said, noting that Maria Lanakila translates into “Our Lady of Victory.”

“We ask the Lord to quench those fires immediately, so that they will no longer do any damage, so that they will be a memory of the past so we can begin the work of recovery and rebuilding,” he said in closing.

According to the National Park Service, Lahaina holds deep cultural significance for Hawaiians as the district “was once the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom.” The Lahaina Historic District, which encompassed downtown Lahaina, Front Street and its vicinity, was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1962, according to the park service’s website.

The first Mass was celebrated in Lahaina in 1841 by Sacred Hearts Father Modestus Favens, in a grass structure belonging to the Spanish cowboy Joakini. A bronze plaque on Front Street marked the spot.

According to the parish website, Maria Lanakika Church was established in 1846.

In 1862, Sacred Hearts Father Aubert Bouillon opened Sacred Hearts School with two classrooms. The English-speaking school was run by laywomen until the Sisters of St. Francis took it over from 1928 to 2001.

A new school building and convent, built of donated second-hand lumber, were blessed in 1951 by Bishop James J. Sweeney.

An arsonist burned the school down in 1971. The sisters rebuilt it with donations and by selling sweetbread, pickled mango and other items.

Patrick Downes is editor of the Hawaii Catholic Herald, newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu. OSV News staff contributed to this report. Julie Asher is senior editor for OSV News.

Cardinal Gregory: Till memorial should inspire youth to’work for a better world’

By Mark Zimmermann
(OSV News) – Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, the Catholic Church’s first African American cardinal, reacted to President Joe Biden establishing the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument in Mississippi and Illinois July 25, saying it was important to remember that youth’s brutal, tragic murder and his mother’s heroic quest for justice as the work for civil rights continues.

In a statement, Cardinal Gregory said, “It is painful to recall yesterday’s violence, but it is necessary so that the lessons learned in tears will hopefully prevent us from such tragedies in the future. Emmett Till and his courageous mother Mamie offered the world a sorrowful image of a pieta in 1955. If we remember such moments from the past, perhaps there will be less possibility of a future such image.”

Cardinal Wilton Gregory, the archbishop of Washington, speaks during a May 2023 interview with the Catholic Standard and El Pregonero newspapers. (OSV News photo/Mihoko Owada, Catholic Standard)

In August 1955, Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American youth from Chicago, was visiting family in Mississippi when he was accused of making unjust advancements toward a white female grocery clerk, which his cousins and friends at the scene disputed. Four days later, he was pulled from bed, kidnapped and brutally murdered. Three days after his abduction, his mutilated body was pulled from the Tallahatchie River.

His mother Mamie Till-Mobley held an open-casket viewing and funeral for her son in Chicago, at Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ. Over several days, an estimated 125,000 people attended the visitation and funeral services. Emmett Till’s lynching helped galvanize the Civil Rights Movement and inspired Rosa Parks’ activism.

Among those who filed past Emmett Till’s casket was Wilton Gregory, a native of Chicago who was then nearly 8 years old. In a May 2023 interview with the Catholic Standard and the Spanish-language El Pregonero, newspapers of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, Cardinal Gregory remembered that experience.

“I grew up in the mid-‘50s, and the great challenges that were going on in the United States at that time involved the Civil Rights Movement. I can remember as a young man going to the wake of Emmett Till, my grandmother took me to the wake. That was a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement. And certainly, you know, just a startling moment for the African American community of Chicago, because he was a kid from Chicago that had been murdered in Mississippi.”

In that interview, Cardinal Gregory said he remembered “the sense of hope and determination that the Civil Rights Movement engendered,” and he also noted that he grew up in an era when President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were assassinated.

“Those moments of tragedy … of the killing of Emmett Till, the assassination of those public figures, they didn’t break the spirit of the people of the time. They saddened us deeply, but they didn’t break our spirits. And I hope that’s also the case of the young people in today’s world, which is so divided,” the cardinal said. “My prayer, my hope is that our young people don’t lose hope, that they don’t just throw up their hands and say all is lost, (that) there’s no possibility of improvement, because there is. And that possibility of improvement resides with the young people themselves, that they work for a better world.”

