MADISON – Monseñor Elvin Sunds celebró sus 50 años de ordenación sacerdotal con una Misa de Acción de Gracias, el domingo 6 de agosto en St. Francis Asissi Madison. Monseñor Sunds ha servido, como párroco y párroco asociado, en 11 parroquias incluida la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Biloxi, 1973-75, justo después de ser ordenado en 1973. En Caridades Católicas fue director asociado en 1975 y luego director desde el 1978 al 1994. Como Vicario General/Canciller y Moderador de la Curia en Jackson estuvo desde el 2005 hasta el 2015. Se siente honrado y agradece haber servido a cuatro obispos, Monseñor Joseph Brunini, quien lo ordenó; y los obispos William Houck, Joseph Latino y Joseph Kopacz. Varios sacerdotes y decenas de feligreses asistieron a la celebración.
Alrededor de la Diócesis
PEARL – Miembros de EMAUS Jackson de mujeres y hombres se reunieron el sábado 5 de agosto en el centro comunitario de St. Jude para recibir un taller para servidores con los misioneros Juan Carlos y Maggie López de EDESFA de Texas, convocados por Lorena Urizar, Irvin López y Ricardo Ruiz. Al dia siguiente varias parejas se reunieron en Santa Teresa Jackson para un conversatorio. (arriba) En las fotos se muestran momentos de oración, reflexión y alabanza, dirigidas por los misioneros Carlos y Maggie López, de Texas. (Fotos de Tereza Ma)
Tome Nota
Vírgenes y Santos
Santa Teresa de Calcuta. Septiembre 5
Labor Day. Día del Trabajo. Septiembre 4
Natividad de Virgen María. Septiembre 8
Exaltación de la Santa Cruz. Septiembre 14
San Pio de Pietrelcina. Septiembre 23
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In the footsteps of Daniel Rudd, National Black Catholics Congress addressed the problem of racism
By Ivory Phillips
This past weekend more than 3000 Black Catholics from more than 80 dioceses across the country gathered in National Harbor, Maryland, one of the newer suburbs of Washington, D.C. It was the thirteenth National Black Catholic Congress. Although the theme was, “Write the Vision: A Prophetic Call to Thrive,” in many ways the meeting was dedicated to addressing the existence of racism in the church and in the society wherein the church exists. Effectively addressing racism would go a long way in developing that vision and enabling the Black Catholic Church to thrive.
The sponsoring organization of the convention was the National Black Catholic Congress. It had come into existence in 1889 under the leadership and at the initiative of Daniel Rudd, a Black publisher and outspoken, faithful Catholic layman. Between 1889 and 1894, five if these congresses were held, calling for equality in the Catholic Church, the elimination of societal racial oppression and promoting strategies of Black self-help. After the 1894 convention, however, the movement died until it was revived in 1987, largely through the efforts of Bishop John Ricard, who attended the National Black Catholic Congress last week.
There were numerous things that clearly showed today’s Black Catholics walking in the footsteps of Daniel Rudd. Along the line of Rudd and his contemporaries calling for equality, these Catholics spoke of racial equality, White supremacy and racism.
The issue was more than subtly emphasized by the fact that there was a commissioned portrait of the baby Jesus and his mother Mary as beautiful Black people positioned in several locations in the Gaylord Resort and Convention Center, which was headquarters for the meeting. The portrait inspired many to pose beside them and to glory in their own blackness. The matter of struggling against racism was also illuminated by the repeated focus on the racist burdens borne by the six Black American saints who are on the road to sainthood, especially, those who had racist obstacles placed before them in their efforts to answer the call to the priesthood and religious life and/or were discriminated against in their efforts to serve.
During The National Black Catholic Congress XIII, the two major keynote speakers, His Eminence, Wilton Cardinal Gregory and Dr. Omekongo Dibinga, addressed the existence and destructiveness of racism. Cardinal Gregory dwelt more on the sinfulness and divisiveness of racism and the role that strong adherence to the faith and devotion to the eucharist can play in healing the nation from the historical impact of racism. Dr. Dibinga, used contemporary rap or the hip-hop genre to inspire people in an effort to utilize their human resources to overcome racism, poverty, and self-image problems. In both cases, they were able to easily connect with the audience and elicit resounding supportive responses.
