110ª Jornada Mundial del Migrante y del Refugiado “Dios camina con su pueblo”

Por Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
Desde el centro de nuestra iglesia y desde el corazón de Jesucristo, cada año durante los últimos 110 años, una sucesión de papas en una cadena ininterrumpida que comenzó con Benedicto XV en 1914 y continuó con el Papa Francisco en 2024, han dedicado una Jornada Mundial de los Migrantes y Refugiados. Históricamente, fue el impacto agónico de la Primera Guerra Mundial lo que provocó el inicio de esta digna conmemoración.

Obispo Joseph R. Kopacz

Además de la muerte de millones de combatientes y civiles en el continente europeo, millones fueron desplazados y huyeron de sus amadas patrias. La guerra es mala, y en cada generación, es una de las razones más obvias que incita a la migración forzada, una tragedia en nuestro tiempo que se está desarrollando actualmente es Ucrania, el Medio Oriente y en varias naciones africanas, por nombrar solo algunas. Hay otras causas. La pobreza profundamente arraigada y los desastres naturales, a menudo vinculados, la hambruna, la violencia abrumadora de los cárteles y la corrupción desenfrenada son factores importantes que también avivan las llamas de la migración.

La iglesia en todo el mundo está sirviendo y sufriendo en estas duras realidades. Reflexionando sobre los misterios del Reino de Dios como es nuestra naturaleza espiritual, el 19 de octubre de 2023 marcó la conclusión de la Primera Sesión de la XVI Asamblea General Ordinaria del Sínodo de los Obispos. A continuación, algunas selecciones de la declaración del Papa Francisco sobre la conmemoración de este año. “Subrayar la dimensión sinodal permite a la Iglesia redescubrir su naturaleza itinerante como Pueblo de Dios que camina a través de la historia en peregrinación, ‘emigrando’, podríamos decir, hacia el Reino de los Cielos … Del mismo modo, es posible ver en los emigrantes de nuestro tiempo, como en los de todos los tiempos, una imagen viva del pueblo de Dios en camino hacia la patria eterna. Sus viajes de esperanza nos recuerdan que ‘nuestra ciudadanía está en los cielos, y es de allí que esperamos un Salvador, el Señor Jesucristo’. (Filipenses 3:20) Por eso, el encuentro con el migrante, como con todo hermano y hermana necesitado, es también un encuentro con Cristo. Él mismo lo dijo. Cada encuentro en el camino representa una oportunidad para encontrarse con el Señor; es una ocasión cargada de salvación, porque Jesús está presente en la hermana o en el hermano que necesita nuestra ayuda. En este sentido, los pobres nos salvan, porque nos permiten encontrarnos con el rostro del Señor”.

Lo que sigue no es más que un acontecimiento traumático en la trágica historia de la migración forzada. Despertada en la oscuridad de la noche, la madre de José le dijo que se fuera y se dirigiera al norte para quedarse con su tía, que vivía a miles de kilómetros de distancia en otro país. No era que ella quisiera que se fuera, su corazón se rompía con la mera perspectiva de su partida, pero las continuas amenazas de las pandillas y los cárteles de la droga en el vecindario donde vivían anticipaban su muerte si se quedaba. Ella pronto se reuniría con él porque quedarse podría garantizarle el mismo destino para ella si descubrían que José había partido.

Tales historias podrían multiplicarse casi infinitamente y contarse con cualquier número de variaciones con respecto a sus detalles. Personas como José vienen a este país como un extraño, a menudo sin lazos familiares, sin amigos, y solo con la esperanza de encontrar un lugar seguro. Sabemos que la vulnerabilidad impregna los mundos de los refugiados, migrantes e inmigrantes, pero las buenas noticias también son parte de la historia.

Ya sea que miremos la migración y la inmigración de manera pragmática o a través del lente del Evangelio, nuestra nación ha permitido que florezcan muchos que han llegado por aire, agua o tierra. A cambio, somos una nación rica en diversidad, que florece gracias al trabajo de tantos extraños. La Jornada Mundial de las Migraciones y los Refugiados nos desafía a aprovechar las bendiciones que abundan con el movimiento de los pueblos, al tiempo que abordamos las cargas y los desafíos de una manera digna a nuestro llamado como discípulos del Señor. Importa lo que pensamos, cómo hablamos y cómo respondemos a los extraños que nos rodean. Dios camina con su pueblo, con todos nosotros.

