Tome Nota

Vírgenes y Santos
Santa Teresa de Jesús. Octubre 15
Día de San Juan Pablo II. Octubre 22
San Antonio Maria Claret. Octubre 24
San Judas Tadeo. Octubre 28

Día de Todos los Santos. Noviembre 1

Día de los Fieles Difuntos. Noviembre 2

CLINTON – Holy Savior, Taller de Compentencia Intercultural para lideres parroquiales, Lunes 9 de noviembre de8:30 a.m. a 3 p.m. Inscribirse al (769) 901-1946.

FOREST – St. Michael, Misa de Todos los Santos, Viernes 1 de noviembre a las 8 p.m. y Misa del Día de los Fieles Difuntos, Sábado 2 de noviembre a las 5 p.m.

HERNANDO – Holy Spirit, Evento Juvenil de las seis parroquias, Domingo 13 de octubre. Comenzando con Misa a las 3 p.m. Ven y únete para una tarde de diversión, juegos, música, baile, increíble comida y compañerismo. Celebramos ser ¡Católicos!

MORTON – Misa por el Día de los Fieles Difuntos en Hopewell Point el sábado 2 de noviembre a las 5 p.m.

GREENWOOD – St. Francis, Fiesta de San Francisco, Domingo 6 de octubre. Se celebrará una misa bilingüe a las 12 p.m., seguida de un potluck parroquial. Todos están invitados a asistir y traer su plato favorito para compartir.

PONTOTOC – St. Christopher, Misa al aire libre en el Tanglefoot Trail Pavillion el 13 de octubre a las 9:30 a.m. con fiesta después de la Misa.

SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King, Halloween Divertido – una alternativa para celebrar para niños del kínder al 5to grado. El jueves 31 de octubre, de 6 a 8 p.m. Costo: una bolsa grande de dulces Ven disfrazado a jugar juegos de carnaval.

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Se necesita un ‘avivamiento de la oración y la acción’ para acabar con el aborto, dice el presidente provida de los obispos de EE.UU.

Por Gina Christian, OSV News

A vísperas del Mes del Respeto a la Vida, el presidente del comité pro-vida de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos insta a “un avivamiento de la oración y la acción” para acabar con el aborto y defender la santidad de la vida humana.

La USCCB publicó el 19 de septiembre una declaración para la celebración de octubre, redactada por el obispo Michael F. Burbidge de Arlington, Virginia, que también fue compartida en la página web de la iniciativa Mes del Respeto a la Vida de la USCCB. Los orígenes de esta iniciativa se remontan a 1972, justo antes de las sentencias del Tribunal Supremo de EE.UU. en los casos Roe vs. Wade y Doe vs. Bolton, las dos decisiones de 1973 que legalizaron ampliamente el aborto.

En su mensaje, Mons. Burbidge subrayó que “Jesús, verdaderamente presente en la Eucaristía, nos da la plenitud de la vida”, y “nos llama a cada uno de nosotros a respetar ese don de la vida en cada persona humana”.

El obispo señaló el 10º Congreso Eucarístico Nacional, celebrado durante el mes de julio en Indianápolis como parte del Avivamiento Eucarístico Nacional, el esfuerzo de tres años de los obispos estadounidenses para reavivar la devoción a la presencia real de Cristo en la Eucaristía.

El congreso y las procesiones eucarísticas que lo precedieron “involucraron a cientos de miles de católicos que nunca volverán a ser los mismos”, dijo. “El avivamiento continúa, y es tan necesario, especialmente en nuestros esfuerzos por defender la vida humana”.

El obispo citó un discurso de 2013 del Papa Francisco a los profesionales médicos católicos, en el que el Papa dijo que “cada niño no nacido, pero condenado injustamente a ser abortado, tiene el rostro de Jesucristo, tiene el rostro del Señor, que antes aún de nacer, y después recién nacido, experimentó el rechazo del mundo”.

Sin embargo, “la ley y millones de nuestros hermanos y hermanas aún no han reconocido esta realidad”, dijo el obispo Burbidge.

A pesar de que la Corte Suprema anuló en junio de 2022 el caso Roe vs. Wade y Doe vs. Bolton, permitiendo a los funcionarios electos “reducir o poner fin al aborto … 50 años de aborto prácticamente ilimitado han creado trágicamente una mentalidad nacional en la que muchos estadounidenses se han sentido cómodos con dad de abortos”, dijo el obispo Burbidge. “Esto permite a la industria del aborto seguir proporcionando cualquier cantidad de aborto”.