Perhaps, even more amazing was the fact that the homilies during the Masses on Friday, Saturday and Sunday were all received by tremendous applauds from the congregations. On Friday, Washington, D.C. Archbishop Wilton Cardinal Gregory, used that day’s scripture reading to talk about the need for Black Catholic visionaries; to publicize the types of visions discernable in the lives of the six African Americans being seriously considered for sainthood; to point to Father Clarence J. Rivers as a visionary and Dr. Martin L. King as the greatest of the contemporary visionaries; and to show how those visionaries, align with the revelations of Jesus in the pursuit of freedom. On Saturday, Bishop Jacques Fabre Jenne of Charleston South Carolina, used the story of Mary Magdalene to talk about the racism underlying the means of securing and enslaving African people during the Atlantic Slave Trade. He ended his talk by utilizing one of the youth altar servers to illustrate an act of freedom and liberation. On Sunday, Bishop Emeritus John Ricard of Pensacola/Tallahassee added to the four-day conversation on the evils of racism and what has to happen to diminish and destroy it. He ended his homily by urging the audience to let the spirit rain down upon them so that they can do miraculous things regarding eliminating racism and other problems faced by contemporary Americans and urging Catholics to not let the fire go out as was lighted by the likes of Daniel Rudd and the six African Americans on the road to sainthood – Father Augustus Tolton, Mrs. Julia Greeley, Mother Mary Lange, Mr. Pierre Toussaint, Mother Henriette Delillie, and Sister Thea Bowman.
In addition to the keynote speakers and clergymen who preached, the planners of the convention had set the agenda to challenge racism through at least twenty Break-Out Sessions. Although the title of each session may not in every instance indicate that they were about racism, the following sessions, several of which were presented in two or three different time slots, were staged through the first three days of the convention: (1) Synodality, Black Catholic Spirituality, and the Racial Divide, (2) Exploring Catechesis from an Afrocentric Perspective, (3) Strengthening the Spirit for Turbulent Times and Beyond, (4) Saints: Witnesses for Our Times and a Testimony of Holiness, (5)What We Have Seen and Heard for the 21st Century, (6) Developing Catechetical Resources from an Afrocentric Perspective, (7) The Preserving Black Churches Grant Program: Two Success Programs, (8) See, Judge, Act: How Youth Can Use Faith to Become Active Champions for Justice, (9) Sojourning Towards Racial Justice, (10) Let’s Talk: Black Catholics are Thriving, (11) Six Black Americans on the Journey to Sainthood, (12) A White Man’s Journey into Biblical Black History, (13) Made for Such a Time: Gifts of Black Catholics for the 21st Century Church, (14) Let Our Healing Begin, (15) Pastoral Lessons from Father Clarence Joseph Rivers, and (16) Are the Prolife and Racial Justice Movements Incompatible? Each Break-Out Sessions was a one-hour discussion period wherein presenters introduced researched topics, which were followed by questions and comments from the audience.
Three of the most informative sessions, which dealt with White supremacy or racism were: What We Have Seen and Heard, Sojourning Towards Racial Justice, and Synodality, Black Catholic Spirituality, and the Racial Divide. In the What We Have Seen and Heard session, Bishop Emeritus Terry Steib of the Diocese of Memphis explained that Black Catholic parishioners in the late 1980s complained and wanted to hear from what had grown to be 10 Black bishops regarding the continued racism in the Catholic Church. In response, the document, “What We Have Seen and Heard,” a 1984 pastoral letter from the Black bishops was produced. That document spelled out the gifts that were possessed by Black people that needed to be more widely accepted in the Catholic Church. It was also designed to challenge the church leadership to understand that the Black bishops and Black church people were not children in the church, but mature, gifted souls who needed to be accepted and treated as such. Ali Mumbach, a Master’s degree student at Howard University, followed him, explaining how there are similar needs in the church today as the statistics for Black Catholics decline and as there is a rise in materialism secularism, individualism, and relativism effecting society.