Encontrar y seguir a Jesús lo cambia todo, dice el Papa

By Carol Glatz
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – No basta con saber de Jesús, hay que tener un encuentro con él, dejarse tocar por su Evangelio y seguirlo, dijo el Papa Francisco.

“Yo puedo conocer muchas cosas de Jesús, pero si no lo he encontrado, entonces yo no sé quién es Jesú”,dijo el Papa a los visitantes y peregrinos que se reunieron con él en la Plaza de San Pedro el 15 de septiembre para el rezo del Ángelus.

“Es necesario este encuentro que cambia la vida: cambia el modo de ser, cambia el modo de pensar, cambia las relaciones que tienes con los hermanos, la disposición a acoger y a perdonar, cambia las elecciones que haces en la vida”, dijo.

En la lectura del Evangelio del día, tomada de San Marcos, Jesús pregunta a sus discípulos: “¿Quién dice la gente que soy yo?”.

Pedro responde correctamente, diciendo que él es el Cristo, dijo el Papa. Sin embargo, Pedro todavía tiene un modo de pensar mundano que cree que el Mesías debe ser fuerte y victorioso, y que nunca puede sufrir ni morir.

“Así que las palabras con las que Pedro responde son ‘correctas’, pero su modo de pensar no ha cambiado”, dijo el Papa Francisco. “Todavía tiene que cambiar su forma de pensar; él todavía tiene que convertirse”.

El Papa Francisco saluda a los visitantes reunidos en la Plaza de San Pedro para rezar el Ángelus en el Vaticano el 15 de septiembre de 2024. (Foto CNS/Vatican Media)

Este es el mismo mensaje para todos los católicos, que deben preguntarse: “¿Quién es Jesús para tí?”, dijo. No basta con responder con algo aprendido en la clase de catecismo, conocer la doctrina y recitar correctamente las oraciones.

“En realidad, para conocer al Señor no basta con saber algo de Él, sino que es necesario seguirlo, dejarse tocar y cambiar por su Evangelio. Se trata de tener con Él una relación, un encuentro”, dijo.

Los fieles, dijo, deben sentirse interpelados por las preguntas y preguntarse “¿quién es Jesús para mí y qué lugar ocupa en mi vida?”. Añadiendo, según la traducción del Vaticano en inglés, “¿Sigo a Jesús sólo de palabra, continuando con una mentalidad mundana, o me propongo seguirle, permitiendo que el encuentro con Él transforme mi vida?”
“¡Todo cambia si has conocido de verdad a Jesús!”, dijo el Papa.

Breves de la Nación y el Mundo

WASHINGTON (OSV News) – El senador JD Vance, candidato republicano a la vicepresidencia, repitió -sin pruebas- afirmaciones sobre inmigrantes haitianos que se comían a las mascotas de los residentes en Springfield, Ohio. Pero los compañeros republicanos de Vance en Ohio han dicho que tales afirmaciones son falsas, y los líderes católicos han pedido respeto para los inmigrantes. En un debate celebrado el 10 de septiembre, el ex presidente Donald Trump también repitió las afirmaciones virales y no verificadas -refutadas por las autoridades locales- sobre los inmigrantes haitianos, una población mayoritariamente católica, que viven en la ciudad de Springfield (Ohio), en las que se les acusa de secuestrar mascotas y comérselas. En una entrevista el 15 de septiembre en el programa «State of the Union» de la CNN, Vance fue confrontado por la presentadora Dana Bash sobre esa afirmación, que también ha repetido. «Si tengo que crear historias para que los medios de comunicación estadounidenses realmente presten atención al sufrimiento del pueblo estadounidense, eso es lo que voy a hacer, Dana, porque ustedes están dejando que Kamala Harris se pasee», dijo Vance. Los compañeros republicanos de Vance en Ohio, entre ellos el gobernador del estado y el alcalde de Springfield, calificaron de falsas las afirmaciones de que los inmigrantes haitianos secuestran y se comen a las mascotas. «Tenemos una comunidad de gran corazón, y estamos siendo difamados de una manera que no merecemos», dijo el alcalde Rob Rue, también republicano. Las estimaciones creíbles varían, pero unos cuantos miles de inmigrantes procedentes de Haití se han asentado en Springfield, Ohio, según las autoridades municipales, y la mayoría tienen estatus legal. La mayoría llegó como resultado de un esfuerzo de la Cámara de Comercio local para reactivar Springfield como centro manufacturero.