In a 2020 interview with CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour, the cardinal also reflected on what it was like to attend the viewing of Emmett Till.

“I can remember that my grandmother took me to the wake … Emmett Till’s mother insisted that it be an open casket wake, so that people could see the brutality that her son had endured. And I was 7 or 8 years old at the time. And I went with my grandmother, along with literally thousands of African-American Chicagoans, to witness the awful brutality that that young man had suffered. It was – it was something that I shall never forget. We were in a long line. And, obviously, we just walked past the casket. And I recall seeing the awful, disfigured body of that young man.”

During a 2020 panel discussion sponsored by Georgetown University’s Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life, Cardinal Gregory said viewing the video of the murder of George Floyd – the African American man who died in police custody after a Minneapolis officer knelt on his neck for an extended period – brought back a flood of memories, including the viewing of Emmett Till. He said that Floyd’s death reminded him of “a whole collage of individuals who have been assassinated for no other reason than the color of their skin.”

President Biden signed the proclamation establishing the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument on July 25, on a day that would have been Emmett Till’s 82nd birthday. The new monument will be at three sites, at Graball Landing in Mississippi, believed to be the site where Emmett Till’s body was discovered in the Tallahatchie River; at Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ in Chicago, where his viewing and funeral were held; and at the Tallahatchie County Second District Courthouse in Sumner, Mississippi, where the trial of Emmett Till’s two accused murderers was held in September 1955, and an all-white jury acquitted them after an hour of deliberation. Both those men later admitted to killing the youth.

Emmett Till Murder Trial historical marker, Sumner, Mississippi. (Photo by BigStock)

At the ceremony where President Biden signed the proclamation establishing the new national monument, Vice President Kamala Harris said, “Today we gather to remember our history. We gather to remember an act of astonishing violence and hate, and to honor the courage of those who called upon our nation to look with open eyes upon that horror and to act. The story of Emmett Till and the incredible bravery of Mamie Till-Mobley helped fuel the movement for civil rights in America, and their stories continue to inspire our collective fight for justice.”

Before he signed the proclamation, President Biden emphasized how, after Emmett Till’s murder, his mother Mamie Till-Mobley “insisted on an open casket for her murdered and maimed and mutilated son, 14 years old. She said, ‘Let the people see what I have seen.’ The country and the world saw, not just heard, the story of Emmett Till and his mother as a story of a family’s promise and loss, and a nation’s reckoning with hate, violence and racism.”

In March 2022 during a White House ceremony, President Biden signed the Emmett Till Antilynching Act, a law that makes lynching a federal hate crime.

When the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History and Culture opened in 2016, the artifacts included the casket of Emmett Till.

(Mark Zimmerman writes for the Catholic Standard.)

Eternal rest grant unto them …

In memoriam: Msgr. Michael Thornton

Msgr. Michael Thornton, retired priest from the Diocese of Biloxi, age 77, of Biloxi, passed away on July 26, 2023.

He was preceded in death by his parents, William and Nora Thornton; and a grand-niece, Cairín.

He was much loved and deeply regretted by his siblings, May (Frank), Frank (Evelyn), Padraic (Catherine), Kathleen, and Noel (Josephine); many nieces and nephews and their spouses and partners, grandnieces and grandnephews, and all extended family, neighbors and friends. Michael is also deeply regretted by Bishop Louis Kihneman, fellow priests and friends in the Diocese of Biloxi and Diocese of Jackson, and a wide range of colleagues and friends in the United States, Mexico and Ireland.

Msgr. Thornton was a native of Headford, County Galway, Ireland and he attended St. Patrick Seminary in Carlow, Ireland where he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Natchez-Jackson on June 7, 1969. He has served as an associate pastor at the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Biloxi, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the Biloxi and Jackson Dioceses’ mission in Saltillo, Mexico, Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Pascagoula, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Laurel, St. Bernadette Parish in Waynesboro, Holy Trinity Mission in Leakesville, and he retired to Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in Biloxi. He was also administrator of St. Louis Parish in Biloxi and served as the diocesan Chancellor, Judicial Vicar and Tribunal, as well as a tribunal judge and member of the presbyterial council.