In the Sojourning Towards Racial Justice session, Adrienne Curry gave a brief history of racial oppression in America, beginning in 1619. This was followed by a listing of papal documents, outlining Catholic social reaching as it related to slavery, freedom, race and human brotherhood. She then proceeded to spent some time defining racism and its various manifestations. Her talk concluded with a discussion of the fact that there had been only four documents on racism issued by America’s Catholic bishops since the supreme court issued Brown the Board decision in 1954. One was issued in 1958, affirming that court decision. One was issued in 1968, after the Kerner Report on the urban riots of that year. One was issued in 1979, calling racism a sin. One was issued in 2018, which was a response to the “What We Have Seen and Heard” letter from the Black bishops. She indicated that in each case, the documents were inadequate and/or not highly publicized.
In the Synodality, Black Catholic Spirituality, and the Racial Divide session, Daryl Grigsby talked about the gifts that are possessed by Black Catholics that are underappreciated and underutilized; the fact that too often whatever that is positive that comes out of the synodality sessions is not openly shared with or embraced in White parishes. He also shared statistics which showed that White Protestant Evangelicals were the most likely people to accept or see current police misconduct against Black and Brown people as non-racial and to reject the idea of reparations for Black and Native Americans, but that Catholics were not far behind. Individuals with no religious affiliations were much less racist in such regards than either those who are Protestant or Catholic.
Throughout the convention, it was clear that many Catholics were concerned that in terms of liturgy- music, prayers, greetings, and various forms of celebration and personal interactions-the church was too restrictive, stifling Black cultural expression; that too often what was considered as sacred or Catholic was merely examples of White cultural preferences; that one can be fully black and fully Catholic at the same time. In addition to the issue of cultural preference, however, there were also complaints about incidences of White personal attitudinal expressions, Black people being ignored or treated differently. One presenter suggested that it would be easier to attract others to the Catholic Church “if we cleaned-up our house first.”
Beyond the examples of racism in the church itself, there was concern about examples of racism that are manifest by governmental and public bodies. Several speakers pointed to decisions of the courts in things like health care, voting rights, food, criminal justice, educational funding, curriculum distortions, and educational freedom. One person was highly applauded when she made the observation that politicians, including Catholics, need to bring as much passion to the fight for racial justice as they do to the fight against abortion.
Based upon what was seen and heard at the XIII National Black Catholic Congress, there seems to be a serious movement to follow in the footsteps of Daniel Rudd and others to challenge racism and to do so with the full weight of the Black Catholic Church. More than a few of the attendees expressed the idea that they had become Catholic because the teachings of the Catholic Church had encouraged them to act boldly in the area of racial equality and that they do not intend to turn-back. Daniel Rudd would be proud of the work that the National Black Catholic Congress continues to do.
Christine Love receives the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice cross from Pope Francis
By Joe Lee
JACKSON – The reality of being presented with a medal awarded by Pope Francis is difficult for Christine Love to get her mind around.
Recently retired after more than five decades of serving as housekeeper, caretaker, and trusted friend to Jackson Diocese Bishops Gerow, Brunini, Houck, Latino and Kopacz, the soft-spoken member of Cathedral of St. Peter’s the Apostle Church was awarded the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice cross for her fifty-plus years of dedicated service to the Office of the Bishop.
“It makes me feel good. It makes me feel happy. It makes me feel like I’m going to heaven,” Love said of the medal, which was announced at the Vatican in February and presented to her by Bishop Joseph Kopacz at the Cathedral in late June. (Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, as translated, means “for the church and pope.” See accompanying story.)
A graduate of Jim Hill High School in Jackson, Love earned an undergraduate degree from Campbell College (now Jackson State University) six decades ago. When her husband, A.G., a building contractor, was temporarily ill early in their marriage, Love enrolled in nursing school at Hinds Community College.