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) – La segunda sesión del Sínodo de los Obispos sobre la sinodalidad, que reunirá en el Vaticano a 368 obispos, sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos, comenzará pidiendo perdón por diversos pecados en nombre de todos los bautizados. Como hicieron los miembros del sínodo antes de la sesión del año pasado, pasarán dos días de retiro antes de empezar a trabajar; ese periodo de reflexión concluirá el 1 de octubre con una liturgia penitencial presidida por el Papa Francisco en la Basílica de San Pedro, según anunció el Vaticano. La liturgia incluirá tiempo para escuchar los testimonios de tres personas: una que sufrió el pecado de abuso, otra el pecado de guerra y la tercera el pecado de indiferencia ante la difícil situación de los migrantes, según un comunicado del Vaticano anunciando la liturgia. Después, se procederá a “la confesión de algunos pecados”, dice el comunicado, publicado el 16 de septiembre. “No se trata de denunciar el pecado de los demás, sino de reconocerse parte de aquellos que por omisión o acción se convierten en causa de sufrimiento, responsables del mal sufrido por los inocentes e indefensos”. La liturgia está abierta a todos, pero se dirige específicamente a los jóvenes, ya que “dirige la mirada interior de la Iglesia a los rostros de las nuevas generaciones”, dijo el Vaticano.

Una estatua del Cristo de la Paz en la cima del Cerro San Pedro se ve el 10 de septiembre de 2024, envuelta en el humo causado por los incendios forestales en Cochabamba, Bolivia. (Foto OSV News/Patricia Pinto, Reuters)

LA PAZ, Bolivia (OSV News) – Los obispos de Bolivia instaron a las autoridades del país a actuar con rapidez para evitar daños irreparables a las personas y al medio ambiente, mientras los incendios forestales continúan devastando millones de hectáreas. En un comunicado publicado el 9 de septiembre, la Conferencia Episcopal Boliviana dijo que el país sufre “un desastre ecológico provocado por la mano humana” que exige “una respuesta pronta ante el daño del medio ambiente producido por la quema indiscriminada y los incendios en la Chiquitanía y en tantos lugares del Oriente boliviano”. “La Iglesia Católica hace un llamado a las autoridades políticas responsables, para que actúen con rapidez y eficacia evitando así que esta catástrofe medioambiental y nacional vaya en aumento”, señalaron los obispos. “No sólo se trata de erradicar los incendios, sino también de ayudar a todas las personas que sufren a causa de esa situación y se ven afectadas en su economía y vivir diario”. Citando estimaciones de la agencia brasileña de investigación espacial Inpe, la agencia de noticias Reuters informó de que Bolivia ha sufrido el mayor número de incendios forestales este año, con más de 7,5 millones de acres de tierra quemados hasta la fecha. El obispo auxiliar de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Stanislaw Dowlaszewicz, criticó abiertamente la gestión gubernamental del desastre. En su homilía de la Misa del 8 de septiembre en la Catedral Basílica de San Lorenzo, Mons. Dowlaszewicz dijo, “Los que tienen que responder a ese cataclismo, nuestras autoridades, son sordas, mudas y ciegas”.

Tome Nota

Vírgenes y Santos
Exaltación de la Santa Cruz. Septiembre 14
San Pio de Pietrelcina. Septiembre 23
San Gerónimo. Septiembre 30
Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús. Octubre 1
Santos Ángeles de la Guarda. Octubre 2
San Francisco de Asís. Octubre 4
Virgen del Rosario. Octubre 7
Santa Teresa de Jesús. Octubre 15
Día de San Juan Pablo II. Octubre 22
San Antonio Maria Claret. Octubre 24
San Judas Tadeo. Octubre 28

FOREST – Fiesta de San Miguel Gaddis Park, domingo 6 de octubre con misa a las 10h.

GREENWOOD – St. Francis, Fiesta de San Francisco, Domingo 6 de octubre. Se celebrará una misa bilingüe a las 12 p.m., seguida de un potluck parroquial. Todos están invitados a asistir y traer su plato favorito para compartir.

PONTOTOC – St. Christopher, Misa al aire libre en el Tanglefoot Trail Pavillion el 13 de octubre a las 9:30 a.m. con fiesta después de la Misa.