De hecho, las tasas de aborto aumentaron o se mantuvieron en los niveles anteriores a Roe en Estados Unidos tras la decisión Dobbs, que anuló las sentencias Roe y Doe.

Según el Instituto Guttmacher, en todo el mundo se producen unos 73,3 millones de abortos al año, una cifra que supera en unos 4 millones a la población actual del Reino Unido y en casi 15 millones a la tasa bruta de mortalidad de las Naciones Unidas de 2019, o número total de muertes en todo el mundo en un año determinado.

“Ante este desafío, los obispos estadounidenses han afirmado que, si bien es importante abordar todas las formas en que la vida humana está amenazada, ‘el aborto sigue siendo nuestra prioridad preeminente, ya que ataca directamente a nuestros hermanos y hermanas más vulnerables, destruyendo más de un millón de vidas cada año solo en nuestro país'”, dijo el obispo Burbidge, citando un documento de 2024 de los obispos estadounidenses sobre la formación de la conciencia y la responsabilidad política de los católicos.

A pocas semanas de las elecciones presidenciales en Estados Unidos, Mons. Burbidge pidió a los católicos estadounidenses que “renovemos nuestro compromiso de trabajar por la protección legal de toda vida humana, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural, y de votar por candidatos que defiendan la vida y la dignidad de la persona humana”.

Además, dijo, “debemos pedir políticas que ayuden a las mujeres y a sus hijos necesitados, al tiempo que seguimos ayudando a las madres en nuestras propias comunidades a través de los centros locales de ayuda al embarazo y de nuestra iniciativa parroquial a nivel nacional, Camina con madres necesitadas”.

Los fieles deben “igualmente continuar extendiendo la mano de la compasión a todos los que sufren por haber participado en el aborto”, destacando los ministerios de sanación del aborto de la Iglesia, como el Proyecto Raquel.

“Y lo que es más importante, debemos volver a dedicarnos a la oración ferviente en favor de la vida”, dijo el obispo Burbidge, quien invitó a los católicos “a unirse a mí en un esfuerzo concertado de oración desde ahora hasta nuestras elecciones nacionales, rezando diariamente nuestra ‘Oración por la vida a Jesús Sacramentado’ del Mes Respetemos la Vida”.

El texto de la oración, junto con varios recursos para el Mes del Respeto a la Vida, está disponible en la página web de la iniciativa: (Las páginas web están en inglés pero proporcionan recursos disponibles tanto en inglés como en español.)

(Gina Christian es reportera multimedia de OSV News. Síguela en X (antes Twitter) @GinaJesseReina.)

Inicia millonario proyecto para organizaciones católicas hispanas

By Omar Cabrera

(OSV News) — El 45% de los católicos en Estados Unidos se identifican como latinos y el 60% de los católicos menores de 18 años en este país son latinos. “Nos encontramos en una Iglesia que se está hispanizando de una manera acelerada”, destacó Hosffman Ospino, profesor de Teología del Boston College.

Los latinos son “la comunidad que más rápido está creciendo y transformando el catolicismo estadounidense”, añadió el teólogo. En su opinión, esta realidad nos abre la oportunidad de ser mejores discípulos y responder adecuadamente a los desafíos que conlleva.

En concordancia con esta tendencia, el Boston College inició a finales de agosto “Nuevo Momento”, un proyecto que dispone de 15 millones de dólares donados por la Fundación Lilly para fortalecer a organizaciones católicas que trabajan con el ministerio hispano.

Ospino, quien preside Nuevo Momento, explicó que 15 instituciones participarán en el proyecto durante los próximos cinco años. Entre ellas se encuentran: Pastoral Migratoria, el Instituto Fe y Vida, la Asociación Nacional de Sacerdotes Hispanos, la Red Nacional de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana y el Mexican American Catholic College.

Las 15 organizaciones que son parte de Nuevo Momento figuran entre “las más influyentes y representativas del trabajo que se está haciendo en la Iglesia Católica en los Estados Unidos para acompañar a la comunidad hispana”, añadió el director de la iniciativa.

–Fortalecimiento institucional y liderazgo–

El proyecto Nuevo Momento se propone empoderar a las organizaciones en cuatro pilares: fortalecimiento organizacional, capacidad económica o financiera, formación de liderazgo y una subvención en efectivo.