A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church with Bishop Louis Kihneman as the principal celebrant.

Msgr. Thornton will be buried in Cloughanover Cemetery in Headford, County Galway, Ireland.

In memoriam: Father Mark Beard
Father Mark Bryan Beard, a loving son, brother, uncle, pastor, and friend, passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023 at the age of 62. Father Beard was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He held a

Master’s degree in Business Administration from Louisiana State University and a Master’s in Divinity (M.Div) from Notre Dame Seminary. He also received a certification in Spirituality (Spiritual Direction), and Divinity.

Father Beard worked for a number of years in his family’s business, Beard Engineering and United Industries, a company working in the manufacturing and engineering of wastewater equipment. Here, he received a U.S. Patent for Inventor of Turbulence Control System.
After a trip to Medjugorje in 2000, he began to consider priesthood as a possible vocation. After four years of discernment, Father Beard entered Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans in 2004 and was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Baton Rouge on May 30, 2009 at St. Joseph’s Cathedral. He was associate pastor at Most Sacred Heart-Gramercy, St. Joseph-Paulina, St. Michael the Archangel-Convent, and Our Lady of Prompt Succor Chapel-Lutcher for two years. He was pastor of St. Helena Catholic Church, in Amite, Louisiana, for the last twelve years. During that time he has built a beautiful campus where tours and retreats are offered. For the last two and a half years, he was also the administrator at Our Lady of Hope Catholic Retreat Center in Osyka, Mississippi.

Father Beard is survived by his loving mother, Florence Mariotti Beard; brother, Gary Beard and his wife, Diane; nieces and nephews, Jason, Jennifer, Nathan, Nicholas, Jacob and Jon; great-niece, Gabriella Beard; and godmother, Nita Vicari and family. Father Beard is preceded in death by his father, Harold James Beard.

A Memorial Mass was celebrated at Our Lady of Mercy on Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023, and a Funeral Mass was also celebrated at St. Helena Church in Amite for family members and parishioners on Friday, Aug. 11.

In lieu of flowers, if you would like to continue supporting Father Beard’s vision, please consider donating on the website to or mail to P.O. Box 130, Osyka, MS 39657 or to or mail to 122 South First Street Amite, LA 70422.

In memoriam: Sister Mary Anne O’Brien, RSM

Sister Mary Anne O’Brien entered eternal life on Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023. A native of Ireland, Sister Mary Anne was the seventh of nine children of Mary Anne and Patrick O’Brien.

Upon completion of her high school education with the Presentation Sisters she entered the Sisters of Mercy at Webster Groves, Missouri in September 1951.

Her first ministry assignment in 1956 was in Mississippi where her brother, Rev. John T. O’Brien was a priest. She remained in Mississippi until she retired at Catherine’s residence in St. Louis in 2018.

Sister Mary Anne held degrees from Webster College, Marquette University and the University of Southern Mississippi. She served as an elementary and high school teacher and she also taught ECD on weekends and during the summers. She spent six years as administrator of McAuley Home, a retirement home for the Sisters of Mercy in Vicksburg. In addition, she served as a psychologist at Gulf Coast Mental Health Centers, Catholic Social Services Biloxi.

Her final and longest ministry was at St. Thomas Parish in Long Beach where she served in various capacities, including being Chaplain to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. She also volunteered for a short time at the local jail. While at Gulf Coast Mental Health Center she introduced a program for bereaved parents. She continued this ministry throughout the rest of her life.

Sister Mary Anne is survived by one sister, 14 nieces and nephews; 31 grand nieces and nephews and one great-great niece.

She will be interred in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Vicksburg.

In memoriam: Sister Miriam J. Nolan, RSM

Sister Miriam J. Nolan, a Sister of Mercy of the Americas for 65 years, died on July 26 at Catherine’s Residence, the community’s retirement center, in Frontenac. She was 82 years old.