SOUTHAVEN/HERNANDO – El viernes 4 de octubre, no habrá Misa del Viernes Primero del mes aquí en Cristo Rey. El Obispo estará celebrando una Misa por el 150th aniversario de las Hnas. de la Escuela de San Francisco ese dia a las 6pm en la Iglesia Holy Spirit (Hernando).
Todos están invitados a la Misa con el Obispo para celebrar el aniversario de la congregación de la hermana Rose.

SOUTHAVEN – Christ the King, Festividad de San Francisco y Bendición de los animales, el domingo 6 de octubre a las 4 p.m. Las mascotas deberán estar con correa o en una jaula.

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Second synod session to open with penitential liturgy

By Justin McLellan
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The second session of the Synod of Bishops on synodality, set to bring 368 bishops, priests, religious and laypeople to the Vatican, will begin by asking forgiveness for various sins on behalf of all the baptized.

As synod members did before last year’s session, they will spend two days on retreat before beginning work; that period of reflection will conclude Oct. 1 with a penitential liturgy presided over by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican announced.

This is the official logo for the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. (CNS photo/courtesy Synod of Bishops)

The liturgy will include time to listen to the testimonies of three people: one who suffered from the sin of abuse, one from the sin of war and third from the sin of indifference to the plight of migrants, according to a Vatican statement announcing the liturgy.

Afterward, “the confession of a number of sins will take place,” said the statement, released Sept. 16. “The aim is not to denounce the sin of others, but to acknowledge oneself as a member of those who, by omission or action, become the cause of suffering and responsible for the evil inflicted on the innocent and defenseless.”

According to the Vatican, the sins confessed will include: sins against peace; sins against creation, sins against Indigenous populations and migrants; the sin of abuse; sins against women, family and youth; the sin of “using doctrine as stones to be hurled”; sins against poverty; and sins against synodality or the lack of listening and communion.

The liturgy is open to all but is specifically geared toward young people, as it “directs the Church’s inner gaze to the faces of new generations,” the Vatican said.

“Indeed, it will be the young people present in the Basilica who will receive the sign that the future of the Church is theirs, and that the request for forgiveness is the first step of a faith-filled and missionary credibility that must be reestablished,” it said.

Cardinal Mario Grech, secretary-general of the synod, said that in addressing young people, the church wants “to communicate to them and to the world that the church is in a dynamic of conversion.”

“After all, this is the path to holiness, not that there is no sin but that we recognize our limits, our weakness, that we are open to conversion, to learning, always with the help of the Lord,” he said.

Presenting details for the upcoming synod session at a news conference Sept. 16, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, relator general of the synod, said most of the participants would be the same as those who participated in the first assembly, which was held in October 2023, though 25 changes were made for different reasons, such as health problems.

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, who participated last year as an alternate delegate of the U.S. bishops’ conference, will not be at the assembly; Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, who was elected but could not attend in 2023, will take his place as part of the U.S. delegation.

Cardinal Hollerich said that of the 368 voting members, 96 — or just over a quarter — are not bishops. Additionally, he said the number of representatives from other Christian communities participating in the synod without voting privileges increased from 12 to 16 “given the great interest that the sister churches have shown in this synodal journey.”

Jesuit Father Giacomo Costa, special secretary of the synod, said at the news conference that unlike the first session of the synod on synodality’s assembly, which focused on “an awareness and identification of some priorities,” the second session is about “going in-depth” into some of the key points raised during the listening sessions around the world and during the first assembly.

But Cardinal Grech confirmed that some of the more controversial points raised, including about ordaining women to the diaconate, would not be a topic of discussion at the assembly. In March, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis had established study groups to examine those issues and report back to him in 2025. But the groups will share a progress report with the synod members at the beginning of the October assembly.

Whereas the synod assembly produced a synthesis report at the end of its first session in 2023, the 2024 session will produce a final document to be given to the pope.

“To date, there has always been a communication to the people of God on the part of the Holy Father,” Cardinal Grech said in response to a question on whether the pope will issue a post-synodal exhortation after the synod.

Another introduction into this year’s session is the organization of four public “theological-pastoral forums” centered on different topics for a deeper understanding of synodality. The forums, hosted in Rome and open to the public, are titled: “People of God as Subject of the Mission”; “The Role and Authority of the Bishop in a Synodal Church”; “The Mutual Relationship Local Church-Universal Church”; and “The Exercise of the Primacy and the Synod of Bishops.”

The forums are intended to respond to the need to “continue the theological, canonical and pastoral deepening of the meaning of synodality for the different aspects of the Church’s faith and to offer theologians and canonists the opportunity to contribute to the work of the Assembly,” a Vatican statement said.