“Estamos muy emocionados de ser parte de algo como Nuevo Momento”, dijo Lisset Mendoza, tesorera de la Asociación Nacional Católica de Directores Diocesanos para el Ministerio Hispano (en inglés, NCADDHM).

Mendoza añadió que su organización tiene la posibilidad de asignar a tres personas para estudiar una Maestría en Liderazgo Ministerial, que la Escuela Clough de Teología y Ministerio del Boston College ha diseñado específicamente para Nuevo Momento.

La maestría seguirá un formato híbrido, con sesiones presenciales en el verano e invierno, además de clases por internet, según detalló Ospino. El programa de estudios está diseñado para que los alumnos lo completen en 18 meses. Todos los gastos, incluyendo la colegiatura, los viajes y el alojamiento serán cubiertos por Nuevo Momento, sin costo alguno para los estudiantes o sus organizaciones.

Nuevo Momento espera que entre 35 y 45 personas se gradúen de la nueva maestría. Cada institución participante podrá designar a una o más personas menores de 40 años para que cursen el postgrado.

Elisabeth Román, presidenta del Consejo Nacional Católico para el Ministerio Hispano (en inglés, NCCHM), dijo que su organización opera actualmente sin empleados, solamente con personas que donan su tiempo para las diferentes tareas. Por lo tanto, ellos esperan que Nuevo Momento les ayude a discernir “Cómo nosotros podemos ir hacia la creación de un staff, porque aunque tenemos 33 años, queremos tener 33 años más y necesitamos un staff”.

Ospino explicó que varias de las organizaciones que participan en Nuevo Momento funcionan con voluntarios y no cuentan con personal pagado. A esta necesidad de contratar empleados para ampliar su impacto responde uno de los pilares del nuevo proyecto: el que busca mejorar la capacidad económica de las organizaciones.

“Esa estabilidad financiera tiene que ver con cómo manejan sus finanzas, cómo manejan su economía, cómo manejan sus proyectos y, al mismo tiempo, cómo hacen campañas y tienen mecanismos de recaudación de fondos de apoyo que los ayuden económicamente”, detalló el director de Nuevo Momento.

–Módulos de capacitación–

Además de la maestría, el nuevo proyecto incluirá módulos de capacitación para los líderes de las instituciones, llámense presidentes, directores ejecutivos u otras posiciones de liderazgo.

Estos módulos cubrirán temas como: planeación estratégica, cómo hacer recaudación de fondos, cómo organizar y operar juntas directivas, entre otros. La mayor parte del trabajo para estos módulos se realizará en línea.

Para impartir los módulos de capacitación, Nuevo Momento ha establecido alianzas con cuatro instituciones: Corresponsables de Dios, For Impact, Leadership Roundtable y el Lake Institute onFaith and Giving, según detalla el sitio web de la iniciativa.

Adicionalmente, el programa contará con la participación de consultores especializados en liderazgo, administración, teología y ministerio.

Las 15 organizaciones que han sido seleccionadas para participar en Nuevo Momento “tienen una misión bien clara y definida” destacó Ospino. “Ellas saben lo que están haciendo, lo conocen muy bien, tienen una sabiduría tanto organizacional como comunitaria, entienden las preocupaciones de la comunidad latina y sus esperanzas”.

Pero el gran trabajo que estas organizaciones realizan “lo hacen de una manera limitada”, añadió el teólogo. Nuevo Momento busca apoyarlas para que aumenten la escala de su obra. “Es como que el trabajo que estás haciendo en una ciudad, imagínate si lo estuvieras haciendo en 10 ciudades”.

Román, la presidenta de NCCHM, destacó que mejorar la atención a los católicos latinos debe ser una prioridad dentro de la Iglesia. “Nosotros somos casi la mitad de la Iglesia. Hay que invertir para que nuestros hijos, para que nuestras familias sigan siendo parte importante”.

Ella opina que la pequeña escala del trabajo que hacen las organizaciones hispanas de la Iglesia se debe en parte a que la cultura dominante muchas veces no ve a los latinos como una riqueza, sino como una comunidad que quiere cambiar a la Iglesia.

“Yo pienso a veces que posiblemente no nos entienden”, dijo Román. “Posiblemente no entienden que la cultura y la fe, por lo menos para el latinoamericano, el caribeño, para nosotros que venimos del sur, están atadas, no las podemos separar”.