“I was just about finished. Pharmacology was my last class,” Love recalled. “I was told, ‘You’re just like a nurse. Come on.’ I started with the Professional Nurses Registry and worked for them a year or so before going on out my own. That’s what led to my work with the diocese and the bishops.”
A major turning point in her life was an opportunity to serve as a private duty nurse for Bishop Gerow, to whom she grew close. Gerow retired in 1967 and was succeeded by Bishop Joseph Brunini, but Love continued to sit with him as his health worsened over the years.
“At the end, Bishop Gerow’s home was at St. Dominic Hospital. He passed away in my arms,” she said. “After he passed, I began working with Sister Claudia Murphy, taking care of the senior citizens of the diocese. When Bishop Houck came along, I started working for him at his home.”
There were lots of lighthearted moments over the years. Love recalls Bishop William Houck always being able to tell a good joke and remembers his Frank Sinatra records; she said Bishop Joseph Latino enjoyed discussing the news and television shows. Using the words “perfectionist” and “tidy” to describe all five men, Love said she built a rapport with each and earned a level of trust that brought her into their inner circles.
“I’ve known Christine more than 35 years,” said Diocesan Chancellor Mary Woodward. “I got to know her better when I started coordinating the dinners Bishop Houck would host at his townhouse. Christine would be getting the house in tip-top shape for guests while I would be chopping lemons and carrots.
“She is one of the kindest people I know. Traits of hers that I think endeared her to each bishop were her dedication to their well-being, availability at the drop of a hat, her knowledge of the household and of each bishop’s personality. She would know exactly how Bishop Houck would want something, compared to how Bishop Latino would like it. Each one she served was unique, and she was very good at adapting to each one’s modus operandi.”
While Love and A.G. raised five kids (all of whom graduated from St. Joseph Catholic School and went on to college), she juggled being a band mom, soccer mom and sports mom while being flexible when it came to her responsibilities for each bishop.
“With my arrival in the Diocese of Jackson, Christine extended her dedicated service to me at my home with weekly house cleaning,” Bishop Kopacz said. “I note ‘extended her service’ because at the time of my arrival she was also attending to Bishop Houck and Bishop Latino.
“She worked with others to prepare my house to receive guests for special events, and she always made sure my Labrador Retriever had some extra loving and treats. She’s rightly enjoying a well-deserved retirement surrounded by her children, grandchildren and friends. I and the Bishops who preceded me – Bishops Gerow, Brunini, Houck and Latino – are eternally grateful for her dedicated care, her strong faith in the Lord Jesus, and her love for the church.”
“I tried to bring honesty and work ethic to whatever I did,” Love said. “Bishop Houck always encouraged me. He said, ‘You can do it. You can make it. I want to see those kids graduate from St. Joe.’ He encouraged me to open my own business and was very proud when I created Love Janitorial Services 18 years ago.”
“Christine is a very circumspect person,” Woodward said. “She and I could discuss important matters about the household, but it would never go beyond us. She understood the life of a bishop and had an immense amount of respect for the office and the man in it. Maintaining a bishop’s house is an awesome responsibility, and Christine was an extremely valued and trusted person by each bishop. I knew if I called her to come check on something she would be on her way before we even hung up the phone.”
Love says she’ll always get a bit emotional when talking about Bishops Gerow, Houck, Brunini, Latino and Kopacz and the impact all have had on her life.
“I can’t say I’ll miss the work,” she said, “but I’ll always miss my bishops.”
Pro ecclesia et pontifice decree
From the decree issued by Pope Francis on February 21 at the Vatican:
“Francis, supreme pontiff, has deigned and elected to bestow the august insignia cross “pro ecclesia et pontifice” upon Lady Christine Love, for her excellent works and outstanding diligence, thus making it possible for her to adorn herself with this medal, having earned it through great service to the church and in particular the office of the bishop.”
While rare for a sitting pope to award a medal to anyone from the Catholic Diocese of Jackson, it has happened several times.