‘Revival of prayer and action’ needed to end abortion, says US bishops’ pro-life chair

By Gina Christian (OSV News) — Ahead of Respect Life Month, the pro-life committee chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is urging “a revival of prayer and action” to end abortion and uphold the sanctity of human life.

A statement for the October observance, written by Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia, was released by the USCCB Sept. 19 and posted to the website of the USCCB’s Respect Life Month initiative. The effort traces its origins to 1972, just prior to the U.S. Supreme Court rulings on Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the two 1973 decisions that broadly legalized abortion.

In his message, Bishop Burbidge stressed that “Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist, gives us the fullness of life,” and “calls each of us to respect that gift of life in every human person.”

The bishop pointed to the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, held during July in Indianapolis as part of the National Eucharistic Revival, the U.S. bishops’ three-year effort to rekindle devotion to the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, Va., chair of the U.S. Catholic bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, delivers the homily during the opening Mass of the National Prayer Vigil for Life Jan. 19, 2023, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. In a statement issued Sept. 19, 2024, for October as Respect Life Month, Bishop Burbidge called for “a revival of prayer and action” to end abortion and uphold the sanctity of human life. (OSV News photo/Bob Roller)

The congress and the Eucharistic processions leading up to it “involved hundreds of thousands of Catholics who will never be the same,” he said. “The revival continues, and is so needed, especially in our efforts to defend human life.”

He quoted a 2013 address by Pope Francis to Catholic medical professionals, in which the pope said that “every child who, rather than being born, is condemned unjustly to being aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who even before he was born, and then just after birth, experienced the world’s rejection.”

However, “the law and millions of our brothers and sisters have yet to recognize this reality,” said Bishop Burbidge.

Despite the Supreme Court’s June 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, enabling elected officials “to reduce or end abortion … fifty years of virtually unlimited abortion has tragically created a national mindset where many Americans have become comfortable with some amount of abortion,” said Bishop Burbidge. “This allows the abortion industry to continue to provide any amount of abortion.”

Abortion rates actually rose or stayed at pre-Roe levels in the U.S. following the Dobbs decision, which overturned the Roe and Doe rulings.

Globally, there are a total of some 73.3 million abortions each year, according to the Guttmacher Institute — a number about 4 million greater than United Kingdom’s current population, and almost 15 million more than the United Nation’s 2019 crude death rate, or total number of deaths worldwide in a given year.

“Given this challenge, the U.S. bishops have affirmed that, while it is important to address all the ways in which human life is threatened, ‘abortion remains our pre-eminent priority as it directly attacks our most vulnerable brothers and sisters, destroying more than a million lives each year in our country alone,'” said Bishop Burbidge, quoting a 2024 document by the U.S. Bishops on conscience formation and political responsibility for Catholics.

With the U.S. presidential election just weeks away, Bishop Burbidge asked Catholics in the U.S. to “renew our commitment to work for the legal protection of every human life, from conception to natural death, and to vote for candidates who will defend the life and dignity of the human person.”

In addition, he said, “we must call for policies that assist women and their children in need, while also continuing to help mothers in our own communities through local pregnancy help centers and our nationwide, parish-based initiative, Walking with Moms in Need.”

Faithful must “likewise continue to extend the hand of compassion to all who are suffering from participation in abortion,” highlighting the church’s abortion healing ministries, such as Project Rachel.

“Most importantly, we must rededicate ourselves to fervent prayer on behalf of life,” said Bishop Burbidge, who invited Catholics “to join me in a concerted effort of prayer between now and our national elections, by daily praying our Respect Life Month, ‘Prayer for Life to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.'”

The text of the prayer, along with several resources for Respect Life Month, is available on the initiative’s website at https://www.respectlife.org/respect-life-month.

(Gina Christian is a multimedia reporter for OSV News. Follow her on X (formerly Twitter) @GinaJesseReina.)

‘Jeopardy!’ fans laud Catholic priest-contestant aiming to give ‘positive impression’ of church

By Gina Christian (OSV News) — A Catholic priest who had gameshow fans “swooning,” according to one entertainment reporter, told OSV News he hoped his recent television appearance helps give “a positive impression of the church” and clergy in general.

Holy Cross Father Steven Jakubowski, a parochial vicar at St. Ignatius Martyr in Austin, Texas, was a contestant on “Jeopardy!” — the long-running quiz show now produced by Sony Pictures — in an episode that aired Sept. 19.