Ella confía en que la iniciativa Nuevo Momento ayudará a mejorar esta situación.

Ospino aseguró que Nuevo Momento apunta a “lo que teológicamente llamaríamos un Kairós (el tiempo perfecto que Dios tiene para que cada cosa ocurra cuando él lo desee). Es un momento dentro de la historia en donde reconocemos, por un lado, la manera como la Iglesia se va actualizando en respuesta a las realidades actuales. Y por otro lado, cuando vemos que Dios se hace presente dentro de esa historia dándonos la oportunidad de ser mejores discípulos”.

El director de Nuevo Momento espera que el proyecto sea un catalizador para grandes cambios.
“Jesús comenzó con 12 personas. Estas 12 personas no tenían que ser las más inteligentes, ni las más ricas, ni las más poderosas, pero eran personas que mostraron una nueva manera de vivir su fe, una nueva manera de entender la realidad”, dijo. “Y esas personas fueron a inspirar a muchísimas otras”.

Las 15 organizaciones que participan en Nuevo Momento han sido seleccionadas rigurosamente. Ospino confía en que la voluntad de Dios les acompañará para impulsar esta transformación que ya se encuentra en marcha dentro de la Iglesia en Estados Unidos.

Patriots Day: Honoring service, unity and sacrifice in our community

By Laura Grisham
WALLS – Patriots Day is a significant moment to reflect on the values of service, unity and sacrifice. It commemorates the lives lost and the heroism displayed during the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. More than a remembrance of loss, Patriots Day reminds us of the resilience and courage shown by everyday people – firefighters, police officers, medical professionals, and ordinary citizens who responded selflessly in the face of unimaginable danger.

HOLLY SPRINGS – Holy Family student Gilberth hands out cards of thanks to Holly Springs first responders during the school’s Patriot Day celebration on Sept. 11, 2024. (Photo by Laura Grisham)

Last week, our schools celebrated first responders. Sacred Heart School extended an invitation to the school’s weekly Mass to Southaven Police, Fire and EMT staff, as well as the parents and family of students who are first responders, for a special blessing. Father David Szatkowski, SCJ, who is a volunteer chaplain for the Southaven Police Department and a Mississippi Area Representative to the International Conference of Police Chaplains, was the celebrant.

About his service as a volunteer chaplain, Father David said, “I support officers emotionally and spiritually. I also assist with death notifications, prayer and other support as requested.”

Father David is also involved in recruiting new chaplains, encouraging law enforcement agencies to have chaplains, and facilitating the training of chaplains through the International Conference of Police Chaplains.

Holy Family School also celebrated Patriot Day by inviting the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department and the Holly Springs Police and Fire Department to a prayer service and breakfast in their honor. Father Guy Blair, SCJ, offered a special prayer of thanks and extended a special blessing on those in attendance.
Each guest was invited to introduce themselves, share where and in what capacity they serve and how long they have been in service to the community. Some of the first responders attended Holy Family or were the sons or daughters of our graduates, each proudly announcing that distinction. Many of the guests also had words of encouragement for our students, emphasizing their support and extending their friendship to the young people.

Michael Holmes, a five-year veteran of the Holly Springs Fire Department, shared the ultimate commitment of each of the first responders. “I just want to thank you all for everything you are doing for us and I want you all to remember that just as those (police and) firefighters laid down their lives of protect people in New York, that we, here at the Holly Springs Fire Department, would do the same for each of you.”

SOUTHAVEN – With all hands outstretched, a prayer and special blessing was offered at Sacred Heart School’s Patriot Day Mass for all first responders. (Photo by Laura Grisham)

Addressing the students and guests, teacher Lisa Milan shared that often these first responders go unnoticed for their hard work and heroism. Referencing Matthew’s Gospel, she reminded students, “Jesus said that one who wants to be the greatest is not the one with the biggest house, is not the one with the most expensive car, but the one who is the greatest among you is the one who serves others.”

Holy Family students wrote poems, created patriotic artwork and wrote notes of support for all of the law enforcement, fire and EMT attendees. Following the prayer service, the special guests lined up across the gymnasium as every child in the school presented them with their handmade masterpieces. The gesture brought several to tears.