“At the request of Bishop Joseph Latino, Pope Benedict XVI awarded Sister Dorothea Sondgeroth, OP, the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross in 2012,” said Diocesan Chancellor Mary Woodward. “He also, at the same time, bestowed the Benemerenti Medal on Judy Cannon, former administrative assistant to Bishops Brunini, Houck and Latino, and Bill Dunning, former diocesan finance officer.
“The medals are requested by the local bishop and an extensive application is completed and reviewed by the papal office at the Vatican. Several individuals were awarded the Pro Ecclesia in the 1950s and 60s.”
Diocesan elementary schools move to MAIS
By Joanna King and Staff Reports
JACKSON – The seven remaining Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese of Jackson have collectively decided to join diocesan Catholic high schools in the Midsouth Association of Independent Schools (MAIS). This summer, St. Anthony, Madison; St. Elizabeth, Clarksdale; St. Patrick, Meridian; St. Richard, Jackson; Sr. Thea Bowman, Jackson; Sacred Heart, Southaven; and Holy Family, Holly Springs became the newest members of MAIS.
“We are very excited about this move as it broadens our opportunities for student activities and educator professional development and widens the professional network among our nonpublic and independent school counterparts,” said Karla Luke, executive director of Catholic education for the diocese.
With this decision, all diocesan schools and early learning centers in the Diocese of Jackson will remain internationally accredited by Cognia, Inc. Additionally, the Office of Education will withdraw membership from state accreditation obtained through the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE).
“We are proud of our Cognia accreditation as it is based on a strict set of school improvement principles and is aligned with the National Catholic Education Association’s adopted National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools (NSBECS),” said Luke.
The state accreditation obtained through MDE is a regional performance-based accreditation centered on adherence to and compliance with a set of requirements established by the Mississippi State Board of Education. Cognia, through its partnership with MAIS, operates on the principle of continuous school improvement. This difference allows school administrators and their organizational leadership to render important education-related decisions based on the needs of their community. The NSBECS standards, incorporated in the Cognia accreditation process, advocate that a concentrated focus on continuous improvement will increase a school’s effectiveness and viability.
This recent decision results from months of research, consultation with Bishop Joseph Kopacz, pastors, advisory council members, teachers and administrators. “The decision is borne out of a desire to exercise more flexibility in intentionally aligning our Catholic identity and mission with instructional and managerial practices that set our schools apart,” said Luke.
The move to MAIS will increase offerings in professional development for teachers, educational leadership training for administrators, academic competitions for elementary students, and exciting extracurricular activities for both athletic and non-athletic students. Students can participate in activities like art, chess, creative writing, choir, quiz bowl, spelling bees, drone competitions, robotics and eighteen competitive sports programs offered through MAIS.
“I am very excited about the level of support our staff will receive in professional development and the increased opportunities for our students throughout the year. Activities like the Reading Fair and Science Olympiad will allow our students to participate in academic competitions with their peers. MAIS works with its member schools to create educational communities that share ideals, values and priorities with children, teachers, and families,” said Sarah Cauthen, principal of St. Elizabeth School in Clarksdale.
School administrators have attended several district meetings and have been warmly welcomed by the members of MAIS.
“We are excited to welcome the Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese of Jackson as part of this great organization. We look forward to the collaboration with Catholic school leaders and current members of MAIS as we share resources and ideas to build a stronger Mississippi through education,” said executive director, Dr. Shane Blanton at a diocesan principal’s meeting last week.
Chris Payne, principal of Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School, says, he’s excited about joining MAIS because of its dedication to supporting their schools.
“You feel a presence of community and fellowship which has made this transition worthwhile. The teacher and administrative development available to us as members is not only beneficial but cost effective. I’m excited for the collaboration of ideas and resources that we will take full advantage of,” said Payne.
This move is among the many exciting plans diocesan office, administrators, and advisory councils have developed for the 2023-2024 school year. “We look forward to continuing our high expectations for our students in spiritual and intellectual formation through their education in Catholic Schools,” said Luke.
“Please keep our school communities in your prayers for a successful transition and a happy and productive school year.”