The Grand Rapids, Michigan, native, who was ordained in April, notched third place with $2,000 in winnings — which the 29-year-old said will “go to the (Holy Cross) community” in keeping with the order’s vow of poverty.

Holy Cross Father Steve Jakubowski, parochial vicar St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church in Austin, Texas, is pictured on the set of the “Jeopardy!” game show in Los Angeles May 31, 2024. Father Jakubowski appeared on the popular game show Sept. 19, taking third place with $2,000 in winnings. (OSV News photo/courtesy Jeopardy Productions Inc.)

The sight of the young, bearded priest on the iconic “Jeopardy!” set had at least a few viewers taking to social media to comment. “Omg father Steve is so enjoyable to watch he’s so happy to be there,” exclaimed X (formerly Twitter) user @HellOnHeelsGirl in a Sept. 19 post.

But for Father Jakubowski, the opportunity to participate in the show was a surprise, since he had applied to be a contestant “just for fun.”

“A couple of years ago, I applied (through) a sort of online quiz that you have to take,” he explained. “I didn’t expect to hear much from it.”

In the interim, he took a second online quiz and advanced to a “Zoom version of the game.”

“I was in my clerical garb for that, so they knew I was a priest,” Father Jakubowski said. “That was kind of an interesting novelty for them, I’m sure.”

In April, the show’s producers “called me up out of the blue and asked if I wanted to come to Los Angeles to be on the show for an episode,” he said.

After ensuring his schedule would allow him to “make it happen” — and encountering “a little bit of surprise” from parishioners, who encouraged him to “go for it” — Father Jakubowski headed out to compete in an episode, which was filmed in April. He remained mum about the outcome until the air date, due to a standard nondisclosure agreement with the producers.

The former math major said he watched “Jeopardy!” while growing up, and enjoys trivia since it highlights how “little facts can be part of something bigger.”

“Part of it is that it is just fun to know an obscure fact,” he admitted. “But I think (also) it’s sort of the way those obscure facts are maybe part of something more interesting or coherent.”

His best subject for trivia is geography — as well as Scripture, he said.

“I was hoping for a lot of Bible questions,” said Father Jakubowski. “You know, I think I would do reasonably well.”

(Gina Christian is a multimedia reporter for OSV News. Follow her on X (formerly Twitter) @GinaJesseReina.)

Novena for mental health seeks healing, awareness, action on issue

By Gina Christian (OSV News) — The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops invites the faithful to join in a novena for mental health as part of the second year of the USCCB’s ongoing National Catholic Mental Health Campaign.

The nine days of prayer will commence on Oct. 10, which marks the international observance of World Mental Health Day, and conclude on Oct. 18, the feast of St. Luke, the evangelist and a patron of health care, who in the Letter to the Colossians is referenced as “the beloved physician” (Col 4:14).

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has invited the faithful to participate in an Oct. 10-18, 2024, novena for mental health, as part of the second year of its National Catholic Mental Health Campaign. (OSV News photo/courtesy USCCB)

Each day of the novena, which opened the USCCB campaign in October 2023, focuses on a particular aspect of mental health, addressing stigma, social relationships, and the impact of factors such as racism and poverty. Saints and others invoked during the novena include St. Dymphna, patron of those with mental illness; St. Martin de Porres, who experienced racial discrimination throughout his life; and Dorothy Day, a servant of God who twice attempted suicide as a young woman.

The Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time — which this year falls on Oct. 13, on the fourth day of the novena — has been designated as “Mental Health Sunday” by the USCCB, during which parishes can highlight the campaign by integrating mental health into the homily, offering prayers or special blessings for those experiencing anguish or distress, and including a petition for mental health during the prayer of the faithful at the liturgy.

Novena materials can be found online at https://www.usccb.org/mental-health-novena.

The novena — which encourages participants to pray, learn about and take action about mental health issues — “is offered in solidarity with those suffering from mental health challenges as well as health care professionals, family, and friends who are caring for people in need,” said the USCCB on its webpage introduction to the novena. “We hope that this modest novena will move all people to discern how God is calling them to offer greater assistance to those with mental health needs.”

The USCCB is encouraging Catholic dioceses to share novena information with their parishes with a special emphasis on Mental Health Sunday, Oct. 13, as it falls in the midst of the nine-day renewal effort and is an opportunity to promote and support the efforts of local mental health programs.