Johanna Nolan was born on April 6, 1941, in Roscrea, County Tipperary, Ireland. She was the daughter of James Nolan and Mary Costigan Nolan. She was preceded in death by her parents, James and Mary, and brothers Dan and Oliver Nolan.

On Sept. 8, 1958, Johanna Nolan entered the Religious Sisters of Mercy and later received the name Sister Miriam Joseph. She professed her first vows in 1961 and made perpetual profession on Aug. 16, 1966.

Sister Miriam completed her high school studies at St. Mary’s Presentation College High School, Mountmellick, Ireland in 1958 and received a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Webster College in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1963. She earned her secondary education teaching certificate in 1965; and a Master of Science in Chemistry from Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York in 1971. She also received a certificate for Religious Formation/Spiritual Direction in 1975.
Sister Miriam taught at Sacred Heart High School, Biloxi, Mississippi; St. Joseph Secondary School, Jeanerette, Louisiana; and St. John’s Inter-Parochial High School, Gulfport, Mississippi.

Sister Miriam held numerous integral staff positions within the Sisters of Mercy including vocation and formation ministry and community leadership. In addition to her love of teaching, Sister Miriam established Mercy Conference and Retreat Center and became its first executive director. Sister Miriam served on numerous Mercy Health System boards and most recently was an active volunteer at the Pratt Cancer Center outpatient laboratory.

Sister Miriam is survived by her brother, Tom, and numerous nieces and nephews from County Tipperary, Ireland.

Her ring motto was “Thy Will Be Done.” A Mass was celebrated July 31, 2023, in the chapel at Mercy Conference and Retreat Center in Frontenac, Missouri. A private burial was held at Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Mercy Conference and Retreat Center – Mercy Heroes Fund or another fund supporting the retreat center.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Featured photo … Journey of Hope with Robin Givens…

JACKSON – Keynote speaker, actress Robin Givens takes time to speak with Thania Cepeda at Catholic Charities Journey of Hope meet and greet event at the Hilton Jackson on Thursday, Aug. 10. Givens spoke to attendees at the annual luncheon on her experience surviving domestic abuse on Friday, Aug. 11. (Photo courtesy of Catholic Charities of Jackson)

Calendar of Events

GREENWOOD – “Franciscan Retreat” on Saturday, Sept. 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p. m. at the Locus Benedictus Retreat Ministries at 1407 Levee Road. The retreat will be presented by Rev. Joachim “Kim” Studwell, OFM. No cost, but love offering open. Details: call (662) 299-1232.

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. “Come and See” weekends at Dominican Sisters of Springfield for single Catholic women ages 21-45. Eleven events scheduled in 2023-2024, first is Sept. 15-17. Events are in person or “Zoom and See” (virtual) and provide a brief immersion in the day-to-day lives of the sisters. Event is free, but responsible for your own transportation expenses. Housing and meals provided. Space is limited. Register at Details: call Sister Denise Glazik at (217) 652-5881 or visit for more information.

WASHINGTON D.C. Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage, Sept. 30 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Join with Catholics from around the country to seek the intercession of Our Lady. Hear life-changing talks; celebrate Mass and pray the rosary. Details: for more information visit

ABERDEEN – St. Francis, Parish Picnic, Saturday, Oct. 14 following Mass. Enjoy a good meal and fellowship. Details: (662) 813-2295.

CLARKSDALE – St. Elizabeth Parish Fair, Tuesday, Sept. 26 from 5-8 p.m. Food, raffles, fun, games and more. Details: church office (662) 624-4301.

HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Annual Fall Bazaar, Saturday, Sept. 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Raffles, sales, silent auction, country kitchen, games and more. Details: church office (662) 429-7851.
Holy Spirit, Men’s Association Fish Fry, Friday, Sept. 22 from 4-7 p.m. Cost: $13 adults/$6 kids. All are welcome. Eat-in or take out. Plates include catfish, hushpuppies, fries, slaw, drink and dessert. Details: Jon at (901) 481-0228.