Service on Patriots Day goes beyond just honoring those who served that day; it’s a call to action for all of us to serve our communities in big and small ways. Whether through volunteer work, supporting veterans, or simply helping a neighbor, every act of service strengthens the fabric of our community, our nation, and our world. It’s about standing together and building a future where unity and compassion prevail over division and fear.

(Laura Grisham is the PR and Communications manager for Sacred Heart Southern Missions in Walls, Mississippi.)

110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees: “God walks with His people”

By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
From the center of our church and from the heart of Jesus Christ, each year for the past 110, a succession of popes in an unbroken chain beginning with Benedict XV in 1914 and continuing with Pope Francis in 2024, have dedicated a World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Historically, it was the agonizing impact of World War I that brought about the beginning of this worthy commemoration.

Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.

In addition to the death of millions of combatants and civilians on the European continent, millions were displaced and fled from their beloved homelands. War is evil, and in every generation, it is one of the most obvious reasons that incites forced migration, a tragedy in our time that is being played out in the Ukraine, the Middle East, and in several African nations to name but a few. There are other causes. Deep-rooted poverty and natural disasters, often linked, famine, overwhelming violence from cartels and unbridled corruption are significant factors that also fan the flames of migration.

The church throughout the world is serving and suffering in these harsh realities. Reflecting on the mysteries of the Kingdom of God as is our spiritual nature, Oct. 19, 2023 marked the conclusion of the First Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The following are some selections from Pope Francis’ statement on this year’s commemoration. “Emphasizing the synodal dimension allows the church to rediscover its itinerant nature as the People of God journeying through history on pilgrimage, ‘migrating,’ we could say, toward the Kingdom of Heaven … Likewise, it is possible to see in the migrants of our time, as in those of every age, a living image of God’s people on their way to the eternal homeland. Their journeys of hope remind us that ‘our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.’” (Phil 3:20) For this reason, the encounter with the migrant, as with every brother and sister in need, is also an encounter with Christ. He himself said so. Every encounter along the way represents an opportunity to meet the Lord; it is an occasion charged with salvation, because Jesus is present in the sister or brother in need of our help. In this sense, the poor save us, because they enable us to encounter the face of the Lord.”

The following is but one traumatic event in the tragic story of forced migration. Awakened in the dark of night, José’s mother told him to leave and head north to stay with his aunt who lived thousands of miles away in another country. It was not that she wanted him to go, her heart shattered with the very prospect of his departure, but ongoing threats from gangs and drug cartels in the neighborhood where they lived anticipated his death if he stayed. She would join him soon, she promised, for remaining might guarantee her the same fate if they found that she had sent him away.

Such stories could be multiplied almost endlessly and told with any number of variations with respect to their details. People like José come to this country as a stranger, often with no family ties, no friends, and just with the hope that they might find a place of safety. We know that vulnerability suffuses the worlds of refugees, migrants and immigrants, but good news is also part of the story.

Whether we look at migration and immigration pragmatically, or through the lens of the Gospel our nation has enabled many to flourish who have arrived by air, water or land. In return, we are a nation rich in diversity, flourishing from the labors of so many strangers.

The World Day of Migration and Refugees challenges us to build upon the blessings that abound with the movement of peoples, while addressing the burdens and challenges in a manner worthy of our calling as the Lord’s disciples. It matters what we think, how we speak, and the way we respond to the strangers in our midst. God walks with his people, all of us.

Eucharistic Congress in Ecuador closes with cry for Earth; Australians overjoyed Sydney to host 2028 gathering

By Eduardo Campos Lima
(OSV News) – As Ecuador’s International Eucharistic Congress wrapped up in the country’s capital, Quito, Australians burst into joy as the announcement was made that they will host the 54th congress in 2028.
Other significant moments during the congress came when speakers focused on the church’s environmental concerns and the need to take care of the Earth – our “common home.”

The International Eucharistic Congress is held every four years, and the gathering in Sydney is expected to draw tens of thousands of faithful Catholics from across the globe.

Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney, present at the final Mass in Quito Sept. 15, said that this will be the largest gathering held on Australian shores since World Youth Day 2008.

“The International Eucharistic Congress is a joyous occasion that will deepen our understanding of the truth of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist,” he said.

“It is my hope that in hosting the International Eucharistic Congress we might renew the sense of solemnity, mystery, welcome and joy in the liturgical life of our city, revitalize our Christian lives, and increase our outreach to those most in need,” Archbishop Fisher said.