The “simple message” of the campaign is that “everyone who needs help should receive help,” said the USCCB in a Sept. 23 press release, quoting October 2023 remarks by two bishops spearheading the initiative, Archbishop Borys A. Gudziak of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, and Bishop Robert E. Barron of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth.

(Gina Christian is a multimedia reporter for OSV News. Follow her on X (formerly Twitter) @GinaJesseReina)

NOTES: Novena materials can be found online at https://www.usccb.org/mental-health-novena.

From Servant of God to sainthood – an update on Sister Thea Bowman’s cause

From the Archives
By Mary Woodward

As September rolls in upon us and schools are now in full swing, our diocesan director of Catholic Schools, Karla Luke, asked for an update on the canonization process of Sister Thea Bowman, she could share with our Catholic schools. We have a wonderful school in Jackson named after Sister Thea and many students are excited about being associated with someone who is on the official path to sainthood in the church.

Putting someone forward for sainthood is one of the noblest things a diocesan church can do. It involves a very intricate and detailed process of studying the life and acts of that person. Many moving parts make up this initiative and keeping them on track is an adventure.

So, where are we in the canonical process? We are right in the middle of what is called the diocesan phase.

JACKSON – A painting of Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA by Marshall Bouldin of Clarksdale (1923-2012) hangs in archivist, Mary Woodward’s office. Bouldin, the South’s foremost portrait artist of his time, completed the painting in 1988 and said that Sister Thea would burst forth into song when sitting for the portrait. (Photo by Mary Woodward)

During this phase which has been going on since the cause officially opened in November 2018, the title Servant of God is used when referring to the person. This title is given to those who have been presented and accepted for the canonical process. Therefore, when referring to Sister Thea, her full title now is Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA (SOG Sister Thea).

The work being done meticulously right now includes gathering all of the Servant of God’s writings, studying them for sound doctrine, gleaning them for virtue and piety, and transcribing them into type written format. For those who knew the Servant of God, they are fully aware that she would often jot things down on envelopes, napkins, and any scrap of paper she could find. All of these notes have been archived by the Franciscan Sisters in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, where most all of SOG Sister Thea’s papers reside.

Throughout this past summer, an intern has been working in LaCrosse to digitize these writings while many volunteers have been transcribing them to Word documents. All of this is done so that the historical commission can review SOG Sister Thea’s works and develop a report that gives an all-encompassing detail of SOG Sister Thea’s virtuous and pious life.

The historical commission consists of two professors in the field of theology and the archivist for the FSPAs. Technically, they should remain anonymous due to the nature of their work and to avoid any outside influences creating a bias in the process.

Over Labor Day weekend, the historical commission convened in LaCrosse to put eyes on the collection, talk with other FSPA’s who knew the SOG, and create a framework in which to complete their mandate of capturing the SOG’s virtues and documenting all the sources.

In addition to the historical commission, there are two theological censors, also anonymous due to the sensitivity of their work, who examine all of the SOG’s published writings and public statements for orthodoxy to the teachings of the church. These two work independently of each other and submit two separate statements called vota.

On top of the work of the historical commission and the theological censors, we have a scribe, transcribing more than 50 interviews of witnesses who were invited to answer a series of questions about the SOG’s life and virtues – the questionnaire had more than 100 questions, so each interview is rather lengthy.

Finally, once all reports are finished and all writings and interviews transcribed, every single page will be reviewed and given a stamp of approval by the bishop’s delegate and promoter of justice. Then three copies are made of every page for the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, which are boxed up and sealed then transported to Rome by the postulator, who has been guiding the whole process. A fourth copy is made and sealed to be kept in the diocesan archive vault.

Once all that arrives at the dicastery, the Roman Phase of examination of the cause begins. During this phase, the postulator under the direction of a staff member of the dicastery writes a summary of all the documentation for the dicastery called the “positio.”

This is examined by a panel of theologians who then vote on whether the SOG has lived a heroic life of virtue. If the majority votes in the positive, then the SOG is recommend for review by the Cardinals and Bishops who are members of the dicastery. If after this review the members agree on the virtuous heroicness of the SOG’s life, then the Prefect of the Dicastery recommends to the Holy Father to declare the SOG “Venerable” by means of an official decree from the Holy See.

I know that was a lot to follow but now you can see how ordered and definitive the process really is. It takes time. Our goal is to have the diocesan phase completed by next summer and off to Rome prior to September 2025.