JACKSON – St. Richard, Special Kids Golf tournament at Deerfield Country Club on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023. Details: church office (601) 366-2335.

LELAND – St. James, Spaghetti Dinner and Fair, Tuesday, Sept. 26. Dinner and silent auction begin at 5 p.m., booths open at 6 p.m. Cost: $15 per plate. Details: Donna at (662) 207-8844.

MADISON – St. Francis, Fall Parish Mission “Igniting the Light of Christ within you,” Oct. 1-3 at 6:30 p.m. each night in the Church. Featured speaker is Paul Koleske. Hear practical techniques you can use to increase your connection with the presence of the Holy Spirit. All are welcome! Details: church office (601) 856-5556.

St. Francis, Pork Butt Sale for Labor Day, pick-up on Friday, Sept. 1 after 11 a.m. Cost: $40. Details: to place an order email or text Tunney at or (601) 622-4145.
MADISON The Catholic Foundation, Bishop’s Cup Golf Tournament, Thursday, Sept. 14 at Lake Caroline Golf Club. For more details or to register, visit

NATCHEZ Cathedral Fall Festival, Sept. 23-24. Enjoy food, games, raffles, bingo, adult night and more. Details: school office (601) 442-2531.

OLIVE BRANCH – Queen of Peace, Men’s Club Golf Tournament 4-person scramble, Sunday, Sept. 24 at 1 p.m. Dinner included. Cost: $100 per person. Details: contact Tim at (901) 515-8598.

PEARL – St. Jude, Day-trip Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama, Saturday, Oct. 28. Tour the Shrine, Mass, Adoration and more. Cost est. $75. Details: email or call (601) 939-3181.

RIPLEY – St. Matthew, Feast day and 13th anniversary celebration of church building dedication, Saturday, Sept. 23. Enjoy food booths, games and competitions. Bilingual Mass with food and fellowship following on Sunday, Sept. 24 at 1:30 p.m. Details: church office (662) 993-8862.

VICKSBURG Knights of Columbus Council 898 Fish Fry, Saturday, Sept. 16 from 5-7:30 p.m. Fried or grilled catfish, hushpuppies, fries, slaw, baked potato, beans, bread. Cost $15. Open to public. 310 Hall Ferry Road. Details: office at (601) 636-8372.

BAY ST. LOUIS Save-the-Date, Divine Word Missionaries Centennial celebration of St. Augustine Seminary, Oct. 28-29. Enjoy historical exhibits, tours, food, entertainment, raffles, a Jazz procession, Mass and more.

JOB OPENINGS Catholic schools across the diocese have a variety of positions open. Please visit for an opportunity near you.

INDIANAPOLIS Eucharistic Congress, July 17-21, 2024. Registration is now open. See what Our Lord has in store for this next chapter for the Catholic Church in United States. Purchase tickets at Details:

INDIANAPOLIS National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), Nov. 16-18, 2023 at the Indiana Convention Center. This distinctly Catholic three-day conference will include opportunities for spiritual growth, prayer, learning and service. For more information, visit

NASHVILLE Billings Ovulation Method Teacher Training, Oct. 19-21. Learn the science of fertility in order to monitor reproductive health and wellness. Cost: $750. Details:

Monseñor Elvin Sunds, celebró sus 50 años de ordenación sacerdotal

Monseñor Elvin Sunds, celebró sus 50 años de ordenación sacerdotal con una Misa de Acción de Gracias el domingo 6 de agosto en St Francis Asissi Madison. Monseñor Sunds ha servido como párroco o párroco asociado en 11 parroquias incluida la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Biloxi, 1973-75, justo después de ser ordenado en 1973. En Caridades Católicas fue director asociado en 1975 y luego director desde el 1978 al 1994. Como Vicario General/Canciller y Moderador de la Curia en Jackson estuvo desde el 2005 hasta el 2015. Se siente honrado y agradece haber servido a cuatro obispos, Monseñor Joseph Brunini, quien lo ordenó; y los obispos William Houck, Joseph Latino y Joseph Kopacz.