The bid to host the event had the backing of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia and will see Sydney become the global capital of Catholicism for one week.
The highlights of the event will be the large opening and closing Masses and a Eucharistic procession through the streets of Sydney.

Australians burst into joy in Quito, Ecuador, Sept. 15, 2024, the last day of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, as they learn that the 54th congress will be held in Sydney in 2028. (OSV News photo/courtesy International Eucharistic Congress)

The IEC in Quito concluded with such a procession Sept. 14 and with a closing Eucharistic celebration Sept. 15 with presider Cardinal Baltazar Porras Cardozo, retired archbishop of Caracas, Venezuela, and pontifical legate for the congress. On both occasions, as well as in several moments of the congress, the need to take care of the Earth – our “common home” – was emphasized.

The message was especially timely as South America faces some of the most serious wildfires in its history.

According to Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research, as of September, there have been more than 346,000 wildfires in South America this year, especially in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and Paraguay. The figure surpassed the previous annual record set in 2007. The monitoring study of fires began in 1998.
A serious drought in most of the region has created the ideal conditions for the spread of wildfires. In many cases, ranchers begin a fire in order to clear the terrain and prepare the soil for the seeds. With the lack of humidity, the flames end up spreading throughout the vegetation, provoking broad devastation. That has been the case in the Amazon rainforest, especially in Brazil.

In his homily, Cardinal Porras said that “care for the common home is a fruit of fraternity.” He added that Latin America is “a continent devastated by the irrational exploitation of nature,” recalled the Synod for the Pan-Amazon region, promoted in 2019, and said that nature is a dimension that cannot be ignored.
On the previous day, Archbishop Luis Cabrera of Guayaquil, Ecuador, who led the Eucharistic procession, said that “God loves this earth, many times contaminated and exploited.” By believing in Jesus, he said, the faithful have the strength to feel they are the “administrators and not owners of the Earth’s goods.”

The most important moment of the congress when the church’s environmental concerns were addressed occurred Sept. 13, when Bishop Rafael Cob of Puyo, Ecuador, who heads the Pan-Amazon Ecclesial Network, known by its Spanish acronym REPAM, talked about the rainforest.

“The contemplation of God in the Eucharist may lead us to see that the human being is devastating his creation,” Bishop Cob told OSV News.

The Eucharist must lead us not only to a commitment to our brothers and sisters, but also to our common home, he added.

“God’s creation, manifested in the Amazon, needs to be taken care of and defended from its destroyers,” Bishop Cob said.

He added that REPAM has been working in that direction since its foundation in 2014, with the goal not only of protecting the environment but also of being side by side with the Amazonian peoples, whose rights have been continually violated.

Bishop José Adalberto Jiménez of the Aguarico Vicariate, Ecuador, who attended the whole event, felt that the theme of the protection of the Amazon and of the “common home” as a whole should have been mentioned with more intensity at the Eucharistic congress, given the seriousness of the current crisis.
“We have been facing a strong drought in Ecuador and there are wildfires in several provinces. River Napo, which begins in Ecuador, crosses Peru and reaches River Solimões in Brazil, “is terribly low now,” Bishop Jiménez told OSV News.

In Aguarico, the church has been continually denouncing the presence of 300 backhoes near River Punino. The machines are operated by illegal miners connected to large drug trafficking gangs. Illegal mining has been severely impacting the region and the local communities, but the authorities haven’t taken any measure against it, Bishop Jiménez lamented.

“We also have to deal with oil drilling in the area. More than 500 lighters have been burning without pause, causing many problems for the environment and for the people’s health,” he added.

Bishop Jiménez stressed that REPAM has launched several initiatives to protect the environment and help the Amazon to recover.

“But we certainly don’t have any power to deal with illegal miners. They have equipment and guns, and the authorities fail to act. We denounced them, but we feel impotent,” he lamented.

In the opinion of Bishop Cob, the fact that people from almost 60 countries attended the congress and heard the reports concerning the Amazon’s devastation generates hope.

“As Christians, we are called to cultivate fraternity in a world with so many divisions. We are also invited to struggle for the environment, to struggle for the Amazon. I think people from several countries are taking back with them that message,” Bishop Cob concluded.

(Eduardo Campos Lima writes for OSV News from São Paulo.)