We invite you to pray for the cause, especially for the historical commission, the theological censors, the transcribers, and the postulator as we continue to follow this unique and noble path. And of course, ask SOG Sister Thea to guide us from above with patience and joy.

(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson.)

Early Learning Centers: A year-round commitment to academic excellence

MADISON – Staff from Early Learning Centers around the diocese gathered for a professional development event on Aug. 12 at St. Francis parish in Madison. The diocese has four early learning centers – Assisi ELC in Madison, St. Paul ELC in Flowood, Sisters of Mercy ELC in Vicksburg and St. Richard ELC in Jackson. (Photos by Virginia Hollingsworth and Rachel Patterson)

By Karla Luke
While most elementary and high schools began their academic year in early August, there are some educators who work tirelessly year-round: the staff at our Early Learning Centers. The Office of Catholic Education proudly oversees four Early Learning Centers within the Catholic Diocese of Jackson, where dedicated teams ensure that children, from infants to toddlers, get a strong start on their academic journey.

The Assisi Early Learning Center in Madison, established in 1987 under the leadership of the beloved Sister Paula Blouin, SSND, continues to thrive. Sister Paula led the center for 34 years, and her legacy is carried on by the current director, Latoya Kelly, who was mentored by Sister Paula.

St. Paul Early Learning Center in Flowood has been a cornerstone of early childhood education since the early 1990s. Recently, it welcomed new leadership: Wendi Murray and Susan Irby, following the retirement of director Jennifer Henry and assistant director Darlene Scanlon.

The Sisters of Mercy Early Learning Center in Vicksburg, named for the religious community who helped staff Catholic schools from their beginnings, opened in 2021, amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its establishment was an act of faith and courage by the Vicksburg Catholic community, St. Aloysius and St. Francis. The ELC is currently led by Katie Emfinger.

In March 2024, the newest Early Learning Center opened at St. Richard Parish in Jackson. This modern facility, located in the heart of the city, has the capacity to accommodate 118 students. Ilana Schuetzle, a former preschool teacher at St. Richard Catholic School, serves as the center’s director.

The Catholic Church teaches that parents are the first educators of their children. We are honored that parents have entrusted our Early Learning Centers with the beginning of their child’s education. From as early as six weeks old, children enter our centers where learning begins from day one.

For the past three years, the diocese has organized professional development for all caregivers, directors, assistant directors, and staff members at the Early Learning Centers. Around 120 employees gather annually at one of the four centers to receive training on best practices, curriculum development, classroom management, and various other areas of early childhood education.

On Aug. 12, the Assisi Early Learning Center in Madison hosted a professional development event for all four Early Learning Centers. Speakers from the Madison County Pre-School Specialist Training Department included Kelli Dyess, behavior specialist coordinator; Tanya Graves, student support coordinator; and Robyn May, math specialist. Attendees rotated through each presentation, allowing them to engage with all three speakers. The sessions emphasized the critical role of early interactions, from infancy to preschool, in shaping a child’s future academic success. All presenters highlighted the importance of building strong relationships with both children and their families as the foundation for a child’s success.

MADISON – Staff members of Early Learning Centers work on developing counting schools for preschool children.

The training day was well-received by teachers and caregivers alike. Here’s what some of them had to say:

“The speakers were very knowledgeable about their respective topics. I was highly engaged and learned a great deal. I just wish we had more time!” said a staff member from St. Richard ELC.

“I appreciated the intimate setting of the smaller groups. It allowed us to ask questions and engage more deeply with the speakers,” shared Alexis Emfinger of Sisters of Mercy ELC.

“The professional development meeting was very informative and engaging. I have implemented a number of the skills taught into my daily routine,” said Chiquita Brown from Assisi ELC.

“My teachers were excited to implement the behavior strategies they learned, which included both verbal and non-verbal techniques along with positive reinforcement. Nursery teachers were especially eager to read The Pout-Pout Fish book to their babies, and they loved the phonics and reading strategies we discussed,” said Wendi Murray of St. Paul ELC.

This day of learning highlights our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement as educators and administrators. From infancy through high school, we invest in our teachers, who in turn invest even more in our students – both spiritually and academically.

We thank Latoya Kelly and her team for graciously hosting this year’s gathering. We look forward to next year’s Professional Development Day for Early Learning Centers.
In faith, hope, and love…

(Karla Luke is the executive director of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Jackson)