Bishop Van de Velde transfers from Chicago to warmer climate
From the Archives
By Mary Woodward
JACKSON – In our last column, we ended with James Oliver Van de Velde, SJ, having been appointed the second bishop of Chicago in December 1848 and being ordained on Feb. 11, 1849.
According to “Cradle Days” (Bishop Gerow’s book), Bishop Van de Velde went about his ministry “with the utmost zeal.” He committed himself to the spiritual growth of his diocese and flock by visiting all the regions of his territory, expending great amounts of energy to the care of souls.
His health, however, was not cooperating. Bishop Van de Velde, suffered from rheumatism and the Chicago climate did not lend comfort to such an ailment. Soon he petitioned Rome to be allowed to resign and return to his brother Jesuits in Missouri. The Holy See’s answer was “carry on with patience…”
An opportunity for relief arose for Bishop Van de Velde when in 1852 at the First Plenary Council of Baltimore, he was elected to carry all the decrees from the council to the Vatican. While there in Rome, he again petitioned Pius IX to be relieved of Chicago. In the midst of this Bishop John Joseph Chanche, SS, of Natchez died during a post plenary council visit with his family outside Baltimore. This left a more temperate climate vacant and in need of a bishop.
On July 29, 1853, Pius issued a decree transferring Van de Velde to Natchez and its warmth to be its second bishop. Van de Velde spent several more months in Chicago arranging various matters in order before leaving for his new flock. He documents his circuitous journey to Natchez in a letter dated Nov. 7, 1853, to Monsignor Mathurin Grignon, who had served as Vicar General under Bishop Chanche. The original is in French and was mailed from St. Louis where Van de Velde had arrived to visit his Jesuit confreres. Here is Bishop Gerow’s translation:
“Mons. Grignon, My very dear “Abbé”:
Although I have not the pleasure of knowing you personally, I hasten to announce to you that I have arrived here [St. Louis] on my way to Natchez. Before I leave this town, I will visit St. Charles, St. Stanislaus & Florissant in Missouri and Quincy, the new See, where I have many things to arrange.
“I have promised to give the veil Sunday, feast of the amiable St. Stanislaus of our Company, to a young convert, one of my parishioners who is now a postulant of the Sacred Heart Convent in that town.
“I will start then Monday or Tuesday of next week for New Orleans; maybe ‘en passant’ will stop in Natchez. I will have with me a French priest who was one of my clergy for three years in the Diocese of Chicago, and a very good and pious old maid of Chicago who according to the advice of doctors is going to a warmer climate on account of her health. Maybe she could be our housekeeper.
“It is probable that when I will pass by Natchez I will leave them there, and in that case, I will recommend them particularly – the priest could assist you at the Cathedral and the old maid could stay with the Sisters of Charity until I come back.
“I will write again from this boat. In the meantime, I recommend myself to your good prayers…Yours very sincerely, My dear ‘Abbé’, Yours very devoted in Christ, Jacques Oliver, Bishop of Natchez.”
Initially, the bishop arrived in Natchez on Nov. 23, where he was received with a great welcome by the clergy and people of the diocese. He dropped off his traveling companions and proceeded to New Orleans to assist at the consecration of the new Bishop of Natchitoches, Auguste Marie Martin.
After this celebration, Bishop Van de Velde journeyed to Mobile to make a retreat at Spring Hill College. Finally, on Dec. 18, 1853, he took possession of his new diocese.
In August, we will look at Bishop Van de Velde’s short tenure as bishop and the tasks he accomplished as the Second Bishop of the Diocese.
(Mary Woodward is Chancellor and Archivist for the Diocese of Jackson.)
Around the diocese
MCCOMB – (Above) Menelik Rozelle was awarded the Igor Santos Character Award and scholarship. The award was established by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Artigues in honor of a foreign exchange student that was tragically killed in an automobile accident. The award goes to a confirmation student that shows good character. Rozelle is pictured with Father Suresh and Dr. Artigues. (Right) Shelby and Dana Fortenberry were awarded the St. Pope John Paul II Leadership Award that goes to a senior in high school that helps lead their group in different ways. Both Shelby and Danana started the youth choir at St. Alphonsus and have been dedicated to make it succeed. (Photo by Mary L. Roberts)
Occasion of the 100th anniversary of St. Augustine Seminary
Editor’s note: Below is the homily, Bishop Joseph Kopacz gave on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of St. Augustine Seminary on Saturday, June 24 at Sacred Heart parish in Greenville.