Homegrown Harvest: Growing vocations in the diocese

By Joanna Puddister King
JACKSON – The Jackson Seminarian Homegrown Harvest began with a vision of an event to celebrate future priests of the Diocese of Jackson. Now being hosted at the Two Mississippi Museums in Jackson, the Homegrown Harvest event has grown from its humble beginnings as an online only event in 2020, where Father Nick Adam and Bishop Joseph Kopacz talked about the call to vocations to an event that brings the community together to celebrate the Catholic faith and future priests.

JACKSON – The Two Mississippi Museums in downtown Jackson will be the site of the annual Jackson Seminarian Homegrown Harvest fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 12. To purchase tickets or to sponsor the Homegrown Harvest in support of seminarian education, visit (Photo courtesy of Mississippi Catholic)

The fifth annual Homegrown Harvest will kick-off at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Two Mississippi Museums in downtown Jackson. The event boasts fantastic food, a silent auction, raffle and more in support of vocations in the Diocese of Jackson.

Tickets admitting two to the event cost $100 and members of the Women’s Burse Club are invited to the event as well with their membership donation.
The cost of educating seminarians is far from nominal, with the estimated expenses for tuition, room and board at the college seminary and theology levels at $40,000 per year, per student. When adding in travel, summer assignments, and additional formation programs, the total annual cost per seminarian approaches $50,000.

Currently, the diocese has six seminarians – Will Foggo of St. Paul Flowood; Grayson Foley of St. Richard Jackson; EJ Martin of St. Richard Jackson; Wilson Locke of St. Paul Vicksburg; Francisco Maldonado of Immaculate Heart of Mary Greenwood; and Joe Pearson of St. Richard Jackson.

Foggo is the “most senior” of the seminarians for the Diocese of Jackson. Father Nick says that he is scheduled to be ordained a deacon next year and ordained a priest in the spring of 2026. Attendees at Homegrown Harvest will hear from Foggo about his time in seminary and from others.

Father Nick says that the six current seminarians are “just the type of men who we need to be considering the priesthood.” With some parishes in the diocese without a full-time pastor and others with priests nearing the age of retirement, he realizes the need to grow the vocations office to reach more young men, who may need a nudge to accept the call from the Lord to consider priesthood.

“So many incredible priests have served us throughout the years, but we continue to need more men from our diocese to serve,” said Father Nick.

To assist in growing “homegrown” vocations, the newest priest of the diocese – Father Tristan Stovall – was appointed by Bishop Joseph Kopacz as assistant vocations director and the office recently announced a new partnership with Vianney Vocations through an initiative called “Vocation Pathway.”

“We are excited about this new chapter,” said Father Nick. “Please keep us in your prayers and ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers for His harvest.”

To purchase tickets or to sponsor the Homegrown Harvest in support of seminarian education, visit


Around the diocese

COLUMBUS – (Above) Second grader, Henry Hince receives a blessing from Father Jeffrey Waldrep at Annunciation School. (Photo by Jacque Hince)
HOLLY SPRINGS – Holy Family School student Sophia hands first responders her “thank you” card for Patriots Day on Sept. 11. (Photo by Laura Grisham)
JACKSON – St. Richard students George Rutherford, Gabriel Sullivan and Joseph (Reeves) Buckley that are part of Cub Scout Pack 30 led the procession for Patriots Day Mass on Sept. 11. During this Mass students, families and supporters sang “God Bless America,” said the Pledge of Allegiance and spoke about the significance of our country’s flag and its symbolism. (Photo by Celeste Saucier)
GREENVILLE – First Communion, St. Joseph, May 5, 2024. Pictured: Ryker Ruggeri of St. James, Leland; Father Jose Sanchez; Luke Jones of Our Lady of the Lake, Lake Village, Arkansas; Matthew Cannatella of Our Lady of the Lake, Lake Village; Cesare Wilson and Owen Swafford of St. Joseph Church. (Photo courtesy of Mary Lynn Powers)
NATCHEZ – Dual enrollment students in Anatomy and Physiology dissected rats in class. Pictured: Brittany Smith, Ella Skates, Ally Blanton and Molly Shirley. (Photo by Sarah Welch)

CLARKSDALE – Students at St. Elizabeth School joined around the American flag for a Patriots Day prayer service on Sept. 11. (Photos by Mary Evelyn Stonestreet)

(Below) FLOWOOD – Ms. Betty Taylor reads to nursery babies at St. Paul Early Learning Center. (Photo by Susan Irby)

MADISON – St. Anthony second grader, Lawson Griffin reads with his sixth grade reading buddies Liza McCarthy and Channing Smith. (Photo by Celeste Tassin)

JACKSON – Sister Thea Bowman students, JaKauzi Brown, Joelle Carpenter and Amirah Wilson play the game “Monkeys in a Barrel” to see how many “monkeys” they can get, then worked on creating a bar graph for a graphing lesson. (Photo by Christopher Payne)
MERIDIAN – (Above) Fifth graders at St. Patrick School try out their balloon rocket in science class. Pictured (l-r): Patrick Pittman, Kayleigh Johnson and Nolan Alexander. (Photo by Kasey Owen)

Called by Name

Last issue I shared a little about our brand-new partnership with Vianney Vocations as we have formed a Vocation Team of priests across the diocese to start running discernment groups for young men. These discernment groups are very well organized and each of the priests running a group has gone through four sessions of training to help them understand how to make the group fun and beneficial for the men. The groups meet once a week for six weeks in the fall and in the spring, and they include one service project and one social outing.

The folks at Vianney have been very insistent that we follow their model for these groups. Speaking for myself, I know it is easy to think “well, I know that they said to do it one way, but I’m going to do it another way.” We have been strongly encouraged to avoid this thinking. These groups have been serving young men well in dioceses across the country, and they help guys build fraternal bonds and grow in their faith, whether they end up in seminary or not.

These groups have already kicked off. I know that Father Kent Bowlds has started one in Cleveland, and mine will start Sept. 29 in Jackson. The goal of these groups is to create sources of accompaniment for young men who often feel very isolated in their discernment. Not that many guys in high school or college or in the workforce are comfortable talking about their faith, and even less are seriously open to discerning a call to the priesthood. With these groups, guys will have the opportunity to walk with each other and find encouragement. It also allows them to have regular conversations with a priest who can share with them about his life.

The overarching concern that I have as vocation director is – how can we best accompany young men who are open to God’s call? This is a concern that is difficult to address in a diocese that is so big, and so when Vianney Vocations approached me with their plan and offered their support, I was incredibly interested. As these groups launch, I ask for particular prayers that the priests responsible for them will be inspired by the Holy Spirit to overcome obstacles, think creatively, and be renewed by their service to the men in their groups. I really believe that this will be the key to achieving a sustainable, Spirit-led increase in vocations, and, if God wills it, even an abundance of them.

Also – we just finalized the design for our new seminarian poster, so be on the lookout for those and be sure to keep our six seminarians in your prayers.

Father Nick Adam, vocation director

Encountering, following Jesus changes everything, pope says

By Carol Glatz
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – It is not enough to know about Jesus, one must encounter him, be changed by his Gospel and follow him, Pope Francis said.

“I can know many things about Jesus, but if I have not encountered him, I still do not know who Jesus is,” the pope told visitors and pilgrims who joined him in St. Peter’s Square Sept. 15 for the midday recitation of the Angelus prayer.

“It takes this life-changing encounter; it changes one’s way of being, one’s way of thinking, it changes the relationships you have with your brothers and sisters, your willingness to accept and forgive, it changes the choices you make in life,” he said.

In the day’s Gospel reading from St. Mark, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?”
Peter responds correctly, saying that he is the Christ, the pope said. However, Peter still has a “worldly” way of thinking that believes the Messiah must be strong and victorious, and can never suffer or die.
“So, the words with which Peter responds are ‘right,’ but his way of thinking has not changed,” Pope Francis said. “He still has to change his mindset; he still has to convert.”

This is the same message for all Catholics, who must ask themselves, “Who is Jesus for me?” he said. It is not enough to respond with something learned in catechism class, to know doctrine and to recite prayers correctly.

Pope Francis greets visitors gathered in St. Peter’s Square to pray the Angelus at the Vatican Sept. 15, 2024. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

“In reality, to know the Lord, it is not enough to know something about him, but rather to follow him, to let oneself be touched and changed by his Gospel. It is a matter of having a relationship with him, an encounter,” he said.

The faithful, he said, should be “bothered” by the questions and ask “who Jesus is for me, and what place does he occupy in my life? Do I follow Jesus only in word, continuing to have a worldly mentality, or do I set out to follow him, allowing the encounter with him to transform my life?”

“Everything changes if you have truly come to know Jesus!” the pope said.