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By Bishop Joseph R. Kopacz, D.D.
The Great Commission of the Lord Jesus to make disciples of all the nations, through teaching and baptizing, was embraced by St. Father Arnold Jansen the founder of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) established on Sept. 8, 1875.
We proclaimed the Great Commission in the Gospel this morning and throughout the past nearly 148 years the Society of the Divine Word has pitched their tent, (to apply the phrase from the Prologue of St. John’s Gospel about the Son of God) in approximately 70 countries, and now number 6,000 priests and brothers, the largest religious order in the Catholic Church.
The Great Commission of the Lord Jesus is the culmination of the four Gospels before he ascended into heaven. Today we heard from Matthew. We could easily have heard from Mark, Luke and John. “Go into the world and preach the Gospel to all creatures.” (Mark 16:15) “Go into the city of Jerusalem and wait to be clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49) “As the Father has sent me so I send you. Then he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven, whose sins you retain are retained.’” (John 20:20)
St. Father Jansen prophetically lived by the motto that “announcing the Gospel is the first and greatest act of charity.” He provided this vision for the Society of the Divine Word in the following excerpts from his writings.
“The ultimate purpose of our mission today is the same as it has been since the time of our founder, ‘to proclaim the Kingdom of God’s love’ as the common destiny of all humanity and the horizon toward which we travel.”
“It is from the internal loving dialogue of the triune God that this mission emerges, a dialogue of love and forgiveness with all humanity. We do not invent our own mission – it is Missio Dei – we are called by the Father, sent by the Word, and led by the Spirit.”
I would be remiss to pass over the impact of Father Janssen’s family life on his faith formation, vocation and ultimate vision for the Society of the Divine Word. Gerhard and Anna Katharina Janssen, his parents were people of great faith and lived the domestic church at the highest level.
Father Arnold Janssen’s father was blessed with eyes that saw, and ears that heard God’s Word while putting it into practice. He had a great love for the Trinity, and for the sacred scriptures, and steadfastly built a house set on rock for his son Arnold, the second of 10 children.
From the writings of members of the Society of the Divine Word, we are given four charisms or characteristics for their world-wide religious community. “Many religious orders and congregations have certain characteristics or traits that make them known. We are recognized by the four characteristic dimensions: the Bible; Mission Animation; Justice and Peace; and Integrity of Creation.”
In part, the commitment to justice and peace led the Society of the Divine Word to the Deep South and to Mississippi at the turn of the 20th century. One of their singular accomplishments was to launch Sacred Heart seminary in 1920, the first school for African American candidates for the priesthood in the United States.
This was an intrepid accomplishment in the Delta of Mississippi in the environs of Jim Crow. In fact, after a few years it became obvious that the seminary would have a better chance of surviving and thriving if the SVDs relocated it to Bay Saint Louis, where there were far more Catholics and resources. Understand that at the time the Diocese of Jackson encompassed all of Mississippi. In 1923 the change occurred, and the seminary was renamed to St. Augustine.
We are here today to acknowledge that although the 100th anniversary celebration of the seminary will be celebrated later this year, its beginnings were at Sacred Heart on these grounds. At the time the Society of the Divine Word had not yet reached the half century mark since its founding which only adds to this remarkable endeavor to go to all the nations.
Blessings to all who are part of the Society of the Divine Word, and much gratitude for your continuing presence in the Diocese of Jackson, now for well over 100 years. I conclude with a heartfelt yearning and a personal prayer from the personal spirituality of St. Father Arnold Janssens.
“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the Light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace and may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all.”
O God, eternal truth, I believe in you.
O God, our strength and salvation, I trust in you.
O God, infinite goodness, I love you with my whole heart.